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1、1适用范围Scope of application本标准规定了常州西电变压器有限责任公司所生产的出口变压器产品运输包装的总体要求、包装方式、包装箱技术要求、装箱方法、装箱流程、包装标识等主要内容。适用于本公司经铁路、公路及海洋运输的出口产品包装。The standard stipulates the general requirements which include packing way, packing technical requirements, encasement method, encasement procedure and packing identification et

2、c. of transport package for export transformer produced by Changzhou XD Transformer Co. Ltd. It applies to export product packing by railway, highway and ocean transportation.2 引用标准 Quoted criteria下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所有标准均为有效。所以标准都会被修订,标准使用方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。Provisions contained in

3、the following standard form the standard provision by quoting in this standard. When the standard published, all the standards are valid. All the standards will be revised. Standard users shall explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following criteria.GB/T 7350-1999 防水包装 GB/T 735

4、0-1999 Water-proof packingGB/T 155-2006 原木缺陷 GB/T 155-2006 Defects in logsGB/T 4823-1995 锯材缺陷 GB/T 4823-1995 Defects in swan timberGB/T 9846.3-2004 胶合板 第3部分:普通胶合板通用技术条件GB/T 9846.3-2004 Plywood The third part: General technical conditions of ordinary plywoodGB/T 7284-1998 框架木箱 GB/T 7284-1998 Frame wo

5、oden caseGB/T 5048-1999 防潮包装 GB/T 5048-1999 Damp-proof packingGB/T 6388-1986 运输包装收发货标志 GB/T 6388-1986 Transport package shipping markGB/T 13384-2008机电产品包装通用技术条件 GB/T 13384-2008 General technical conditions of mechanical and electrical products packingSN/T 0273-2002进出口商品运输包装木箱检验检疫规程SN/T 0273-2002 Imp

6、ort and export goods transport packaging wooden box, inspection and quarantine procedures3 总则 General3.1 产品包装应符合牢固、经济、合理、美观的原则。在正常的储运、装卸条件下应保证产品自工厂发货之日起,至少两年内不因包装不善而产生残损、散失、锈蚀甚至影响产品性能等现象,确保产品能安全、迅速、完整无损地到达目的地,及时交付用户使用。Packaging of products should accord with strong, economic, reasonable and beautifu

7、l principle. Under the condition of the normal storage and transportation, loading and unloading shall ensure that product from the date of shipments, in at least two years there would not come into damaged, lost, corrosion even affecting properties of products etc. phenomena. To make sure the produ

8、cts can arrive at the destination safely, rapidly and in one piece and deliver to the customers in time.3.2 应根据包装物品的性质、重量、外形尺寸、流通环境条件和用户要求,选择正确的包装方式,做到包装紧凑、防护合理、安全可靠。We should choose the right modes of packing according to nature, weight, boundary dimension, circulation environment conditions and cu

9、stomers requirements of packing goods to make the packaging compact, protection reasonable and safe and reliable.3.3 产品必须经检验合格、组部件齐全,做好防护处理后,方可进行包装。随机文件应齐全。The products should be qualified through inspection. The parts should be complete. The products can be packed till the protection being done wel

10、l. Random file should be complete.3.4包装箱的外形尺寸及重量应符合国内外运输方面的有关超限、超重的规定。Boundary dimension and weight of packing case should be accorded with domestic and international transport regulations on overrun, overweight.3.5 包装环境应清洁、干燥、无有害物质。Packaging environment should be clean, dry and with no harmful subs

11、tances.3.6 为降低成本,有原包装的应尽量利用原包装,经修理或改装的包装箱应符合专业包装的有关标准要求。In order to reduce costs, ones with the original packaging should try to use the original packaging. Packing cases after the repair or modification shall accord with the relevant standards of professional packaging requirements.3.7 装箱后等待运输的包装箱特

12、别是附件箱要求室内存放,确保包装质量不受影响。Packing case waited for transporting especially the accessory case is required in indoor storage to make sure the packing quality is not affected.4 包装方式 Packing way4.1 产品及拆卸件主要选用的包装方式有裸装、局部装和木箱装。Main packing ways chose for products and assemblies are nude packing, partial pack

13、ing and wooden case packing.4.2 防护包装主要分为防水包装和防震包装。Protective packaging consists of waterproof packing and shockproof packing.防水材料采用聚乙烯塑料薄膜、聚乙烯塑料复合纸,如防雨布、PE袋、防雨篷布等,其材质、性能符合GB/T 7350标准。Waterproof material adopts polyethylene plastic film and polyethylene plastic composite paper, such as waterproof clo

14、th, PE bag and waterproof tarpaulins etc. and their material and performance accord with the GB/T 7350 standard.防震材料采用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料、复合发泡塑料、塑料气垫等。Vibration-proof material adopts polystyrence foam, compound foamed plastics and the plastic cushion etc.5 包装箱基本技术要求 General safety specification of packing case

15、 5.1包装材质要求 Requirements of packaging material5.1.1包装材料的选用根据内装物的特点正确选择。The selection of packaging materials should be right choice according to the characteristics of the built-in objects.5.1.2 变压器产品的包装材料以木质材料为主,其材质应在保证包装箱强度的前提下,根据经济环保原则选用非疫区的适当树种。主要受力构件的选材为落叶松、加松、铁杉、花旗松,非主要受力部位也可以选用人工合成或深度加工的木质材料。所用

16、实木需熏蒸处理。Packaging material of transformer is given priority to with wood material which shall be under the prerequisite of the intensity of packing and to choose the appropriate tree species in unaffected areas according to the economic and environmental protection principle. Selection of main stres

17、s components are dahurian larch, pine, hemlock and douglas fir. The main stress parts also can choose synthetic or deep processing of wood materials.5.1.3同一包装箱的箱板色泽应基本一致,宽窄均匀,外表面平整,无虫眼和明显毛刺。The board color of same packing case should be consistent. It has the uniform width, flat surface and with no

18、bug and obvious burrs.5.1.4滑木含水率不大于24%,其它部位木材的含水率不大于20%。Wood moisture content is not more than 24% and other parts the moisture content of lumber is not more than 20%.5.1.5 制箱木材各部位允许缺陷度见表1、表2,木材中各种缺陷的解释和计算方法、斜纹的倾斜度检量方法按GB/T 155和GB/T 4823的规定。Each part of box wood allowing defects are shown in table 1

19、 and table 2. Interpretation and calculation methods of various defects in wood, the inclination of the twill calibration method are according to GB/T 155 and GB/T 4823.表1 木材的缺陷限度(滑木、端木、枕木)Table 1 Defects limit of wood (slippery wood, terminal wood, crosstie )缺陷名称Name of defects 木 材 的 允 许 缺 陷 限 度all

20、owed defects limit of wood滑木、端木、枕木等主要受力构件slippery wood, terminal wood, crosstie, etc main stress components活节和死节Live and dead section 任意材长1000mm中,节子的个数不能超过5个,最大节子直径不能超过材宽的30%(死节必须修补),直径不足5mm的节子不计。滑木与枕木的钉接部位不得有死节。Any material in 1000 mm long, the number of knot is no more than 5, the diameter of bigg

21、est knot is no more than 30% of the material width ( Dead knot must be repaired.) Knot with diameter less than 5mm is not counted. Nail parts of slippery wood and crosstie can not have dead knots.腐 朽Decayed不允许 not allowed虫 孔Wormhole不允许 not allowed裂 纹Crack裂纹长度不得超过材长的20%(宽度不足3mm的裂纹不计),不允许有贯通裂纹Length o

22、f crack is no more than 20% of material length ( crack with width less than 3mm is not counted), hole-through crack is not allowed.钝 棱Wane钝棱最严重的部分缺角宽度不得超过材宽的30%,高度不得超过材厚的三分之一A blunt edge of the most serious part of the missing angle width shall not exceed 30% of the material width. Height should not

23、 exceed one third of the material thickness.弯 曲Curve顺弯、横弯不得超过1%,翘弯不得超过2% The bending and transverse bending should not exceed 1%.Crosswise concaving should not exceed 2%.斜 纹Cross grain纹理的倾斜度不得超过20%The inclination of the texture should not exceed 20%.表2 木材的缺陷限度(箱板、箱档)Table 2 Defects limit of wood ( b

24、oxboard, cleat)缺 陷Defect允 许 缺 陷 限 度allowed defects limit 箱 板boxboard箱 档cleat腐 朽Decayed不允许 not allowed虫 眼Wormhole不许有 not allowed节子Knot死 节Dead knot直径自5mm以下不计。最大节子直径不大于单板宽度30%(每块箱面只允许一个),脱落节子需堵实Diameter below 5mm is not counted. The largest diameter of knot is no more than 30% of veneer width (Each box

25、 side allows only one). Knot dropped off should be blocked up.最大节子直径不大于档宽25%The largest diameter of knot is no more than 25% of crosspiece width.活 节Live knot最大节子直径不大于单板宽度50%The largest diameter of knot is no more than 25% of veneer width.最大节子直径不大于档宽30%The largest diameter of knot is no more than 30%

26、 of crosspiece width.裂 纹Crack裂长不大于板长20%,裂宽不大于2mm,横裂不许有 Length of crack is no more than 20% of plank. Width of crack is no more than 2mm.Transverse fissure is not allowed.裂长不大于档长10%裂宽不大于1mm,横裂不许有Length of crack is no more than 10% of crosspiece. Width of crack is no more than 1mm. Transverse fissure

27、is not allowed.夹 皮Bark pocket不许有 not allowed斜 纹Cross grain斜纹的倾斜度不得超过20% The inclination of the cross grain should not exceed 20%钝 棱Wane箱面上、下口钝棱缺角尺寸不许有,中间、两端钝棱缺角尺寸不大于板厚30%Under the box surface, blunt edge missing angle size is not allowed to have. Both end and middle blunt edge missing angle size is

28、not more than 30% of veneer thickness.钝棱缺角尺寸不大于板厚25%A blunt edge missing angle size is not more than 25% of veneer thickness.注: 所有节子缺陷,在板、档两端着钉范围不得超过单板、箱档宽度的25%,钝棱面必须朝里。Note: All defects of knots, on both ends of plate, the pin scope shall not exceed 25% of the single board, box gear width, blunt ed

29、ge surface must be inwards.5.1.6胶合板Plywood胶合板选用GB/T 9846.3-2004 胶合板 第3部分:普通胶合板通用技术条件中规定的类胶合板。Plywood choose GB/T 9846.3 2004 Plywood The Third Part: General Technical Conditions of Ordinary Plywood of III kind of plywood.5.2 顶盖载荷 The top load施于横梁的顶盖载荷,按顶盖面积规定为为5.0kPa(510kgf/m2)。In beam top load, as

30、stipulated in the head area of 5.0 kPa (510 KGF/m2).5.3堆码载荷Stacking load施于侧面的堆码载荷,按顶盖面积规定如表3。For stacking load to the side, it is stipulated in the roof area such as table 3.表3 堆码载荷Table 3 Stacking load内装物重量(kg) weight of built-in objects (kg)堆码载荷kPa(kgf/ m2)stacking load kPa (kgf/ m2)500010.0(1020)

31、50001000015.0(1530)1000020.0(2040)注:本规格中,顶盖载荷主要是指横梁支撑的上部载荷;堆码载荷主要是指侧框支撑的上部载荷。因此,直接放置比顶盖宽度小的货物时,顶盖载荷和堆码载荷发生作用,放置与顶盖宽度相同的货物或使用比顶盖宽度大的合适货物时,主要是堆码载荷发生作用。Note: In this specification, top load mainly refers to the upper load supported by beam; stacking load mainly refers to the upper part of the load supp

32、orted by side of the frame. Therefore, when placed the goods smaller than top width directly, top load and stacking load militate. When placed the goods same as the top width or used the right goods is larger than the top width, stacking load mainly militate.5.4间隙Gap为防止内装物因接触框架木箱的面而引起损伤,在其间充填缓冲材料或留出

33、适当间隙,单面间隙30mm。In order to prevent the built-in objects damage caused by contact with the face of the frame wooden box, filling buffer materials among them or leaving appropriate gap. Single gap is 30mm.5.5尺寸的表示方法Expressive methods of size5.5.1包装箱的尺寸用内尺寸或外尺寸表示,根据表4规定。According to the provisions of ta

34、ble 4, we express packing size with the size or outside dimensions.表4 包装箱的尺寸表示Table 4 Dimensions indicated of packing case名称 name内 尺 寸Insidedimension外 尺 寸Externaldimension长(L)宽(W)高(H)端支柱的内面间距离The distance between the side pillar of the inside侧支柱的内面间距离The distance between the side pillars inside侧面上、下

35、框两外缘间的距离On the side, the distance between the two outer box内长+(端柱厚+端外板厚)2Inseam length+ ( thickness of end post +thickness of planking ) *2内宽+(侧柱厚+侧外板厚)2Inner width + ( thickness of column+ thickness of test plate) *2内高+顶盖厚+底座厚(滑木厚+辅助滑木厚+底板)Inner height+ thickness of header+ thickness of base ( thic

36、kness of slippery wood+ thickness of assistant slippery wood+ floor)5.5.2尺寸偏差 Dimensional deviation木构件宽度与厚度的尺寸偏差按表5规定。Dimensional deviation of the width and thickness of the wooden pieces is stipulated in the table 5.表5木构件的宽度与厚度的尺寸偏差(mm)Table 5 Dimensional deviation of width and thickness of timber

37、components (mm)尺寸范围 Range of sizes偏差 Deviation20-1+220100210036 包装箱的结构The structure of the packing6.1底座Base底盘是木箱的底面,并且在上面安装侧板和端板,起支撑装载物的作用,底座的结构见图1。底座各构件尺寸见表6。Base is the bottom of the case on which lateral plate and end plate are installed. Its role is to support the stowage. The structure of the b

38、ase as shown in picture 1. Sizes of each component of base are shown in table 6.图1 底座结构Picture 1 bottom structure注:底座(或底盘、底架木)上放上内装物后,在未进行固定加固、绑扎等或未装侧板,端板之前,不得单靠底盘进行起吊等装卸作业。Note:Built-in objects put on base (or chassis, timber underframe), without fixed reinforcement, binding, etc or without install

39、ing lateral plate and end plate, chassis would not be allowed to lifting handling operation, etc alone.6.1.1滑木Slippery wood6.1.1.1滑木一般应均匀排布,但对底板兼枕木的形式,若内装物底座用螺栓固定在滑木上,限于螺栓孔位置,滑木的位置可以适当偏移。Slippery wood should be evenly arranged generally. But for the form of baseplate and crosstie, if the base of bui

40、lt-in objects is fixed on slippery wood with bolts, because of the bolt hole position, the position of slippery wood can be skew appropriately.滑木的中心间隔一般不大于1200mm,需用叉车横向进叉装卸时,滑木的中心间隔应不大于1000mm(内装物重量为1500kg以下的,应不大于800mm),超过规定的间隔,中间应增加相同截面的滑木。The center interval of the slippery wood is generally

41、 not more than 1200 mm. When need to use the forklift into the fork loading and unloading crosswise, the center interval of the slippery wood is generally not more than 1000 mm (weight of built-in objects below1500 kg, should not be greater than 800 mm). In excess of the prescribed intervals, we sho

42、uld increase slippery wood with the same cross section.滑木应尽量采用一根整木,若长度不够时,可以对接,但对接的位置不能在长度的中心处,而且各滑木的对接位置应错开。Slippery wood should adopt a piece of complete log. If the length is not enough, it can be butt joint but the docking position cannot be in the center of the length. And the docking p

43、osition of each slide wood should stagger.表6 底座各构件的尺寸 mmTable 6 Sizes of components of floor mm内装物重 量kgWeight of built-in objects kg滑木 Slippery wood端木terminal wood(宽厚)( width * thickness)端木与滑木联结用螺栓直径Diameter of bolts for terminal wood and slippery wood jointingmm底板的厚度Thickness of floor箱的内长Inseam len

44、gth尺寸 Sizes(宽X厚)( width * thickness)木板boardmm胶合板plywoodmm1000350090606060M10或钢钉Or steel nail155.5100050005000120120100100M121895000100007000150150120120M1621126.1.2端木 Terminal wood端木用螺栓或钢钉安装在滑木上,端木外侧面距滑木端部的距离等于端木的厚度,端木的尺寸及其与滑木联结用螺栓的直径按表6的规定,端木的长度与内宽相同。Terminal wood is installed on slippery wood with

45、 bolts and steel nails. The lateral aspect of terminal wood from slippery wood end distance is equal to the thickness of terminal wood. Size of terminal wood and diameter of bolts coupling with slippery wood are according to the provisions in table枕木 Crosstie主要起支撑内装物的作用,尺寸根据包装箱滑木位置、内装物的重量及形状

46、等来决定。枕木规格应符合内装物对包装箱的强度要求,具体按GB/T 7284-1998 中5.1.5规定。It has the role of supporting built-in objects. The size is decided according to the location of packaging case slippery wood, weight and shape of built-in objects. The specifications of crosstie should be consistent with the strength of the built-

47、in objects for packaging requirements. Specific situation is according to regulation 5.1.5 in GB/T 7284-1998.枕木用螺栓或钢钉安装在滑木上,联结螺栓或钢钉的直径按表7的规定。Crosstie is installed on slippery wood by bolts or steel nails. Diameter of coupling bolts or steel nails is according to the stipulation in table 7.表7 枕木的安装Table 7 Installing of crosstie枕 木 的 厚 度Thickness of crosstie mm安 装 方 法Installation method60


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