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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating,Learning about language,Find the words and expressions from the text that mean the same.,_ something that you say that you know is not true. 2. _ not to be punished for something,lie,get away with,3. _ uncooked 4. _ the strong wish to know about something 5. _ someone who buys

2、things or services from a shop, company, etc 6. _ a particular quality that gives someone or something an advantage.,raw,curiosity,customer,benefit,Fill in the blanks with words form the left box and paraphrase the italicized parts using the phrases from the right box.,balanced diet raw slim ought t

3、o energetic,lose weight lose heart lose interest lose face,Julie wanted to become thinner. She knew she _ eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did no t consult a doctor but lived on a _ of rice, _ vegetables, bananas and

4、 lemons. Three weeks later, she found she weighed as much as ever.,lose weight,ought to,diet,raw,losing face,She felt so sad and hopeless about herself and her behaviour changed. She didnt dare to face her boyfriend and she was unwilling to visit her friends any more. Luckily, her best friend Fred c

5、ame to see her and encouraged her to exercise, eat a _ diet and enjoy life again. Soon Julie became amazingly _ and _! She felt very happy.,balanced,energetic,slim,lost interest in visiting,lost heart,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或 汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. Im not quite sure how to get there Id better c_ a map.

6、2. You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to d_.,consult,digest,课堂练习,3. _ (纤维) helps to keep you healthy by moving food quickly through your body. 4. _ (胡萝卜) are long, thin, orange- coloured vegetables and they grow under the ground.,Fibre,Carrots,II. 选用方框内所给的情态动词填空。 1. You _ go on

7、 working because you look so tired now. 2. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _ have taken the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.,must; oughtnt to; dont have to; couldnt; mustnt; neednt; cant; have to,oughtnt to,neednt,3. Li Hua _ pass an examination before he can start work. 4. You _

8、 come to the meeting if youre too busy. 5. You _ play now! You shall finish your homework first!,has to,neednt / dont have to,mustnt / oughtnt to,6. I know things are hard with you, but you _ try to get over the difficulties. 7. I didnt see her at the meeting this morning; she _ have spoken at the m

9、eeting. 8. You _ imagine what difficulty we had walking home in the snowstorm.,must,couldnt / cant,cant,III. 根据汉语提示,将下列句子补充完整。 1. We _ _ _ (本应该到达) at lunchtime but our flight was late. 2. Mark _ _ _ (本不需要 着急). After running all the way, he arrived ten minutes early.,neednt have hurried,should have arrived,3. The teacher did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ _ _ _ _ (本可以用不同的方式表 达).,could have expressed,it differently,Homework,Finish Using words and Expressions on Page 49 of workbook.,Thank you!,


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