九年级英语上册 Module 8 Photos全模块综合课件 外研版.ppt

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1、MODULE 8 Photos,教学内容、目标与要求,题材内容 本模块的中心话题是照片,对话内容是关于Tony为了参加比赛在学校舞会上赶拍照片的经过;阅读课文以公布上一年摄影比赛的结果为依托,介绍了各种不同题材的照片。课文从听说读写都围绕着“谈论照片”而展开,很好地融合了以which和who引导的定语从句的学习与运用。,学情分析 1. 本模块的活动内容对学生来说是较为熟悉和生活化的,许多学生家里有照相机而且自己动手拍过照片;一些同学拍的照片还参加过学校举行的摄影比赛,因此学生对此内容的学习将不会太陌生。 2. 由于上一模块已学习了that引导的定语从句,本模块中要引入which和who引导的从

2、句,只要注意先行词的不同,即可有水到渠成之功。 3. 利用丰富多彩的照片展示,给学生以美的享受,从而使学生的多种感官交替使用,达到学习和训练英语基础知识和基本技能的目的。,教学目标 一、语言知识目标 二、语言技能目标 三、学习策略 四、文化意识 五、情感态度 六、任务,一、语言知识目标 1. 功能:能够用本模块的表达形式谈论人或物。 2. 语法:能够熟练判断定语从句所用的引导词which和who,能够运用此类定语从句。 3. 词汇:能够正确使用下列单词和词组:on the left/right, trouble, expect, pick up, kid, even though, size,

3、 beauty, category, movement, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, frightened 能够理解下列单词: shot, historic, feature 4. 语音:在句子中掌握词的重读。,二、语言技能目标 听:能够听懂含有照片为话题的对话以及对照片 的描述。 说:能谈论自己喜爱的照片 。 读:能根据相关信息预测文章所描述的是怎样的照片。 写:能利用本模块介绍的定语从句造句和描写事情或人物。 演示与表达:发表自己对照片以及照片内容的看法和喜好。,三、学习策略 1.自学策略:

4、学会用英文与别人交流对照片以及其它事物的看法。 2.合作学习策略:积极参与讨论,倾听他人看法,发表个人观点。,四、文化意识 结合照片内容向学生介绍各种各类照片所承载的文化内涵,使学生了解文化是渗透在生活中的。,五、情感态度 学会欣赏照片:欣赏美的照片以培养审美情趣;也欣赏真而缺乏美的照片因为它们反映生活的真实面貌。通过这样的欣赏使学生走出“象牙塔”去感悟生活。,六、任务 挑选自己最喜爱的照片,并附英文说明,在小组中举行一次照片展览。向组内成员描述所选的照片,叙述喜欢它的原因。最后在班级中张贴。,课时安排 Period 1: Unit 1 Period 2; Unit 2 Period 3: U

5、nit 3 (Grammar, Listening & Speaking) Period 4: Unit 3 (Vocabulary, Reading & Writing),Its the band which gets everyone dancing.,Unit 1,Period One Unit 1 教学设计 (听说为主),1.Pre-listening 以复习上一模块的照片和教材中的Activity1作为pre-listening,一方面学习词汇和短语,另一方面激活学生的相关知识经验。 2.Listening comprehension 听力活动的安排分为三步,按照辨认、转换 、重组与

6、再现的层次从浅入深进行。 第一遍听,回答一个无语法难度的宏观问题。 第二遍听,完成non-productive理解问题。设计一个信息转换任务,完成表格。 第三遍听,完成productive理解问题。教材中Activity 4 用在这儿较合适。,3.Vocabulary using 学生通读对话,学习语法,练习词汇与短语等,主要活动为找出课文中的定语从句,完成Activity 6。教材中Activity 5 较难,可作为选做题。 4.Speaking 说的活动事实上是听的延续,是听的输出。可以重现听力活动第二步后的表格, 让学生讲述Tony在舞会中的经历, 然后完成教材Activity 7 和A

7、ctivity 8。,the photos that / which Tonys dad took in Australia,Pre-listening,Look at the photo. Say where it is and whats happening. Use the words in the box to help you.,at the back at the front band blues dance concert drums guitar loud on the left on the right sing,Listening comprehension Q: Was

8、there anything wrong with He Zhongs camera?,Tonys experiences at the dance,other peoples heads,He Zhong,The drums,playing the guitar,camera,Read the questions,then listen again and answer them.Write notes.,Why cant Tony take photos of the Blues Boys at first? Why does he want to get some good photos

9、? How popular are the Blues Boys? Who does Tony think will win the competition? Why is Tony unhappy?,Because he cant see over peoples heads.,Because he is going to enter the photo competition.,Its the band which gets evceryone dancing.,Tony himself.,Because his camera has gone.,Answer the questions.

10、 Use the words in the box. 1.Will Tony enter the photo competition? 2.Did they expect to see Tonys dad? Did Tony expect to see the camera in his bag?,Yes, Tony will enter the photo competition.,No, they didnt expect to see Tonys dad. Tony expected to see the camera in his bag.,3.Did Tony get any goo

11、d shots of the band? Did He Zhong? 4.Do you think Tony looks after this camera?,Yes, Tony got some good shots of the band. I dont know if He Zhong got good shots of the band.(or Students own answers.),No, I dont think Tony looks after this camera.,5.Where does Tonys dad hope to go with Tony when he

12、picks him up? 6.Did Tony try out his fathers camera?,When he picks Tony up Tonys dad hopes to go home with Tony.,Yes, Tony tried out his fathers camera.,Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a photo shown on the screen, and describe it to Student B. Student B: Listen to Student As description of a photo

13、on show. Guess which photo he/she is describing. There is a boy who is singing. Is it Picture 1?,Which photo?,Which photo?,5. Homework,1). Read the dialogue in Unit 1 again. 2). Finish Exx.2&8 on the workbook.,重、难点及突破: 重点是由which和who引导的定语从句,在听前活动中就可以引入。因为在上一模块中学生已学了that引导的定语从句,这部分不会太难。 难点是听力过程中对新语言现象

14、的理解。听前活动相当重要,这一环节主要解决课文中新的语言现象,使学生在做听力时能很快进入状态。,Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are.,Period Two Unit 2 教学设计 (读写为主),本单元的活动设计以阅读为主,外加一个写作活动。阅读的教学运用图式理论,采取“自上而下”的方式,将篇章作为整体来处理。教学步骤如下: 1.Pre-Reading 读前活动是为了引发学生对本单元的学习兴趣。这里安排Workbook Ex.3作为一个猜测活动来激活学生已有的知识和经验,调动学生的主观能动性,构建新的知识。 The Guessing Ga

15、me Student A says a sentence that begins: Im thinking of a person who OR Im thinking of something which Student B must guess who the person is or what the thing is.,2. Lead-in 从照片导入照片的分类。 再进入Activity1: Look at the photos which won last years photo competition. What categories do you think the prizes

16、 were for?,Categories of photos,Nature,Everyday City Life,Traditional Culture,Historic China,Sport,Most Unusual,Categories of photos,Music,Many Faces of Our City,Most Unusual,Historic China,Traditional Culture,3. While-reading 阅读过程中主要训练学生的阅读技巧,整体把握文章。这里我们分三步进行:1)整体粗读,领略内容大意;2)分段细读,注意细节,注意语言结构;3)整体重读

17、,深层理解,掌握语言结构。 1) Fast-reading 略读文章,把课文图片与其相应的奖项进行搭配。 2) Detailed-reading 仔细阅读课文,完成Activities 4,3,7,6。 3) Language Focus,4. Post-reading 阅读后的活动主要的目的是活化教材,培养创造性思维,做意义性练习来加深理解。我们安排一个“谈论本单元最喜爱的照片”的话题让学生展开讨论。也为课后的书面表达作业做一个铺垫。,Check the true sentences. The photo competition was more popular than it was la

18、st year. 2. Tiananmen Square is longer from north to south than from west to east. 3. There were several photos which won the “Most Unusual” prize. 4. Some old photos of Beijing entered for the competition. 5. John William is,this year,in the past,werent,were,coming to China soon.,in China now.,Comp

19、lete the table. Write notes.,Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the places.,Answer the questions. 1.”read on to find out who the winners are.” Where do you find who the winners are? 2.”the fun which their fans are having.” Why are the fans having fun? 3.”It successfully shows the rich culture which

20、 makes Beijing so famous.” Who or what shows the rich culture?,Language Focus 阅读中对语言点的学习和掌握,我们不作面面俱到的解释和说明,而是根据自己学生的实际情况选择真正重点或学生难以理解的知识进行讲解和操练。其它大意的理解可以让学生在阅读中根据上下文自己猜测。这是阅读训练的一个方面。 1)本课的词汇处理。我们选择even though这个较为重要的连词和feature,include,present这三个动词,因为对学生来说往往动词的使用更难;其它词汇(如historic,category等)已在图片导入时学习了;

21、剩下的可以让学生根据上下文猜测大意,并通过找同义词、反义词的方式学习。 2)难句的理解。,It includes photos of different parts of the city. include: to put in with something else to have as a part,e.g. The price includes postage charges.,He has agreed to present the prizes at the prize giving ceremony at the end of this month. present: 1./pre

22、znt/ n. a gift 2./prizent/ v. to give sth. away 3./prizent/ v. to be the cause of 4./prizent/ v. to introduce someone,e.g. He presented a silver cup to the winner.,A collection of photos which features Beijing won the prize for the “Most Unusual” category. feature: 1.to include as a special part or

23、quality 2.to be present as a special part or quality,e.g. a new film featuring Jack Nicholson,Even though all of the photos are excellent, we cant give prizes to everyone. even though: if even if; no matter if; though because,e.g. 1) Even though he felt very tired he did not lose his spirit. 2) He w

24、ill never be dishonest even though he is reduced to poverty.,Vocabulary review Find words in the passage which mean the opposite of the words in the box. Now correct the sentences. 1 The park is far away from Li Weis home. 2 The photos of the collection the “Many Faces of OUr City” is usual. 3 The w

25、inners of the “Most Unusual” category are from different classes. 4 Its unlucky that John William will present the prizes.,close modern poor same unlucky usual,close to,unusual.,the same school,lucky,Compared with other years, we received many more photos.,2.The person who won the prize for the “Mos

26、t Beautiful Nature” photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.,3.The photo which we liked best in the “Historic China” group was taken by Zhao MIn.,4.He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band, and the fun which their fans are having.,5. A collection of photos called th

27、e “Many Faces of Our City” which features Beijing won the prize for the “Most Unusual” category.,Do you know these sentences?,Discussion,Talk about your favourite photograph in this unit. Include the following: What it shows. Where it was taken. The main colours of the photograph. Details about the

28、people and things. Why you like it.,5. Homework,1) Review the text; 2) Write a short passage about your favourite photograph. (More than 80 words.) 3)Remember to bring your photo to school tomorrow.,重、难点及突破: 重点: 理解课文并掌握文中由which和who引导的定语从句。我们用了整体阅读的方式,“自上而下”,由简而难,达到重点的把握。 难点:课文中难句和长句的理解;文后的写作练习。对难、长句

29、我们进行着重地分析;写作练习则按照课文示例先进行口头介绍,分清步骤,消除学生对作文的畏难心理。,Unit 3 Language in use,Period Three Unit 3 教学设计 (综合训练,语法强化),Unit3的宗旨在于通过综合训练,掌握并运用新语法,培养学生听、说、读、写的技能。在教学中,应充分利用本单元以及Workbook中的练习,进行挑选并合理组合成两堂复习巩固课,使学生在这两堂课中能:1)巩固本模块的词汇;2)巩固本模块的语法;3)提高各项技能。 这一课时以训练听说能力和总结巩固语法为主,辅以少量阅读,最后在说的基础上发展写的练习。,1. 说: 先以检查作业导入,让学生

30、拿出自己最喜爱的照片,然后完成Module task: Making a photo show中的Activities 11&12. 在Activity 11中学生谈论的是自己的照片,而且说前有了准备,应该能顺利完成;因此在Activity 12中应让学生讲述别人的照片和其中的故事,进一步训练学生即席表达的能力。,2. 听:做Workbook Ex.7. 3. 语法总结和巩固练习。从简单到复杂,这时候要处理教学内容编排。 1)Workbook, Ex4: Complete the passage with which or who. 2)Unit 3, Activity4: Join the

31、sentences with who or which. 3)Unit 3, Activity3: Match the parts of the sentences.,4. 阅读:Around the world Look at the photo and read the passage. Then answer the following questions: Who took this photo? What do you think of it?,5.写的训练: 1)呈现照片,,2)就所问问题先作口头回答,然后写在作业本上。,两人一组就照片像示例一样提问,然后写下答案. Which p

32、hoto? Which girl? Which photo is better? ,Workbook Ex.4 Complete the passage with which or who. I have a friend (1)_wants to be a photographer and always has his camera with him. The camera belonged to his father. He gave it to his sonn shenhe bought another vamera (2)_was even more expensive. My fa

33、ther takes pictures (3)_ Everyone thinks should be in magazines-they are so good. He has a photo of me and my family (4)_I really want but he refuses to give it to me.,Activity 4 Join the sentences with who or which. 1 My aunt bought a car. The car was destroyed by her husband. My aunt bought a car_

34、. 2 Here is the girl. The girl wants to see you. Here is the girl_. 3 I am the only student. I can run faster than Peter. I am the only student _. 4 Yesterday we bought a book. The book is really hard to understand. Yesterday we bought a book_. 5 Is this the play? We will see the play next month. Is

35、 this the play_.,Activity 3 Match the parts of the sentences .,1Beijing is the city 2 The photographers were three students 3 Tiananmen Square was the subject of the photo 4 The tall boy 5 The movie,which,who,we saw last night was not very good.,you met just now is my brother.,won a prize.,go to the

36、 same school.,they chose to photograph for the competition.,Workbook Ex.7. Listen and check the true sentences. 1 The boy and girl are by a river. 2 The girl doesnt think she liiks good in photographs. 3 The boy wants to take some photographs of the firl. 4 The boy takes a lot of photographs of the

37、girl.,5 The children look at the photographs as soon as the boy has taken them. 6 The girl looks good in one or two of the photographs which the boy takes. 7 The boys uncle knows a good photographer.,5. Homework,Review Activity 5, choose one photo and study the details in it, then write a passage to

38、 have a good description.,Period Four Unit 3 教学设计 (综合训练,词汇过关),说:从谈论照相机(Do you have a camera? )开始,把几个有联系的练习串在一起。先问答Workbook Ex 9,然后引入单元练习Activity 8. 词汇:单元练习Activities 1&7. Workbook Exx 5&6. 听:单元练习Activity 9. 可以先做些听前的准备。 读:Workbook Ex 10. 写:Workbook Ex 11.,Activity 8 Work in pairs and look at the phot

39、os. Say how you think cameras have changed since their earliest beginnings.,Activity 1 Complete the sentences with words in the texts in this module. 1 A person who takes photographs, especially as a job, is a p_. 2 Some money which is given as a “present” in a competition is a p_. 3 An area which i

40、s open to everybody is called a p_ space. 4 Someone who shows people around a place of interest is g_. 5 A building which is new, and not traditional is a m_ building.,hotographer,rize,ublic,uide,odern,Workbook Ex.5 Check the true sentences. 1 Someone who is rich doesnt have much money. 2 The square

41、 which has a long history is modern. 3 Most people are disappointed when they win a prize. 4 A camera paints pictures. 5 The opposite of modern is traditional.,poor,traditional.,excited,painter,Workbook Ex.6 Choose the correct answer. 1Will you help me? -By the way/Of course Ill help you. 2 This new

42、 camera is much easier to use, even though/compared with my old one. 3 London is thousands of /far from Tianjin. 4 Do you want me to pick you up/try you out when the concert is over? 5 Promise me youll look out/after my camera carefully. 6 Did you get/pick up any good photos with your new camera?,Of course,compared with,far from,pick you up,look after,get,5. Homework,Write Workbook Ex.11 on the exercise book .,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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