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1、陕旅版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit3 Spring Begins from March 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit3【主 题】Learn to say, Lets talk, Tick, Think and answer【课 时】第2课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Lets talk对话中表示月份和日期的词汇、并掌握英文日期的表达方式。2. 能运用Which is your favorite season? Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter. Why? Because . It is . The trees . The flo

2、wers . The mountains . I can . Because we have . on . 谈论最喜爱的季节及原因。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) 一个麦克风和一幅春天的图片。(2) Learn to say部分的教学卡片。(3) Lets talk部分的教学卡片以及PPT课件。(4) Lets talk部分对话中的人物头饰。(5 ) Learn to say和Lets talk部分的教学音频。2. 学生准备:日期卡片。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前热身师生一起说唱上一课时所设计的儿歌,达到激发学生兴趣和复习月份单词的目的。January, Fe

3、bruary,(手指表示1和2) one and two. (拍手)March, April,(手指表示3和4) three and four.(拍手)May, June,(手指表示5和6) five and six. (拍手)July, August,(手指表示7和8) seven and eight.(拍手)September, October,(手指表示9和10) nine and ten.(拍手)November, December,(手指表示11、12) the year is done.(拍手)(2)新课导入小游戏:我是小记者教师拿出所准备的麦克风,走到学生面前并介绍:T: Hel

4、lo, everyone! I am a reporter. Now please answer my question: Which month is after . (月份)?Ss: Its . (月份).然后快速走到另一个学生的面前,用麦克风提问:T: Which month is before (月份), S1?S1: Its . (月份).得到学生的回应后,接着对全班同学发问:T: Now do you know which season is after . (季节)?Ss: Its . (季节).多次轮流,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习月份和季节单词,为新课展示部分做铺垫。课程展示

5、活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part B Learn to say(1) T: January is the first month of the year. And spring is the first season in a year. Can you guess what does “first” mean?教师引导学生理解first的意思是“第一”,然后用同样的方法教授1-30中具有特殊变化的序数词。T: Which season is after spring?Ss: Summer.T: So summer is the second season

6、 in a year.T: What is the next season?Ss: Autumn.T: Autumn is the third season. And the fourth season is winter. What is the first month in a year then?Ss: January.T: What about the first day of January?(引导学生作答)Ss: Its January the first.教师板书January 1st,展示Learn to say部分的日期卡片并领读。(2) 按照同样的方法一一引出其他九个日期的

7、表达(3)播放Learn to say部分的录音,让学生听并跟读本部分的内容。教学小贴士教师在教师序数词时,只需要把具有特殊变化的序数词罗列出来,让学生识记;其他规则变化的序数词让学生了解其变化规律即可。也可以让学生通过儿歌来记忆,如:基变序,有规律。词尾加上th。一二三,特殊记,词尾字母tdd。八减t,九减e。f要把ve替,ty把y变成i,记住th前有个e。之后,教师可让学生自行讨论,列一列1/30的序数词及其缩写形式。2. Part A Lets talk(1) T: I like to fly kites, and my favorite season is spring. Which

8、is your favorite season?S1: My favorite season is .教师板书句型:Which is your favorite season? 并再次讲解特殊疑问词which的意思。教师继续拿出麦克风逐一提问学生:Which is your favorite season?教师请其他学生充当小记者,用麦克风提问大家:Which is your favorite season? 教师出示春天的图片,并进行描述:T: My favorite season is spring, because spring begins from March. It is warm

9、. The trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. The mountains are green,too. I can fly kites and plant trees.教师板书本课重点句型:Because . It is . The trees . The flowers . The mountains . I can .教师继续表述:T: I also like autumn. Because we have Teachers, Day on September the tenth. And I can receive many wish

10、es.板书句型:I like . better. Because we have . on .之后提问学生:T: Which is your favorite season, S2?S2: . is my favorite season.T: Why?S2: Because .教学提示:在这里教师可以要求学生运用黑板上的句型进行回答,但是不一定非要用全部的句型,可以选择性地回答自己为什么最喜欢某个季节,教师也可对学生的回答进行适当补充。(2) 听录音,理解对话。教师提出一些问题,然后播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生合上书听本部分的对话,然后回答问题。问题可参考如下:a. Which i

11、s Li Shanks favorite season.b. When does autumn begin?c. Is it cool in autumn?d. Does Alice like winter? Why?e. When are Christmas and New Year?教学提示:教师在学生回答问题e时,可将英文日期的表达格式在这里适当地进行渗透,英文表示日期一般是按照“月份+日期的序数词”这样的格式,也可以按照“日期的序数词+月份”的格式进行表达,如:9月28日September the twenty-eighth / September 28ththe twenty-eig

12、hth, September / 28th, September12月5日December the fifth / December 5ththe fifth, December / 5th, December要表达在某个具体的日子时,要用介词on。如:Christmas is on December 25thNew Year is on January 1st.(2)巩同活动1. 教师再次播放录音,让学生注意模仿录音中人物的语音语调跟读对话。2. 将学生分成两组,分角色读对话。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)表演时间1. 教师先让学生同桌两人一组练习对

13、话3-5分钟。其间,教师可以在教室里巡视指导,如果冇学生落单,教师可以与其搭档,排练对话。2. 教师将秋天和冬天的图片贴在黑板的两边,鼓励学生借助黑板上的句型和图片提示创编对话,对Lets talk部分的对话进行改编。然后让学生两人戴上Li Shan和Alice的头饰,表演对话。3. 教师对学生的表演进行点评,表扬并适当奖励勇于上台表演的学生。(2)日期播报1. 采用开火车读Learn to say部分的日期,教师纠正错误的发音,并提醒学生注意th的读音。2. 教师出示日期卡片,学生分组抢答。3. 学生拿出各自准备的日期卡片,两人一组互相读日期。(3)Part C Think and answer1. 教师将学生分成四人一组,互相提问并回答本部分的六个问题。2. 抢答:教师快速发问,请学生抢答,抢答对的学生所在组加一分,教师对个别回答错误的学生进行纠正,并引导其根据实际情况说出正确的答案。【板书设计】


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