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1、Whats the matter,Mike?,1.掌握表达疾病以及心情的单 词。会使用Lets read 中的短语。 2.学会使用Whats the matter 和How do you feel 句型进行简单的对话。,Teaching aims,Whats the matter? / Whats wrong with him/ her?,He has a sore throat.,She has a fever.,Whats the matter? / Whats wrong with him/her?,His leg hurts.,He has a cold.,Whats the matt

2、er? / Whats wrong with him/ her?,He has a toothache.,She has a headache.,How does he feel? / How is he?,He is tired.,He is excited.,How does she feel? / How is she?,She is sad.,It is angry.,How do they feel? / How are they?,They are happy.,They are bored.,hurt have a fever have a cold have a toothac

3、he have a headache have a sore throat,tired angry excited happy sad bored,Part A,Part B,A: How are you ? You look so happy. B: Yes. I am excited. I am going on a big trip. Whats the matter with you? A: I have a sore throat. My nose hurts. B: Im sorry to hear that.,Lets talk,1.Listen and number,Lets

4、try,1.I have a cold. I have a sore nose. 2.My throat hurts. I have a sore throat. 3.I hurt my hand. 4.I have a fever. I think I have the flu. 5.I feel sick. I have a headache.,1,2,3,4,5,2.Listen and number,1.Tom has a lot of homework.He goes to bed very late. 2.Mary has to say goodbye to her friends

5、. 3.Jack cant play with his friends.he has nothing to do. 4.Larry loves ice-cream.He is eating a big chocolate ice-cream.,1,2,3,4,a football match,1.简介足球比赛的规则, T: How many groups are there in a football match?,How many players are there in one group?,Two.,Eleven.,pass the ball,throw the ball,catch t

6、he ball,Kick the ball,Its Saturday morning. The weather is fine. There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 3. Many students are watching. They are excited.,Class 1,Class3,football match,Now John has the ball.,John,Mike,He passes it to Mike.,Mike kicks the ball. Its a goal!,Now Zhang Peng h

7、as the ball.,He kicks it. The ball flies into Johns face!,John is a little angry. But the ball bounces off his head. It flies into the goal. Another goal!,Hows John feeling now? Guess! Hes so happy!,Hooray! Class 1 won the game.,But Class 3 is not sad. They are laughing at Johns funny goal!,Its Sund

8、ay moring.The weather is fine.There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 3. Many students are watching .They are excited. Now John has the ball.He passes it to Mike. Mike kicks the ball. Its a goal!,Lets read,在之间,得到球、控球,传递,踢球,Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies into Joh

9、ns face! John is a little angry. But the ball bounces off his head. It flies into the goal. Another goal! Hows John feeling now? Guess! Hes so happy! Hooray! Class1 won the game. But Class 3 is not sad. They are laughing at Johns funny goal.,飞到,有些,弹起来,弹离,因而发笑,1.How do the students feel before the fo

10、otball game starts?,2.How does John feel when the ball hits his head?,3.How does Class 3 feel at the end of the game?,They are excited.,He is a little angry.,Class 3 is not sad. They are laughing at Johns funny goal.,Questions,Summary,句型: 1.Whats the matter?/ whats wrong with you? 2.How do you / the

11、y feel? / How does he/she feel?,词组: betweenand have the ball pass to kick the ball,1.There is something wrong with my head.I have a . 2.She eats much hot(辣的) food, so she has a . 3.Liu Xiang wins in the Olympic Games.The Chinese people are all . 4. the matter with you? 5.How Mike feel? He is happy,b

12、ecause he is on a trip.,Excise,headache,sore throat,excited,Whats,does,going,Role Play,一名学生扮演医生,另一名学生扮演病人,医生边询问病情边给病人开处方,增强学生的口头语言表达能力,D: Good morning, D: Whats your name? D: Whats the matter? D: Do you have a headache? D: Do you have a fever? D: Do you have a sore throat? D: Come to me and say “Aha

13、” D: You have a cold. D: Ill give you some medicine. Drink some water and stay at home for three days.,S: Good morning, doctor. S: My name is S: I feel sick. S: Yes. S: I dont know. I feel very cold. S: Yes. S: Aha S: Oh. What should I do then?,Home Work,根据Letread中学过的短语写一篇有关足球的小短文。 要求:短文中应涉及时间、 地点以及have the ball kick the ball betweenand pass to等短语。,


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