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1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语Unit2教学目标知识目标1) 学习掌握下列词汇:get on with; relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder能力目标阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。情感目标人的一生并不都是一帆风顺的,难免有一些挫折的困难教学重点掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。教学难点 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。主要教法Teaching, Listening教学媒体Recorder教学过程Step 1 Revision Some Ss give some problems. Other Ss give advice. Prob

2、lems and advice:1. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. Why dont you go camping with your friends this weekend?Step 2 Presentation the new words1. relation n. 关

3、系;联系;交往e.g. Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系看起来很亲密。2. argue v. 争吵;争论e.g. The couple began to argue about the childs education.那对夫妇开始就孩子的教育问题争吵。Step 3 Lead in 一、通过问答一些有关家庭生活的问题来导入正题:1. Can you get on well with your family?2. Are the relations between your parents good?Step 4 ReadingWork on 3a

4、: 1. Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to these questions: Whats Sad and Thirteens problem?How does he feel at home?方法指导:带着问题,然后快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间内,找到答案。学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并快速回答这两个问题。最后,教师让部分学生回答答案,并校对答案。2. Ss read the article again and fill in the chart. 学生们认真阅读短文,并在表

5、格中填出男孩Sad and Thirteen面临的问题,并填写出罗波特先生所给出的建议。和同学们一起校对答案。3. Ss read the article again and fill in the blanks.Step 5 Language points1. My problem is that I cant get on with my family.get on with 和睦相处;关系良好 相当于 get along withe.g. The child doesnt get on well with others. 那个小孩不合群。1. Instead he watches wha

6、tever he wants until late at night.Step 6 Exercises If time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen. 一、选词填空 instead, argue, nervous, proper, explain 1. My cousin is _ in front of strangers.2. He could not come up with a _answer. 3. The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards _?Step 7 Homework1. Read the article several times after school.课后反思教学成败得失及改进设想:最新精品英语资料


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