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1、如何备考英语专业四级(TEM-4), 听写、小作文篇,Dictation,听写中出现的问题 听不懂 记不下 写不对,问题一 听不懂,What:每篇听写中似乎总有那么一句半句 听不懂是在说什么 Why:发音、词汇、词组 How:单词弱读、连读及单音节单词 熟练掌握6000词汇 抑扬顿挫 六千词汇,问题二 记不下,What:觉得自己都听懂了,但是却来不及 写下来 Why:短时记忆能力 How:24字方针 排除杂念,集中精力; 掌握节奏,统筹全局; 分清主次,听记结合,问题三 写不对,What:觉得自己都听懂了,也写下来了, 但是一看答案错误百出 Why:单词拼写不过关;小错不断,听完 不检查;大小

2、写不注意;乱用标点 How:20字方针 拼写是基础,检查很关键; 标点要注意,大写别忽略。,错误类型及扣分标准,小错误 单词拼写,标点符号,单复数、冠词错误 小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计;出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次,扣0.5分后留一小错做总计;出现四次及以上,扣1分。 一些特例的扣分标准: 下列情况不扣分: in the pastin the past,;“now”后加逗号。 下列情况扣分: throughout-through out(小错误);a piece ofpieces of(两个小错,扣0.5分),错误类型及扣分标准,大错误: 漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计),大移位

3、,时态错误,原文一个词变两个词。 每个错误扣0.5分。 总分为0.5分时,以1分计算:其余总分中如含分数的,分数舍去,留整数。如:12.5分一12分,7.5分-7分。,关于大小写,大写情况主要有: 完整句子第一个词首字母大写 直接引语句首字母大写 e.g. The teacher said, “The earth moves around the sun.” 动词be后的完整句子首字母大写 e.g. The truth is: He didnt lie to you. 报刊、书籍、文章标题等除不位于句首的冠词、介词和连词外,其他单词的首字母大写 e.g. The Economist; Prid

4、e and Prejudice,关于大小写,人名、地名、国名、月份、星期、大型节日、著名事件、组织机构的名称等,首字母需大写 e.g. Laura, Spain, September, Monday, New Years Eve, the Second World War, World Trade Organization 人名前的称呼或头衔首字母需大写 e.g. Mr. Green, Dr. Li 表示语种、民族的名词或形容词首字母需大写 e.g. English, Chinese 宗教专名首字母大写 e.g. Buddhist, Christian,英语标点符号的使用,节间标点 若停顿前的

5、意群主谓宾结构已经完整,且后面是有独立主谓宾结构的另一意群,前面停顿处为句号。 But to those who are new to this system, it can sometimes be confusing./ October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar. 若前后两个分句在意思上是独立的,但两句中间有连词连接(and, but, thus, so, because等),则;两个分句间或连词前用逗号。 After all, the British weather wasnt very good, eve

6、n in summer,/ so a lot of people left the country for a vocation.,英语标点符号的使用,若两小节虽朗读上有停顿,但意义上却属于完整的一句话,则停顿处没有标点符号,这种情况一般出现在固定搭配、位于句末的时间或条件从句等。 They always have to remind their customers/ of the name and qualities of their products by advertising. And they sometimes move from job to job/ until they fi

7、nd something that suits them.,英语标点符号的使用,若停顿后的意群是停顿前一个意群的同位成分,则停顿处为破折号。 There is one thing that all New Years Eve parties have in common / the countdown to midnight. Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food fish.,英语标点符号的使用,节内标点 句首的副词、时间状语、地点状语、不定式等后面一般需有逗号(时间状语后可不加逗号)。 Luckily, th

8、ere will be thousands of others in the same boat as you. (2010年真题) In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable.(2011年真题) When the clock strikes 12, people give a loud cheer and sing songs. (2009年真题) First, what do we think we would like to be? Second, what kind of people are we? (2008年真题) In tod

9、ays business world, supply is usually greater than demand. (2007年真题),英语标点符号的使用,小节内的插入语需要逗号分隔。 The idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive.(2008年真题) 若前后两个分句在意思上密切相关,但中间没有连词连接,则两个分句间用分号。 Some people hold a house party; others attend street parties, (2009年真题) 节内一般不出

10、现句号。 合成词、词缀与词根(或词)之间需用连字符。 Britain has a well-respected higher education system. (2010年真题),数字听写,简单的一位数可以直接用阿拉伯数字或单词表示。 两位以上数字:如果数字是比较复杂的两位数或多位数,通常用阿拉伯数字记录。 以thousand, million, billion等为单位的数:听音时,以thousand, million, billion为中心,便条八大类型,约会 留言 道歉 致谢,邀请 请求 祝贺 慰问,便条写作八大类之约会篇,结构: 因事与收信人约定面谈的便条,一般包括三个方面 约会事由

11、建议时间和地点 期待对方回复,并表示感谢,便条写作八大类之约会篇,便条日期 称呼, Id like to discuss with you 约会事由. Could we see each other 约会时间和地点? Please 给予回复 if you find the time/place is not convenient to you. 署名,便条写作八大类之约会篇,可用表达: 1.如果您有空,我想(时间)跟您见个面。 Id like to see you if you have time. 2.你觉得来(某地)如何? How about coming to? 3.你觉得我们在(某地)

12、讨论如何? What do you say if we talk about it at? 4.能不能在(某地)见个面? I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at,便条写作八大类之约会篇,5.能否下周某个时间拜访您,因为我希望能 Could I see you sometime next week, as Id like to 6.我想要跟您约个时间见面。 Id like to make an appointment to see you. 7.我们可否亲自跟谈此事? Would it be possible for us to ta

13、lk toin person about that?,便条写作八大类之约会篇,8.我们可以见面再详细讨论一下这件事吗? Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail? 9.这个周末想跟我去(做某事)吗? Would you like to with me this weekend? 10.今晚跟我(做某事)如何? How about with me tonight? 11.这个周末有没有什么特别的计划?或许我们可以你意下如何? Do you have any special plans for the weekend?

14、 Maybe we can How does that sound?,便条写作八大类之约会篇,12. 你觉得(时间)如何? What do you say? 13.什么时候我们能见面谈谈? When can we meet to talk? 14.您何时方便呢? When is it convenient for you? What time would be convenient for you?,便条写作八大类之留言篇,结构: 写信人给对方礼物时的附言,或离开某地时书面形式留下的话,或转述电话留言。 内容多变,格式不一。 两方面内容:想要告诉对方的事或者要求对方完成的事;向对方表示问候或祝

15、愿。,便条写作八大类之留言篇,便条日期 称呼, 某人wishes to see you 在某时 to talk about 某事. You are requested to see 某时、某地见某人. 某人 called at 时间 and said that 传达打电话人所述内容. 署名,便条写作八大类之留言篇,可用表达: 非常高兴地告诉你 Im happy to inform you that 2. 请你帮我,好吗? Would you do me a favor by? 3. 请代我向问好。 Please kindly remember me to 4. 要求人人参加。 Everyone

16、 is requested to attend.,便条写作八大类之留言篇,5. 有位找你。 A wishes to see you. 6. 他/他们/她/她们要你 You are asked to 7. 这里有些给你。 Here are some for you. 8. 如果你在上遇到困难,可以随时来找我。 Come to me whenever you have difficulties with 9. 如果你愿意,请 If you would like to, please,学以致用,Meili is your niece, who studies very hard. You bough

17、t her The Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs as a present of reward. Write her a note accompanying the present. Do not sign your own name, using “Aunt Mabel” instead.,Reference Answer,March 20, 2012 Dear Meili, I happened to come across The Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs at the Foreign Language Book Store this morning. It reminded me of your English studies. I have always appreciated your work style, so earnest and meticulous. Here it is as a reward for your hard work. I hope it will be helpful to you. Love, Aunt Mabel,


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