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1、英语教学评估,首都师范大学英语教育系 任真 June 2006,教师们常说:高考不改我不改;高考怎 么改我怎么改。,请思考: 1关于评价,教师应知道些什么? 2如何使课堂评价促进学生学习积极性? 3什么样的形成性评价具有可信度和操作性? 4如何对情感态度、文化意识进行评价? 5如何评判试题/试卷的质量? 6高考与学业考试的区别在那里?,教师为什么要了解评价?,传统的解释 诊断学生的优势与不足 监控学生的进步 给学生评定等级 评定教师的教学效果,新理由,学生在评价中的表现越来越多地被当作教师评估过程的一部分 评价工具有助于教师明确教学目标,并进而改善教学质量 测验结果影响公众对教育效果的认识,评

2、价改革的思路是什么?,在评价活动中学生是参与者和合作者 通过评价,学生认识自我,建立信心 教师获取反馈信息,反思教学 教师在评价改革中的作用: 实践者 (practitioner) 、帮助者 (facilitator),教师为什么需要对教学行为进行反思,教师培训概念的变化 Teacher training - skills Teacher education - theories Teacher development - reflection (强调教师反思教学,观察自己的课堂行为,评估自己的教学效果),反思、调整,Student needs Instructional objectives

3、 Match Mismatch Decision Decision Continue with Modify Select students instructional plans objectives whose needs match objectives,思考,A teacher has gone through a textbook three times. Still the students are not developing as she had planned. Changes in instruction are called for. The specific chang

4、es she makes will depend on her interpretation of why student performance is below expectation,关于评价,教师应知道些什么?,不同的评价方法 (课堂评价方法不只是纸 笔测验一种形式。) 评价的基本原则 评估教育的标准 如何评判自编试题以及他人所编试卷的质量 如何对测验的结果进行解释,关于评价方法,形成性评价(formative assessment ) 在学习过程中通过教师和学生共同实施的评价。评价应发挥学生自我评价的能力,使他们能够及时地、主动地去了解自己学业进展情况,肯定成绩,发现问题,增强信心。

5、 To provide immediate feedback which leads to improvement,学生自评,Self-assessment can increase learners involvement in and responsibility for their own learning Actively involving learners in assessing their own progress can sensitize them to instructional objectives and assist hem in setting realistic

6、 goals,自评要与其他评价相结合,The information from self-assessment should always be used in conjunction with data from other assessment methods. Portfolios Journals Questionnaires Interviews observation Tests,关于评价方法,终结性评价 (summative assessment) 教学程序后完成,例如学期结束或结业的时候,对学习结果进行评价。 To provide a public outcome statem

7、ent on performance at the end of a period of language instruction.,值得思考的问题,形成性评价不是否定终结性评价 反复、高频考试(a series of mini-summative assessments)不等于形成性评价 形成性评价应具有可信度和操作性(不是简单地划 或打分,关于考试类型,常模参照考试 norm-referenced test - a candidates scores are interpreted with reference to the performance of the other candida

8、tes. - it is more concerned with spreading individuals,学业考试 achievement test,refers to the mastery of what has been learnt, what has been taught or what is in the syllabus, textbook, materials, etc.,值得思考的问题,每次考试后该不该给学生排名次? 难题是否能激励学生学习? 其中期末考试大部分学生不及格说明什么?,评估考试的标准,可信性 reliability 有效性 validity 可行性 pra

9、cticality 真实性 authenticity 后效性 backwash/ impact,可信性,信度是测试结果的可信、可靠的程度 测试的分数所反映的被试的表现的可信、可靠程度 信度高的测试有很好的一致性 (consistency)和稳定性(stability),有效性,指测试在多大的程度上测量 与其要测量的东西,能够在 多大程度上达到预期目标。 2006年高考考试大纲修订说明(英语) 语言知识题的命制原则为:保证知识覆盖面;,可行性 Practicality (usability),指命题人的想法是否切合实际 可行性的测试应: 便于组织 Ease of Administration 便

10、于评分 Ease of Scoring 便于解释和利用分数Ease of Interpretation,区分性 (discrimination),A fundamental property of language tests (especially norm-referenced) in their attempt to capture the range of individual abilities. The more widely discriminating the test the better it is. An important indicator of a tests re

11、liability,值得思考的问题,高考试卷应有较强的区分能力,使其能够区分不同语言水平的考生,否则会影响为高校选拔新生的录取工作。 期中、期末考试,毕业会考数与学业考试,通常绝大多数考生能够过关,不及格的人所占比例不宜过大。 试题过难或过于容易,区分性都可能是比较差。,Example,任务的真实性 e.g. Suppose you were applying for a position as sales clerk in a store where English was spoken, what might be your reaction to a test that required

12、 you to summarize orally a letter to the editor of a newspaper?,后效性 (Impact),Tests are developed and used to serve the needs of an educational system or of society . The uses we make of test scores imply values and goals and these uses have consequences for, or impact on, both the individuals and th

13、e system involved. (Bachman, 1996.30),Examples,北京高考 2003,2004 开放作文 - 重视语用,创造性思维 全国统一高考2001 取消辨音题,增设听力部分。 知识运用由2000年20题减为2001年的15题 - 重视语言交际,技能,真实性。 引导社会重视听力。 北京高考2004 情景作文,让学生根据图表写出对课余活动的看法。大部分学生得出的结论是:业余活动时间太少,作业太多。这反映出某些问题:getting information, chart, opinion e.g. housework 5%, sports10%, computer13

14、%, music 14%, TV 19%, homework 39%,如何看待高考,高考与教材内容挂钩吗? 高考是仅考察了知识吗? 如何对情感态度、文化意识进行评价? 高考是怎样考察能力的?,如何看待高考,2001年以来,全国英语高考在命题思想、内容结构、题型设计和考试方式上加大了改革力度。 高考试题突出语篇,强调应用,注重交际。 逐步将考试重点转向考查学生的中综合语言运用能力方面。,试题分析,Good items structure and usage 2004 NMET - Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I dec

15、ide? - Of course. _ sir. a Make yourself at home b. Enjoy yourself c. It doesnt matter *d. Take your time,reading 2004 NMET,Giving Back Fair Way The Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize. The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. And

16、then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong with one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner; Wobum High had won. “No one would have known,” said Wobums instructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasnt a difficult decision: “The prize wasnt o

17、urs to take.”,Question 60,What did Greg Rota probably do in the end? a. Took photos of Doran. b. Had a meeting with Doran. * c. Returned the prize to the organizer. d. Apologized to Wobum High School.,Question 61,Greg Rotas decision shows that he was _. *a honest b. polite c. careful d. friendly,情感教

18、育 care for others 语言知识 explain words in English 策略 dictionary use,如何评判试题/试卷的质量,Purpose of the test Quality of the items Statistical analysis,Weak items Structure,- May I smoke here? authenticity - No, you _. *a mustnt b. dont c. must d. neednt You want _ sandwich? more than one answers -Yes, I usual

19、ly eat a lot when Im hungry a. other *b. another c. others *d. the other,Avoiding Problems,1.Mixed response John _ flowers to the party last night. a. carries b. carried c. lifts d. lifted This item is as much a vocabulary item as it is a grammar item.,2. Length cues,In the story, the merchant was u

20、nhappy because it _. a. rained b. was dark c. was windy d. was windy and rainy and he had forgotten his raincoat. We had neither read nor understood the story in question, still we might choose option (d) and stand a reasonable chance of getting the item correct.,3. Inconsistent Distractor Cues,Exam

21、ine the following set of distractors a. ran b. runs c. is running d. fast (d) Differs from the other options both in lexical root and in part of speech. We would eliminate that option at the start. In effect, the item has only three viable options, making it a simpler item than intended.,4. Nonsense

22、 Distractors,They said they _ a. had gone. b. had go c. have went d had went They tend to be weak distractors. They have negative washback on students because they may learn errors from the examination itself.,5. Review options,The stranger had left his native land because he _. a. wished to seek hi

23、s fortune b. wanted to avoid his creditors c. preferred the new land d. none of the above e. a and b but not c above f. b and c but not a above (d) (e) (f) require the examinee to review the previous options, concentrating on small information. Such items may be more useful as measures of concentrat

24、ion and reasoning power than of reading comprehension.,6. Trick questions,When is it not appropriate not to be absent from class? a. When you are sick b. When you are young c. While class is in session d. Whenever the teacher is angry It is difficult to say whether the teachers motive is to display

25、cleverness, to embarrass the students for revenge, or to ensure test difficulty (Henning,1987) Trick questions promote guessing, poor motivation, unfavorable attitudes toward the teacher and the target language.,7. Common knowledge responses,We learn from this passage that Napoleon was _. a. British

26、 b. French d. Polish d. German The answer is common knowledge for most persons regardless of the content of the reading passage.,8. Redundancy,The boy took the newspaper _. a. because he wanted to read it b. because he wanted to wrap a gift in it c. because he wanted to dispose of it d. because he w

27、anted to remove an article To read an excess of redundant material makes the exam inefficient. Too much time is required to elicit the information gained.,如何在教学中提高学生的语言能力 人教版高中1册 p5,人教版高中1册 p11 Vocabulary,外研版高中1册 p3 Reading and paraphrasing,外研版高中1册 p9 Reading about Culture,人教版高中1册 p13,外研版高中1册 p8 Wri

28、ting authenticity/focus,课标:乐于与他人合作,养成和谐与健康向上的品格 人教版,值得思考的问题,学生对要学的教学内容了解多少? 学生在学习过程中会有哪些问题?,结束语,教师应思考自己在今天这个时代怎样活一辈子、活出质量来 用僵化的思维方式去理解教育,将之放在固定的模式里,教育会变得死板、枯燥、不断重复,没有生气 教育改革在教师。他们要把理论转化为自己的内在认识,从而实现行为转变。 没有认识转换的模仿式的行为转变,只是“模仿秀”,寄语,心态开放,不断进取 勇于实践,在改革中发展,提高生命质量,Reference参考书目,Bailey, K.M. 1998. Learnin

29、g About Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions and Directions Bachman,L.F.,& A. S. Palmer. 1996. Language Testing in Practice Genesee,F & Upshur,J.A. 1996. Classroom-based Evaluation in Second Language Education Davies, A. et al. 1999. Dictionary of Language Testing Henning,G1987. A Guide to Langu

30、age Testing: Development, Evaluation and Research Hughes, A. 1989. Testing for Language Teachers New Senior English For China Book 1 2004. 董奇, 2003, 促进教学的课堂评价 中国轻工业出版社 高兰生, 2001, 英语测试与试题命制 人民教育出版社 武尊民, 2002 英语测试的理论与实践 叶澜 主编 2004 “新基础教育”发展性研究报告集 中国轻工业出版社 尹世寅,罗先达 主编 2005,新课程:怎样进行中学英语学习评价与测试 四川大学出版社 普通高中英语课程标准.2003, 中华人民共和国教育部制定 人民教育出版社,Thank you,,


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