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1、PEP小学英语五年级上学期期中试题 (知识点:100 时间:40分钟)听力部分(共四大题40)一、听录音,写序号。每个单词读两遍(10) sweet eggplant healthy strict Wednesday ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你听到的单词、短语或句子。每题读两遍。(10)( )1、 A、Id like some noodles. B、Its tasty. C、We have nooodles.( )2、A、Id like some mutton and fish . B、Sorry ,no green beans.C、The apples are

2、sweet.( )3、Mr Li is our math teacher. Hes a _. A. young student B. university student( )4、Miss Chen is our Chinese teacher._. A. Shes strict. B. Shes active .( )5、_your English teacher ? A. Whos B. Whats ( )6、What do you have on_? A. Wednesdays B. Tuesdays( )7、I dont like grapes . Theyre _. A. sour

3、B. smart( )8、A、Yes, they are. B、Yes, he is.( )9、A、I dont like grapes. B、I have onions for lunch today.C、I like fish best.( )10、 A、Lets go to a restaurant. B、Yes, I do. C、I often read books and watch TV .三、听录音,完成填空。每题读两遍。(10)1、My English teacher is and .2、A: What day is it today ? B: Its .3、A: What d

4、o you do on Satursdays ? B: I often , and watch TV .4、A: What do you have for today ?B: I have and .四、听短文,回答问题,选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。短文读两遍(10)( )1、What day is it day ? A Thursday B Tuesday C Saturday ( )2、What day is Toms favourite day?A Mondays. B Fridays. C Wednesdays( )3、What does Tom have on Friday?A .

5、E. and music. B English and math . C P.E. and computers. ( )4、What does Tom have for lunch on Fridays ?A、Potatoes and pork . B、Green beans and mutton. C、Tomatoes and beef . ( )5、Whats his favourite teacher like?A shes young and pretty. B short and thin. C Hes srtict but kind.笔试部分(60)五、看图,补全单词。(16)1、

6、do h_ 2、w_ TV 3、r_ books 4、play f_tb_ll 5、ca_a_e 6、_ggpl_t 7、_ 8、gr_n b_n_ 六、找朋友,将正确答案的字母序号填在括号里。(10)( )1.Whats your art teacher like ? A: Its Wednesday.( )2.Is she quiet ? B: I watch TV on Sundays.( )3.What do you do on Sundays ? C: Fish.( )4.Whats your favourite food ? D: Hes short and thin.( )5.W

7、hat day is it today ? E: No , she isnt .七、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(8)1. watch, I, play, often, games, computer, and, TV 2. have, you , for, what, lunch, do 3.favourite, is, My, beef, food . 4. like, what, teacher, Chinese, is, your ?_八、读对话,填空(6)2、 Zip: Whats your favourite fruit ,Monkey ?Monkey: I like appl

8、es , Theyre sweet .Rabbit : I like fruit. But I dont like grapes .Theyre sour . Bananas are my favourite . Theyre tasty .Zip: I like carrot juice , Its fresh and healthy . What about you ? Zoom!Zoom: I like beef , but Im heavy now . I have to eat vegetables .(1)Monkey like apples , They re (2)What d

9、oes rabbit like ? (3) Zip likes . Its fresh and healthy.九、判断正误,用“”“”表示。(10)Elephant:What do you do on Saturdays ?Monkey:I play football and Watch TV Panda: I run and jump and do my homework.Elephant: What do you do on Sundays? Monkey : I play ping-pong , play computer games and do my homework.Elepha

10、nt: What about you , Panda ?Panda: I run and jump and read books . I eat only two meals on Sundays.Elephant: Why ?Panda: Mom and Dad say Im too heavy.( )1. Monkey plays basketball on Saturdays.( )2. Panda does his homework on Saturdays .( )3. Monkey plays computer games and plays ping-pong on Sundays .( )4. Panda eat only three meals on Sundays .( )5.Pandas parents say panda is too big .十、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。(10)( )1、A、window B、how C、snow D、grow ( )2、A、near B、peach C、seat D、tea( )3、A、goat B、road C、board D、 boat( )4、A、town B、yellow C、brown D、now ( )5、A、mountain B、house C、sound D、our 4


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