外研社版小学英语第五册Module 7 Community Unit 1 He cant see教案.doc

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1、Module 7 Community Unit 1 He cant see.一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:(1)学习词汇: programme /sausage /useful /blind/ deaf/ hear/firemen.(2)学习句型:This man is blind ,He cant see. This girl is deaf, She cant hear. These firemen cant find people.2、能力目标:能运用can, cant谈论能力。3、情感目标培养学生对动物的热爱,对残疾人要关心帮助,树立学生的爱心意识。二、教学重点 1学习新词汇:prog

2、ramme/sausage/useful/ blind/deaf/hear/firemen 2、句型结构:This man is blind ,He cant see. This girl is deaf, She cant hear. These firemen cant find people. 三、教学难点 通过can, cant能够熟练表达能力。四、辅助资源录音机、磁带、单词卡片、图片、PPT.五教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher. You can

3、call me Miss li. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.T: I have some stickers . Do you like them? Please try to get them in this class. Come on. 2 Lets Chant T:Lets look at screen. Can you do them?Ss: Yes , I can. T: Now lets do them together. Stand up .Follow me ,please. Lets chant Run, run, run,

4、I can run.Swim ,swim , swim, I can swimRide , ride, ride , I can ride Fly , fly , fly , I can flyRead ,read ,read ,I can read.Walk ,walk ,walk, I can walk.Step 2 Lead inT:T: You did a very good job.You can do many things . And lots of animals can do like you . For example, the birds can sing. The ho

5、rses can dance. The elephants can draw pictures . What about dogs? What can dogs do? (1) T: Today, I bring a new friend for you. Lets watch a programme.单词卡教授programme,领读 分组读,变声音读。(2) 观看可爱小狗的视频。【百度搜索】http:/ They are lovely dogs. But they are not hot dogs. Do you know“ hot dog”?课件出示“hot dog”,并把单词卡片贴在黑

6、板上。 T:Hot dogs arent dogs. They are sausages.课件出示香肠图片。单词卡领读 , 并贴在黑板上, T: This class well talk about special dogs. Please turn to Page 26. Today well learn M7U1: He cant see.(板书,课题)Step3 Learn the text.1 Listen to the tape ,answer the question.1) Are dogs very useful?2) Can Sam have a dog?课件展示问题,引出单词

7、useful ,单词卡one by one 读。Ss:Answer: 1)Yes ,they are. 2) No ,he cant.2. Listen again and think. “What can this dog do?”、 出示盲人与狗的引导学生发现:“This man cant see.”,自制课件出示图片和句子。This man is blind.(盲的,失明的)He cant see.This dog helps him.T:He cant see. Because he is blind. 课件出示句子This man is blind. He cant see.贴单词b

8、lind. 领读单词,要结合句子教授。T: He is blind. Who helps him?引导学生回答This dog helps him.再次重复 Dogs are very useful.、 出示聋人与狗的自制课件,出示图片和句子。T: This girl is deaf, She cant hear. 把单词卡hear 和deaf贴在黑板上教授 。 注意:在领读hear时,要结合ear。T: Look at this picture. Who helps him?引导学生回答出This dog helps her. 引导学生说一遍Dogs are very useful.、 自制

9、课件出示消防员与狗的图片。T: These men are firemen.课件出示句子,并把firemen单词卡贴在黑板上教授。T: Now, they cant find people. Who helps them?引导学生表达出 Dogs help them.并再次强调Dogs are very useful.(设计意图:以图片的直观效果说明狗的有用性,同时引出新单词,并结合图片,把单词放入句子中学习,适当地设计疑问,激发学生进一步学习的强烈愿望,学生对这些单词的印象会非常深刻。)3 Listen and repeat the text.Step 4 practice1 Chant.拍

10、手唱He is blind. He cant see.She is deaf. She cant hear.Who helps him? Who helps her?The dog helps him. The dog helps her.2 Fill in the blankHe cant _.This dog helps _.She cant _.This dog helps_.They cant _This dog helps _.3 Play a game .Guess. 教学意图:设计了一个有关喜羊羊和灰太狼动画片的猜谜游戏,学生非常感兴趣,让学生在游戏猜谜活动中进一步训练重点语句。

11、4 Show time 看图说话 Talk about pictures Step 5 SummaryT: Animals can help people.They can help each other. People can help each other too. In our life, there are many disabled people. Some are blind. They cant see. Some are deaf. They cant hear. So we should help them!. Because you and me, from one wor

12、ld, we are family. Let the world be full of love .What have we learned?(我们学到了什么)Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the tape five times.2 .Talk about some animals“What can it do?Step 7 板书设计 M7U1 He cant see.ProgrammeUseful Sausage This man is blind ,He cant see.This girl is deaf, She cant hear.These firemen cant find people.


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