PEP小学三年级上册英语教案 全册.doc

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1、小学三年级英语上册教案Unit 1 Hello第一课时教学目标1 听懂会说 Hello! Hi! Goodbye/ Bye-bye.2 了解学习英语的重要性。3 掌握 Im句型.教材分析 本节课是本学期开学的第一课,也是学生接触英语的第一课,本节课是本单元的基础,重点是让学生听懂会说一些简单的问候语,并能介绍自己。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带、人物头饰。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up二、Presenation1. 播放Hello录音 教师与学生打招呼:Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Huang.2. 教师扮演 Sarah,

2、与学生打招呼。三、Practice 1. Play a game 猜一猜 Who is he/she? 学生说Hello,让另一学生猜他是谁,学生参与活动。 2. 击鼓传话,传到谁谁就来做自我介绍。四、Assessment【课后反思】第二课时【教学目标】 1 听懂会说 pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon 2 听懂会做Lets do Show me. 3 唱歌曲Lets sing【教材分析】 本课是本单元第二课时,与第一课时相比,难度跨越比较大,要求学生掌握的单词比较多,为克服这一困难,可多设计一些游戏与活动,使学生在宽松的氛围中学习,主要采取师生、生生互相合作

3、,学生在愉快的学习氛围中习得和学得。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1.唱歌曲Hello 学生加上动作唱.【设计意图】 :通过歌曲,起到热身的作用,并复习所学知识.2.师生对话:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Huang .二、Presention1.摸文具,教师教学pen,pencil,crayon(注意crayon的发音)学生认读单词pen, pencil, crayon2. 练习crayon,小组练习.学生以波浪式的方式练习.3.出示eraser,ruler.重点教学 eraser的发音

4、4.教师范读,学生跟读; 男女生跟读; 小组练习. 学生认读练习eraser. eraser发音比较难,s发/s/或/z/都可以, 在这儿统一读/z/.三、Practise1. 把全班分成两队:pen队与 pencil队2.猜文具,教师指一名学生走到前面,让这名学生猜手里是什么文具. 学生参加活动,猜对了可给本队加分.3.做Lets do a. 学生先听,指图. b. 学生加上动作c.四人以小组练习4. Lets sing五 Homework听录音三遍第三课时【教学目标】1 学唱歌曲“Hello!”2 让学生学做Lets make中的小制作。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过

5、程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:二Presenitation.1播放A部分Lets do ,让学生听指令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析Lets make 中的几个动词,让学生理解单词的意思。3 做Lets make.让学生以小组为单位做姓名卡。4 学唱“ Hello!”这首歌曲,教学“do oh do ”这句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌曲。三 Homework.听录音三遍,并跟唱。第四课时【教学目标】 1 听懂会说Whats your name? 2 听懂会说See you.会用My name is.介绍自己 3 唱

6、歌曲Teachers Day【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1.听歌曲Hello2. 师生会话 T: Hello! Ss: Hi!二、Presention 1.T: Hello, Im Miss Huang .Whats your name? Ss: My name is Zhang Xin .2.教师范读Whats your name? 学生以不同形式练习,小组练习,男女跟读。三、Practise 1. Guess! Who is he/she?猜猜他是谁? 2.请几名学生站在门外作迎宾先生或小姐。需用My name is.回答。五、Hom

7、ework听录音三遍【课后反思】 第五课时【教学目标】 1 听懂会说book,bag, pencil-case, sharpener 2 听懂会做Lets do 【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1.听歌曲Happy Teachers Day2. 师生问候 T: Hello, boys and girls . Ss: Hi, Miss Huang .3. 生生互问二、Presenation1. 摸实物,逐个出示bag, book, pencil-book. 学生摸实物,说出汉语后,教师教英语。学生的印象比较深刻。2. 用实物教学bag, boo

8、k , pencil教师范读,男女分读。 学生跟读3. 小组练习,指名检查。4. 出示sharpener, school教学sharpener, school 学生跟读3. HomeworkReview the text.【课后反思】第六课时【教学目标】1 做一做听力题 Lets check,检测学生的听力水平。2 学唱歌谣Lets chant.【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.二Presenitation.1播放B部分Lets do ,让学生听

9、指令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析have这个单词的意思,学生学说I have a .让学生试着说一说自己喜欢的物品。3 学唱Lets chant.这首歌谣,教学 I have a .Me too.这句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。 让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌谣。三 Homework.听录音三遍,并跟唱。【课后反思】小学生所学的英语材料一般比较简短、形式单一。这要求我们在备课时尽可能地把这些语言材料放入各种能听、能看、能触摸的情景中去,使学生觉得一节英语课上学到的不仅有少量单词或一小段对话,还有一些能在许多场合用得上的富有生气的语言材料。本单元一开始就能给学生提供这样一个真实

10、的语言情景,学生都能尝试着用英语表达自己的意愿,从而较好的掌握了所学句型。Unit 2 Look at Me第一课时【教学目标】 1 Let the students master the words: face, nose, eye, ear and mouth by drawing pictures. 2 Lets do 本部分主要通过TPR学习活动练习并运用所学的词汇。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1) Greeting Say Good morning to everybody .2)Revision3)After that let

11、 the students give orders and the teacher does the actions.4.New content5.Sing a song6.HomeworkLet the students to remember the words: face, eye, mouthNose and ear.【课后反思】第二课时【教学目标】 1 Let the students master the words: hand, arm, and legAnd feet. 2 Lets do 本部分是关于身体活动的多个指令,学生要能根据指令做动作。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。

12、学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1) GreetingSay Good morning to everybody and let him or her answer.2) Revision Sing the song that theyve just learned yesterday.3) New contentA. Sing a song named if you are happy and HomeworkLet the students to remember the new words:Leg, arm, hand and feet.【课后反思】 第三课时【教学目

13、标】1 学唱歌曲“Teddy Bear”2 让学生能听懂指令“colour”,涂上颜色。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.二Presenitation.1播放A部分Lets do ,让学生听指令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析draw这个单词的意思,让学生理解它还有把.涂成.的意思。让学生听指令把P16页的脸画上器官。3 做游戏,让一名学生在讲台上手空写一个字母,让学生分成两组竞赛,谁先说出这个字母,谁就能得到一个小奖品。4 学唱“Ted

14、dy Bear”这首歌曲,教学“Touch your.”这几句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌曲。三 Homework.听录音三遍,并跟唱。第四课时【教学目标】 1 Let the students master the words that theyve learned. Let them master the greetings Hi, Hello, Bye. 2 Lets play 学生能够实际运用语言。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1) GreetingSay Good morning to ever

15、ybody. And then review Good afternoon, good evening and good night.2) Revision The teacher gives the students orders and let the Students touch the part that they hear. After that, the teacher reads the words again and le the students to read after her.3) New contentA. Listen to the tape. Then the t

16、eacher read the chant sentence by sentence and explain the meanings of talk, hear, see and smell.B. The teacher reads the chant again and let the students read after her and do the actions.C. Sing a song named If you are happy and And do the actions.D. Teach the students Bye! Ask the students to pra

17、ctice the greeting Hi! Hello! and Bye! in pairs. Then choose 3 or 4 pairs to come to front to act .Homework Let the students to remember what the eye, nose,mouth, feet and ear can do and then greeting Bye.【课后反思】 第五课时【教学目标】 1. Teaching aims Let the students master the words: face, nose, eye, ear and

18、mouth by drawing pictures. 2. Let the students master the words: face, nose, eye,earand mouth.2.【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-up1) GreetingSay Good morning to everybody. And then review Good afternoon, good evening and good night! 2) RevisionA. The teacher gives the students orders and let

19、 the Students touch the part that they hear. After that, the teacher reads the words again and let the students to read after her.B. The teacher let the students to open their books Andsilently.Then ask some of them to answer What is the story about? C. Choose several students to act the story. 3) S

20、ing a song named Twincle star and do the actions.Sing a song named If you are happy And do the actions. HomeworkLet the students to remember the words and sentences .That theyve learned in this unit. Sing the songs that Theyve learned.5. 【课后反思】第六课时 【教学目标】1 做一做听力题 Lets check,检测学生的听力水平。2 学唱歌谣Lets chan

21、t.【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.T:Where are you from?二Presenitation.1播放B部分Lets do ,让学生听指令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析Where is your mouth?Here it is. 这几个句子的意思,学生学说。让学生试着说一说自己的器官。3 学唱Where is your mouth?这首歌谣,教学 这句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。 让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌曲。

22、三 Homework.教学反思:针对小学生好动、好奇、喜欢亲身经历的心理特征,本课教学中可能多的创设各种情境,使学生亲身体验,充分运用各种感官,让学生在说说、唱唱、跳跳、画画、演演中学英语。 Unit 3 Lets Paint第一课时【教学目标】 1 Let the Ss. know the name of colour:blue,green,yellow,red,purple 2 : Lets do and Lets sing【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】 1) Warming-up2) Presentationa. T:Look! This is a n

23、ice picture .How nice it is. What can you see?S:I can see Zip.T: Yes. Zip is painting. He paints white cloud, green grass, blue lake, red flower and so on. (Write the clour words on the board: blue green yellow red purple)b. Listen to the tapeLet the students find which word they are listenning.c.Pr

24、actise in groupsd: A gameWhat colour can you see?Let the students guess the animals first, and then guess their colour.e: Lets do Let the ss show their crayon after the tape.6.HomeworkLet the students to remember the words:blue green yellow red purple 【课后反思】第二课时【教学目标】 1 The Ss.can say How aer you?.

25、And also can answer Fine , thank you. 2. Use the word too in the sentence【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【板书设计】Unit 3 A1) Warming-up:a.Sing an English song:Teddy Bearb:Lets do: clap your hands; snap your fingers; waver your arms; cross your legs;shake your body. stamp your foot2)Presentationa. greetings:

26、 T:Good morning, boys and girds. b. Let a student say,How are you? teacher say,Fine, thank you.c. practice in groups3. A gameLook at these animals picture, who is you favorite friend, and greeting with him/her. HomeworkLet the students to remember How are you ? Fine ,thank you.【课后反思】 第三课时【教学目标】1 学唱歌

27、曲“Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?”2 让学生能听懂指令“colour”,涂上颜色。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.T:Where are you from?S: Im from China.二Presenitation.1播放A部分Lets do ,让学生听指令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析colour这个单词的意思,让学生理解它还有把.涂成.的意思。让学生听指令把P26页的小丑涂上颜色。3 做游戏,让一名

28、学生在讲台上手空写一个字母,让学生分成两组竞赛,谁先说出这个字母,谁就能得到一个小奖品。4 学唱“Who is wearing yellow today?”这首歌曲,教学“Who is wearing yellow today?”这句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌曲。三 Homework.听录音三遍,并跟唱。 第四课时【教学目标】 1 Let the Ss.know the colour words: white, pink, orange, brown, black 2 Sing the song colour song【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:

29、课本、活动手册。【教学过程】1)warming-up: a. Sing an English song,Who is wearing yellow today? b.dilague:2) Presentation Show Miss Whites picture.This is Miss White. Show a white paper, Its white. Show Mr. Blacks picture. This is Mr.Black.3)practise a. practise in groups b. lets do . c. lets check. d. lets chant.

30、4)Sing a song colour songHomework Let the students to remember the words【课后反思】 第五课时【教学目标】 1. Let the Ss.can say the sentence Im fine, Thanks 2. Lets play【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】一、Warm-upa. Sing an English song,colour song? b.dilague:c. Lets play practise in dilague.HomeworkLet the students

31、to remember the words and sentences .That theyve learned in this unit. Sing the songs that Theyve learned.5. 【课后反思】 第六课时【教学目标】1 做一做听力题 Lets check,检测学生的听力水平。2 学唱歌谣Lets chant.【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.二Presenitation.1播放B部分Lets do ,让学生听指

32、令做出相应的动作。2 教师板书并教学、分析like 这个单词的意思,学生学说I like .让学生试着说一说自己喜欢的颜色。3 做游戏,让一名学生在讲台上手空写一个字母,让学生分成两组竞赛,谁先说出这个字母,谁就能得到一个小奖品。4 学唱“Colour Song”这首歌曲,教学 I can sing a rainbow.这句话,让学生尽量能够听懂、会说。 让学生分片以竞赛的形式来学唱这首歌曲。三 Homework.听录音三遍,并跟唱。教学后记:小组合作学习,发挥集体力量。当今的时代是科技竞争的时代,而竞争的成败往往取决于人们的合作。一个人的能力是有限的,如果不善于和他人合作,将不同的知识加以交

33、流、综合、提高和运用,就不能适应时代的发展要求。所以,小组合作学习是当今教学中的一种重要的学习方式。时下,小组合作学习正是进行素质教育,在课堂中培养学生合作意识的体现。这种学习方式为每个学生创设了表现自我的宽松氛围,使学生的思维显示出积极的状态,能较大程度地发挥集体互助力量。一位学生的发言往往会引发其他几位同学的思维火花,促使小组各成员从不同角度,用不同方法提出更好的想法,从而达到对问题的较全面、较深入的认识和理解。 Recycle 1第一课时【课题】Recycle1【课型】新授【教学目标】1 复习13单元所学的对话,要求学生能够在实际的情景中运用。2学唱歌曲“Hello!How are yo

34、u?”【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带、词卡。学生:课本。【教学过程】一Warm-up1 Lets sing 用Lets sing.来激发学生兴趣,每节课前都做一遍,学生在潜移默化中学习知识。2 师生问候:T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its fine.二 Presenatation.1 让学生先听录音,然后放此部分的录音,让学生了解故事大意。2 教师结合故事内容,板书本部分生词和新句子。How are you ? Very well. Who are you ?三 Practise.1做活动手册配套练习。2 唱Lets sing.的歌曲。四 Homewo

35、rk.1 听录音三遍,并跟读。2 预习下一课。3 小组做猜猜认认的游戏。第二课时【课题】Recycle 1【课型】新授【教学目标】1 听录音做一做Lets chant.2 Chant and colour.让学生听懂。【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一Warm-up.1 Lets sing2 师生问候:T: How are you ?S: Im fine.Thanks.二 Presenatation.1 用猜一猜的游戏复习旧单词pencil/pen/ruler/eraser.2 Listen to the tape.学生朗读对话,小组内进行练习。3 播放Chant an

36、d find部分的录音,教师可提问:What subjects do you hear?然后让学生再听录音,并让学生说出单词。三 Practise.1 填写活动手册部分的练习题。2 Lets sing.四 Homework.1听录音两遍。2 练写本节课句子三遍。第三课时【课题】Recycle 1【课型】新授【教学目标】1 能够明白P36页的小制作,鼓励有兴趣的同学做一做。2 能填写Assessment部分的评价内容。 3 学唱歌曲How are you ?【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本。【教学过程】一 Warm-up1 学唱Lets sing.2 师生问候:二Presenitati

37、on.1教师出示前三个单元的四会单词卡,要求学生快速拼读,让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。2 让学生学习制作小丑,可让他们自由组合五官。3 让学生自我评价Assessment中的评价,让学生填写评价表,分三个等级来评价。4 做游戏,让一名学生在讲台上手空写一个字母,让学生分成两组竞赛,谁先说出这个字母,谁就能得到一个小奖品。三 Practise.Lets sing .让学生学唱 Hello !How are you ?这首歌曲。四 Homework.1 听录音三遍,并跟读。2 练习写字母和单词各5遍。教学后记: 小学生都强烈地渴望友谊,希望扩大圈子,广交朋友,在交往中相互学习,相互帮助。但个性非常

38、在意自己是否被人喜欢,是否被朋友接受。特别是对同学或朋友言语的接受,对同学或朋友的言语接触很敏感,容易产生嫉妒或争夺别人关心的现象,使朋友或同学之间产生矛盾,又由于中学生大都存在着固执的心理,都不想先表示友好,从而造成人际关系紧张,在英语教学中,充分发挥生生互动,使学生在学习上互相切磋,互相帮助,共同进步,就可以在学习过程中很自然地缓和紧张关系。如学生学会了三个介词后,我让同桌之间互相听命令作动作。最后我让学生分组编一个小对话. 通过充分发挥发挥生生互动,使同学们之间的关系更加融洽。 Unit 4 We Love Animals第一课时【教学目标】 1 Let the Ss. know the

39、 name of the animals:cat,bird,chicken,dog,duck,rabbit Know the meaning of I have a and can say it freely 2 : Some toys of the words will be learn The pictures of the animals will be learn.【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】 1) Warming-up2) Presentation: a.The teacher say Today is so fine , lets go to

40、the zoo.b. Teacher all the word in the same way.c. Tell the the practice in pairs:one do the action the other say the word.d. Then take out a toy .Take bird for example ,say to the Ss. I have a birdLet the all the sentence espacially the words have the character vs pronouciation. 3) Pr

41、actice:a.Game:b. Then the teacher do an action and say I have a Then let the it in pairs.Pay attention to the pronouciation have. 6.Homework第二课时【教学目标】 1 The Ss.can say more animalsname and can find them out from the picture. And also can ask the question Are you ?and answer the question Noand

42、Yes2. Teaching Aids: The pictuer of a zoo And the toys of the animals last calss. A tape-recorder 【教学准备】教师:录音机、磁带。学生:课本、活动手册。【教学过程】1) Warming-up:2) Presentation:a. Put the picture of the zoo on the blackbord and let the Ss.have a look to find out how many animals on the picture in Chinese.b. Let the them one by one and corect them one by on.Sure that all the Ss.can pronouce them well.Let them pronouce them with doing actions. c. Conduct the Ss.say the sentence I see a tiger at the zoo.And then change the animals innstead of tiger.Then listen to the tape and sing along with the tape.


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