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1、 PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY 毕业论文题 目: On Advantages and Disadvantages of the Chinese and American Family Education院 系: 外国语学院 专业年级: 09级英语教育专升本()班姓 名: 欧恩宁 学 号: 093020117 指导教师: 单满菊(教授)2011年4月20日Thesis: On Advantages and Disadvantages of the Chinese and American Family Education中美家庭教育的得失探析School or Departme

2、nt: College of Foreign LanguagesGrade and Specialty: 2009, English EducationName: Ou EnningAdvisor: Shan Manju (Professor)April 20, 2011毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导老师指导下取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以注释和致谢的地方外,论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。与本研究成果相关的所有人所做出的任何贡献均已在论文(设计)中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签名: 年月日AcknowledgementsWi

3、th the composition of the thesis coming to an end, I have at last obtained an opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Shan Manju, who has not only given me her generous and instructive advice, and valuable materials, but also spent much time reading and correcting the manuscript of the

4、 thesis. Besides, some teachers constant encouragement and help during my study here could not be underestimated for the fulfillment of this thesis.I am also thankful to the other teachers of our College of Foreign Language, whose courses I have attended and from whom I have learned much.I would als

5、o like to acknowledge my deep indebtedness to my parents who spare no pains bringing me up.AbstractSince the Reform and Opening-up, the worldwide concerning with education has been up to an unprecedented level. As the primary stage of education, the importance of family education should not be ignor

6、ed. Family education is greatly related to a persons life. Nowadays, social development needs high-qualified talents and good family education is the key point to the high-qualified talents. In the society with rapid economic development and a great many one-child-families, in China, many problems a

7、bout family education have emerged. Meanwhile, exploring the educational theories, many educators attempt to solve these problems by referring to the family education systems of developed countries. The family education system of American families is an appropriate reference. This thesis first intro

8、duces the definition of family education. Second, this thesis points out the main problems in todays Chinese family education. Third, this thesis points out the different family education between China and America (mainly in aspects of family educations contents, aims and methods). Through contrast,

9、 the thesis explores the reasons of these differences. Finally, the thesis puts forward some methods that suit to Chinese family education.Key Words: Chinese and American family education; advantages and disadvantages; comparison and contrast摘 要自改革开放以来,教育在世界范围内的重视达到了空前的高度。作为教育的最初级阶段,家庭教育的重要作用是毋庸置疑的。

10、家庭教育的成功与否关乎一个人的一生。现在社会的发展需要高素质的人才,而良好的家庭教育的确是培养高素质人才最关键的起点。随着中国经济的快速发展与独生子女家庭数量的不断增加,越来越多的家庭教育问题出现了。众多教育学者在进行理论探究的同时,都试图参照西方发达国家家庭教育的经验来解决我们的家庭教育问题。其中美国的家庭教育是个很好的参照。本文首先从介绍家庭教育的定义入手, 然后指出中国家庭教育存在的主要问题, 接着对中美两国家庭教育的相关方面(主要是家教内容,家教目的和家教方法)进行对比,这里所说的家庭教育的目的就是通过家庭教育要把受教育者培养成什么样的人,教育的内容和方法都很需要根据目的去选择。根据这

11、些因素的比较,归纳分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因。最后通过对比中美两国的家庭教育, 取其精华去其糟粕, 提出几点适合中国的家庭教育方法。关 键 词:中美家庭教育;得失;对比Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘 要iiiTable of ContentsivChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter 2 The Definition of Family Education2Chapter 3 Main Problems in Todays Chinese Family Education33.1 A Utocratic Ty

12、pe of Family Education33.2 Indulgent Type of Family Education33.3 Careless Type of Family Education33.4 Bringing up by Elder Generation Showing more Disadvantages4Chapter 4 The Contrast of the Family Education Between China andAmerica54.1 The Contrast of the Contents of Family Education54.2 The Cont

13、rast of the Ways of Family Education64.2.1 Differences in Cultivation of Childrens Independence64.2.2 Differences in the Cultivation of Childrens Interests104.2.3 Differences in the Cultivation of Childrens Creativity114.2.4 Differences in the Cultivation of Childrens Psychological Health124.2.5 Dif

14、ferences in the Cultivation of Childrens Fame124.2.6 Differences in the Cultivation of Childrens Relationship with Parents134.3 The Contrast of the Family Educations Results between China and America14Chapter 5 Some Suggestions Concerning Chinese Famliy Education175.1 On the Aspect of Education Obje

15、cts175.2 On the aspect of education contents175.3 On the Aspect of Education Methods18Chapter 6 Conclusion19Bibliography:20- iv -On Advantages and Disadvantages of the Chinese and American Family EducationChapter 1 IntroductionFrom ancient times to modern times, family education has been playing an

16、important role in the national education. A great man-Deng Xiaoping once said, “The basis of a countrys modernization lies in talents, the basis of talents lies in education, and the basis of education lies in family. China is a country with emphasis on the family education.” The family education, t

17、he school education and the social education are the three big props of education. They are indispensable. Nowadays, increasing attention has been paid to family education by the modern society, and it becomes a hot spot of society, which is closely related to tens of thousands of families vital ben

18、efits and urgent needs. In order to find a better way to educate our children, we should study and use other countries experience for reference. There are many types of family education in the world, and American family education is among the most famous. So it is necessary and significant to make a

19、 comparison of the differences of family education between America and China. This thesis is to compare and contrast Chinese family education and American family education superficially, which may offer some suggestions to Chinese family education.Chapter 2 The Definition of Family EducationIn the d

20、ictionary, the definition of family education is: Parents or elder generation educate the child or teenager in family. Different society needs different family education. Family education is the way that parents educate their children; it is an important part of the whole education system. For the s

21、ake of the changing situation, the definition of family education should be extended as follows: “(A)Family education is not only the action of family but also the concerns of the whole society. (B)Family educations aims are not only studying the family relation and living skills, but also the physi

22、ology and psychology of every family member and family members all-round development.(C)Family education is not only the way that parents or elder generation educate the child or teenager in family, but all the family members educate each other. (D)Family education is not only the education of the p

23、re-school education, but also life-long education.” Actually family education is a concept with rich connotations and wide denotations. It is the continuous and lifelong influence between the family members. It includes the self-conscious or unself-conscious, tangible or intangible influence on mult

24、ilevel, as well as the non-subject influence of social circumstance, life style and environment.Chapter 3 Main Problems in Todays Chinese Family EducationFamily education is vital to the education of children, but in China there are some problems in family education and they have bad effect on the c

25、hildren. In this part I will list some main problems in Chinese family education.3.1 A Utocratic Type of Family EducationIn some Chinese families, parents require their children should do whatever they want their children to do. If the children dont obey their orders, they will scold the children, e

26、ven worse, they will punish the children. “A questionnaire of 300 students in a middle school shows: Ninety percent of the students had been punished!” The parents cant bear that their children disobey them. They restrict their children. They check their childrens cellphones.3.2 Indulgent Type of Fa

27、mily EducationParents love is very important for the psychological development of teenagers. However, in modern China, a child is probably the only child in a family, and the parents give too much love to the child. It leads to a situation that the child cant live without their parents. They seldom

28、run into troubles because their parents have already solved the problem for them before they come across it. This kind of children cant get along with other people very well. They consider themselves as the most important ones. Even worse, they may not have enough independent ability to live in the

29、society without their parents help. When they go to society, they will feel depressed. “In a investigation of 4000 teenage criminals, 16.3% of them receive this kind of family education.”3.3 Careless Type of Family EducationIt usually refers to parents who lack responsibility to take care of their c

30、hildren. Young parents are working hard to make money. They dont have enough time to get together with their children. According to a survey, the children, whose parents are individual entrepreneurs, taxi drivers or labor contractors, break the law easily. The main reason is that such parents have l

31、ittle time at home. Even if they are at home, they seldom put their hearts on their children. They simply think: If they can provide a good living condition for their children, their children will become talents. This type of family education is dangerous. Childrens thought is not mature enough to j

32、udge all the things in a right way. It is easy for these children to choose the wrong way to go when they grow up.3.4 Bringing up by Elder Generation Showing more DisadvantagesBringing up by elder generation in China means more chance to spoil the children. The common situation is that children are

33、raised by grandparents. In this way, there are more disadvantages than advantages. On the one hand, the grandparents use the conservative, strict traditional concept to educate their grandsons or granddaughters. This isnt good for the growth of the children, because the children like new and excitin

34、g things and they dislike the grandparents traditional ways of education. On the other hand, sometimes the grandparents love the children so much that they will do all the things for the children and when the children do some wrong things, they even dont correct them. As a result, these children are

35、 spoiled. In general, Chinese children show negative tendency in their characters: passive, timid, dependent, etc. In a word, they are lack of the ability of adapting themselves to the new surroundings. These personalities are closely related to our degree-oriented society. Children are expected to

36、be toiled at their studies in the universities rather than to be tortured in society.Chapter 4 The Contrast of the Family Education Between China andAmericaFrom the results of the family education, we can find, in the process of family education, although it is not a kind of systematic education, it

37、 still has its educational aims, contents and methods. The aims of education are the most important ones, which determine family educations contents and methods.4.1 The Contrast of the Contents of Family EducationThe aim of education determines the content of education. “The contents of American fam

38、ily education are very plentiful. American parents pay attention to their childrens all-round study.” We called “qualified education”, which includes physical strength, cognition, social ability, emotion and so on. In America, parents aims are to train their children to have the ability of adapting

39、to environmental variety and the ability of living independently. Based on this concept, most American parents emphasize greatly to train their childrens ability of independence from the very beginning. They generally believe that childrens growth must rely on their own experiences, because they thi

40、nk that children should form a self-support will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood. And the capacity comes from the training in the early age. The so-called training contains many aspects, such as work, temper, patience, the spirit of hard work, etc. However, the most fund

41、amental training is the ability of adapting to hard conditions. Through the process of work, children will form the labor sense, learn some work skills and form a habit of labor. Besides, children can learn how to overcome difficulties, temper their willpower, develop their talents and skills, enric

42、h their knowledge, and form a habit of hard work and be thrifty by working in hard conditions. It is just in the unconscious process that children obtain the independent survivability and take the responsibilities for the society.Compared with Americans, Chinese parents have a very different concept

43、 of childrens education. Some parents in China only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible so that the

44、children will not worry about anything in the future.Chinese parents would like to provide everything they can for their children in the process of childrens growth. In short, they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help. Therefore, in the process of childr

45、ens growth, the most important thing the parents concerned is to develop their childrens intellect, besides caring childrens daily life. In order to make their children have a good performance in study, become outstanding, or even become a famous person in the future, they would not let children do

46、anything except studying. As for the childrens independence, civic awareness and their ability to adap to the society in the future, they consider little or not at all. From these aspects, we can find the obvious differences of family education between America and China.4.2 The Contrast of the Ways

47、of Family Education 4.2.1 Differences in Cultivation of Childrens IndependenceBecause of a fundamental difference in parental concept, there are two completely different ways in cultivating their own childrens independence.First and foremost, Chinese family education and American family education va

48、ry in the attitude towards independence. Most American parents think that the child is an independent individual since he was born, who has his own will and character. Neither the parents nor teachers have priorities to determine and restrict their childrens behaviors. The Declaration of Independence says: “All the people are born equally; they are endowed with holy rights including life, freedom a


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