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1、语篇分析和阅读教学,陈科芳教授、博士 浙江外国语学院 20140631,问题:你们是如何教阅读的?,一句一句地分析? 带着学生念? 指出学生的错误? 学生不懂,就翻译一遍? 阅读教学所占的比重如何? 分析作者的意图,文章的中心思想? 点明文章的语体,分析其特征? ? 示范课1,2,3,4,阅读教学的一些弊病,只见树木不见森林 课堂上老师讲、学生记的总体模式: 把阅读看成是单纯学习语言的活动,而不是培养交际性阅读能力的方法:以讲解语言知识为主,对学生的阅读基本技能训练不足;教师在讲评阅读时,多以考察细节内容和判断正误为主,缺乏对学生推理和归纳能力的培养以及对类似的推理和归纳试题技巧的指导。 过多

2、关注词汇:词汇不足造成理解困难 结果:阅读涉猎的材料数量有限,阅读速度得不到有效提高,理解能力停滞不前 更重要的:考试成绩不佳使学生产生了畏难的情绪,影响了阅读能力的发挥;自信心受挫,阅读兴趣没有得到激发,未能体验成功的喜悦。,读文章如同看树林一样,人站在树林前不能眼睛光看着一棵树,甚至只盯着树上的叶子,一张一张地看,看到最后,还是一张一张叶子,叶子固然要看,但整棵树也要看,整片森林更要看,我们必须迅速把视野扩大,这样才能对森林全貌有所了解,读文章也是如此。,传统的英语教学一直把重点放在词汇意义上,课文常常被看作是用来教给学生词汇、用法的,读文章就是为了记住所有的单词、词组以及语法结构,结果学

3、生形成了在阅读中一个个词、一句句话读的习惯。这在很大程度上影响了学生的阅读效率,老师需要做的就是要改变这种状况,帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯。 见树木,也要见森林。语篇分析的重要性。,What is “discourse”?,Discourse is: language above the sentence or above the clause a continuous stretch of spoken/written language larger than a sentence, often constituting a coherent unit a stretch of langua

4、ge perceived to be meaningful, unified, and purposive; language in use (viewed) as social practice determined by social structures,语篇又称为篇章、文章、话语等。 黄国文教授认为:“语篇通常指一系列连续的话段或句子构成的语言整体。”(话语分析概要) 王福祥教授在话语语言学概论中则这样说:“我认为篇章是语言表达结构和意义关系的总合从广义说篇章既包括口头连贯话语(可命名为语篇),又包括书面的连贯的话语。“ 国外学者韩礼德(Halliday)和哈桑(Hasan)认为,最好

5、把语篇看作是语义单位(Sentence unit),即不是形式单位,而是意义单位。,综上所述,决定语篇的不是形式,而更多的是意义,是形式与意义的统一体。,语篇有哪些特征呢? 语义连贯(Coherence)是语篇的主要特征之一。语篇表达的不是彼此无关的信息,而是语义连贯,相互关联的信息,这些信息构成连贯的整体。 语篇中的寓意连贯借助衔接(Cohesion)和语境(Context),而且必须符合语义,语用和认知原则,句与句之间在概念上必须有联系,句与句的排列,信息与信息之间,符号与符号之间的排列都应符合逻辑。,英语的语篇无论是口头上还是以书面形式出现,都不是互不相干的句子的简单罗列,而是一系列意义

6、相关的句子为达到一定的交际目的并通过一定的粘着手段(cohesion)来实现的结合体。 The fundamental assumption underlying all approaches to discourse analysis is that language must be studied as it is used, in its context of production, and so the object of analysis is very rarely in the form of a sentence.,Discourse analysis is the study

7、 of language in use. It rests on the basic premise that language cannot be understood without reference to the context, both linguistic and extra-linguistic, in which it is used. In other words, the discourse analyst works with naturally occurring corpora.,Refer to: Pragmatics, Grice, and Speech Act

8、 Theory Relevance Theory,综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识,话题功能语法词汇语音,写读说听,课 程 目 标,小学英语课程目标,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。(喜欢唱,喜欢玩,喜欢听,喜欢说,喜欢读。),初中英语课程目标,培养学生听、说、读、写的交际能力,特别是听和说的能力。,高中英语课程目标,在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高三种能力: 用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力; 用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力; 用英语进行思维和

9、表达的能力。,阅读的三种模式,The Bottom-Up Model The Top-Down Model The Interactive Model,1. The Bottom-Up Model 自下而上的模式,In this model, reading is regarded as a process of “decoding”, which moves from the bottom to the top of the system of language.,The Meaning is in the Text 意义在文本 Meaning is extracted from the t

10、ext 文本出意义 Reader acts as a “decoder” 读者解读 Linear process线性加工过程 Letters words phrases sentences paragraphs text 语言单位递增,自下而上的模式对阅读教学的影响,这种模式是最传统的模式。 在这种模式的影响下,教师在阅读教学中: 先解词,后解词组,再后解句,最后才通篇理解。 因此,常常是把一篇文章的所有生词放在最前面来单独进行教学。这就是所谓的“扫雷”。,2. The Top-Down Model 自上而下的模式,A prediction-check process(一个假设检验的过程),a

11、 guessing game Not only linguistic knowledge but also background knowledge is involved in reading.,The Meaning is in the Reader意义来自读者 What the reader brings to the text is more important than the text itself 读者中心 Reader has an active role in the reading process读者积极参与 Background knowledge and knowled

12、ge of the world are more important than the clues in the text.宏观背景知识重于文本线索,自上而下的模式对阅读教学的影响,这种模式是对“自下而上”模式的一种反叛。 在这种模式的影响下,教师在进行阅读教学的时候,会重视背景知识对理解的作用。 因此,教师常常是先提供相关的背景知识,然后进入对材料的理解。,3. The Interactive Model 交互模式,整体性教学 注重语言的整体功能 注重语境(Context),Successful readers use both bottom-up and top-down at diffe

13、rent times during the reading process. 两种方式皆用 Both the text and the reader interact in a meaning creation process 文本与读者互动于意义建构,阅读能力 自动认字技能 (automatic recognition skills) 词汇与语言结构知识 (vocabulary and structure knowledge) 语篇结构知识 ( formal discourse structure knowledge) 社会文化背景知识 (content and background kno

14、wledge) 分析综合与评价技能和策略 (synthesis and evaluation skills and strategies) 监控阅读的元认知知识与技能 (metacognitive knowledge and skills monitoring reading),案例分析:七上Unit 9,Dear Jenny, I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00

15、 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P. E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 13:00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but afte

16、r that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing! How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject? Your friend, Yu Mei,视频1 视频2,阅读教学的一般模式,PWP阅读教学模式: Pre-reading 读前活动 While-reading 读中活动 Post-reading 读后活动,Pre-reading: to set the scene, and to predict; While-reading:

17、(During-reading) to get the gist, then to get the specific information (details), and to re-produce language used in the material; Post-reading: to sum up, to make decisions, to give opinions, and to produce language based on what has been learned,预测 略读 跳读 背景介绍,转换机制 问答 指代 推理 猜词 事实与观点,交流信息 讨论共识 解决问题

18、描写与辨认 接龙故事 辩论,读后活动,读中活动,读前活动,1. 读前活动设计 读前活动设计的目的 -兴趣准备 -心理准备 - 背景知识准备 -词语准备 (短小精彩,像凤头),激活背景知识 当文章出现在读者面前时,读者不仅需要足够的语言知识,而且还要有相关的背景知识和社会生活经验去填补作者句子间信息的空白,进而理解文章的含义。阅读是读物内容与读者背景知识相互作用的过程,而阅读理解则是读者利用自己的背景知识(含语言知识)对读物内容进行思维的过程。,【案例】八下 Unit 9 Have You Ever Been to an Amusement Park? -对教学目标的综合分析 教学目标应定位在训

19、练学生谈论是否去过某地的语言表达能力。 听力材料中提到的包括amusement park 在内的五个地名及相关信息应该是导入部分的重点内容。 -对学生整体情况的分析 要分析与确定教材主题内容、语言知识内容和技能要求与学生现有认知水平之间的差距。如何消除这个差距是以及可教学设计要解决的问题。,Have You Ever Been to Singapore? T/F Singapore is a big country in Europe. The population of Singapore is larger than that of Beijing. The capital of Sing

20、apore is Singapore. Singapore is one of the Four Tigers in Asia, and the other three are Japan, Korea and Taiwan.,Which city was once the capital city of the Qing Dynasty? A. Beijing B. Suzhou C. Xian D. Kaifeng (小组竞赛调动了学生参与学习活动的积极性; 答题过程中适时引入新单词,为后面的阅读扫清了词汇障碍 ),分享经历式导入 Unit 2 Maybe You Should Learn

21、 to Relax T: I know most of you are very busy having different lessons on the weekends. How do you find these lessons? Do you want to take them,or do your parents want you to? Please share with your parnters. (同伴交流周末补课的经历和感受,并在教师的指导下与全班分享),评析: -分享的方式激发学生用英语表达的欲望。也能培养学生运用语言有效沟通的能力,预测式导入 Unit 7 Would

22、You Mind Keeping Your Voice Down? -利用插图 (温州实验小学夏恩力:形式服务于内容) T:Look at the picture in the book. WHere are these people? (On the bus). What are they doing? (Spitting, talking loudly, littering, etc.) (引出新词) Are these polite behaviors? ( Of course not),-利用标题 T: What can you say to stop them from behavi

23、ng like this? Please list as many ways as possible.(复习已学知识) Possible answers: Would you please not Please dont You mustnt Could you please not T:We can also say “Would you mind not doing”, which seems more polite.,-通过问题设置悬念,使学生在阅读前对文章内容产生好奇 -引导学生预测过程中渗透词汇教学,为阅读理解扫清障碍,背景铺垫式 Unit 3 Do You Remember Wha

24、t You Were Doing? Martin Luther King 多媒体导入 Unit 1 DoYou Think You Will Have Your Own Robot? -Watch a video about robot .,预测:Setting the Scene and Predicting,T: Can we read about famous persons in an encyclopedia? Have you heard about Walt Disney? 引出单词:amusement park, Disneyland, ,Setting the Scene a

25、nd Predicting,T: We are going to read two passages from an encyclopedia. One about dinosaurs, and the other about a famous person. What do you expect/want to know about dinosaurs? What do you think was Walt Disney famous for? 引出单词:cartoon characters, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, ,Predicting,Predicting

26、,strong wind,sand,dangerous,get lost,hot,small population,camel,47,2. 读中活动设计 读中活动设计的目的 -提高快速阅读理解能力 -通过阅读感知和学习语言知识 (充实丰富,像猪肚:应该把主要精力放在如何使用恰当的阅读策略获取主要事实和观点上),读中活动设计中存在的问题 【案例】八下 Unit 4 She said helping others changed her life. A: skim the text and then fill in the table after reading,评析: 第一遍阅读就进入细节,案例

27、二 北师大版 初一下 Unit 12 We Visited the Great Wall 活动1 T/F -John went to the Great Wall in March. -John went there by bus. -It was hot that day. 活动2 Answer the questions: -When did John go to the Great Wall? -How did he go there? -What was the weatherlike that day?,评析: -读中活动层次性不强 -内容重复,难以实现新的阅读目标 -学习效率低,默

28、读。对于中等水平和高等水平的阅读者来说,快速地进行阅读是完全有可能的。没有必要一字一句地通读全文。有些词汇对于整篇文章的理解是可有可无的,完全可以被忽略掉。 略读。略读是快速阅读的一种。略读是指阅读者为了快速捕捉文章的中心思想而采取的一种阅读策略。为了合理有效地运用这一策略,阅读者需要跳过一些不必要的细节,快速浏览一下标题或者副标题,抓住每段的主题句。 查读。查读是指为了查找文章中的某些具体信息而带有目的性的一种阅读策略。这些特定信息如:数字、年代、人物、地名等。为了节约时间,对于学生来说,最好在浏览文章之前先看懂问题。查读与略读都不同于一般的阅读,即一字一句的阅读,而是有选择性的跳跃式的阅读

29、;二者的区别在于:前者是指为查找某些特定信息的快速阅读策略,后者则是快速捕捉文章中心思想的阅读策略。,Getting the gist (Skimming),Read the 1st passage and tell your neighbour what a dinosaurs is in a simple/short sentence. Read the 2nd passage and tell your neighbour who Walt Disney is. When shall the teacher ask the question(s)? The question(s) mus

30、t go before reading.,Understanding details (Scanning),What do we mean by “scanning”? e.g. : Looking at the timetable at the station. Doing information transfer activities using transition devices,Information transfer activities using transition devices,Transition device: A way to transfer informatio

31、n from one form, e.g. the text form, to another, e.g. a visual form.,Sophisticated Input (SI),Transition Device (TD),Output (OP),Transition devices can be used to make information in text form effectively processed and retained.,Some transition devices,Pictures, drawings, maps, tables, tree diagrams

32、, cyclic diagrams, pie charts, bar charts, flow charts, chronological sequence, subtitles (providing subtitles), notes (taking notes while reading), etc.,Tree diagram,Bar chart,Pie chart,Examples of using transition devices,Example 1 Read the following passage and complete the table, which compares

33、the two earthquakes.,At 5:13 on the morning of April 18th, 1906, the city of San Francisco was shaken by a terrible earthquake. A great part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings were burnt. The number of people who lost their homes reached as many as 250 000. About 700 people di

34、ed in the earthquake and the fires.,Another earthquake shook San Francisco on October 17th, 1989. It was Americas second strongest earthquake and about 100 people were killed. It happened in the evening as people were travelling home. A wide and busy road, which was built like a bridge over another

35、road, fell onto the one below. Many people were killed in the cars, but a few lucky ones were not hurt.,Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the centre of town but about 50 kilometres away. In one part of the town a great many buildings were destroyed. These buildings were over 50 years old

36、, so they were not strong enough. There were a lot of fires all over the city. The electricity was cut of for several days too.,Example 2,Making inferences; Understanding references; Guessing unknown words;,What does the word mean?,Why did he become rich and famous?,Summarizing; Dinosaurs existed lo

37、ng after human beings. They lived in some parts of the world. They were all very big. Some could fly. They were all harmful and dangerous. Retelling: Dinosaursmore than 60 million years before everywherebigsmallflyharmlessharmfuldied outfossils,A card game,Im a human being. (who am I?) Im a cartoon

38、character. (who am I?) My name is Snow White. Im a human being. (who am I?) Im founder of Disneyland. (who am I?) My name is Walt Disney. Im an animal. (who am I?) Im a cartoon character. (who am I?) Im small. Im Mickey Mouse. Im an animal. (who am I?) Im a cartoon character. (who am I?) Im Donald D

39、uck. Im an animal. (who am I?) Im very large and harmful. (who am I?) Im a dinosaurs. ,74,Animals: tiger rabbit elephant panda dolphin description: brave lovely interesting strong dangerous,matching games,Surname given name Sex male female Age _ Marital status_ Nationality_ Profession_ Experience: A

40、chievements:,三、读后活动设计 读后活动设计的目的 -巩固和运用阅读材料中的新学词汇和语言结构 -提高围绕阅读材料的主题内容进行表达的能力 -强化文化差异意识,培养学生健康向上的品德和情感 -提高学生的思维能力 (刚健有力,像豹子尾:厚积薄发,步步为营扎实完成阅读中的各项任务),存在的问题 -忽略或简化读后活动,将其变成词汇学习活动 -读后活动过量 -读后活动与教学内容和目标脱节,没有进一步练习和运用所学语言知识 -不符合学生认知特点与知识水平 -语言输出缺少必要的支架,活动开展前的铺垫不足,教学建议: 阅读后的拓展活动为学生提供了运用所学语言的机会。有了阅读中的文本理解和语言积累

41、,拓展活动的设计要注意梯度,语言输出就水到渠成。 -基于文本的拓展 -联系生活实际的拓展,【案例】Unit 9 Have You Ever Been to Singpore? 读中: -从population, language, food, temperature, animal 介绍新加坡。 读后(拓展延伸部分): -阅读短文Singapore in our eyes,巩固所学内容。 -仿写: * in my eyes (有了前面的铺垫,能很好地运用所学词汇),阅读教学中的词汇教学 方式一:阅读前单独教学词汇 优点:阅读中词汇障碍减少,整体理解文章 变得更容易。 问题:听写成绩不理想; 听

42、写单词枯燥费力; 单词容易忘记; 学生产生畏惧和厌倦心理; 疑问: 如果课堂教学这样处理生词再进入阅读环节,学生在独立阅读时遇到生词怎么办?先把生词划出来,查了字典再阅读?,方式二:通过语境引出教学词汇 优点:具体的情景中呈现词汇,词不离句,句不离文,有助于理解;文章分解成片段能降低学生理解文章的难度 疑问:学生在接触整篇文章之前,教师先分段讲解与分析,是否会影响学生对整片材料的感知? 是否有利于培养学生独立阅能力?,方式三:在学生独立阅读文章后的检测练习中教学词汇 优点:有助于全体学生理解与掌握新词汇,面向全体,且注重基础,训练形式多样;在各种练习中呈现系会再讲解,让学生感觉不是专门学单词,

43、而是为了理解和表达的需要。 疑问:如果不事先教学词汇,学生在理解上就会产生障碍,这样是否会影响阅读的速度与效果?在练习中呈现生词是否也影响监测的效果?,分阶段落实词汇教学 阅读前:教师对阅读材料与词汇的分析到位 -对没有一定背景知识就难以理解的材料,教师有必要先补充有关背景知识。 -借助一定的情景引出新词汇,并进行解释和领读。 【案例】八下 Unit 8 Why Dont You Learn English Songs? -课前听歌猜明星的活动,引出stage, winner, modest, interested,2. 阅读中:指导学生运用词汇学习策略到位 -构词推断法 前后缀: retur

44、n, recall, review disappear, dislike kindness, darkness, illness 合成词: playground, outstanding skateboard,-语境理解法 一个词或词组,在词典里是孤立的,但一旦用于具体的语篇中,它就形成了整个语篇结构的一部分并与其他词语构成一个有机的编码系统及上下文,并和特定的语境相关联。 【案例】 Her village was 2000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air make her feel sick.,-英语释义法 通过近义词,反义

45、词或英语语句解释,有利于培养学生用英语思维与表达的习惯。 【案例 】八下 Unit 3 Do You Remember What You Were Doing? be killed by someone unknown: murder fortunately: luckily (复现以前学过的词汇; 训练了根据上下文猜词的能力),3. 阅读后: 学生巩固所学词汇到位 -复述课文既可以检查学会僧发音以及对所学词汇的运用情况,使学生深刻理解课文内容,又可以训练学生书写与记忆单词的能力。 【案例】八下 Unit 7 Would You Mind Keeping Your Voice Down? Wo

46、uld you mind , drop litter, feel uncomfortable,take care, pick up -选词造句;小组合作编对话或故事,-读后续写 对课文进行改写、缩写或扩写能培养学生的语言运用能力、创新思维和想象能力。,语篇分析理论指导下的阅读教学,包括内部分析和外部分析。 内部分析指的是对语篇实现途径的分析。它涉及到小句功能语义的主要单位,主位述位的分布,结合连贯的手段,修辞手段和信息结构。 外部分析指的是从语篇范围、语篇基调、语篇方式三个角度来分析语篇。语篇范围与概念意义有关,它用来谈论世界上所发生的事情,以及我们对世界的经历和看法。概念意义还包括表达小句之

47、间的逻辑意义。语篇基调和人际意义相关。它是用来与别人交往,建立或保持与别人的关系,影响别人的行为,表达讲话人的态度、看法等。语篇方式和语篇意义相联系,指的是用来组织语句和话段,把单个的情形,意念连接起来。,语篇层次的外部分析,从语场(field)、语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)着手。语场指发生的事情,进行的社会活动和交流的内容,与概念功能(ideational function)相关。语旨指的是参加者间的人际关系以及语言在特定语境中的使用目的,与人际功能(interpersonal function)相关。语式指在特定语境中使用何种方式来表达意思和传达信息,与语篇功能(textual f

48、unction)相关。 语场、语旨和语式这三种语境的符号组成部分分别涉及到Halliday(1973)在Explorations in the Function of Language一书中指出的语言三大功能。从教学角度看,就是把课文作为整体,从文章的层次结构和内容上入手,要求学生掌握文章所传递的主要信息。,语篇层次的内部分析,是对实现语篇的语言手段展开分析。不仅要分析小句即语义的基本单位的功能,而且要分析语篇的“主位述位”(theme-rheme)分布,“衔接”(cohesion)和“连贯”(coherence)手段,修辞文体手段及信息结构等方面,侧重注意培养学生的语言综合运用能力和交际能力。,阅读=信息处理,阅读被动到主动的过程 1982年心理学家Nuttal提出,阅读是“一个交流的互动过程”,并且形容其为“对语篇主动质问的过程”,也就是说,语篇的生产者通过语篇将信息编码,阅读者通过解码来获得语篇意义,所以在这个过程中,学生应该发挥自己的主观积极性。 阅读是“an interactive process of communication”(交流的互动过程),并把外语阅读描写为“active interrogation of


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