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1、,英语专业四级写作 课堂辅导篇,Writing Practice for TEM-4 Part 1 . TEM-4写作测试要求与形式 TEM-4写作部分测试为主观试题,共25分,时间45分钟,总字数为250字左右,分Section A 和Section B。 Section A: Composition (15分) 本部分为命题作文(提供题目或提纲或数据图表),要求35分钟内完成200字左右的作文,体裁为说明文、议论文或记叙文。基本要求是内容切题、完整,条理清楚,结构逻辑清晰,语言表达正确得体,基本无语法错误。 Section B: Note-writing (10分) 本部分为便条(通知、请

2、柬等)写作(50-60词),要求10分钟内完成,格式正确,语言得体。,TEM-4命题作文评分原则来取总体评分,就文章的总体印象给分及奖励分(14分;11分;8分;5分;2分;0分五档,可根据优劣加减1分),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲规定的作文评分标准规定: 思想内容占50% (Write thoughtfully: with abundant thoughts or ideas) 组织结构占10%(Write formally: with accurate form and structure) 语法占15% (Write correctly: witho

3、ut grammatical errors or mistakes). 文体占5% (Write naturally: write in a way that comes naturally.),Writing Practice: Please write a 200-word composition on the topic below: Harmony,写作临场发挥“三要素”: 抓住一点“大题小作”(如:“和谐社会”); 想方设法将主题往自己熟悉的方向靠 (如:“和谐家庭”、 “和谐校园”、“和谐班级”、“和谐寝室”); 熟记套路:引题自然(提出自己的观点,尽量套用经典句型) 分层论述(提

4、出三个分论点,简单阐述,并分别举一个例子说明)结尾自然。,Note-wring Example 1. A letter of application (申请信) Feb 15, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to you to inquire if there would be any position available for me to work as an English teacher in your department. Please allow me to give you my brief reference. Im looking f

5、orward to your kind early reply. (or Your kind early reply would be very much appreciated.) If you need any further information, please feel free to ask. Many thanks. Yours sincerely, Ding Chen,Example 2. A letter of complaint (投诉信小可以视为Note-writing, 大可以视为Composition writing) Feb. 15, 2009 Dear Sir o

6、r Madam, I am writing to you to complain of the No. 3 Chemical Works, which seriously pollutes the city environment. The major problems are as follows. In the first place, Secondly, Finally, As a result, I think several urgent measures should be taken to solve the problems. On the one hand, On the o

7、ther hand, It is my sincere hope that the pollution problems caused by the works will be looked into thoroughly and solved as soon as possible. Im looking forward to your early reply. With lots of thanks. Yours truly, Ding Chen,Pre-note-writing (50-60 words): Suppose you are Mr. Ding, who missed a l

8、ecture. Please write to the monitor that Mr. Ding will make it up,A Message Feb. 25 Dear Monitor, Im sorry to have missed your writing lecture due to an important meeting at headquarter of the University this Monday. I decide to make it up on Tuesday evening. Please inform your classmates to attend

9、the lecture in Room 3221 at 18:30. Thanks and best regards! Ding Zhibin (53 words),链接 2000-2008年全国英语专业四级统测Note-writing http:/,Note-writing 语言特点:以口语体来表述。 功能分类:邀请;祝贺;感谢;道歉;举荐;倡议;申 请;告示;通知 例子说明: Letter of Invitation(邀请信) Content: A) 诚挚邀请对方来参加某项活动 B) 概括介绍活动的内容和安排 C

10、) 再次表示诚意 Letter of Acceptance(接受信) A) 感谢 B) 表示确切会准时邀 Im delight to accept; Im appreciated that I am invited to; It is with great pleasure; We are sincerely happy to join your,Classroom practice: Please write and invite your friend to attend our cultural exchange. (50-60 words within 6 minutes),An In

11、formal Invitation Feb. 30, 2009 Linda, There will be an cultural exchange group at our campus during Nov. 1st to 3rd , concerning sightseeing, Mandarin, shadowboxing, paper cutting, Chinese traditional medicine, Chinese tea art, Chinese philosophy, Tujia museum, English corner, and making Jiaozi, et

12、c. I hope you may join us. If youd like to come, please ring me. Jack (56 words),Letter of Refusal(拒绝信) A) 收到邀请 B)表示感谢 C) 阐述不能赴邀的原因 D) 表示遗憾和美好的祝愿 E.g.: I shall have to say no to your kind invitation. Very regretfully, Unfortunately, it will be impossible. Due to , we find we cannot . Letter of Apolo

13、gy (道歉信) (A. Make an Apology B. Cause C. Wish ) I write to apologize for having caused Please accept my apology for I am writing to express my apology for I am sorry for It is my entire fault I have made you I regret I have caused,Letter of thanks (感谢信) A) 对于收信人的恵助表示感谢 B) 解释感谢的原因或因对方的帮助给自己带来的好处 C) 再

14、次表示诚挚谢意 I dont know how to express my gratitude for you (谢意,感谢:thanks, thankfulness, gratitude, gratefulness, appreciation) I cannot tell you how much I owe you It was thoughtful (more than kind, generous, etc) of you Thank you again for your generosity (hospitality, generous help, timely-rain help,

15、 etc),Writing practice: You lost your favorite walkman on Oct 29th. Your friend found it and brought it back to you yesterday evening. Please write a thank-letter to her/him.,March. 10 Linda, I really dont know how to express my gratitude to you when you brought back my lost walkman last night. The

16、walkman is my favorite because it is the best gift from my special friend. You cannot imagine how sad I would be if I made it lost. Ill treat you tomorrow evening! With hearty thanks! Jack (60 words),Composition Practice for TEM 4: 学生弑师案频发,谁的责任? (自拟题目,200词),学生弑师案频发,谁的责任? 写作提示(Hints) Topic: 必须言简意赅,体现

17、文章主题。如:Student Killing Teacher: Whose Responsibility?就可行。 Beginning: 利用“数字原理”通过报道引出话题,提出Student Killing Teachers: Whose Responsibility? Body: 分四个方面论述“学生弑师案频发,到底是谁的责任?” :教育体制之责;教师之责;学生之责;学校管理之责。 Ending: 总结:学生弑师案频发,教育体制、教师、学生、学校皆有责任。建议进行教育体制改革和学校管理体制改革,加强对教师、学生的品德教育、责任教育、人文教育,Letter of Congratulation(

18、祝贺信) 适用于“节日、生日、乔迁、病愈、入学、毕业、就业、比赛、考试”等。 A: 对收信人表示祝贺(“节日、生日、乔迁、病愈、入学、毕业、就业、比赛、考试”等) B: 简述祝贺事件对收信人和本人带来的喜悦 C: 再次表示祝贺,Some sentences for writing letter of congratulations 1) I am writing to express my heartiest congratulations on your 2)Please accept my sincere congratulations from the bottom of my hear

19、t on your 3) I wish to congratulate you on your finishing high school and entering Tsinghua University 4)I am much delight to hear/learn you have passed/won As one of your friends, I am proud of you. 5) Its the kind of news I like to hear, because it proves once again a hard-working man always gets

20、ahead. Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I know you are going to be successful in,Classroom practice: Please write a letter of congratulation to your favorite friend for her passing TEM 8. (50-60 words),Apr. 6 Linda, Im so delight to learn you have passed TEM-8! As an English major, TEM-8 is

21、too important for you! Im proud of you! It proves once again a hard-working girl like you always gets ahead. Let me offer my warmest congratulations! With the certificate, you will be more confident and competitive in the job-seeking afterwards. Congratulations! Jack (60 words),Letter of Application

22、 (申请信) 申请入学,申请职位,申请奖学金,申请就业 申请的目的the purpose of applying for this job (position) B) 申请的原因以及对自身情况的介绍(the experiences and personal statement) C) 愿望(the desire of achieving this job) Classroom Practice: Write an application to Mr. Tan for the Chairman of the Students Union. (60 words),Apr. 10 Dear Mr.

23、Tan, Im a girl from Class 1, Grade 2007. Im writing to apply for Chairman of the Students Union. Im a top student and monitor now, hardworking, responsible, easy-going, and good at managing. My experience and ability shows Im one of the best candidates. Id be appreciated if you could give me this ch

24、ance. Thanks! Cathy (60 words),Composition Writing for TEM 4: 我看学生评教 (200词) Requirements: 1、审题,写出主题句、支持主题句的三个要点( 5分钟); 2、Beginning:50词,要求套用经典句型(5分钟); 3、Body: 120词,展开论证支持主题句的三个要点(17分钟); 4、Ending: 30词,呼应开头,重申主题(3分钟)。,1. Topics for Reference: My View on Students Evaluating Teachers 2) Students Evaluati

25、ng Teachers, For or Against? 3) How Do Students Evaluate Teachers? 4) The Importance of Students Evaluating Teachers The Necessity of Students Evaluating Teachers Advantages and Disadvantages of Students Evaluating Teachers 2.Thesis Statement: Students evaluating teachers is of great necessity / imp

26、ortance. 3. Structure: Beginning: Body: First and foremost, What is more, Last but not least, Ending: From what Ive been discussed, it is clearly now that ,Letter of Condolence (慰问信) A:对他人不幸之事表示遗憾 B: 安慰、鼓励 C: 祝愿新的成功 I am sorry to learn/hear you Its really a pity that you failed in I felt surprised t

27、hat you Dont worry about youryou will soon become Dont lose heart; with you will be successful in the future,Classroom practice (好友失恋,痛苦不堪,欲跳楼请写信安慰) (50-60 words ),Classroom practice (好友失恋,痛苦不堪,欲跳楼请写信安慰) Apr. 15 Dear Lucy, Im terribly sorry to learn you failed in falling love with your boyfriend! Do

28、nt be too sad! Forget him! Life is but once! Where there is a will there is a sweetheart! With your beauty, personality and ability, its easy to find a better lover in the near future! Dont lose your heart! With best wishes! Jack (61 words),Letter of Recommendation (举荐信) 内容要略述被举荐或被举荐人的智力和能力确能胜任某项学习任

29、务或工作。 I take pleasure in recommending to you Miss Liu who hopes to attend your college for postgraduate studies Please allow me to recommend Jack as a candidate, who, in my opinion, is qualified for Its my pleasure to recommend Kirk Baker for your consideration as he applies for, in your company I t

30、ake the liberty to introduce I have the honor to introduce to you This is to introduce to you With reference to your advertisement on the local newspaper I beg to offer myself for the position as an accountant. I write to apply for a position as a typist.,Classroom practice : Please write a letter t

31、o Dean Peng to recommend Mr. Ding to be our class teacher. (60 words within 6 minutes),Classroom practice : Recommend Mr. Ding to be your class teacher. Qualities of a class teacher: 1) Responsible 2) Strict 3) Easy-going (get along with students well) 4) Patient; care for students 5) Know each othe

32、r 6) Experience (Able to manage class; able to guide students to learn),Apr. 15 Dear Dean Peng, Please allow us to recommend Mr. Ding as our new class teacher, who, in our opinion, is qualified for this position, because all of us regard him as a responsible, strict, patient, experienced, and easy-g

33、oing man. Were sure he loves us, and is able to manage our class, leading us to success. With thanks! Class Two, Grade 2007 (62 words),Composition Writing Practice for TEM-4: State Scholarships (200 words within 30 minutes) Please first write a thesis statement, and then write 3 supporting ideas (5

34、minutes),Composition Writing Practice for TEM-4: State Scholarships (200 words) Thesis Statement: State scholarships is a good policy both beneficial to the country and the students . .It is a good policy to enhance the higher education, especially for the universities .It is a good policy to reduce

35、 the students families burden, esp. those poor ones. . It is a good policy to promote the students themselves to build an overall development. Conclusion: .,Announcement (告示) 言简意赅,事件,时间,地点要交代清楚。 This is to announce/declare that Ais organized byto A will organize a to Ais advocated and sponsored by t

36、o Who are Welcome to take part in Whowill benefit /learn a lot from,Letter of Transmittance (转告) 一定要向当事人交代清楚涉及到的人和事,千万不要引起歧义。 I, herein, am writing to you instead of your close friend Jack, I am writing to ask you to do/tell Would you please tell.that I just want you to tell Jack asked me this morni

37、ng to tell you Jack called and left a message for you, saying Jack says he will be very grateful to you if you,Classroom practice: Suppose youre Linda. Cathys friend Jack came to invite your roommate Cathy to an outgoing this morning. Unfortunately, Cathy was out. Please write a message to Cathy for

38、 Jack. (60 words),Apr. 15 Dear Cathy, Your friend Jack came to invite you to an outgoing this morning. Jack says he will be very appreciated to you if you would like to share an outgoing with him this weekend. If possible, he would pay you a visit again at 8:00 in the evening, please do be in and wa

39、it for him. Linda (60 words),Letter of Inquire (询问信) 为方便他人了解更多相关信息,向有关部门及人员询问相关内容。询问的内容一定要详细且重点突出。 With reference to your advertisement on the local news paper I want to know more about I have learned from that you willI just want to know specifically about It is reported that Would you please be so

40、 kind to give me more information about? I would appreciate very much if you can provide me with more details about I would be very grateful to you let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration.,Classroom Practice: Suppose you are going to take part in your TEM-4 next week for the first tim

41、e. Ask Miss Li Xi in the Teaching Affairs Office for the necessary details of the coming TEM-4. (60 words),Apr. 15 Dear Miss Li, Im Jack in Class One, Grade 2007. Would you please tell me more information about the coming TEM-4? Id like to know the exact time and place. Need we bring relevant certif

42、icates and tools such as ID card, student card, radio, pencil? I would be appreciated if you could provide me with the relevant details. Jack (61 words),Letter of Complaint (抱怨信) 对所遇到的困扰,恶劣的服务态度,劣质的产品等提出抗议和改进建议。要求内容有理,批评有节。 I write to show my great anger at your I am writing to protest your. My comp

43、laint about youris based on the fact that hope you will improve your. It is high time you took some measures to solve I sincerely hope such things will never take place again. Classroom practice Write a complaint letter to President Li (李校长) about the unsatisfied university canteen service. (60 word

44、s),TEM-4 Writing Topics 1. College Roll Rankings 2. An Eye on “AIDS” 3. Suicide among Students 4. My View on Harmonious Society 5. A Lesson from “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome”,Note-writing Practice 1. College Notice: No class tomorrow due to the Sports Meeting. 2. College Notice: English Corner

45、. 3. Second-hand books for sale due to graduation. 4. Painting-room seeking one cowboy or cowgirl. 5. Seeking a special friend,10-minute-writing Suppose youre going to graduate this summer. Your parents want you to work in a bank which is controlled by your uncle. However, you are favor of enthusias

46、m for a master degree. Please write to your parents and persuade them to support your further study. (60 words) Topic and Outline writing Every year men and women crowd into cities in search of employment, a decent living, and the excitement and stimulation of urban life. However, many city dwellers

47、 yearn for country life. Whats your opinion? Please write a 200-word composition and state your ideas clearly with details.,Writing sample: Apr. 15 Dear Mum and Dad: Please remember me to Uncle! Thank you all very much! Working in the bank is my dream. But Im too young, still in great lack of knowle

48、dge and experience! I am favor of enthusiasm for a master degree because it will bring me a more bright future! Hope you can support me. With thanks! Jack (60 words),Percentage of People Who Got Divorced During the Years between 1960 to 2008,Writing practice: Since 1980, divorce rate in China has increased rapidly as shown in the following graph. What are the causes for it? Please illustrate your opinions in 200 words.,Hints Divorce Rate from 1960 to 2008 in China


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