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1、The development and application of LEDAs the further development of display device and technology, screen display system has been widely used in national economy, LED display as a carrier for displaying information is one of major media. LED display is composed by using LED lattice module or pixel u

2、nit. As computer technology developed, LED digital has the characteristics of high reliability, long life, high cost performance, low using cost, strongly adaptive capacity to environment which can be directly driven without reducing drive, therefore, it has been playing a importance role in the fie

3、ld of flat display. and for a long period of time, there are considerable room for development. So, it widely used in the financial markets, hospitals, stadiums, airports, terminals, stations, highways and other public places for information display and advertising.First LED Summary LED (Light Emitt

4、ing Diode), light-emitting diode, is a solid state semiconductor devices, which can be directly converted into electricity to light. LED is the heart of a semiconductor chip, the chip is attached to one end of a stent, is the negative side, the other end of the power of the cathode, the entire chip

5、package to be epoxy resin. Semiconductor chip is composed of two parts, part of the P-type semiconductor, it inside the hole-dominated, the other side is the N-type semiconductor, here is mainly electronic. But linking the two semiconductors, among them the formation of a PN junction. When the curre

6、nt through the wires role in this chip, will be pushing e-P, P zone in the hole with electronic composite, and then to be issued in the form of photon energy, and this is the principle of LED luminescence. The wavelength of light that is the color of light, is formed by the PN junction of the decisi

7、ons of the material.Second LED developmentThe development of LED display can be divided into the following phases: first phase 1990 to 1995, mainly monochrome and 16 color graphics screen. Used to display text and simple images, mainly used in railway stations, financial securities, banks, post offi

8、ces and other public places, as public information display tools. The second stage is from 1995 to 1999, there have been 64, 256 level gray-scale two-color video screen. Video control technology, image processing, optical fiber communication technology applications will enhance the LED display to a

9、new level. LED display control LSI chips special at this time developed by domestic companies, and can be applied. The third stage, from 1999, red, pure green, blue LED in bulk into China, while domestic enterprises in-depth research and development work, using red, green, and blue LED production of

10、 full-color display has been widely used , poured into sports stadiums, convention centers, squares and other public places, which will bring the domestic large-screen full-color era. Third LED advantagesConductor light-emitting diode (LED) as a third-generation semiconductor lighting source. This f

11、antastic product has a lot of advantages: (1) efficient light: spectra of almost all concentrated in the visible light frequency, the efficiency can reach 80% -90%. The luminous efficiency of incandescent visible light efficiency of almost 10% -20% only. (2) high quality of light: not as a result of

12、 spectrum UV and infrared, there is no heat, no radiation, is typically a green light illumination. (3) energy consumption of the small: single power generally 0.05-1w, through the cluster can be tailored to meet different needs, and waste very little. As a light source, under the brightness in the

13、same power consumption of only ordinary incandescent 1/8-10. (4) long life: flux attenuation to 70% of the standard life expectancy is 100,000 hours. A semiconductor light can be used under normal circumstances 50 years, even if the long life of the people, life will be used up to two lights. (5) du

14、rable and reliable: No tungsten wire, glass and other easily damaged components, non-normal retirement rate is very small, very low maintenance costs. (6) the application of flexibility: small size, can flat pack, easy to develop into a short thin products, make point, line, face various forms of sp

15、ecific applications. (7) Security: working voltage 1.5-5v or less in between the current 20-70mA in between. (8) green: recyclable waste, no pollution, unlike fluorescent lamps containing mercury as ingredients. (9) response time is short: to adapt to frequent and high-frequency switching operation

16、of occasions. In recent years, Chinas LED display related technology has also been made a fast and great development, Because of early stage LED material and component restriction, LED display applications were not widely expand. The other hand, display control technology basically is a communicatio

17、n control method which objectively affects the display effect. Thus resulting in the early LED displays in the country rarely, product based on double primary color which is green and red, communication control, gray level is single point of four tone gray, high cost. Later, the rapid development of

18、 LED display in the nineties, the global information industry is growing rapidly, information technology continue to make breakthroughs in various fields, LED display in the LED materials and control technology has also been the emergence of new results. The successful development of blue LED lens,

19、full-color LED display to enter the market; the field of computer and microelectronics technology development in the field of display control technology, the video control technology, the screen dynamic display effect of greatly increased. In this stage, LED display in China has developed rapidly, L

20、ED display industry turn into a new high-tech industry. Today, LED display used in broader field, here I will talk my point about the LED in the hotel and leisure field applications.I. LED display of the effectiveness of the hotelLED electronic display is the fourth largest advertising media after t

21、elevision,newspaper, network. It will bring tangible social benefits for investors and economic benefits, LED electronic display can be received from the computer, TV, VCR, VCD, video cameras and other information transmitted, and play dimensional or three-dimensional animation, text information at

22、anytime.With economic grows, Accelerated pace of social work life, the hotel in peoples lives plays a indispensable role. Hotel is a large population flow in today where it is a social gathering place for celebrities, of course, it is the window which needs information fastest, most accurate and hug

23、e. LED electronic display will be full of your customers demand for investors with a huge, immeasurable, long-term social and economic benefits.1. SocialA, promote the hotels services and preferential policies to enhance the hotels image.B, promote the hotels service commitment and other content, en

24、hancing its visibility.C, beautify the hotel environment, to improve their grades and the taste is more conducive to attracting more customers a friend.D, Providing convenience to our customers.2. EconomicThe twenty-first century, a highly information-oriented era, corporate awareness of the adverti

25、sements has never been so strong and is growing; Hotels flow-intensive, information requirements wide; LED electronic display, a high information content of the display medium, a the worlds best advertising media, can be, within 365 days a year to undertake a variety of advertising an unlimited numb

26、er of foreign business; In good operation, will obviously about to create rising prosperity has brought enormous economic benefits. Guangzhou, China Trade Fair Exhibition Hall next to a large full-color screen, at an annual tens of millions of dollars in advertising revenue for investors rolling in

27、wealth; Xiamen Egret Plaza on the state of large-scale full-color, in just three years time, the recovery of more than 500 million yuan of total investment, and is nearly 200 million a year net profit for the investors steady flow of economic benefits.The foregoing analysis, the Grand Hotel to confi

28、gure a large LED electronic display, will give you and your guests with huge, long-term, good social and economic benefits, play a double-edged sword effect.The role of hotel LED display1.Heat the hotel mood.Through the display screen to play the higher-ups and all kinds of guests come to visit, gui

29、de words of welcome, a variety of major festivals such as celebration of the word.2.Knowledge spreadingA, through the LED electronic display that can play a variety of laws, rules, regulations and all kinds of knowledge and so on.B, through the LED electronic display can play hotel new service intro

30、duction; the hotels service commitment and so on.3. Play the role of bulletin boards.Through the display screen can be broadcast lectures, meetings of the notice, all notices, job placement and advanced individuals, the Hall of Fame and advanced deeds and so on.4.played the role of public service ad

31、s., through the display screen can be broadcast weather forecasts;, local culture, history, geography, climate profiles, local customs and habits;, local maps, tourist traffic map and various tourist spots, maps;, civilized citizens of the Convention, the hotels slogan and important news.5. Creation

32、 of well economic benefits As the worlds best advertising media, also carry advertisements of major companies, (the proposed dual-color or full color, so that the content displayed on the rich and colorful, more attraction to major companies and units undertake activities and doing advertising, enha

33、nce the hotel to be well known, fully reflect the grade of the hotel).Overall LED display in the hotel for the advancement of hotel services to the public image, reputation, service grade, and create a civilized window. The characteristics of LED display1. Display is of bright and longer visual dist

34、ance, which reaches to 500m can be seen clearly.2. Display shows the simple and colorful contents that will not bring banners or other display device and the thick rough sense of feeling.3. Display is green lighting with the characteristics of long life, low power consumption, without extra IR / UV

35、spectra of mercury-containing hazardous substances.4. Display is a high-tech product, it will be used to quickly align your company with the times.5. The development prospect of display is extremely broad, in government agencies and enterprises play an important role in office. The adoption of the d

36、isplay system will enable your companys information technology step to high level.Chinas economy is developing rapidly, there is increasing number of dissemination of information requirements. It is believed that, led electronic display with its bright colors, display informative, long life, power c

37、onsumption is small, light weight, space for small size, high stability, easy operation, easy installation and maintenance, and other characteristics played a role in the socio-economic development becomes more important. Somehow seems, led screen display in todays media, the best cost performance,

38、is your best choice.LED的发展与应用 随着显示器件与技术的进一步发展,屏幕显示系统在国民经济中得到了广泛的应用,LED显示屏是信息显示的重要传媒之一。LED显示屏是利用发光二极管点阵模块或像素单元组成的显示屏幕。伴随着计算机技术的发展,使得LED数码管能够在减少驱动器的情况下能够直接被驱动。而且它具有可靠性高、使用寿命长、性能价格比高、使用成本低、环境适应能力强等特点,所以一直在平板显示领域扮演着重要的角色,并且在今后相当长的一段时期内还有相当大的发展空间。所以被广泛应用于金融市场、医院、体育场馆、机场、码头、车站、高速公路等公共场所的信息显示和广告宣传。一 LED概述L

39、ED(Light Emitting Diode),发光二极管,是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。LED的心脏是一个半导体的晶片,晶片的一端附在一个支架上,一端是负极,另一端连接电源的正极,使整个晶片被环氧树脂封装起来。半导体晶片由两部分组成,一部分是P型半导体,在它里面空穴占主导地位,另一端是N型半导体,在这边主要是电子。但这两种半导体连接起来的时候,它们之间就形成一个“P-N结”。当电流通过导线作用于这个晶片的时候,电子就会被推向P区,在P区里电子跟空穴复合,然后就会以光子的形式发出能量,这就是LED发光的原理。而光的波长也就是光的颜色,是由形成P-N结的材料决定的。二 LED

40、发展现状LED显示屏的发展可分为以下几个阶段:第一阶段为1990年到1995年,主要是单色和16级双色图文屏。用于显示文字和简单图片,主要用在车站、金融证券、银行、邮局等公共场所,作为公共信息显示工具。 第二阶段是1995年到1999年,出现了64级、256级灰度的双基色视频屏。视频控制技术、图像处理技术、光纤通信技术等的应用将LED显示屏提升到了一个新的台阶。LED显示屏控制专用大规模集成电路芯片也在此时由国内企业开发出来并得以应用。 第三阶段从1999年开始,红、纯绿、纯蓝LED管大量涌入中国,同时国内企业进行了深入的研发工作,使用红、绿、蓝三原色LED生产的全彩色显示屏被广泛应用,大量进

41、入体育场馆、会展中心、广场等公共场所,从而将国内的大屏幕带入全彩时代。 三 LED优点导体发光二极管(LED)作为第三代半导体照明光源。这种产品具有很多梦幻般优点:(1)光效率高:光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频率,效率可以达到80%-90%。而光效差不多的白炽灯可见光效率仅为10%-20%。(2)光线质量高:由于光谱中没有紫外线和红外线,故没有热量,没有辐射,属于典型的绿色照明光源。(3)能耗小:单体功率一般在0.05-1w,通过集群方式可以量体裁衣地满足不同的需要,浪费很少。以其作为光源,在同样亮度下耗电量仅为普通白炽灯的1/8-10。(4)寿命长:光通量衰减到70%的标准寿命是10万小时。一个


43、基本上是通信控制方式,客观上影响了显示效果。所以导致早期的LED显示屏在国内很少,产品以红、绿双基色为主,控制方式为通信控制,灰度等级为单点四级调灰,产品的成本比较高。后来LED显示屏迅速发展,进入九十年代,全球信息产业高速增长,信息技术各个领域不断突破,LED显示屏在LED材料和控制技术方面也不断出现新的成果。蓝色LED镜片研制成功,全彩色LED显示屏进入市场;电子计算机及微电子领域的技术发展,在显示屏控制技术领域出现了视频控制技术,显示屏的动态显示效果大大提高。这个阶段,LED显示屏在我国发展迅速,LED显示屏产业成为新兴的高科技产业。今天,LED显示屏应用领域更为广阔,下面我就来谈谈 L

44、ED 在酒店和休闲场中的应用。一、酒店LED显示屏的效益LED电子显示屏被誉为继电视,报纸,网络之后的第四大广告宣传媒体,它能给投资者带来看得见的社会效益及经济效益,LED电子显示屏可接收来自计算机、电视机、录像机、VCD、摄像机等传输的信息,并实时播放二维或三维动画、文字资料。随着经济的发展,社会工作生活的节奏的加快,酒店在人们的生活中伴影着一个不可缺少的角色。酒店是当今人口流动量较大的地方,是社会各界知名人士会集的场所,当然也是信息需求最快、最准、最大的窗口。LED电子显示屏将满您的顾客的需求,为投资者带来了巨大的、无可估量的、长期的社会效益,经济效益.1、社会效益A、宣传酒店的服务项目及

45、优惠政策,提升酒店的形象。B、宣传酒店的服务承诺等内容,提高其知名度。 C、美化酒店的环境,提高其档次和品味更利于吸引更多的顾客朋友。 D、方便顾客。2、经济效益二十一世纪,一个高度信息化的时代,企业的宣传广告意识从未如此强烈并正在日益增强;酒店人流密集,信息要求广;LED电子显示屏,一种高信息容量的显示媒体,一种当今世界上最佳的广告宣传媒体,可在一年365天内无限量地对外承接各种广告业务;在良好的运作下,将在分分秒秒中创造源源不断的财富,带来巨大的经济效益。广州全国交易会展览馆旁的大型全彩屏,正以每年数以千万元计的广告收入,为投资者带来滚滚财富;厦门白鹭州广场上的大型全彩屏,在短短三年的时间

46、内,回收了全部投资500多万元,并正以每年近200万元的纯利润为投资者带来源源不断的经济利益。综上分析,在大酒店配置一大型LED电子显示屏,将给您和您的顾客带来巨大的、长久的、良好的社会效益和经济效益,起到一箭双雕的效果。二、酒店LED显示屏的作用1、起到烘托气氛的作用通过显示屏幕可播放上级领导及各种贵宾莅临参观、指导的欢迎词,各种重大节日的庆祝词等。2、 起到宣传、普及知识的作用 A、通过LED电子显示屏可播放各种法律、法规、条例及各种常识等。 B、通过LED电子显示屏可播放酒店新增服务项目介绍;酒店的服务承诺等。3、 起到公告板的作用通过显示屏幕可播放讲座、会议等的通知,各种告示、工作安排

47、和先进集体、个人的光荣榜及先进事迹等。4、 起到公益广告的作用 、通过显示屏幕可播放天气预报; 、当地的人文、历史、地理、气候概况、风俗人情; 、当地地图、旅游交通图及各旅游景点的分布图; 、文明市民公约、酒店的宣传口号及重要新闻等。5、可创造良好的经济效益。 作为当今世界最好的广告宣传媒体,还能承接国内外各大企业的宣传广告,(建议采用双基色或全彩色的,这样显示的内容就丰富多彩,更能吸引各大企业及单位承办活动及做宣传广告,同时也有利于提升酒店的知名度,充分体现酒店的档次)。总的来说LED显示屏在酒店中在提高酒店服务公众的形象、知名度,服务档次及创建文明窗口方面起到了良好的作用。三、 LED显示

48、屏的特点1、显示屏亮度高可视距离远,五百米内都能清晰可见; 2、显示屏显示内容简单明了色彩鲜艳,不会带来条幅或其它显示设备的粗糙感及厚重感. 3、显示屏是一种寿命长,耗电低无多余红外/紫外等光谱并不含汞有害物质的绿色照明光源. 4、显示屏是一种高科技的产品.它的采用能很快的将贵公司与时代接轨. 5、显示屏的发展前景极为广阔,在政府机构和企事业处都起着重大作用。显示屏的系统的采用,将使贵公司的信息化登上更高的台阶。我国经济发展迅猛,对信息的传播有越来越高的要求。可以相信,led电子显示屏以其色彩鲜亮、显示信息量大、寿命长、耗电量小、重量轻、空间尺寸小、稳定性高、易操作、易安装维护等特点将在社会经济发展中扮演越来越重要的角色。总得看来,led显示屏在当今显示媒体中,性价比最高,是您最佳的选择。10


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