最新鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 3《What color is it》(第4课时)word教案.doc

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《最新鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 3《What color is it》(第4课时)word教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 3《What color is it》(第4课时)word教案.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语课时教案设计 年级_初一_ 学科 英语_课题Unit 3 What color is it? Period 4课型New教学目标1、知识目标:1)学习字母组合ch,sh,ck在单词中的读音2)How to make colors.2、技能目标:1)Listening abilities.2)How to make colors.教学重 点1)学习字母组合ch,sh,ck在单词中的读音2)How to make colors.教学难 点Listening abilities.学情分 析学生在学习了这些句型之后,要结合现实图片和物体,对学生进行实际训练,使他们能更好的掌握所学

2、的句型。同时练习好用物体直接作主语。教学准 备A tape recorder. Colored pencils. Multi-medium教学过程: 集体备课:Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper). Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to find out how the students preview, and sum up . 3. Show the

3、 aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Decide my own aims.2. Self-study: 1) correct their wrong answers2). 1c: Listen and repeat (听跟读.) 1d:Read the words in column 1.Then try to read the new

4、 words in column2. 2b: Listen and circle the word you hear in each pair. 2d:Listen and read 3. Group-study: Talk about their problems.Teacher: Show the teachers problem The sound of “ch,sh,ck”Step Three: Talk about the problems with the teacher together.Step Four: Practice: 2c:Listen and complete th

5、e words with the letters in the box. Then read the words.Step Five: Summary and TestStep Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (3a-selfcheck)个人备课小结: 学科21世纪教Unit 3 What color is it?Aims:1.能听懂1c,1d 和2b,能读过表中的单词2.能完成2c,2d的要求。3.记住“ch,sh,ck”字母组合的发音。反思与重建附:一、课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比二、课堂检测题:课本2c,听录音,完成单词。三、作业设置:1.配套14页第一、二题 (必做)2.配套15页第三题(选作)最新精品英语资料


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