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1、初一上册学案: Unit3 This is my sister.课型: 新授课教师寄语: 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 Section A 课前预习I.预习目标:1.找出介绍自己家庭和朋友的句子,感知介绍自己的家人和朋友。2.理解记忆重点单词和短语(P13-P15)。3。感知理解this that these those等指示代词的用法 。II.预习过程:一、阅读对话、短文,在文中划出下列新词汇:(1)姐、妹:_(2)兄弟_(3)母亲_(4)父亲_(5)父或母亲_(6)(堂)表兄弟_(7)女儿_(8)儿子_(9)朋友_(10)她_(11)他_(12)这些_(13)那些_ 一阅读课文(P13

2、-P15),在文中划出下列句子,朗读并翻译:(英译汉)1:Is this your sister?_ No ,it isnt _2:This is my friend._3:Thats my sister._4:Is he your brother?_5:Those are my two brothers._6:These are his brothers._7:Hes my friend._二、 句子破译站:1、This is his sister.这是他的姐姐(妹妹)。These are his sisters.这些是他的姐姐(妹妹)。That is his brother. 那是他的哥哥

3、(弟弟).Those are his brothers. 那些是他的哥哥(弟弟)点拨:: This is是当场介绍人的用语。These are是This is的复数形式。与此相应,That is与Those are也可作介绍语。只不过this指离说话人较近的人或物,意思是“这个”,that指离说话人较远的人或物,意思是“那个”。如: This is my mum and that is my dad. 这是我的妈妈,那是我的爸爸。 This is a pen and that is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔,那是一支铅笔。 This is 没有缩写形式,that is 可缩写成that

4、s。 these这些,this的复数;those那些,that(那个)的复数.These , this指空间上离说话人较近,those ,that 指空间上离说话人较远或者不在现场的人或物。Eg: These are my pens.这些是我的钢笔 Those are his pens.那些是他的钢笔。these those this that 也可作形容词,放在物前(名词)作限定词。意为“这些、那些-”。Eg:These girls are my friends.这些女孩是我的朋友。Those pictures are good.那些画很好。在回答主语是these或those的疑问句时,通常

5、用they来代替these或those,例:-Are these your erasers?Yes,they are./No,they arent.这些是你的橡皮吗?是的,它们是。不,它们不是。做一做:(1)用this that these those填空: This isnt my book._is mine. What are _? They are pens.(2)句型转换: Are these your friends?(否定回答)_ Is this your pencil? (否定回答)_2、These are his friends.这些是他的朋友。点拨:friends是名词复数,

6、名词有可数与不可数之分,可数名词又分单数和附复数,表示一个人或物的名词为单数,表示两个或两个以上的人或物时为复数,复数变化规则有:见课本P 95我会做:单数变复数:desk _ key _photo_party_leaf_3、Is Guo Peng your brother? No,he isnt 郭鹏是你的弟弟吗?不,他不是。点拨:本句是一个含有动词be的一般疑问句。陈述句中将be的形式am,is,are,提至句首表示疑问,句号改为问号,其他语序不变。 对主语是人(单数)的一般疑问句作简略回答时,用相应的he 或she代替Eg:-Is Zhao Feng your brother?-Yes,

7、he is 赵峰是你的弟弟吗?是的,他是练一练:-Is Xiao Fang you sister? (否定回答)-_ -Is Zhang Peng your brother? (否定回答)-_ Unit3 Section A 课堂学习I.学习目标: 1.能口头介绍自己的家庭和朋友 2.理解会用重点单词。3.学会使用指II.教学重点:1.句型 :Is she your sister ? Yes,she is .No,she isnt.2.单词: she he hes =he is aunt 3.名词复数的构成及运用。 The First Period ( Section A 1a-Grammar

8、 Focus )III.课堂学习过程:一、交流检查、情感启动,导入新课:(进一步明确本节课学习目标。) 1、读单词,让同位听,纠正读音。2、出示卡片,让学生把名词变成复数,复习名词变复数规律。3、限时让学生书写:mother father parents brothers grandmother grandfather friend grandparents sister 检查单词的书写情况。4、利用大卡片纠正读音和识记单词5、1a 图词匹配,交差检查。6、看图介绍人物。This is my sister. These are my parents.二、新知探究(从“生生互动”到“师生互动”)

9、 1 .弄清1b 2a 2b 听力要求 2.listen twice or three times and complete 1b, 2a, 2b. 3. listen to 1b, 2a and repeat. 4. Read aloud alone or in pairs .(and complete the dialogue .) 5.practise 1c, 2c in pairs.三交流展示:Discuss language diffculties in group to help each other.1 学生找出难点2.组内讨论解决学习疑难 3.班内交流解决 4.教师点拨四、 重

10、点知识解密: 掌握人称代词 he 、 she 、they. he she they 都是人称代词的主格形式,在句中做主语,“he” 指男性的“.他”。“she ”指女性的“她”。“They”指人或物的复数“他们”,当用人称代词询问人时,回答也用人称代词。 eg: Is he your brother? Yes, he is. Is she your sister? No, she isnt.如疑问句中this, that, these ,those 做主语时,其答语应该根据所指的名词来决定,指人时单数用he, she.复数用they(他们), 指物时单数用it,复数也用they.eg : Ar

11、e those his books? No, they arent. Are these your friends? Yes, they are.随手一练:Is this Jim? No,_ isnt. Its Dave. Is he Jim? No, _ isnt. Its Dave.五.当堂检测:(一)请按要求将下列单词分类。Pencil eraser cousin parent baseball eight zero basketball he these his that your you 1.人物_ 2 人称代词 _ 3物主代词_ 4运动_5 数字_ 6文具_7 指示代词_(二) A

12、 依据汉语完成句子:1.Kate and Gina are his _(姐妹) 2.These are my _(朋友)3.Look,those are my _(兄弟) 4.My_(双亲) are Peter and Nancy.B 选适当的单词,用其适当形式完成句子。 1._?This is my mother. 2. These _ my brothers and sisters 3._ is my sister ,LucyC 汉译英。1.Is that your brother?_2. Those are my brothers._(三)拓展延伸: 让学生口头试着介绍家里的一幅照片,然

13、后写在练习本上。_ 六反馈联动,释疑解难,学后反思 _Unit3 The Second Period ( Section A part 3-4 )I学习目标 1对含有be 动词的句子进行一般疑问句和否定句进行变化。 2 对主语是人的一般疑问句进行回答时,变成相对应的代词 3 对某一幅图片进行问答活动。II.课堂学习过程:一复习检查: 1.课前限时默写单词短语2.大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况 3 复习检查第一课时主要内容 4.引入操练重点句式、单词、短语。 二情感启动,导入新课 自主学习:1. 3a (1) Read the words of the box (2).Fill in the bla

14、nks with the words and repeat the dialogue 2 3b Repeat the dialogue of 3a and work in pairs 3.3c 4.讲授当主语是人的一般疑问句在进行肯、否问答时,变成相对应的代词:Guo Penghe Lucy she eg: Is Lucy your sister? Yes, she is /No, she isnt Play a game . One write a name on the blackborad the others Guess Who she /he is.三、交流展示:Discuss la

15、nguage diffculties in group to help each other.1.学生自己发现问题提出。2 小组内讨论解决学习疑难3 班内交流解决4 教师解释点拨四、新知探究:重点知识解密: 认识肯定句,否定句和一般疑问句及答语。 Hes my friend . (肯定句) 试试看 1. 变成否定句 He _ my friend . 你能行 2 .变成疑问句 _ he your (注意这个词) friend ? (问句中有问号) _, he _ . _, he _. 对应联系:Guo Peng is my brother 变成否定句_ _ _ _. 变成疑问句_ _ _ _?

16、并做肯定和否定回答 _,_ _. _,_ _.五、训练巩固: 1、单项选择。(1)-Whos that? -I think_Jeff. A he B its C its (2) Look! These are my _ A pencils B pencil C the pencils (3) -Is Li Hong your sister? -_A No,it isnt B Yes,he is C No,she isnt(4)_my parents. A This is B These are C That is (5)-Is Zhang Bin _friend? -No, he is my

17、brother A my B you C your2、用所给的正确形式填空。(1) This is _sister. (I) (2)These _Gina and Lisa. (be)(3)These are his _ (friend) (4) Are these her _ ? (cousin)(5)John _ her son. (be)六拓展延伸:1、(按要求改写句子)(1)Is that a dictionary?(改为复数句)_(2)These are photos(改为单数句)_2、对话排序。根据所给句子排列出符合逻辑的对话。1. Mum, this is my friend E

18、ric. 2. Nice to meet you.3. Nice to meet you, too. 4. And Eric, this is my Mum, Mrs Lopez. _七、自学问题记载 通过自学,你对本课的重点、难点已经有了一定的理解和掌握,对下一步的学习你会充满信心。但是,在自学过程中你还有没理解或存在疑惑的地方吗?请记载下来,让老师来帮助你吧。_Unit3 Section B 课前预习I. 自学目标揭示:1.理解、记忆(P16-P17)新的单词和短语。2、初步读懂家谱树3、理解书信书写格式。4.自如介绍自己的家庭和朋友II.预习过程:一、情感启动,阅读课本(P16P17),

19、在文中找出下列新词汇:(1)儿子_(2)堂(表)兄弟_(3)堂(表)姐妹_(4)女儿_(5)叔、伯、姑父_(6)照片、图画_(7)相片、照片_(8)这里_二、阅读课本(P16P17),在文中找出下列短语,注意记一下哦!(1)家谱_(2)为-而感谢_(3)你家的照片_三、阅读P17 3a尝试翻译以下句子。1.感谢你家的相片_2.这是我家的相片_3.这是我的兄弟-托尼_四、句子破译站:1.Thanks for the photo of your family.谢谢你的全家福点拨:(1)此句中Thanks是感谢用语。Thanks是名词,常用复数形式,加“s”是加强感谢的语气,不能省略。 thanks

20、 常与介词for连用,表示感谢的原因。thanks for-意为“因-而感谢”是礼貌用语,常用于接受别人帮助,得到别人赞扬后表示谢意,for后接感谢单内容,可以是名词,也可以是动词-ing形式。thanks for-相当于thank sb for- eg: Thanks for your letter=Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的信。Thanks for giving me a book.感谢给我一本书。露一小手:Thanks for_(help) me.(2) the photo of your family =your family photo 你家单全家福

21、。句中of 用来表示名词(通常是无生命的事物)单所有关系,即所有格;而有生命的事物的所有格用s形式,eg:the legs of the table 桌子腿;Toms pen汤姆的钢笔。(3)photo是“照片”的意思,它的复数是photos。picture也可以用来表示“照片”。of后面的名词表示照片上是什么或是谁。如: That is a photo of me. 这是我的照片。 Its a photo of Mary. 这是玛丽的照片。 如果of后面用的是名词性物主代词,就表示一种所属关系,则照片上可能不一定是某人的像,而强调这张照片是这个人所有照片中的一张。如: This is a p

22、hoto of Jims=This is one of Jims photos. 这是一张吉姆的照片。 (照片上的人可能是吉姆,也可能不是吉姆。) 2.Here is my family photo.这是我家的全家福。点拨:本句子是倒装句(即把部分句子成分倒装至主句之前单句子)句子单真正的主语是my family photo.为单数形式,所以be动词用is ,如果要是复数形式,谓语也应用复数形式。Eg: Here are the photos of my family 填一下:Here _(come) a dog. Here _(be) some books 五、当堂检测:用所给词的适当形式填

23、空。 1Here _(be ) some _ ( photo ) of my cat . 2. I _ (be )in Class 4 Grade 2. 3.Tom _ (be) my good friend .His family _ ( be ) all in China now . 4.My aunt has two _ (son ) and a _(daughter) 5.I have two _ ( dictionary),a Chinese _ (dictionary ) and an English_ (dictionary) Unit3 Section B 课堂学习 The F

24、irst Period ( Section B 1a-2c )I.学习目标: 1.掌握所学单词短语 2.读懂家谱树3.自如介绍自己的家庭和朋友4 掌握书信的格式 II.课堂学习过程:一、交流检查、情感启动,导入新课::1.利用大卡片检查学生单词短语记忆情况2 限时默写son.cousin daughter uncle picture. Photo here 3. Read the family tree . Fill in the blanks with words of the box 1a二情感启动,导入新课:(进一步明确本节课学习目标。) 教师出示自己家的照片,为同学们介绍自己的家谱1.

25、学生写出自己家的家谱树。2.弄清2a、2b的听力要求。 3 .listen twice or three times and complete 2a. 2b.4. listen to 2a. 2b and repeat. 5. read aloud alone or in pairs .(and complete the dialogue .) 6.Repeat 2c first and practise 2c in pairs.(用学生各自的相片)三、新知探究: 1. 了解家谱,试绘制自己家的家谱并向同学们介绍自己的家人。 2.aunt 和uncle 都可以放在姓名之前作称呼语用,这时,首字

26、母要大写. Aunt Liu 刘阿姨3.系动词 be 的用法: 系动词be 在一般现在时中有三种形式,既am .is .are .他们的用法是am用于第一人称单数(I) ;is 用语第三人称单数;are 用于第二人称和所有的复数。 我(I ) 你们(you )用 are ;is 用于 他( he) .她(she) .它(it );凡是复数用are .4.一般现在时: 它表示现在的状态,其中 be 用其一般现在时形式即:am. is. are.其句型结构的肯定式.否定式.和疑问式 肯定式 : 主+ 系+ 表。 否定式: 在be 后加 not 疑问式: be 提前至句首( 系+主 + 表)四、交流

27、展示:Discuss language diffculties in group to help each other.1.学生说出难点 2. 组内讨论解决学习疑难 2.以小组为单位进行展示 4. 教师进行点拨。五反馈联动,释疑解难,学后反思 _六、训练、巩固、提高: (1)单项选择:(1)My uncle Tony and my father are _ A brother B sisters C brothers(2)Jim is my uncles son. He is my _A brother B sister C cousin(3)_this family photo,please

28、. A See B Look at C Read(4)_! This is my brother. A Look B See C Look at(5)This is my father_that is my uncle. A or B but C and (2).补全对话: A: What_ this ? B: Its a photo_my family. A: Who is this _? B: _ is my sister. A: Whats_ name? B: LindaA: Are these your_? B: Yes,they are. Father is tall but mot

29、her isnt.A: Is the boy your_? B: Yes, _ is.A;Oh ,your family _is very nice. B:_-七、拓展延伸:(活学活用) 让学生自己介绍一下自己家的一幅相片_ Unit3 The Second Period ( Section B 3a-part 4 )II.课堂学习过程:一、复习检查、情感启动,导入新课::1.课前限时默写整课单词短语2.大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况3.学生口头介绍家庭相片导出3a 给艾玛的一家画像4.引入.操练重点句式、单词、短语。 二、引入呈现。自主学习:1.Read carefully and draw a

30、 picture of Emmas family 2.Read the letter loudly and repeat it 3.Think of how to write a letter(注意书信的书写格式) 4.Look at the family photo.Write about the peop;e in the photo(3b) Write and read.三 交流展示:Discuss language diffculties in group to help each other.1.个人提出难点 2.小组内交流讨论解决、巩固操练3.班内交流、展示、拓展4.教师点拨四 训

31、练、巩固、提高: 1、翻译句子:(1)谢谢你的全家福。 _(2)这是我的全家福。 _(3)这是我的兄弟-托尼。 _ (4)请看我的全家福。 _2、完形填空: This is a 1 Toms family. Its a beautiful photo.This man 2 Mr Green. 3 is Toms father. 4 woman is Mrs Green. 5 is Toms mother. Who 6 this boy and this girl? The 7 is Tom, Mr Greens son. The girl is Kate. Mr Greens 8 .Kate

32、is 9 sister.Tom and Kate 10 brother and sister.( ) 1 A book B photo C map D dictionary( ) 2 A is B am C are D be( ) 3 A She B Her C He D His( )4 A A B An C These D This( ) 5 A She B Her C He D His( ) 6 A is B am C love D are( ) 7 A girl B boy C boys D girls( ) 8 A cousin B son C sister D daughter( )

33、 9 A Tom B Toms C Toms D of Tom( ) 10 A do B is C be D are3、句型转换1)She is your sister. (变一般问句并做肯定回答) 2)Those are my brothers. (同第一题)_ _3)Is that an old map? (变陈述句) 4)Im Alice Green. (变一般问句)_ _5) Is it a book ? (变复数) 6)This is a pencil in English. (对画线部分提问)_ _7)Is this a pen ? (做肯定回答) 8) Those are you

34、r watches.(变单数)_ _9)They are my good friends. (变单数) 10)This is my brother (变一般疑问句,并做回答)_ _五、拓展延伸: 给远方的朋友Emmma回信,介绍你的家庭。_ Unit 3 单元语言知识综合训练和综合运用课 ( selfcheck )一语言知识综合练习。1.根据句义和首字母填空。(1)My mothers brother is my u (2) Your aunts d is your cousin.(3) My parents s is my brother.(4) Your fathers s is your

35、 aunt.(5) Mary is a nice girl. She is my f . 2.依汉语写单词。(1)Look! This (图画)is very nice.(2)My (叔叔)is thirtyseven.(3)Is your father a (医生)?(4) (感谢)for your help.(5)My (爷爷奶奶)love me very much.3.按要求改写句子。(1) Is that a dictionary?(改为复数句)_(2)These are photos.(改为单数句)_(3)These are his parents.(改为一般疑问句)_(4)Is h

36、e your cousin?(肯定回答)_(5)Is Linda his sister?(否定回答)_4.单项选择。(1) Thanks your help. A for B of C from D to(2) Draw a picture your family. A to B of C from D for(3) are my parents and is my brother. A This ,this B This ,that C These , that D These ,the (4)Is Mike son? A he B you C she D her(5)Cindy and Lucy sisters. A am B is C are D be (6)Is your friend? A he B his C you D her(7)-Are these your_?-No,they are my _.A sister; cousin B sisters; cousins C sist


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