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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处: Manufacturing Engineering and TechnologyMachining 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:该外文翻译语言流畅通顺,较准确完整地翻译了原文,所翻译的文章球墨铸铁的无损伤检测原理与课题发动机箱体加工件毛坯件检查原理相类似,与毕业设计课题相关联。符合外文翻译的要求,达到了本科毕业外文翻译的水平。 签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文球墨铸铁的无损伤检测1.0范围这里只一般性地描述了球墨

2、铸铁的无损伤检测.不包括检测范围和探针选择的要求,每个型号的标准部件可在客户控制说明或采购说明中作出特别要求.1.1定义 DSR盘形反射镜= KSR()=FBH()2.0 参考下面是标准的最新版本,在此说明中作为检验的依据.- EN 1290 (MP)- EN 1369-1996 (MP) Quality levels- EN 12454-1998 (VT)- Stahl-Eisen Prfblatt SEP 1924- EN 12686-3- ASME Sec. V, Article 73.0无损伤检测人员无损伤检测人员最少有下面一种资格证书.EN 473/Nordtest Doc. Gen

3、. 010SNT TC-1AEN 473ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1, App. 6只用于磁粉.在检测之前,客户的质量部门应该对资格证书进行评估,一般客户需要的是II级资格.除非工作说明和组织图表要求检测部门和测试企业用I级人员.对于表面用湿磁粉方法,可接受企业的证书应根据ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1中附录6.4.0校准所有的NDT设备要根据当前国家或国际代码进行校准和认证的文件.5.0有效性这个程序对加工和非加工的铸铁项目都有效,非加工项目粗糙表面的光滑程度也要通过检验.6.0目测在最后要求非机械加工铸造表面不应破坏其连续性,如表6所示.此表格依据欧洲标准EN

4、 12454,其描述了比较仪的用法.所有未接受标识的应标记在被测项目表面上, 未接受标识的位置和大小要作记录,根据表格4通过加工或修复磨削去除的标识不应记录.6.1报告完成的检测项目的最终报告应包含的信息有:图号/型号, 检验人/日期,检测结果应包括在6.0中提到的信息和图表.7.0超声波检验7.1设备7.1.1超声波仪器类型的脉冲回波在CRT屏幕或LCD显示中以A扫描的形式显示.仪器应有如下要求.- 在仪器工作范围内,时间基数可调节,任何范围(屏幕长度)内可选择- 仪器应该有至少80 dB的扩大范围,扩大的幅度最大2 dB,并且精度1 dB.- 屏幕高度的直线度好于2%- 单探头和双探头以及

5、转换-接受技术的仪器能工作的频率范围是0.5 - 6 MHz7.1.2探头单个金刚石压缩探头的一般频率范围是1 - 4 MHz.质量要求严格的区域要用双金刚石压缩探头,角度探头也可以.对壁厚小于20 mm,频率小于4 MHz的情况可用任何形式的探头.探头每个标准部件的选择应出现在客户详细的控制说明中.下面是Krautkrmer厂商或等同厂商的探头说明如下单个金刚石压缩探头 B2S, 2 MHz, 24 mmB1S, 1 MHz, 24 mm MSEB2, 2 MHz, 10 mm 双金刚石压缩探头SEB 2-0, 2 MHz, 24mm7.1.3 超声波法7.2 表面要求特殊控制区域的表面抛光

6、的一般要求应在采购说明中描述出.控制说明中的特殊扫描表面应有一个要求:即能确保部件和探头基底之间能充分接触.可能的不规则性使得滑到周围的表面上.7.3校准具有如自动调节比例范围功能,对相同制造的探针具有预先设定程序DGS (AVG)曲线的数字超声波仪器(例如Krautkrmer USN 52或等同)可以应用.7.3.1比例范围比例范围可以调节到产品的自由边,或用一个相同材料的校准块.当用压缩探头时,比例范围可以通过来自产品上平行表面或相同材料的校准块的后壁回波来调节.7.3.2灵敏度,压缩探头后壁回波设置到全屏幕高度的80 %.通过探针详细的DGS-图解法捕获装置调节达到在相关距离规定的参考反

7、射镜的灵敏度.7.3.3 灵敏度,角度探头用角度探头时,可利用来自IIW校准块V1 或 V2的后壁回波.7.3.4传播损失在用角度探头测量前,超声波操作人员应确保如下的测量:- 测量确定在为灵敏度设置的校准块和铸铁产品之间的接触和衰减的不同.- 测量按如下执行:1)有平行表面的区域用V-传播法或2)用相同材料的校准块.- 声音路径长度的不同应得到补偿. 基本的捕获装置应通过可能的传播损失来纠正.7.4检测范围产品扫描的范围应根据明确的控制说明,如果控制说明没有说明,应根据区域1(表1)和图形A(表2)的接受水平来评价.并且要附送客户的质量部门进行评价.7.5区域分类根据实际材料横断面的厚度,要

8、根据区域类别进行项目检验.(见表2)实际材料横断面的厚度等于或小于80 mm的检验要根据表2中的图A实际材料横断面的厚度大于80 mm的检验要根据表2中的图B,(例如100 mm厚的材料,关于1区域是断面的各个边扫描的深度40 mm需检验.关于2区域还剩有20 mm的中心部分要检测)7.6信号评价根据信号的类型, 评价传播和放置区域,在下面超声波信号中,可接受的标准有所区别. 两个平行面之间的后壁回波的减少或全损失. 同步信号后壁回波的减少或全损失. 不会发生后壁回波区域的信号.提到的信号类型可出现在可测量和不可测量区域,对于1区域的信号是平行平面,在减少后壁回波的同步信号和后壁回波全损失同步

9、信号有所区别.在无平行平面区域或用角度探头时,所有的信号应在后壁回波全损失的规则之后评价.7.6.1减少后壁回波只是超出了表1规定的实际材料厚度的减少后壁回波的信号.如声波(投射到扫描表面上) 信号应根据表1中1区域来评价. 信号的极限是后壁回波减少到材料厚度的实际记录水平.后壁回波的全损失是比实际材料厚度的记录水平多6 dB7.6.2无区域信号是有下面探测的单一信号:1)对于实际的区域和材料厚度,反射量大于记录水平(DSR/KSR) 2)不能表明的扫描表面的任何可测量的投射区域.这样的信号可直接根据表1来评价,并且只作为DSK的尺寸表示来记录.7.6.3有区域信号是有下面探测的信号:1) 对

10、于实际的区域和材料厚度,反射量大于记录水平(DSR/KSR) 2)能表明的扫描表面的任何可测量的投射区域. 投射区域通过用低于实际记录水平的6 dB滴方法来测量.(1区域的反射镜和只作为后壁回波的减少或全损失探测的信号,应根据表1,1区域来评价.并且这两区域和回波振幅(DRS)应做记录.7.6.4反射器的传播深度是由在区域2 有后壁回波同步全损失的,从两表面对点的测量来确定的,在那里直接反射相等与或大于反射器在区域1 的点(全损失) 被获得的记录水平。这也是从2区域进入到1区域的信号传播深度测量的过程.然而,在1区域放置信号的零件应根据1区域的接受标准来评价.7.7声速测量结节(球状石墨的形状

11、,大小和分布)是通过测量压缩波的声音速度来确认的.也可作为客户控制说明的检验信息.7.7.1技术当检测具有平行平面的区域时,实际壁厚可通过游标卡尺或螺旋测微器来测量.可用单金刚石压缩探头来测量声速, 用固定式探头测量两个重叠的后壁回波的超声距离.在超声波仪器上, 只有当回波之间的距离和壁厚接近时, 声波的速度将改变.7.8记录所有可记录的信号应标在项目的表面, 对各个项目的信号将做详细的信息记录, 信息包括关于扫描表面的地点, 关于项目记录水平的地点深度, 区域, 回波高度.根据表4通过机械加工或修复磨削去除的.接近表面的信号不应做记录.根据表1的接受标准,在信号测量和记录结果评价后, 不接受

12、的区域应指出.对于不能确定缺陷类型的详细检验程序,要和客户达成一致.记录声速值和测量点, 要求在表3中给出.7.9报告完成的检测项目的最终报告应包含的信息有:图号/型号, 检验人/日期,检测工艺,客户控制说明的参考,设备,检测结果应包括7.8中提到的信息和图表.最终报告应由制造商保存至少十年.附件2:外文原文(复印件)NDT for Spheroidal graphite cast iron1.0ScopeThis general instruction describes the performance of non-destructive testing of SG-cast iron.

13、Requirements for extent of examination and probe selection are not included in this instruction. For each type of standard component such requirements are described in specific CUSTOMER control instructions or in the purchasing specification.1.1Definitions DSR (disc shaped reflector) = KSR (kreis sh

14、all reflector) = FBH (flat bored hole). DSR = KSR()=FBH()2.0ReferencesThe latest edition of standards mentioned below shall be used as basis for inspection according to this general instruction: EN 1290 (MP)- EN 1369-1996 (MP) Quality levels- EN 12454-1998 (VT)- Stahl-Eisen Prfblatt SEP 1924- EN 126

15、86-3- ASME Sec. V, Article 73.0NDT-personnel Personnel carrying out NDT must as a minimum have qualifications corresponding to one of the following certification schemes:EN 473/Nordtest Doc. Gen. 010SNT TC-1AEN 473ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1, App. 6 (for magnetic particle only).The quality department of

16、THE CUSTOMER shall evaluate the documentation for qualifications before the work is commenced. Normally THE CUSTOMER will require qualifications corresponding to level II, unless job descriptions and organisation charts for the inspection department or testing firm allows the use of level I personne

17、l. For the surface method wet magnetic particle, certificates of competency according to ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1, Appendix 6 are accepted.4.0Calibration All NDT-equipment shall be subjected to a documented system for calibration and verification according to present national or international codes.5.

18、0Validity This procedure is valid for examination of both machined and unmachined cast iron items. Rough surfaces on unmachined items may be smoothly ground to the extent necessary to carry through the examination.6.0Visual examination All cast surfaces, which on the final item are to protrude unmac

19、hined, shall be free of surface breaking discontinuities as described in table 6. The table is based on the European norm EN 12454 which describes the use of reference comparators. All unacceptable indications shall be marked on the surface of the item. Location and size of unacceptable indications

20、are recorded. Indications, which subsequently may be removed by machining or by repair grinding according to table 4, shall not be recorded.6.1ReportingAll examinations shall be finished with a final report containing information as item No./type, inspector/date, examination results with information

21、 as mentioned in section 6.0 and relevant sketches.7.0Ultrasonic examination 7.1Equipment 7.1.1Ultrasonic instrument type pulse-echo with presentation of A-scans on a CRT-screen or LCD-display. The instrument shall fulfil following requirements:- The time base shall be adjustable and permit selectio

22、n of any range (screen length) within the working range of the instrument.- The instrument shall have an amplification range of at least 80 dB. The amplification must be adjustable in max. 2 dB steps with an accuracy of 1 dB. - The screen height linearity shall be better than 2%.- The instrument sha

23、ll be capable to work within the frequency range of 0.5 - 6 MHz with single crystal probes as well as twin crystal probes and transmitter-receiver technique. 7.1.2 Probes: Use of single crystal compression probes in the frequency range 1 - 4 MHz is normally preferred. In areas with stringent quality

24、 requirements scanning with twin crystal compression probes and angle probes may be prescribed. For wall thickness less than 20 mm a frequency of minimum 4 MHz shall be used for all probe types. For each standard component probe selection will appear from the specific CUSTOMER control instruction.Fo

25、llowing probe types of manufacture Krautkrmer or equivalent may be specified:Krautkrmer Single crystal compression probes:MB2S, 2 MHz, 10 mm B2S, 2 MHz, 24 mmB1S, 1 MHz, 24 mmTwin crystal compression probes:MSEB2, 2 MHz, 10 mm SEB 2-0, 2 MHz, 24mm7.1.3Couplant: Ultrasonic jelly, oil or paste.7.2Surf

26、ace condition General requirements to the surface finish of the specific control areas are described in the purchasing specification. The specified scanning surfaces in the control instruction shall have a condition, which ensures full coupling between the component and the sole of the probe. Possib

27、le irregularities may be ground flush to the surrounding surfaces. 7.3Calibration Digital ultrasonic instruments (e.g. Krautkrmer USN 52 or equivalent) with facilities such as auto adjustment of scale range and with pre-programmed DGS (AVG) curves for probes of same manufacture may be used. For such

28、 instruments calibration shall be performed in accordance with the routines described in the belonging manual and in accordance with following requirements:7.3.1Scale range: The scale range is adjusted on a free edge of the item or using a calibration block of similar material. When using compressio

29、n probes the scale range is adjusted using the back wall echo from a parallel surface on the item or from a calibration block of similar material.7.3.2Sensitivity, compression probes: The back wall echo is set to 80 % of full screen height. Using the probe specific DGS diagram the gain setting is ad

30、justed to a sensitivity of the prescribed reference reflector at the relevant distance.7.3.3 Sensitivity, angle probes: Using angle probes the back wall echo from the radiis on the IIW calibration blocks V1 or V2 are used (calibration block to be used appears from the specific DGS-diagram).7.3.4 Tra

31、nsfer losses: Prior to examination with angle probes the ultrasonic operator shall ensure the following measurement: - Measurement to determine the differences of coupling and attenuation between the block for setting of sensitivity and the cast-iron item. - Measurement shall be carried out by - 1)

32、using V-transmission in areas with parallel surfaces or 2) using a calibration block of similar material. - Differences in sound path length shall be compensated for. The basic gain setting shall then be corrected for possible transfer losses.7.4Extent of examination The item is to be scanned to the

33、 extent according to the specific control instruction. If a control instruction is not prepared the indications shall be evaluated according to the acceptance levels for zone 1 (table 1) and figure A (table 2) - and shall be forwarded to the quality department of CUSTOMER for evaluation. 7.5Classifi

34、cation of zones The item must be examined according to the zone classification for the actual material cross section thickness (see table 2). For a thickness of the actual material cross section equal to or less than 80 mm examination shall be carried out according to figure A in table 2. For a thic

35、kness of the actual material cross section greater than 80 mm examination shall be carried out according to figure B in table 2. (E.g. 100 mm thickness in actual material cross section: 40 mm in depth of the material nearest to the scanning surface from all sides shall be examined according to zone

36、1, whereas the remaining 20 mm of the centre core shall be examined according to zone 2).7.6Evaluation of indications Indications shall be evaluated according to their type, propagation and zone placement. The acceptance criterias distinguish between the following types of ultrasonic indications: Re

37、duction or total loss of back wall echo in areas with parallel surfaces. Indications with simultaneous reduction or total loss of back wall echo. Indications in areas without the possibility of a back wall reflection. The mentioned types of indications can appear with or without measurable area. For

38、 indications in zone 1 in areas with parallel surfaces, the registration level distinguishes between indications with simultaneous reduction of back wall echo or with simultaneous total loss of back wall echo. In areas without parallel surfaces or when using angle beam probes, all indications are ev

39、aluated after the rules for simultaneous total loss of back wall echo.7.6.1Reduction of back wall echo are indications which are detected only as a reduction of the back wall echo exceeding the recording level for the actual material thickness according to table 1. Propagation (projection on scannin

40、g surface) for such indications shall be evaluated in accordance with table 1, zone 1. The indication limits are where the back wall echo is reduced to the actual recording level for the material thickness. Total loss of back wall echo is defined as a reduction greater than the recording level + 6 d

41、B for the actual material thickness. 7.6.2 Indications without area are single indications detected by 1) a reflection greater than the recording level (DSR/KSR) for the actual zone and material thickness, and - 2) which do not show any measurable projected area on the scanning surface. Such indicat

42、ions shall be evaluated directly according to table 1, and only the size expressed as DSR shall be recorded. 7.6.3 Indications with area are indications detected by 1) a reflection greater than the recording level (DSR) for the actual zone and material thickness and 2) which do show a measurable pro

43、jected area on the scanning surface. The projected area is measured using the 6 dB drop method below the actual recording level.Reflectors in zone 1 as well as indications detected only as a reduction or total loss of the back wall echo shall be evaluated according to table 1, zone 1, and both area

44、and echo amplitude (DRS) shall be recorded. 7.6.4Depth propagation for reflectors in zone 2 with simultaneous total loss of back wall echo is determined by measuring from both surfaces to the points where a direct reflection equal to or greater than the recording level for reflectors in zone 1 (tota

45、l loss) is obtained. This is also the procedure for depth measurement of indications propagating from zone 2 into zone 1. However, the part of the indication located in zone 1 shall also be evaluated according to the acceptance levels for zone 7.7Measurement of sound velocity The nodularity (shape,

46、size and distribution of spheroidal graphite) is verified by measurement of the sound velocity for compression waves. Also check for information described in the specific CUSTOMER control instruction. 7.7.1Technique: Measurement is carried out in areas with parallel surfaces, where the actual wall t

47、hickness can be measured with a slide caliper or a micrometer screw gauge. For measurement of sound velocity single crystal compression probes are used. With stationary placed probe the ultrasonic distance between two repeated back wall echoes is measured. On the ultrasonic instrument the sound velocity for compression waves is change


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