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1、山东农业大学博士论文 4 Exploitation and application of the triangle theory based forest hypsometer Abstract Forest hypsometer is the common tool widely used in studies of forest management, forest resources survey, the use of forest harvesting, forest carbon sequestration estimates, and many other technical f

2、ields. In forest production the current altimeter for a single measurement does not apply to the analysis of high jungle environment situation. Therefore, this thesis developed four kinds of new equipments to enhance forest measurement with high practical performance, increase of the field working e

3、fficiency, based on the principle of triangulation altimetry theory. The new equipments with development thinking and innovative design have four types, including the one of altimetering at any point, the one of quasi-type continuously variable from the altimeter, the one with wheel spin control, an

4、d the one with improvement of the high-style Chris Tuen altimeter device. The results are as follows: (1) Device of altimetering at any point Measuring at any point made the altermeter device design of better structure, being with open lid style case, and invention of “horizontal distance from the l

5、ine of continuous change“ and “altermetering by continuously variable high-line“, and solved the forest optional point selection problem. In the production, the proposed aluminum shell mold casting port settings in the top, while the metal mold by heating simultaneously with the vertical casting met

6、hod, casting off the rough shaping good rate reached 98%. In the installation process, the altermeter is with 6“ level theodolite and special calibration device to make the readings accurate. In addition, the altimeter device at any point also carried out the applied technology, and the results show

7、ed that in terms of measuring with high-precision at any point has no significant difference compared with the traditional Blume-Leiss altermeter, to meet the needs of conventional forestry survey. These two kinds of altermeter devices has a hight impact on canopy density and slope of the products,

8、but the impact of this device is pretty small, even in the canopy density of 1.0 or above 25 slope. The present results showed that in the range of 0.3 to 0.8 canopy densities and the slope of 25 below the standards, the new altimeter device can improve the efficiency of 0.5 to 2 times more than tha

9、t of the Blume-Leiss. And the greater the canopy density and slope, the greater its efficiency is improved. (2) Quasi-continuously variable altimeter device The quasi-distance-type continuously variable altimeter is the basic design of the 山东农业大学博士论文 5 success in reading panel with fixed intervals u

10、sing a “quasi-continuous horizontal distance between the lines“ and the radial reading of “ladder-like contour “ to solve the problem of vertical pin height of engraved parallel lines, not only being legible of scale height but also to achieve a shared value of more scale line, not only saving disk

11、space for reading but also reading more of the horizontal distance lines in a limited space, and easy to use in the forest. In addition, in the prototype development the device has successfully integerated with the Blume Leiss -type quasi-continuous design for measuring, so that investigators in the

12、 field of forest can use the measuring device free of choice according to the scene. Morever, the device combined the two lines of 20m and 15m in horizontal distance, “two in one, mark up and down“, making the engraved lines legible, and more suitable for the field use. In the prototype production,

13、it borrows a relatively stable quality of CGQ-1-type altimeter, and the shell and control components as quasi-continuous measurement of high mechanical device to ensure the accuracy of the prototype production. In the development of reading plate, the use of visual programming method to solve the re

14、ading BSIC line engraving precision problems, through computer-aided design, not only being fast and accurate of the reading but also its high speed, achieved in a short time on a variety of lines matching and screening, including the spacing of lines, thickness, line color, etc. to have the reading

15、 of lines the best solution. At last, the study conducted outside tests for application of the industry, indicating that the quasi- type continuously variable high device has better efficient measurement in most cases than the altermeter at any point, but less in the forest canopy density below 1.0

16、in the conclusion. (3) Altimeter with wheel spin The altimeter with wheel spin is given for the basic design structure, and focuses on the composition of the roller structure and working principle. Roller structure of the application of dynamic reading disk designed to lay the foundation for the new

17、 structure not only effectively increase the reading plate engraved line design area, but with the front cover reading window, implementation of the reading window with single horizontal distance between the lines, thereby reducing the possibility of occurrence of reading errors in the outside fores

18、t. In the reading panel design, with “reading-foot rectangle with“ instead of the traditional “curved plate reading“, providing foundation of reading disk rotating in the roller installed. In addition, the study analysis shows that high-roller test device with the added structure makes the roller in

19、crease in size and weight. The study initially proposed to control the roller 2 2.5cm in diameter within the technical requirements, and the flexible roller installation site selection, easy reading, error-prone, wide measuring range, etc. will make up for their shortcomings, and thus make the altim

20、eter device in general superior to the 山东农业大学博士论文 6 traditional Blume-Leiss -type structure, a very promising new type altimeter. (4) Improved Chris Tuen altimetry device The study presents an improved type of altimeter designed based on Chris Tuen device, discussed improvement ideas, methods, and p

21、rototype production process. In product design, it is proposed the “activities of foot corner“ of the key design, so that the pitch angle is adjustable, and the changable of relative length of pole, rather than the original device as Chris Tuen altimeter must be used “2m“ standard level. This is des

22、igned to bring the convenience of field use. Since any level is available, one does not need to bring outside industry benchmark, but instead of show of hands before tree, thus to reduce labor intensity and improve efficiency. In addition, the improvement of Tuen Chris altimeter type device using st

23、raight-line scale ruler rather than the original Chris Tuen altimeter device engraved lines, make it more readable, and will not increase the height value change arising from the dense groove, therefore, improved the accuracy of altimeter readings. In the prototype development process, it has succes

24、sfully developed a central rectangular gap with a “gap-type activities, foot angle“, resolved by foot “edge glow“ and not easy to determine the location due to sight problems, but this technique has improved the tree high measurement accuracy. In addition, through the improvement of Chris Tuen altim

25、eter type device, the research has proved that its standard error of measurement can be controlled within 5%, slightly lower than the Blume Leiss -type high-precision measurement and arbitrary point, but due to its choice of measuring point, no amount of distance, efficiency is about 2.5 times Blume

26、-Leiss device, therefore, it is of great potential for its application in the large area of forest surveys. The study provides the practicality of the new high-tech equipment, improved the level of the forest field surveys to ensure the reliability and accuracy of raw data. Used in development of “c

27、ontinuous“ and “quasi-continuous“ design thinking, the new device can effectively increase the reading area of the cycloid disc structure, and provide foundation of the tree height measurement when the base was blocked, improving the altimeter design with triangulation altimetry theory. Keywords: al

28、timeter device; forest survey; work efficiency; Blume-Leiss; ladder-like contour lines 符号及缩略词说明 h: height of tree, 树高 L: horizontal distance, 水平距离 t: time, 时间 n: measuring height efficiency, 测高效率 Ph: measuring height error, 测高误差 m: meter, 米 cm: centimeter, 厘米 : degree, 度 GPS: global positioning syst

29、em, 全球定位系统 GIS: geographical information system, 地理信息系统 RS: remote sensing, 遥感技术 3S: a general designation of RS, GIS, GPS, RS、GIS、GPS 的统称 、: observed angle of tree tip or base, 树梢、树基的倾角 MS: mean squares, 均方差 DF: degree of freedom, 自由度 P: probability, 概率 l d h: instrument size, length width height,

30、仪器尺寸:长 宽 高 ST: sample tree of measuring height, 测高样木 ASO: ASO hypsometer, 麻生()式测高器 BM: plummet hypsometer, 悬锤式测高器 SC-:type forest hypsometer, 型森林测高器 SC-:type forest hypsometer, 型森林测高器 SCG-:type forest hypsometer with telescope, 带望远镜的型森林测高器 BLH: blume-leiss hypsometer, 勃鲁莱测高器 RH: random hypsometer, 任

31、意点测高器 QCH: quasi-continuous variable hypsometer, 准连续可变距式测高器 SWH: spinning wheel hypsometer, 旋轮式测高器 ICH: improved christen hypsometer, 改进式克里斯屯测高器 关于学位论文原创性和使用授权的声明 本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导下,独立进行科学研究所取得 的成果。对在论文研究期间给予指导、帮助和做出重要贡献的个人或集 体,均在文中明确说明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。 本人完全了解山东农业大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留和按要求向国家有关部门或机构

32、送交论文纸质本和电子版,允许论 文被查阅和借阅。本人授权山东农业大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分 内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存 论文和汇编本学位论文,同时授权中国科学技术信息研究所将本学位论文 收录到中国学位论文全文数据库,并向社会公众提供信息服务。 保密论文在解密后应遵守此规定。 论文作者签名: 导 师 签 名: 日 期: 山东农业大学博士论文 7 1 序言 1.1课题背景及意义 树高是林木生长的重要指标,更是树干体积及森林蓄积量的重要参数,在进行森 林经营研究、森林资源调查、森林采伐利用、森林碳汇测算等诸多领域有着不可替代 的作用,而测定树高,则是林业工

33、作者的一项常规性工作。但是,在实际操作中,由 于森林测高的特殊性,譬如受山高坡陡、树体高大、风致晃动、视线遮挡等不利因素 的影响,使得看上去似乎简单的测高问题变得复杂起来,进而给实施测高带来麻烦, 有时,要在森林中准确量测出一棵树木的高度甚至是不可能的或者说是低效率的。为 了解决上述问题,科技工作者以方便实用为目的,曾发明研制出许多不同类型的森林 测高器供林业调查使用,如魏塞式测高器(嶺一三,1935)、麻生式测高器(麻生 誠,1928)、克里斯屯测高器(H 谢而盖也夫,华敬灿,1954)、勃鲁莱测高器 (R.M ller,1935;大隅真一,1957;孟宪宇等,2006)等等。虽然测高器的种

34、类繁 多,但从生产实用性来说,当以德国 Karl Blume(18751963)设计、Karl Leiss 公司生 产的勃鲁莱(Blume-Leiss)测高器最受欢迎。勃鲁莱测高器结构小巧,便于携带,测 高精度也能满足常规性森林调查的需要,所以一直是生产上应用最为普遍的测高器, 由此也形成了勃鲁莱测高器在森林调查领域一枝独秀的局面(诸葛俨,1984;赵德 惠,1987)。但是,就勃鲁莱测高器来说也不是没有缺点,那就是要求在每测一株树 木的高度之前,必须首先量测出一个标准长度的水平距离(15、20、30 或 40m)来设 定测站,这在郁闭度较大的山地森林中尤为困难。一是受林内地形限制,标准水平距

35、 离不宜测出,二是即使测出了标准水平距离,受树冠相互遮挡的影响,往往又看不到 树梢。为了打通视线,测定出树高,工作人员不得不用摇树或折砍树枝的方法加以解 决,但这些措施所能达到的效果毕竟是有限的,因此,就目前的森林调查工作来说, 即使是象勃鲁莱式这样的经典型测高器事实上也存在着亟待改进的问题。另外,根据 应用场合的不同,对森林测高器又有着多种多样的技术要求(Hunt E. V., et al.1959; Welden C.W., et al.,1991;Vanclay J. K. et al.,1994;Kruger L.M., et al.,1997;Van Gadow K., et al.

36、,1998;隋宏大,2009),如生长量研究中需要有较高的测定精度,森林资源 清查中需要有较快的工作效率,长期去野外调查又要求有良好的便携性等等,因此, 根据生产需要,设计一系列针对性强,能适用于不同测高目的和测高环境的测高器一 直是林业工作中亟待解决的问题。 山东农业大学博士论文 8 从另一角度来讲,随着 3S 技术的不断发展,精准林业、数字林业的经营管理模式 也在逐渐兴起(Monserud R.A, 1984; Parker G.G., et al., 2001; 冯仲科等,2001、 2002 ; Kellndorfer J., et al.,2004; Simard M., et al

37、., 2006; Lee K.H., et al., 2010),而 这些理论和技术的核心是数据的测算、分析和决策,自然,这都离不开真实可靠的第 一手数据资料。而要获取这些资料,除了依靠现代探测技术(郭发智等,1990;沈 洁,1991;陈树英等,2002;董志昆,2003;张向华等,2004;赖日文等,2004;李 永慈等,2005;杨华等,2005;李明泽等,2009)外,相当一段时期内必然离不开现 地调查技术的配合(沙琢,1979;潘宗礼,1981、1984;王俊河等,1991; Nsset E., et al.,1997; 李建华等,2002; Andersen H.E., et al

38、.,2006; Sexton J.O., et al.,2009)。 拿 3S 技术来说,首先,遥感(RS)只是一种非接触的、远距离的探测技术,遥感平台 接受的是探测物体的电磁波辐射,并非树高、直径这样的形体量值(鈴木哲三,1994; 田村正行,2000),要想通过遥感结果获得诸如树高、直径这样的数据,必须通过大 量的地面调查数据配合进行对应性研究,这样才能找出电磁波段及其信号强度与地面 被测林木的形体量值之间的数学关系,进而通过计算模拟得到目标数据(Holmgren J., et al.,2003;Hollaus M.,2006)。其次,卫星定位(GPS)目前只能测量林地高程及面 积,用于树

39、高测定则精度低、成本高、尚需进行深入研究(陈国安,2006)。再就是 地理信息系统(GIS),它只是一种管理空间数据的计算机软件系统,其应用基础首先 是要向其中输入实测或模拟的技术数据,原始数据的准确性决定着该系统的可靠性和 实用性,由此看来,为了配合精准林业、数字林业以及 3S 技术在森林经营管理中的应 用,也应该加强象测高器这样的实用性测树装备研制工作,但目前的情况是,上述高 精尖技术发展迅速(Hurtt G. C.,et al.,2004;Patenaude G., et al.,2005;Bourgine B.,2005;Kellndorfer J.M., et al.,2006;Ba

40、lzter H.,2007),而作为其应用基础的地面数 据采集技术相对落后,因此,在这种情况下加强诸如森林测高器等基础性、实用性测 树装备的配套研究,对促进林业工作向精准林业、数字林业的迈进将起到积极的技术 支撑作用。 1.2三角原理测高技术 根据研究分析,从数学角度讲三角原理测高的实质其实就是将树干高度作为三角 形的一个边长进行处理。应用场合是针对树体相对高大、仅用标杆测量难以到达树木 顶端的情况,这时,即可采用三角原理法进行测高。 山东农业大学博士论文 9 图 1.1 三角原理测高模式图 Fig.1.1 Measure height pattern based on triangle pr

41、inciple 图 1.1为本研究给出的三角原理测高的模式图,测高时,测者站在距离树干为 L的 点位上,由测者眼位 O、树梢 A 和树基 B 三点组成一个三角形。可以看出,当测者位 置站定以后,OAB 的边长和内角也就成了定值,这时,只要有针对性的测出部分边 角数据,即可依据三角形的各种定理求算出树木高度 AB,从而达到间接测量树高的目 的。综合多数测树学的论述,常用三角测高技术一般分为两种,其中一种是三角函数 法,另一种是相似三角形法。 1.2.1 三角函数法 三角函数法测高是以测定倾角为主,同时附以测定距离来实现树高测算过程的方 法。运用该方法时,即可将树干作为三角形的一个边进行处理,也可

42、根据仪器设计的 需要,将树干分成两个三角形的边长进行测算处理,最后再通过和(或差)的计算求 出树木总高(Spurr H.S.,1952;Husch B., et al.,1982;H 阿努钦,王锡瑕,1955; 大隅真一,1957、1977、1989;关毓秀,1987;吴富桢,1992;魏占才等,2006)。 就现有资料记载的情况来看,目前的三角函数类测高器基本上都是以直角三角形原理 进行设计的。三角函数法的测高原理 如图 1.2 所示,因树高垂直于地平面,所以,只要测出倾角 和距离 L,即可通过 三角函数中的正切函数求算出树高值,其公式为: B O A L 山东农业大学博士论

43、文 10 h=Ltan 图 1.2 三角函数测高原理图 Fig.1.2 Measure height based on trigonometric functional principle三角函数法的测高应用模式 林业工作中的测高有平地测高和山地测高两种情况,其中,山地测高又分为视平 线过树干、视平线在树梢以上和视平线在树基以下三种情况,按照测量场地的施测条 件不同,归纳起来三角函数法测高可分为以下四种应用模式。 (1)模式 1平地测高 如图 1.3 所示,在平地测高时,通过基本公式 h=Ltan 求得的树高只是测者眼睛以 上的高度(h1),因此,需要加上眼高(h2)之后才是树

44、木的全部高度,故完整的树高 计算公式应写为: h = h1 +h2 = Ltan+眼高 图 1.3 三角函数法平地测高 Fig.1.3 Measure height based on trigonometric functional principle on flatland (2)模式 2视平线过树干时测高 该种模式与平地法测高情况相似,只是眼高不等于 h2 ,测高时需要对 h2专门进行 B O A h L 地平线 B O A h L A h h2 h1 视平线 眼高 O B C L 山东农业大学博士论文 11 测定。根据图 1.4 可以清楚的看到,全部树高 AB 被视平线在 C 点分成有了

45、 h1、 h2 两 个部分,总高 h需要求和获得,其计算公式为: h = h1+h2 = L(tan+tan) 图 1.4 三角函数法坡地测高视平线过树干的情况 Fig.1.4 Measure height based on trigonometric functional principle with eye level across the tree stem in slope land (3)模式 3视平线在树基以下时测高 这种情况下,根据基本原理计算得到的“树高”实际上是 h1,它已经超过了树高 h,需要对树基实测得到 h2后通过计算求得真实树高(图 1.5),其计算公式为: h =

46、h1-h2 = L(tan-tan) 图 1.5 视平线在树基以下时测高 Fig.1.5 Measure height based on trigonometric functional principle with eye level below the tree base in slope land (4)模式 4视平线在树梢以上时测高 当测点站位太高(这种情况和模式 3 相似,一般只在坡度较大,测点实在难选的 A h h2 h1 视平线 O C L B A h h1 视平线 O C L B h2 山东农业大学博士论文 12 情况下采用),视平线在树梢以上时(图 1.6),亦需首先测得 和

47、 之后通过计算求 得全高,其计算公式为: h =h2-h1=L(tan-tan) 图 1.6 视平线在树梢以上时测高 Fig1.6 Measure height based on trigonometric functional principle with eye level above the tree tip in slope land三角函数法的测高参数获取方法 参数获取方法是具体的测量技术问题,因为最终要将这些方法在仪器上实现,所 以它与测高器总体设计紧密相连。在三角函数法测高中, 需要测定的基本参数有两 个,即角度和距离。角度测量方法 (1)水准

48、管法:即在测高器上安装水准管,以水准管建立的水平线为基准,来实 现倾角测量的目的(韩熙春,1985;王文斗,2003)。应用该方法的测高器目前有巴 尔斯特劳德(Barr-Stroud)测树仪、测高用手水准(小型高度付)、光学测树 罗盘等。 (2)垂线法:即在测高器上设计带有垂球的垂线结构,以垂线建立的竖直线为基 准来实现倾角测量的目的。应用该方法的测高器多为早期产品,如麻生氏测高器(麻 生誠,1928)、读数镜测高器(H 谢而盖也夫,1954)等。 (3)垂针法:即在测高器上设计垂针结构,以垂针建立的竖直线为基准来实现倾 角测量的目的。应用该方法的测高器目前有:勃鲁莱测高器、悬锤式测高器、K

49、式測 高器(H 阿努钦,1955;大隅真一,1977)等。 上述三种方法测角各有优缺点。水准管法精度较高,但工作系统相对复杂,工作 时需要安装在固定支架上,否则精度难于保证。另外,水准管法在读数之前需要有调 A h h1 视平线 O C L B h2 山东农业大学博士论文 13 平的操作过程,工作效率相对较低。垂线法精度良好,即可利用支架取得较高的精 度,又可利用手持测量获得较高的工作效率,但其缺点较为明显,那就是在野外作业 时容易受风的影响,具有工作性能的不稳定性。垂针法是目前森林测高器领域应用较 多的一种测角方法,主要优点是操作简单,精度能满足一般森林调查的需要,但受轴 承阻尼的影响,在高精度测量中难以应用,但是随着近来工业制造技术的进步,其工 作性能也在逐渐提高,例如在旋转轴处可以加装带有自润滑功能的滑动轴承等。相比 之下,水准管法一般用在高精度测高器(多为综合测树仪)的设计中(张绍良等, 1982;赵彤堂,2000),垂针法用在精度要求一般,便携式的手持式测高器设计之中 (王德浩,1988;赵世凯


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