PEP小学英语五年级下册第三单元 5 Unit 3 My Birthday教案.doc

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1、Grade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第一课时Main scene Lets start Lets chant A. Lets learn Group work C. Lets sing二、教学目标:1能够听、说、认读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式。2能够就12个月份进行四季划分。3能够使用句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in调查班级或小组内同学的生日。4能听懂、会唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”三、教学重、难点1重点是12个月份的听、说、认读及其缩写形式

2、的书写,以及句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in的运用。2难点是January , February 的发音和正确书写12个月份的简写形式。四、课前准备1教师准备录音机及磁带。2教师准备12个月份的单词卡片。五、教学步骤1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)Daily talk: Whats your favorite season? Whats your favorite month? 出示12个月的卡片并板书month。 比较month和mouth的发音。(2)Lets start. 请学生翻到课文第26页独立做题,并校对

3、。2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)单词呈现a教师指着12个月份的单词卡片,对学生说:There are 12 months in a year. Which months are warm? Who knows?b教师继续说:March is warm, which season is it in? Spring, summer, fall or winter? 引导学生一起回答:Its in spring. 将march 的卡片贴在黑板上“春季”的方框里。同理教学April and May .c教师指着“夏季”方框,画一轮艳阳,表情夸张地说:Oh, summe

4、r is after spring. And its very, very hot. Which months are in summer? 根据学生的回答教学June, July, August.d师生一起做“Before and After”游戏。教师面向学生,宣布游戏规则:在March 和August 六个单词中,教师随机给出一个单词,并举左手或右手。举左手,学生说出该单词前的一个月份,举右手,则说出后一个月份。eT: Summer is too hot for me. Guess, which season do I like best?S: You likeT: I like fal

5、l best. Because my birthday is in fall.通过让学生猜老师的生日具体在秋季的哪个月份,新授单词September, October, November。f教师在“冬季”方框中画上雪花,做出“冷”的样子说:Now we have the last season-winter . How cold it is! It snows! These three months are in winter. One of them is my favourite month. What is it? 学生会问:Is it December ? 教学单词December,

6、January, February。g巩固读与写(a)听录音跟读。(b)找出12个月单词的共同点(首字母大写)。(c)总结缩写方法。(2)教学句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is inaT: Do you remember when my birthday is?S: Your birthday is inbT: When is your birthday?S: My birthday is in师生、生生问答。教师板书:When is your birthday? My birthday is incMake a survey (Group wor

7、k). 学生用英语采访三位同学的生日,记录并汇报“s birthday is in”(3) Lets chant and Lets sing.a教学Lets chant。(a)听,指读。(b)教师说月份,学生跟说并做相应动作。(c)男女生分句说chant,边做动作。b教学歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”。3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)完成课堂作业本A部分Lets learn的练习。(2)熟读单词并准备好默写十二个月份的缩写词。(3)同学之间做“Before and After”游戏。课堂练习:一写出下午单词的缩写形式或完整形式。

8、1.August- 2. September- 3.Jan.-4.March- 5.December- 6.Oct.-7.November- 8.February- 9.Apr.-二把下列月份写到相应的季节中。1.Spring:_2.Summer:_3.Fall:_4.Winter:_February June November AprilOctober August May DecemberJanuary March July September 六、板书设计:Unit3 My Birthday黑板上贴有十二个月份的单词卡片;文字板书为month,按季节归类的月份的缩写词以及句型:When

9、is your birthday?My birthday is inGrade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday复备人:一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第二课时A. Lets try Lets talk Lets find out二、教学目标:1、能够听懂并填写Lets try 部分Amy 一家人的生日。2、能够听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in3、了解西方主要节日所在的月

10、份及父母同伴的生日。三、教学重、难点1、本课时的教学重点是强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in 并听、说、认读新句型:Is your birthday in too?2、难点是学生要根据实际情况使用多样化的表达方式,如:When is your birthday? Is your birthday in February, too? How many birthdays are there in January以及When is Childrens Day?避免机械性地重复同一个句型。四、课前准备1、教师准备录音机及磁带。2、教师

11、准备标有12个月份的大转盘。3、教师准备一些人物头饰。4、教师准备节日图片。五、教学步骤1、热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)教师出示标有12个月份的大转盘,在转动指针前提问:Which month is it? 让学生猜测,如:Its January/ February.等。(2)Lets chant. (P.26)(3)Free talk:T: Hello, A. When is your birthday?SA: Its in January.T: What about you, B? Is your birthday in January, too?SB: No,

12、its in March .等。学生模仿以上对话进行“连锁问答”。2、呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)学习新句型:Is your birthday in too?a由Free talk引出新句型:Is your birthday in too?b带读句型:Is your birthday in too?c趣味操练(Play a guessing game)(a)教师出示准备好的写有生日月份的卡通人物图片和本课人物图片,并向学生提问:When are their birthdays? 引导学生做猜一猜的游戏。(b)教师戴上其中一个头饰问:When is my bir

13、thday? Guess!引导学生猜:Hello, Tutu. Is your birthday in January?当学生猜对后,教师出示正确月份,并回答:Yes, my birthday is in同时给猜对的小组加一分。(c)教师让猜对的同学选择自己喜欢的卡通人物头饰继续游戏,并引导学生使用句型:S1: When is my birthday? S2: Is your birthday in January?游戏的最后出现本课人物图片。(2)Lets talka教师出示Mike , Amy , Zhang Peng 的头饰,提问:When is Mikes birthday? What

14、 about Amy? What abut Zhang Peng? Lets listen and find out.教师放Lets talk部分的录音,学生听两遍后回答以上问题。然后看对话跟读录音。b学生三人一组练习该对话,并将自己与同伴的实际姓名和生日替换对话中的相应部分。(3) Lets find outa教师出示国庆节的图片并说:Chinas birthday, we call it“National Day”,板书National Day,学生跟读,然后师生问答:T: When is National Day?S: Its in October.b教师出示Tree-planting

15、Day, Childrens Day, Army Day等节日的图片,帮助学生理解意思并带读。c同桌之间进行问答练习。如:When is Tree-planting Day? Its in March. 学生完成连线练习,师生问答进行校对。3、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)生日备忘录(关于任课教师)a课前请每个课代表了解各任课教师的生日月份。b为教师做一个生日记录表:教师在黑板上画一个表格,全体学生依次询问各科课代表When is our Chinese/math/teachers birthday? 课代表根据实际情况回答,如Our Chinese

16、 teachers birthday is in 表格如下:teacherbirthdayseasonChinese Math English (2)让学生了解其他主要节日及所在月份。如:Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Fastival, Mid-Autumn Day, Teachers Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween并用句型When is? Its in进行交流。(3)完成课堂作业本A部分Lets talk的练习。课堂练习:一根据A栏的问题,从B栏中选出相应答句。 A B( )1.

17、Whats the weather like in July? A.Its in April.( )2.When is your birthday? B.Its Wednesday.( )3.What day is it today? C.The same to you!( )4.Happy New Year! D.Its very hot.( )5.Happy birthday! E.Thank you!二根据节目悬着合适的节日。A.December B.June C.March D.January E.May1. Mothers Day is in_.2. christmass Day i

18、s in_.3. Tree-planting Day is in_.4. New Years Day is in_.5. Fathers Day is in_.六、板书设计:Unit3 My BirthdayWhen is your birthday? My birthday is in National Day等节日名称Grade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday 一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第三课时A. Read and write 二、教学目标:1能够听、说、读、写句子:When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthd

19、ay is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.2能够听懂、会说Read and write部分的对话并能完成对话下面的表格。三、教学重、难点1重点是掌握四会句型: When is your birthday? Its in 等2本部分的难点是正确书写四会句子。四、课前准备1教师准备录音机及磁带。2教师准备家庭成员的图片和单词卡片,并准备John的头饰。3教师准备四会句子中的单词卡片4学生准备家庭成员的照片。五、教学步骤1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)Sing“When is your birthday”。(2)复

20、习有关月份的单词。a歌曲完后,教师问:When is your birthday? 让学生回答。Chant: When is your birthday? My Birthday is in让学生开火车问答接力。b在学生问答的过程中,让学生把相应的单词卡贴到黑板上。c让12个学生上台在单词卡旁写出其缩写形式。2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)教学生词。a教学“uncle, aunt, cousin”三个单词。(a)教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,说:Look, there are seven people in my family. I love them. Plea

21、se come and meet my family.出示uncle的单词卡片,进行师生对话,教学单词uncle.教师依次呈现grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, aunt, cousin等单词卡片,进行师生问答并拼读这些单词。(b)教师指着图片, 介绍:This is Johns uncle. His name is Bill. So we can call him Uncle Bill.在图片下板书Uncle Bill。同法教学Aunt Mary, Cousin Alice.(c)教师在黑板上画一棵树,出示John一家的人物图片,请学生将其贴到树上,制成一棵family

22、tree。作完后,请学生介绍人物关系。b教学句子:making a birthday chart of our family.(a)教师把黑板上的人物图片集中在一起,并戴上John的头饰,介绍:This is our family.板书family。让学生提问并获得需要的信息,写下John家人的生日月份。(b)学生完成所有的问答后,教师整理图片,划上格子,形成表格,并说:Heres the birthdaychart.板书birthday chart并稍加释义。(2)理解对话,完成练习。a完成birthday chart。学生根据Read and write完成书中birthday chart

23、。bAsk and answer。请学生根据birthday chart进行问答。如:A: When is Johns mothers birthday? / Whose birthday is in November?B: Its in May. / Aunt Mary.在问答的过程中完成书本上两个问题。(3)Lets read.a教师播放课文录音,帮助学生理解对话意思。b听录音并跟读。c分角色朗读。(4)掌握四会单词和句子。a学生做hangman游戏。b连词成句。如:1. birthday, your, when, is(?) 2. my, in, June, is, birthday(.

24、)3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1) Make a birthday chart.a布置任务。 学生以小组为单位,制作本小组全体同学的birthday chart。b分组完成任务。 学生六人一组,自行设计表格,并相互询问,填好表格。c展示作品。 每组派一个代表,上台展示本组的birthday chart,并介绍:This is the birthday chart of our group. Therere two birthdays in October(3) Homeworka朗读课文三次,背诵、默写四会句子。b每人制作一个birthday ch

25、art(可以是家人的,或是自己喜欢的明星的)。c完成A部分Read and write的练习。巩固练习一、听老师读对话,根据所给的问题,选择正确的答案。( )1.When is Aunt Marrys birthday? A.Its in Sept . B. Its in Marry. C. Its in Apirl.( )2.When is Sarahs birthday? A. Its in June . B. Its in January. C. Its in March.( )3.Whose birthday is in February? A.Johns. B. Johns moth

26、ers. C. Johns fathers.( )4.Whats Toms favourite month? A.March. B.Apirl. C.May.( )5.How many birthdays are there in July? A.There. B.Tow. C.One.二、习作:用英语介绍你和你家人的生日在哪个月份。不少于20个单词。六、板书设计:Unit3 My Birthday人物图片 family treeGrade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第四课时B. Lets learn Pair work C. T

27、ask time二、教学目标:1能够听、说、认读20以内的序数词。2能够听、说、读、写序数词120的简写形式。3能够掌握日期的表达方法并能说出生日、节日的具体日期,如:When is your birthday?Its October 1st. When is National Day? Its October 1st.4了解中西方主要节日及其文化背景。三、教学重、难点1教学重点是序数词的听、说、认读以及具体日期的表达法2难点是不规则序数词的认读。四、课前准备1教师准备录音机及磁带。2.教师准备相关单词卡,日历表,日历卡和带有节日特征的图片。3教师准备节日音乐和带有节日特征的图片。4教师课前在

28、黑板上画一幢12层高的大楼。五、教学步骤1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)January, February, and March. April, May, and JuneJuly, August, and September. October, November, and December. ! Thats all of a year!2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice(1)教学序数词a教师指着黑板上画好的12层大楼,提问学生:This is a tall building. Its very tall. How many floors are the

29、re in this building? 师生一起从1数到12,回答:There are 12 floors.教师将单词卡片January贴在一楼,提问学生: Where is January? 学生回答: Its on the first floor. 教师板书first(1st)。学生一起朗读。教师说:January is the first month. Its on the first floor. 学生模仿并进行拓展会话,如:February is second month. Its on the second floor.b教师出示April 的卡片提问:What about Ap

30、ril? 教师自己回答:April is the fourth month. Its on the fourth floor. 教师贴卡片并板书fourth(4th),学生齐读单词。同样方法教授6th,7th,8th,9th,10th,11th。引导学生注意由eight到eighth的发音变化以及ninth(9th)的缩写形式。c教师指着第五层楼问学生:Now, who lives on this floor? 学生应回答:May. 教师说:Yes, its May. May is the fifth month. Its on the fifth floor.教师强调该词是fifth 而非f

31、iveth,师生一起朗读fifth。同样的方法教学12th,教师引导学生找出其变化规律。d教师引导学生看图说话,教师先给予明确示范,如:January is the first month. Its on the first floor. 请学生依次做表述,一直到12月份。eGame:You say, I say! 一个学生说基数词,另一个学生说序数词,然后再反过来。如: S1: One. S2: The first. S2: Two. S1: The second.(2)教学对话a教师提问:When is Zhang Pengs birthday? Do you know? 学生听音并回答:

32、Its Oct 1st.学生在日历上找出这一天,教师用红笔圈出,出示国庆节图片:Oct 1st, our national day. Zhang Peng is from China. Chinas National Day is Oct 1st. But in America, it is called Independence Day.b学生听音并表演。(3)Pair worka教师放歌曲“happy new year”,师生同唱。教师出示一张有新年气象的图片提问:What festival is it? 学生回答:Its New Years Day.教师出示1月份的月历表,问学生: Wh

33、en is New Years Day? 教师自己回答:Its the first day of a year. Its January 1st.b教师挑选20日之前的日期让学生试读,帮助学生自如地表达具体日期。c教师播放节日歌曲,进行师生问答。如: T: What day is it today? S: Its Childrens Day. T: When is Childrens Day? S: Its June 1st. 教师有意识地列举西方节日,如:Thanksgiving Day等。有些节日日期在20日或以后,教师便随机教学twentieth,twenty the first直至th

34、irtieth。d学生就节日日期展开对话,如: T: When is Womens Day? S: Its March 8th. (4)Task timea教师出示Task time部分的日历表,让学生观察并进行问答。如: T: When is Zhang Pengs birthday? S: Its Oct 1st. T: When is Army Day? S: Its August 1st.b请学生仿照Task time部分的示范制作自己的Personal Calendar。引导学生使用句型 “When is your birthday? Its”相互采访。3巩固和延伸(Consolid

35、ation and extension)(1)背诵120序数词并抄写其简写形式。(2)课后与同学交流自己的Personal Calendar。巩固练习一、 选择填空。( )1.September 10th is_Day. A.Teachers B.Teacher C.Teachers( )2.I am_a birthday chart for my class. A.make B.making C.makeing( )3._is our Army Day. A.July 4 th B.October 1st C.August 1st( )4.September is the_month of

36、the year. A.ninth B.nineth C.nine( )5.When is New Years Day? A.Dec.25 th B.Jan.1st C.Mar. 8 th二、 根据中文提示,用适当的单词填空。1. The_(第二)day of the week is Monday.2. _(六月)the first Childrens Day.3. March the_(第八)is Womens Day.4. My_(伯父)birthday is Oct.10 th. .The_(第五)month of the year is May六、板书设计:Unit3 My Birth

37、da一幢高12层的大楼 序数词及其简写形式Grade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第五课时B. Lets try Lets talk Group work C. Story time二、教学目标:1能够听懂、会说句子:Whats the date? Its October 1st. Who has a birthday in October?2能够完成Lets try 部分听录音找图片的练习。3能够完成Group work 中调查同学生日的任务。4能够听懂和理解Story time中的故事。三、教学重、难点1本课时的教学重点是熟练掌

38、握具体日期的表达法。2本课时的教学难点是学生要能熟练运用各种句式提问生日。四、课前准备1教师准备磁带、录音机和教师卡片。2教师准备一个小盒子。3教师准备调查表。五、教学步骤1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)Lets chant. (P.26)(2)Listen and answer.教师播放节日歌曲,如:“Jingle Bell” “Happy Teachers Day” 等,学生听歌猜节日,进行师生问答,如:T: When is Christmas Day / ?S: Its Dec 25th.2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)Lets t

39、rya听录音,选择正确的日期。b请学生试着复述上述对话内容。(2)Lets talka教师播放对话录音两遍,而后提问:“When is Sarahs birthday? When is Zhangs birthday?”,学生根据对话内容回答出:“Sarahs birthday is in October 1st. Zhangs birthdays is in March 12th.”。b学生跟读对话,两人一组做对话练习。c学生根据同学的生日组织一个新的对话,教师请若干组展示他们的对话。(3)Lets play(趣味操练)aGroup worka)教师展示课文中的调查表,而后与一组学生进行示范

40、,问:“When is your birthday?”,将具体日期记下来。再问另一名学生“What about you? Is your birthday in , too?”。b)学生以小组为单位,模仿教师进行调查并记录结果,完成调查表。b读一读a)教师请学生阅读27页的主题图,说一说图中人物的生日。b)请学生朗读对话,并说一说对话内容,特别是为什么Zoom希望它的生日是4月8号。c)学生两人一组,选择一个对话进行问答练习。3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)Group work游戏:小小人口普查员教师与一组学生进行示范,教师提问:Who has a

41、birthday in March? Please stand up! 然后教师分别提问:Whats the date? What about you ? Is your birthday in March, too? 等,将具体日期记下来。教师随后将学生分成八人小组,每组4-6人,每人担任2-3个月份的生日调查工作,模仿教师进行调查并记录结果。(2)Story timea学生看图37页,教师播放故事两遍。b请学生讲一讲每幅图的意思,用中文或英文都可。c教师播放录音,学生跟读,遇到学生不理解的句子教师讲解。d学生分角色朗读课文。(3)学生完成B部分Read and write的课堂作业本配套练

42、习。课堂练习:阅读短文,判断对错:Today is July 3th .I like July. Its my birthday. On my birthday, I usually swim with my friends in the sea, and we eat birthday cake and ice-cream, This year, I dont have a birthday party with my friends. I go to a canteen with my parents. We have a big dinner there, After the dinne

43、r, my parents give me a present, Its a robot. I like it very much. I am happy to have my birthday with my parents.( ) 1. My birthday is in July 3th.( )2. This year, I have a birthday party with my friends.( )3. I have a big dinner with my parents at home.( )4, My parents give me a robot on my birthday.( )5.Im very happy on my birthday. 六、板书设计:Unit3B. Lets talkWho has a birthday in.?Whats the date?Is . in .?Yes. / No.Grade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday、复备人: 一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第六课时B. Read and write Lets play C. Lets che


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