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1、THE MULTICULTURAL EDGE: RISING SUPER CONSUMERS DIVERSE INTELLIGENCE SERIES THE MULTICULTURAL EDGE: RISING SUPER CONSUMERS FOREWORD The Multicultural Edge: Rising Super Consumers is a fresh perspective on multicultural consumers as the emerging consumer force in America today. It builds on the previo

2、us series of groundbreaking analytic reports on the attitudes and behaviors of African-American, Asian-American and Hispanic consumers and illustrates why companies should consider multicultural consumers as the cornerstone of todays successful marketing strategies. As the nations three largest mult

3、icultural groups continue their upward trajectory in both numbers and buying power, the need for a nuanced, culturally acute roadmap to the youngest and fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population has never been greater. This report shows that multicultural consumers, both individually and collec

4、tively, already represent more than their numerical share across a wide swathe of product categories. They are leading the way in digital devices and social media, which they use to celebrate and maintain their evolving cultural identities, as well as to connect with each other and the world around

5、them. In many product categories, they are “super consumers,” as this comprehensive report will illustrate. Multicultural shoppers may be the key to the future, not just because of their numbers, youth and economic clout, but because their unprecedented influence on the attitudes and consumption hab

6、its of non-multicultural consumers is upending outdated assumptions and enlarging and expanding the multicultural market opportunity. Whats more, the way culturally diverse shoppers cluster in certain regions and metro areas is amplifying their impact within and across all consumer groups, and exten

7、ding their buying patterns. Most important, marketers and advertisers who grasp and activate the multicultural edge will be poised to connect with rising super consumers and thrive in an increasingly multicultural mainstream. Yours truly, 2 Mnica Gil SVP and General Manager Multicultural Growth and

8、Strategy Saul Rosenberg Chief Content Officer Copyright 2015 The Nielsen Company EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Multicultural consumers are transforming the U.S. mainstream. Propelled by the twin engines of population growth and expanding buying power, they are at the leading edge of converging demographic and s

9、ocial trends that are reshaping how marketers and advertisers use culture to connect with increasingly diverse customers. By understanding the cultural essence that drives multicultural consumer behavior today, marketers and advertisers are getting a glimpse of future market trends and forging a lon

10、g-term relationship with the most dynamic and fastest- growing segment of the U.S. consumer economy. Media-savvy and socially empowered, multicultural consumers are: Empowered and culture-driven shoppers, who over-index on a wide range of products and services. In an increasing number of consumer pr

11、oduct categories, multicultural consumers comprise a high percentage of the “Super Consumers,” the top 10% of households who drive at least 30% of sales, 40% of growth and 50% of profits. Multicultural consumers, who are seeking brands that speak to their culture, self-image and aspirations, often g

12、eographically cluster with non-multiculturals who share their brand and product preferences in “Super Geos.” Younger than the rest of the population, they are trendsetters and tastemakers across a broad range of categories, from food and beverage to beauty products. Cultural traditions and social as

13、pirations that drive multicultural shopping and product behaviors are also resonating with many mainstream shoppers, which increases return on investment and magnifies the business case for reaching multicultural consumers. In their prime, multicultural consumers are starting families, making plans

14、and establishing long-term brand relationships. The compound effect of youth and extended life expectancy make multicultural consumers a key to long-term growth for products and brands. 3 THE MULTICULTURAL EDGE: RISING SUPER CONSUMERS Expressive and inclusive, an Ambicultural identity1 very often al

15、lows multicultural consumers to simultaneously maintain their cultural heritage and see themselves as part of the new mainstream, allowing them to mix and match endless choices and products to suit their effortless duality in lifestyles and tastes. They are proponents of exchange who love to share t

16、heir personal cultures and explore the cultures of others. Connected and mobile savvy, multicultural consumers use their smartphones and other devices at much higher rates and more intensely than their non-multicultural counterparts. Their social network profiles are inherently cultural, and they ar

17、e voracious users of mobile entertainment. Multicultural consumers over-index on popular apps that help them express their cultural and social identities. Interethnic and multigenerational, they are leading the CulturEdge.2 As a result, the multicultural selling proposition for marketers and adverti

18、sers extends beyond the size of the multicultural population. Just as soul food, sushi, tacos, pizza and other once-ethnic foods have become as ubiquitous as apple pie and hot dogs, the traditions, attitudes and shopping behaviors of multiculturals are influencing mainstream consumers, expanding the

19、 multicultural market opportunity. 1,2 Ambicultural and CulturEdge are registered service marks of EthniFacts, LLC and are used with their permission. 4 Copyright 2015 The Nielsen Company COnTEnTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.03 GLOSSARY OF ESSENTIAL TERMS06 SECTION ITHE NEW MAINSTREAM.07 GRowTh IN PoPuLaTIoN



22、key group to unlocking profitable growth in any category. They are the subset of consumers who drive the most value and are the most involved in a given category. Emotionally and economically engaged, they are the top 10% of households who drive at least 30% of sales, 40% of growth and 50% of profit

23、s. They are the speediest path to super insights and strategy in any business landscape and the difference between holding steady and unlocking significant growth. Super Geos are geographies with a higher concentration of Super Consumers. Very often these areas have a network effect in that even peo

24、ple who dont qualify as Super Consumers tend to spend more on a given product category, resulting in strategically important local profit pools. Ambicultural refers to the ability and willingness to function competently in two cultures. For many U.S. multicultural consumers, this is not a transition

25、 between two cultures, but rather an aspirational and behavioral destination that includes a shift from both the less and more acculturated sides of the traditional culture model. Multicultural Consumers are defined using the U.S. Census Bureau definition, as being composed of several different race

26、 categoriesBlack, American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, Other, and Two or More Races. Hispanics of any race are also considered multicultural consumers, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as an ethnicity, not a race. CulturEdge refers to the social spaces where people of any race or ethnicity exc

27、hange their distinct cultures with parity and reciprocity. Those social spaces include physical places or venues with multiethnic proximity, virtual ones as in social media, shared lifestyle orientations, popular culture affinities, and more. CulturEdge consumers are adopting or have already adopted

28、 cultural attitudes and behaviors of one or more distinct cultures beyond their own. Non-Hispanic Whites are defined using the U.S. Census Bureau definition, as those who identified White as their race and an ethnicity other than Hispanic/ Latino. We will refer to these as NHWhite in this report. Ne

29、w Mainstream* is used to describe the emerging multicultural U.S. marketplace. As the population shifts, and the old mainstream becomes more diverse, it is no longer a valid business strategy to assume that ethnicity and race will eventually become irrelevant and dissolve into a homogenous “general

30、market.” Instead, marketers should adjust and update their efforts to address a new mainstream marketplace that reflects and acknowledges consumers of all races and ethnicities as the source of new social trends and business growth and develop activation strategies based on this reality. GLOSSARY OF

31、 ESSEnTIAL TERMS 6 *The New Mainstream: How the Multicultural Consumer Is Transforming American Business Copyright 2015 The Nielsen Company7 GROWTh In POPULATIOn AnD BUYInG POWER SECTION I U.S. MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS ARE 120 MILLION STRONG 2,303,185191,9326,310 263 EVERy YEAR EVERy MONTH EVERy DAY

32、EVERy HOUR Source: 20142019 Nielsen Pop-Facts demographics Note: For our purposes, Multiculturals equal the Total Population minus the Population that is White and not Hispanic/Latino. YEARMONTHDAY TIME THE NEW MAINSTREAM MULTICULTURAL AMERICANS ARE A LARGE, YOUNG, AND GROWING SEGMENT. MULTICULTURAL

33、 GROWTH IS A PRODUCT OF BOTH IMMIGRATION AND BIRTH RATES. Multicultural consumers are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. Already over 120 million strong and increasing by 2.3 million per year, multicultural populations are the growth engine of the future in the United States. Hispan

34、ics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans and all other multiculturals already make up 38% of the U.S. population, with Census projections showing that multicultural populations will become a numeric majority by 2044. The U.S. Census Bureau is currently reviewing the addition of a MENA category for pe

35、ople of Middle Eastern or North African descent on the 2020 decennial census. Currently, largely identified as NHWhite, this potential change could affect the date of the majority-minority tipping point. THE MULTICULTURAL EDGE: RISING SUPER CONSUMERS8 Multicultural growth is a product of both immigr

36、ation and birth rates. In 2012, the Census Bureau announced that NHWhites accounted for a minority of births for the first time in U.S. history. For NHWhites, the number of children the average woman is predicted to have in her lifetime is 1.8, but it is higher for Hispanics (2.2) and African- Ameri

37、cans (1.9).3 In sheer numbers, Hispanics will experience the most growth among multicultural consumers, growing from 17% of the total population in 2013 to 29% by 2060. According to Census projections, by 2020, Hispanics will account for over half of all U.S. population growth and nearly 85% by 2050

38、. African-American growth will accelerate to 18% of total population growth by 2020 and increase to 21% by 2060, while Asian-Americans will be responsible for 15% of total growth by 2020 and increase to 19%. As the NHWhite population ages, their share of growth will begin to decline. This dramatic s

39、hift will occur as a 7% growth share in 2020 for NHWhites will become a decline of 6% by 2030. In 2012, for the first time, the U.S. Census reported that due to their more advanced age profile, NHWhite mortality exceeded births, and net gains for NHWhites were based on immigration. Multicultural and

40、 mixed-race Americans are changing the face of the future. Prior to the 2000 U.S. Census, respondents only had the opportunity to pick one box for self-ascribed race. Beginning in 2000, more than one box was allowed, and 2010 was the first opportunity to view multiple race growth data. The 2010 Cens

41、us showed that within one decade, growth of the multiple-race population increased 32%, while the single race population increased by only 9%. In this environment of culture sharing and shifting, the emerging culture will be led by a mixed blend of people from various backgrounds, and no single race

42、 or ethnicity will comprise a majority. Further data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey shows that between 2006 and 2014, multiple race populations grew 77%, while NHWhites in multicultural households increased by 30%. This indicates a stronger opportunity through proximity for cultural

43、sharing and blending that increases the pool of consumers with a multicultural mind set. AmericAn Diversity is Destiny EVEN AS IMMIGRATION SLOWS, AMERICA WILL INEXORABLY BECOME MORE DIVERSE. of ThE ToTaL GRowTh IN u.S. PoPuLaTIoN fRoM 2000 To 2014, CaME fRoM MuLTICuLTuRaL CoNSuMERS 92% PoP (MILLIoNS

44、) 2014 (%PEN) 2060 (%PEN) HISPANIC NON-HISPANIC WHITE AFRICAN-AMERICAN ASIAN-AMERICAN OTHER/2+ RACES 56 197 40 16 14 17.6% 62.1% 12.7% 5.0% 4.3% 29.3% 42.6% 14.7% 8.2% 8.2% Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts, CY2014 with U.S. Census Bureau, 2060 projections (Dec 2012) with reported numbers to exceed 100% due

45、 to allocation/overlap for Hispanics of mixed race. Included in “Other/2+” are 3.1 million native American Indian and Native Alaskans (AINA), plus 600,000 Native Hawaiian however, it is the compounding of life expectancy with median age that presents the real opportunity. YOUTh DRIVES ROI ADVAnTAGE

46、EACH SUCCESSIVE GENERATION IS BECOMING MORE MULTICULTURAL WITH THE GEN NEXT POPULATION, UNDER AGE 9, ALREADY REACHING THE “TIPPING POINT.” Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts, CY 2014 aggregate of single year age by race by ethnicity (ASRE) with collapse Race/Ethnicity into “core” diversity cohorts. MuLTICuLT

47、uRaL (aLL oThER), %MC NoN-hISPaNIC whITE, %Nhw GI GEN BOOMER GEN-X MILLENNIAL GEN NEXT 4 2013 ACS Median Age 5 2012 World Health Organization 10 AmericAn Diversity By GenerAtiOn 16.9%83.1% 65.0% 75.7% 55.5% 53.8% 78.2% 60.3% 70.4% 56.2% 49.2% 21.8% 24.3% 29.6% 35.0% 39.7% 44.5% 43.8% 46.2% 50.8% 80+

48、 7079 aGE aGE 6069 5060 aGE aGE 4550 4044 aGE aGE 3039 2029 aGE aGE 1019 9 aGE aGE Copyright 2015 The Nielsen Company YEARS OF EFFECTIVE BUYING POWER STRONGEST AMONG MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS ThE MuLTICuLTuRaL PoPuLaTIoN LEaDS ThE way IN EffECTIVE yEaRS of BuyING PowER, ExCEEDING ThaT of NhwhITES. HIS

49、PANICS aVERaGE 19.8 MoRE yEaRS of EffECTIVE BuyING PowER, ASIAN-AMERICANS 15.6 MoRE yEaRS aND AFRICAN-AMERICANS 5.6 MoRE yEaRS. LIFE EXPECTANCY MEDIAN AGE YEARS OF EFFECTIVE BUYING POWER Source: CDC NCHS 2010 Life Expectancy/ACS Median Age For marketers and advertisers, the greater years of effective buying power represented by multicultural consumers translates into a better long-term return on their marketing and advertising dollars. The effective years of buying power for African-Americans (42.3 years), Asian-Americans (52.3 years) and H


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