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1、United Nations Development Programme Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Centre, the Ministry of Land and Resources Funding Agency: European Commission Grant Agreement Integration of Biodiversity into Chinas Land Use Planning and Land Consolidation Brief Description: This project will support the

2、Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources to develop models and practical tools for integration of biodiversity considerations into national and local land use planning management. Pilot and demonstration activities will take place in Guizhou and Hainan Provinces. Land use plans will be assessed and ad

3、justed to better incorporate the natural environment, ecosystems and species. In addition land use consolidation projects integrating biodiversity protection will be developed in selected counties. All activities will be documented, and guidelines for local and the national level will be produced an

4、d disseminated. Grant Agreement Signature Page Country: Peoples Republic of China UNDAF Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): UNDAF Outcomes: More efficient management of natural resources and development of environment- friendly behaviour in order to ensure environmental sustainability (with special focus on en

5、ergy, biodiversity and water resources) CP Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): CP Outcomes: Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is more effective CP Output(s)/Indicator(s): CP Outputs: Strengthened coordination mechanism set up among national and international partners for effective management of

6、biodiversity Cooperating Agency: Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Centre, the Ministry of Land and Resources Partner 1: Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Centre Guizhou Partner2: Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Centre Hainan Partner 3: Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (Flemish land agency) Pa

7、rtner 4: Environment four minority autonomous counties, Ledong, Lingshui, Guanling and Libo, have agreed to be the project pilots. Ledong and Lingshui of Hainan enjoy the most complete tropical eco-ranges, while Guanling and Libo of Guizhou province are known for their sub-tropical unique karst topo

8、graphy. 5 Map of Hainan Province Le Dong County Ling Shui County Ledong County located in the south west of Hainan Province, lying at foot of mountains, with the other side facing the China South Sea, has a coastline with the length of 62.5 km and a total surface of 2,747 km2. It is frost free throu

9、ghout the year. Warm climate, plenty of sunshine and abundant rainfall allows for growing tropical crops 3 seasons per year. It has the biggest national cashew farm. Jianfengling national park in the mountains represents the largest and the most complete tropical forest conservation in China. Its co

10、mplete tropical vegetation types and ecosystems cover a wide and rich range of species. Lingshui County of Hainan covers an area of 1,128 km2, and has a coastline of 57.5 km. The mild climate provides for sea-water pearl cultivation and high production of tropical fruits and vegetables, such as coco

11、nut, betel nut, litchi, longan, dragon fruit, cherry-tomato, banana, mango, sugarcane, pepper, watermelon and muskmelon. The “Diaoluoshan” forest park of 380 km2 is an important part of its total forest lands which is more than 1 billion “Mu”. The county is rich in protected species of national prio

12、rity, such as the plant “Shaluo”, animals like leopards, great lizards and peacocks, precious herbs for Chinese medicine, and other rare species such as Pierre dacrydium, Hainan hopea, Zijing, wild litchi and stick wood. Libo county, nearly at the edge of the south of Guizhou Province, has an area o

13、f 2431.8 km2. Sharp and hilly mountains together with the deep river valleys formed diverse landscapes, typically represented by a complete karst range mainly in wimble-shapes and tower-shapes. The moist and mid-subtropical monsoon climate is ideal for agriculture, forestry and dairy industry. Many

14、rivers and high falls provide rich natural hydro-resources. The land is covered by 24.87%, of forest. Libo has rich biological resources, for example, under the national protection, 8 are listed as level-one and 109 level-two vegetation species while there are 4 level-one and 32 level-two animal spe

15、cies out of a total of 334 vertebrate, 143 birds, 61 beast, and about 1,000 insect species. 6 Map of Guizhou Province Guanling County Libo County Guanling County is situated on the slope between east Yun-Gui Plateau and Guangxi knoll, across the southern temperate, northern subtropical, and the mid-

16、subtropical zones. However mid- subtropical monsoon humid climate dominates the region with 4 distinct seasons. The County has a surface of 1,648 km2. The topography is complex and diverse - fluctuating mountains and hills with carbonate rocks widely spread and mingled with karst, visible rock sprou

17、ts, silos, funnels, marshlands, valley lands, blind valleys, earthen mound peaks, and peak forests; limestone cave, and underground rivers and underground corridors can be found all over the area. Currently the county has 356,000 acres of woods suitable for timber material, fuel and other commercial

18、 purposes, as well as 400,000 acres grassland. Part 2 Strategy This project will pioneer integration of bio-diversity conservation into major aspects of land management in China - land use planning and land consolidation. In the province of Hainan, the project will support formulation of the provinc

19、ial OLUP with full consideration of bio-diversity conservation. . The central LCRC and Hainan Province LCRC, the later one is mandated by Department of Land and Resources of Hainan to undertake the provincial and county OLUP, will develop the biodiversity guideline for the planners at county level o

20、n how to put bio-diversity conservation into the planning process such as methodology, procedure, and the major aspects considered. The selected two counties will complete the revision of their OLUPs by following the guideline. The guideline will subsequently be suggested to the MOLR to be as the re

21、ferences for future policy-making. Due to the premature knowledge on Strategic Environments Assessment for A Plan, SEA for OLUP 7 does not be included in the project but should be a necessary follow-up in the later projects if applicable. In Guizhou Province the project will facilitate development o

22、f land consolidation plans and projects which integrate biodiversity considerations. The land consolidation plans are the basis for selecting and conducting land consolidation projects. Supported by the project Guizhou will for the first time make its Guidelines for land consolidation planning and l

23、and project design and implementation at county level. Land consolidation plans at two pilot counties will be revised based on bio-diversity conservation analysis and two land consolidation projects will be conducted to explore how bio-diversity conservation is to be realized in the course of projec

24、t design and project execution. Finally, a policy suggestion report based on the outputs of the field projects will be given to the MOLR as reference for future policy making on land consolidation. With the reference of the related laws and technical guidance such as EIA Law, Technical Guidance of E

25、IA released by the State Council and Ministry of Environment Protection, the project will study on how to conduct EIA for land consolidation projects in general, which is a great step-forward from the perspective of environmental conservation. 2.1 Outcome of the project Greater ability among key lan

26、d use authorities at central, provincial and local levels to conserve biodiversity in land management will be realized through this project. Specifically, the outcome of the project will be an enhanced capacity for land governance, in terms of policy making, legislation, planning, and cross-institut

27、ional corporation; equipment of strong technical and management know-how, and practical and sustainable implementation of biodiversity conservation. Outcome indicators: 1. The improved policy framework, planning system and governance capacity of integrating biodiversity conservation into land manage

28、ment in the demo areas 2. A new model integrating biodiversity conservation into overall land use planning in Hainan province regarding policy making, policy execution, legislation and planning. 3. A new model integrating biodiversity conservation into land consolidation in Guizhou province regardin

29、g policy making, policy execution, legislation and planning. 4. Increased capacity and know-how of officials and technicians in mainstreaming biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural reserves into land use planning and land consolidation. 5. Enhanced public awareness of biodiversity

30、conservation in land management 2.2 Outputs and activities of the project Output 1 Strengthened land use planning through developing a policy and regulatory framework integrating biodiversity considerations Description: Development and testing of a proven model for land use planning integrating biod

31、iversity conservation; developed from the empirical experiences of Hainan and from technical assistance of the international partners. The model will be further deployed on a broader scale, providing constructive experiences for the MOLR in related policy-making in the future. Relevant 8 departments

32、 in the ministry will be involved in the project LCRC will play the leading and coordinating role. The output will be reached in the formulation process of the 3rd OLUP of Hainan province which will reflect and integrate bio-diversity conservation. As part of the plan a technical guideline of how to

33、 involve bio-diversity conservation into planning process will be compiled for the first time in China; ecological zoning will be conducted in Hainan province due to its unique administrative structure of combining land and environment management; and two OLUPs at county level will be revised since

34、the technical guideline will be produced to support the actions. At last, the experiences and lessons will be analysed and help to formulate a policy suggestion report to the MLR for future policy-making and for nationwide reference in the national 3rd OLUP. Output indicators: 1. A provincial overal

35、l land use plan revised with full consideration of biodiversity conservation 2. Technical Guidelines compiled to instruct local overall land use planning on how to integrate biodiversity into planning procedure 3. Two county-level overall land use plans revised following the Technical Guidelines and

36、 integrating biodiversity aspects. 4. A policy suggestion report submitted to Ministry of Land and Resources Activities: Activity1.1 to revise an integrated overall land use plan in Hainan province based on best international practices and local conditions Activity1.1.1 to carry out a review and stu

37、dy of the environmental and biodiversity situation in Hainan. Description: this study is to identify the sensitive areas regarding eco-environment, especially bio-diversity values and conservation needs in the province as a base for later overall land use planning in which different land use purpose

38、s will be defined. The study will include: ? Materials collection and analyses ? International symposium ? Field surveys ? Group discussions ? Workshops with international partners ? Public involvement Activity 1.1.2 to carry our ecological zoning in the province through close cooperation between la

39、nd, environment, forestry, water and other related departments as with involvement of international experts from the international partners Description: this activity aims to produce an ecological zoning map for the province to form a solid base for overall land use planning. This is also a practica

40、l demonstration of inter-department cooperation in the province due to Hainans unique administrative structure. This activity will include: ? International practices introduction ? Group discussions 9 ? Workshops with international partners ? Ecological analysis and zoning Activity 1.1.3 to formulat

41、e a provincial land use plan through cooperation between local planners and international experts from the international partners Description: this activity aims to define different land uses in the province with full consideration of regional biodiversity sensitivity, especially taking the results

42、from Activity 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. The international experts will provide into consideration experiences in mapping and planning different land uses. This activity will include: ? International practices introduction ? Future forecast for land demand ? Workshops with international partners ? Plan mappin

43、g and formulation Activity 1.1.4 to evaluate the plan formulation from the view of biodiversity conservation Description: this activity is aimed to evaluate the plan with the view of biodiversity conservation after the planning is completed. It will collect the experts comments and public opinions o

44、n the plan and make a comprehensive analysis on the plan about optimizing planning procedures and planning methods. This will include: ? Data collection and analysis ? Workshops with international partners ? Public feedback collection ? Report compilation Activity1.2 to develop a technical manual fo

45、r county-level integrated overall land use plan with biodiversity conservation for Hainan province Activity1.2.1 to formulate different subjects and standards for the different regions in the province in the county-level overall land use planning process according to ecological zoning in the provinc

46、e Description: this activity, which is based on the result of activity 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, aims to provide detailed requirements for local planners on which subjects should be considered and which the technical standards should be obeyed to. Will include: ? International experiences introduction ? Mate

47、rial analysis ? Workshops ? Mapping and formulation Activity 1.2.2 to formulate the working procedure and reporting format for local planners when carrying out the county-level overall land use planning Description: this activity is aimed to instruct the local planners on how to combine biodiversity

48、 conservation into its planning process and how to develop the analysis report regarding eco-environment situation analysis within the county by fully taking the required technical standards into consideration. Will include: 10 ? Workshops with international partners ? Formulation Activity1.3. To de

49、monstrate the new procedure of county-level land use planning with full biodiversity conservation consideration in two selected counties Activity1.3.1 to revise an integrated overall land use plan at Lingshui County, Hainan with full consideration of biodiversity conservation Activity1.3.1.1 to carry out the in-depth research and analysis on local eco-environment, especially bio-diversity conditions following the requirements listed in the technical manual for county-level overall land use planning Description: this activity is aimed to clarify the major


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