PEP小学英语六年级上册期末复习题 共7套.doc

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1、PEP小学英语六年级上册期末复习题(星期一)一.找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. foot B. school C. bookstore( ) 2. A. find B. side C. different( ) 3. A. cinema B. then C. excuse( ) 4. A. post B. hospital C. office( ) 5. A. how B. know C. grow二. 选择填空: ( ) 1.How do you _? A. go here B. go there C. go to there( ) 2. Mr. Wang _ by

2、bus. A. go home B. goes home C. goes to home( ) 3.We can go to the zoo _ the No.21 bus. A. take B. by C. buy( ) 4._ can they get to the nature park? A. When B. Where C. How( ) 5. Our school is very _, so we can go to school on foot. A. short B. near C. far( ) 6. Turn left at the _ crossing. A. third

3、 B. three C. 3th( ) 7. Wait _ the _ light. A. at, green B. for, red C. at , yellow( ) 8. They live in _ building. A. the same B. same C. some( ) 9. In England, drivers drive _ the _ side of the road. A. at , left B. on , left C. on, right( )10. I like listening to the music,_, my sister likes watchi

4、ng TV. A. so B. and C. however三. 翻译下列句子:1. 我经常六点钟到家。I often _ _ at 6:oo.2. 有时我妈妈坐地铁上班。_ my mother _ to work by subway.3. 你们怎样去中山公园?_ do you go to Zhongshan _?4. 我们可以乘坐宇宙飞船到月球。We can _ to the moon _ spaceship.5. 司机必须知道交通规则。_ must know the traffic _.第一学期六年级期末复习题(二)(星期二)一.找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. re

5、member B. every C. left( ) 2. A. bank B. want C. traffic( ) 3. A. twelfth B. then C. north( ) 4. A. England B. library C. plane( ) 5.A. subway B. must C. minute二.用适当的单词填空: 1._ _ a library in your school? Yes, there is. 2._ is the hospital? Its over there, behind the white building. 3.Is your home fa

6、r from your school? No, _ _. 4.Get off _ the cinema, then go straight _ 10 minutes. 5._ can I get to the museum? Walk east for 5 minutes and turn left. 6.The park is west _ Li Mings home. 7. You must wait when the traffic light turns _. 8. Thank you all _ coming to my birthday party. 9. _ the No.17

7、bus and get off at the post office. 10.What are you looking _?三.翻译下列句子:1. 请告诉我怎样去新的书店。Please tell _ how to go to the new _.2. 今天是我的第十五个生日。Today is my _ _.3. 银行与超市相邻。The bank is _ _ the supermarket.4. 鞋店在我家的北面。The shoe store is _ of _ home.5. 朝南走三分钟,汽车站在马路的右边。Walk _for 3 minutes, the bus-stop is on t

8、he right of the _.四补全对话: A:Lets go to the park this afternoon. B: _! How do we go?A: Its easy. Come _ my home by bike, then we can go _ by bus. B: Ok, but _ bus can we take? A: We can take the No.11 bus, and get _ at the gate of the park. B: Well, _ will we meet? A: What _ 2:30? B: OK, see you _! A:

9、 See you!第一学期六年级期末复习题(三)(星期三)一. 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. newspaper B. busy C. else( ) 2. A. read B. easy C. great( ) 3. A. theme B. reporter C. evening( ) 4. A. magazine B. dictionary C. plant( ) 5. A. comic B. shop C. come二.选择填空:( ) 1. My mother is going to _ clothes this evening. A. washing B.

10、wash C. washes( ) 2. _ he going to the zoo tomorrow? A. Does B. Are C. Is( ) 3. What _ they going to do ? A. are B. do C. does( ) 4. _ is your aunt going to the Great Wall? A. What B. When C. Where( ) 5. What are you going to do _ weekend? A. this B. on C. /( ) 6. Hunan is _ of Guangdong. A. west B.

11、 south C. north( ) 7. Do you have any magazines _ the pets? A. for B. about C. to( ) 8. Im going to _ an artist in 20 years time. A. be B. do C. have( ) 9. Tom and Jack _ going to the park by car. A. is B. are C. do( )10. Im going to _ my grandmother in several days. A. look B. watch C. visit三.补全下列对

12、话:1. A: _ are you going this afternoon?B: Im going to the clothing store.2. A: _ are you going to buy?B: We are going to buy a new dress.3. A: _ are they going?B: At 5 oclock.4. A: _ book is she going to read?B: The new one.四. 翻译下列句子:1. 今晚他们打算看电视吗?_ they going to _ TV_?2. 晚饭后我爸爸打算看报纸。My father is go

13、ing to read _ after _.3. 你们将在什么时候寄这些明信片?_ are you going to send these post _?第一学期六年级期末复习题(四)(星期四)一. 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. hobby B. holiday C. honey( ) 2. A. live B. dive C. ride( ) 3. A. collect B. violin C. company( ) 4. A. reporter B. actor C. work( ) 5. A. watch B. stamp C. what二. 选择填空:( )

14、1. My hobby is _ stamps.A. collects B. collecting C. collect( ) 2. I like _my bike. A. by B. ride C. riding( ) 3. The rabbits _ eating carrots. A. likes B. like C. is( ) 4. Alice _ in Australia with _ grandparents. A. live, my B. living, her C. lives, her( ) 5. _ your mother a factory worker? A. Is

15、B. Does C. Whats( ) 6. _your father read newspapers at night? A. Is B. Does C. Do( ) 7. _ you like diving? A. Are B. Does C. Do( ) 8. They look the same,_ they are very different. A. and B. so C. but( ) 9. I am _. A. exciting B. excited C. excite( )10. _ he writing a letter _ his pen pal? A. Does, t

16、o B. Is, to C. Is, at三. 翻译下列句子:1. 凯特每天晚上都要拉小提琴。Kate _ the violin _ night.2. 他住在城里吗?_ he live _ the city?3. 她姐姐不喜欢做家务。_ sister _ like _ housework.4. 你爸爸的爱好是什么?_ your _ hobby?5. 我不喜欢看电视,也不喜欢看书。I _ like watching TV _ reading books.第一学期六年级期末复习题(五) (星期五)一. 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. actress B. engineer

17、C. reporter( ) 2. A. writer B. artist C. singer( ) 3. A. show B. down C. now( ) 4. A. accountant B. country C. sprout( ) 5. A. policeman B. salesperson C. company二. 用适当的单词填空:1. What _ your father do? Hes a principal.2. My mother is a teacher. She _ at the university.3. I want to be a singer, because

18、 I like _.4. My favourite basketball _ is Yaoming.5. What are you going to _? Artist.6. My uncle is _ actor _ TV.7. _ does your father go to work? At about 7:30.8. Her sister is a _, she works in a shoe store.9. He works in _ air-conditioner company.10. She is a writer, she _ stories.三. 翻译下列句子:1. 这个

19、女演员的爱好是进行体育活动。The _ hobby is _ sports.2. 工程师经常用电脑工作。_ often work _ computers.3. 他哥哥在广州工作。His brother _ _ Guangzhou.4. 我们语文老师喜欢走路回家。_ Chinese teacher likes _ home.5. 他在哪里学习?_?四补全下列对话:A: Hi, Amy. What _ your mother?B: Shes a nurse. She _ in the Center Hospital.A: Really? My father works in that hospit

20、al, _. He is a doctor.B: _ does your father go to work?A: Usually by car, sometimes by bus. B: My mother likes walking, so she _ to work on foot every day. A: Is your home far _ the hospital? B: No, _ near. A: OK, I see.第一学期六年级期末复习题(六) (星期六)一. 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词:( ) 1. A. should B. cloud C. sprout (

21、) 2. A. then B. other C. month( ) 3. A. again B. vapour C. wake( ) 4. A. shine B. still C. little( ) 5. A. drop B. old C. soil二. 选择填空:( ) 1. Where _the rain from?A. does B. is C. should ( ) 2. What _ we do then? A. are B. do C. should ( ) 3. _ do we plant a tree? A. How B. What C. Which ( ) 4. Where

22、 _ the vapour come from? A. is B. are C. does ( ) 5. The cloud comes from the _. A. rain B. vapour C. water ( ) 6. The sun _ and the water _ vapour. A. shine, become B. shines, becomes C. shines, become ( ) 7. You can see the sprout _ several days. A. on B. in C. behind ( ) 8. Look, the baby is so _

23、. A. love B. lovely C. live ( ) 9. Im going to _ some flowers tomorrow. A. planting B. plants C. plant ( )10. Please wait _ me at the gate of the school. A. to B. for C. at三. 翻译下列句子:1. 你确信知道怎么做了吗?Can you make _ you know _ to do it?2. 我的小猫两个月大了。My cat is _ months _.3. 这棵树还没有开花。The tree still has _ _.4. 鱼生活在水里。_ live _ the water.5. 如果你想种花,你必须首先把种子放在土里。If you want to _ flowers, put the _ in the soil first.四补全下列对话:A: Im _ to plant tree seeds this morning.B: How do you do _?A: Its easy. First, dig the _and put the seed in it.B: What _ you do then?B: Water it . In several _, you can see it grow up.


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