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1、临河市新课标小学英语青年教师教学技能比赛试题基本能力测试 考号: 得分: 一、填空题。(每空0.25分,共5分)1、英语课程标准采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照_设为九个级别。2、基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, ,养成良好的学习习惯和 ,发展自主学习的能力和 精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读写技能, ; 培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神; ; 拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的 打下良好的基础。3、英语课程标准(实验稿)规定小学英语的终点目标是 级,二级目标在词汇方面要求学习有关本级话题范围的 个单词和 个左右的

2、习惯用语。4、小学英语语言技能一级的读写目标,除了能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语和能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事之外,还有一条是 。5、对话课教学模式一般教学程序是准备活动、 、 、 、 。6、课程标准中规定的“三维目标”是指 、 、和 。7、我们平常说的英语“双基”教学是指 和 。二、判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题0.25分,共2.5分)( )1、教学评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。 ( )2、备课就是写教案。 ( )3、临沂市小学英语教学策略词汇课中呈现新知是情景导入和听音正音。 ( )4、教师要充分利用现代教育技术,拓宽学生学习和运用英语的渠道。( )5、在已经普及九年义务

3、教育的地区,小学生必须通过统一毕业考试才能升学,否则没有机会读初中。( )6、教师应尊重学生的人格,关注个体差异,满足不同学生的学习需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都能得到充分的发展。( )7、thin的比较级是thiner。( )8、big的反义词是tall。( )9、I的同音词是eye。( )10、twelve的序数词是twelvth。三、单项选择。(每小题0.25分,共2.5分)( ) 1临沂市小学英语教学策略读写课的第三环节是_。A. 阅读中活动 B. 阅读后活动 C. 交际练习 D.合作学习( ) 2、_是英

4、语课程的出发点和归宿。 A 英语课堂 B. 教师的发展 C. 教材的编写 D. 学生的发展( ) 3、英语课程倡导_的教学模式。A. 讲授型 B.任务型 C. 讨论型 D. 应试型( ) 4、国家英语课程要求从_开设英语课程。A. 1年级 B. 3年级 C. 4年级 D. 5年级( ) 5、英语课程的学习,是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高_能力的过程。A. 思维 B. 应试 C. 语言实际运用 D. 口语表达()6. -Would you like _ tea? - Yes, please.A. a B. any C. some D. any()7. she teac

5、h English?A. Is B. Does C. does D. Do()8.Amy goes to school bus? A. by B. on C. in D. at()9. How can I get to the museum?-Go straight five minutes. Then turn left.A. at B. in C. for D. on()10. -What did you do on your holiday?-I some presents.A. bought B. buys C. buy D. to buy小学英语青年教师教学技能比赛 简笔画考号: 得

6、分: 请根据英语所提供的情景设计简笔画内容。1. Sarah: I like my village. There are many rivers and bridges in the village. There are many mountains near my village. There are many pandas in the mountains. There are no tall buildings. The water is clean. There are many fish in the rivers. The air is fresh. The sky is blue

7、. The clouds are white. I can run on the grass.2Mike: Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look atthe monkey. It is funny. Look at the rabbit. It is lovely. Look at themouse, in my house. 小学英语青年教师教学技能比赛歌曲演唱和口语部分NO.1歌曲 1How do you go to school?2Old MacDonald朗读Throughout history ,gr

8、eat thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to change the world.How do they come up with ideas for new inventions?Thinkers who have changed the world do not seem to have much in common.They come from different cultures and have different backgrounds, and only some of them did well at sch

9、ool. Creativity is not about getting high test scores,having a high IQ or being smart. Instead ,it seems that creative thinking ,which is one of the most highly valued skills in society,is a matter of habits. By thinking about the way we think and practising good thinking strategies, we can become m

10、ore creative.说话(选择一个)1My favourite season.2National Day is coming, please talk about your travel plan.NO.2歌曲 1I can help.2My days of the week.朗读Good solutions and new ideas are often the result of a change in perception. By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible,creative thinkers can find

11、solutions that would otherwise remain invisible. As with thinking outside the box,the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities. Great thinkers also lik

12、e to make their ideas visible. A drawing or a model will help you see things that may otherwise remain hidden.说话(选择一个)1.Please introduce your career(职业).2.My favourite food.NO.3歌曲1What are you going to do?2Books and pencils.朗读Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but we m

13、ust also realize that what we know and what we have learnt may also limit our thinking.To “think outside the box” is to try new ways to solve a problem. Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy” solutions. If we look only for the correct

14、answer and reject ideas that do not provide a complete answer,we may get stuck.说话(选择一个)1Please introduce your family.2Please tell us how to learn English well.NO.4歌曲1My family2Friends朗读Good ideas are no accident.They are the result of a long process of trial and error.Most famous scientists and thin

15、kers are very productive and studies have shown that our most respected scientists produce not only some of the best ideas, but also a great many bad ones. Some of the greatest inventors forced themselves to develop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspired. They all knew that for

16、 each new invention that works,there are at least ten that do not.说话(选择一个)1.Please describe your eating habits.2.My friend.NO.5歌曲1What do you have for lunch?2What would you like?朗读Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.Today ,there are more than 8000 hi-tech companies

17、in Zhongguancun. More than half of them are TT companies. The park is home to Chinese computer giants Lenovo and Founder and more than twenty famous international companies. One of the mottos for the park-“Relying on science,technology and knowledge to increase economic power”-makes it clear that sc

18、ience and business can and must work together to build the future.Another motto helps explain the success of the park: “Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure. Great scientific achievements are the results of years of failure,years of trying to create something that has never existed befo

19、re.说话(选择一个)1.My favouriate teacher.2.My holiday plan.NO.6歌曲1I can help.2My days of the week朗读Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. Zhongguancun ,in Beijings Haidian District, is the new centre for Chinese science and technology . It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.说话(选择一个)1. My weekend plan.2. Please introduce your pen pal.


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