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1、萬海航運股份有限公司 WAN HAI LINES LTD 船務部海技通告(Maritech Circular) Date:Dec. 29, 2010: No :T-287 Subject:油記簿記注意事項 (OIL RECORD BOOK): 根據IMO, Resolution MEPC.187(59)及MEPC.1/Circ.736,油記簿記載項目之修正填寫明。(如附件) 197378 “防止船舶污染國際公約附I 已部份修訂,其內容敘述於“ Resolution MEPC. 187(59)“並自 20111月1日生效。 Guidelines for making entries into t

2、he Oil Record Book, as revised “List of items to be recorded” based on the IMO, Resolution MEPC.187(59) and MEPC.1/Circ. 736. The IMO, Resolution MEPC. 187(59), Revised the Annex I of the MARPOL 73/78 is effective on 1 January 2011. Part A -Entry Instructions 【油記簿記載須知】 1. 操作者必須按執行日期依序記填寫。 Operations

3、 should be recorded in chronological order as they have been executed on board. 2. 日期記方式必須 dd-MONTH-yyyy 如:25-JAN-2011。 Date should be entered in dd-Month-yyyy format, e.g. 25-JAN-2011 3. 焚化燃燒含油物質,必須記 (海上經緯)、時間、種、及灰燼卸岸記於垃圾簿。 而使用之廢油(廢油處理)就必須記於油記簿 Incineration of oily garbage and used filters should b

4、e recorded in the Garbage Record Book Incineration of oil residue (sludge) in incinerator from (W.O) tank should be recorded in the Oil Record Book 4. 所有相關人員必須簽名並加註職級和日期,而每整頁記後須由船長簽名。 All Entries are to be made and signed by the officer or officers on charge of the operations concerned and each comp

5、leted page shall be signed by the master of the ship. 5. 每行必須續記載得空行,換頁亦然。 Do not leave any full lines empty between successive entries, even changed a new page. 6. 記載錯誤得塗改,須立即用單橫線在其上劃線,予以刪除及修正,並在修改處簽名及日期。 If a wrong entry has been recorded in the Oil Recorded Book (ORB), it should immediately be str

6、uck through with a single line in such a way that the wrong entry is still legible. The wrong entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following. 7. 油櫃櫃名必須依具 IOPPC Section 3.1 所管命名填寫。 Tank nomenclature should be recorded as per the format noted within the International Oil Poll

7、ution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC). 8. 對於各泵、各艙櫃和油水分器之設計容,並正確記於油記簿,可避免此錯誤。(嚴禁記載 實或超過設備或泵之設計容。) Shipboard pumps, tanks and OWS designed capacities are known. (Making any false statement or over-capacity in the record is prohibited.) Part B -Entry Examples 1. Code(C)殘油(油)之收集、與存。 1 Usage of Code C.11

8、: Collection of oil residues (sludge.) (a) 所需記載艙櫃之名稱請先考IOPPC證書Form A 次。 Item 3.1上所之艙櫃名稱(C 11.1)、艙櫃容(C 11.2)及總存(C 11.3)。Code C/殘油(油)之收集:應每七天於油記簿用Code C 11記一 Weekly inventory of oil residues (sludge) tanks (tank listed under item 3.1 in Supplement to the IOPPC). (This means that the quantities must be

9、 recorded once a week.) .1 艙櫃之名稱 identity of tank(s) .2 艙櫃容 capacity of tank(s) m 3 3 3 .3 總存 total quantity of retention. m .4 人工收集污油 quantity of residue collected by manual operation m 當殘油(渣油)被轉駁移到殘油(渣油)艙時,由操作員進行的人工收集。 Operator initiated manual collections where oil residue (sludge) is transferred

10、 into the oil residue (sludge) holding tank(s). IOPP證書Form A之Item 3.2及3.3上所艙櫃,應使用Code I記。 Other tanks listed in items 3.2 and 3.3 of Form A of the Supplement in the IOPP Certificate, which must be made entries into ORB by using Code I/additional operational procedures and general remarks. Example :

11、Weekly inventory Code Date (letter) C C C ( IOPPC item 3.1 所載之 TANK ) Item (number) 11.1 11.2 11.3 Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge Xxxxxx xxxxx oil tank ( 殘油櫃名 依 item 3.1 所列) XXX.X M3 XX.X M3 (總容) (殘油) C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 XX-Jan-2011 C C C (b) 11.1

12、11.2 11.3 XXX.X M3 XX.X M3 Xxxxxx xxxxx oil tank ( 殘油櫃名 依 item 3.1 所列) (總容) (殘油) C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 記人工收集污油倒入污油系統櫃之操作(即原Code C 12-4) 或 Prime Tank 轉入之污油。 Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual or operation from bilge water holding tank in oil residue (sludge) tank

13、(tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC) (original Code C 12-4) or in this case a disposal entry for bilge water is also needed. Example: Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge) Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of

14、Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C C C C 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Xxxxxx xxxxx oil tank ( 殘油櫃名 依 item 3.1 所列) XXX.X M3 XX.X M3 (總容) (殘油) XX m3 collected from ( identification of source ) 2 used cooking oil ( 0.05 m3) and used GE LO ( 0.10 m3) 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example: Recordi

15、ng of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge) Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C C C C 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Xxxxxx xxxxx oil tank ( 殘油櫃名 依 item 3.1 所列) XXX.X M3 XX.X M3 (總容) (殘油) XX m3 collected from ( ide

16、ntification of source ) via bilge primary tank 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 2. Usage of Code C 12: Disposal or Transferal of oil residues (sludge): transferred or disposed of, the tank(s) emptied and the quantity of contents retained in m : Code C 12 記載經處之殘油,排空之艙櫃及其存之(m3)。 .1 排至收受設備(明港口)to

17、 reception facilities (identify port); .2 駁移至另一(其他) (艙櫃名稱及艙櫃之總含)to another (other) tanks(s) (indicate tanks(s)艙櫃 and the total content of tank(s); .3 焚化(記明總操作時間)incinerated (indicate total time of operation); .4 其他方法(述明何方法)other method (state which). (a) 記載排至收受設備(明港口) Code C 12-1 to reception facili

18、ties (identify port) 船長應向收受設備(含收廢油駁船及油罐)之操作者取得洗艙水、潔壓艙水、殘油或含油混合物之駁 移及駁移日期與時間等之收據或證明。本收據或證明若附貼於油紀簿第一部份中,可幫助船長證明 而致使其船隻捲入被指控之污染事件中。本收據或證明應同油紀簿第一部份一齊予以保存。 The Ships masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank trucks, a receipt or certificate detail

19、ing the quantity of tank washings, dirty ballast, residues or oily mixtures transferred, together with the time and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pol

20、lution incident. The receipt or the certificate should be kept together with the Oil Record Book Part I. 3 Discharged oil residues/sludge to reception facilities (identify “identity or name of sludge receiver, i.e. barge, tank truck or shore facility“ and port . Example: 殘油撥岸 Disposal of oil residue

21、 (sludge) via shore connection Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.1 XX m3 sludge from XXXX TANK(XX m3 retained) To identity or name of sludge receiver i.e. barge, truck or shore facility during port stay (port) 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011C/E xx

22、x XX-Jan-2011 3 (b) 記載sludge 駁至其他艙櫃,需記載艙櫃名稱及存 Code C 12.2 to another (other) tank(s) (indicate tank(s) and the total content of tank(s) Example : item 3.1 Tank Drain To item 3.3 Tank Code DateItem (number) (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.2 Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge XX.X m3 water d

23、rain from 3.1 tank ( XX m3 retained) To item 3.3 tank ( XX m3 retained ) 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example : item 3.1,殘油櫃撥至 item 3.1 殘油櫃 Draining of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC, to a bilge water holding tank li

24、sted under item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.2 XX m3 sludge transfer from XX 3.1 tank ( XX m3 retained) to 3.1 tank (retained in tank XX m3) 4/E xxx 22-Jan-2011 (c) 記Sludge 經焚化燒掉(記明總操作時間) Code C

25、12-3 incinerated (indicate total time of operation) Code C 12-3記Sludge由焚化燒掉。(燒垃圾請記在GRB 中) Code C 12-3 is used to incinerate sludge and record the total time of operation. (Garbage disposal by using the incinerator shall be entered into the Garbage Record Book.) Example:Incineration of oil residue (s

26、ludge) in Incinerator Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.3 XX m3 sludge from W.O. service tank (1.5 m3 retained) burned in Incinerator for 3 hours 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 PS. 開始與結束經緯,記於LOG BOOK並請船副簽字。 (d) 記載residue 以其他方法處(記明操作詳情) Code 12-4

27、other method (state which) Example: Burning of oil residue(sludge) in Boiler Code DateItem (number) (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.4 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx 22-Jan-2011 Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge XX m3 sludge from 3.1 tank ( XX m3 retained) burned in Boiler for 4 hours 4/E xxx

28、 XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example: Evaporation of water (disposal) From item 3.1 tank Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.4 X.X m3 water evaporated from 3.1 tank 4 (XX m3 retained) 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example:

29、Regeneration of fuel oil from oil residue (Sludge) Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 C 12.4 XX m3 sludge disposed by regeneration of X m3 fuel in F.O.TK and X m3 water in 3.3 tank ( XXm3 retained ) 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 3. Code D/機艙艙底水排海或其他處理

30、方式(無法自動操作) in machinery spaces. 13. 排洩或處(m3)【排洩或處貯存櫃艙底水時,明貯存櫃櫃名及容以及存在貯存櫃內 的容。】 Quantity discharged or disposed of, in cubic metres。【In case of discharge or disposal of bilge water from holding tank(s), state identity and capacity of holding tank(s) and quantity retained in holding tank(s). 】 14. 排洩時

31、間或處時間(起迄)。 Time of discharge or disposal (start and stop). 15. 排洩或處之方式 Method of discharge or disposal .1 經 15ppm 設備(記明起迄之位置) Through 15ppm equipment (state position at start and end) .2 排至收受設備(明港口) To reception facilities (identify port) 船長應向收受設備(含收廢油駁船及油罐)之操作者取得洗艙水、潔壓艙水、殘油或含油混合物之駁 移及駁移日期與時間等之收據或證明

32、。本收據或證明若附貼於油紀簿第一部份中,可幫助船長證明 而致使其船隻捲入被指控之污染事件中。本收據或證明應同油紀簿第一部份一齊予以保存。 The Ships masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of tank washings, dirty ballast, residues or oily mixtures transf

33、erred, together with the time and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. The receipt or the certificate should be kept together with the O

34、il Record Book Part I. .3 駁移至污油櫃或貯存櫃(明艙櫃,記明艙櫃內之總存(m3) Transfer to slop or holding tank (indicate tank(s); state the total quantity retained in tank(s), in m3). C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Usage of Code D :Non-automatic discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated (a) 艙底水經15

35、ppm equipment 排海時,除記打出及起迄之時間和目前所存外,尚需記起 迄之經緯及船速並由負責操作機員簽名,尚需當時值班船副簽名(如:12001600須二副及 大副之簽名),再由機長審核並同時簽字確認。前述記完成後務必同時記入機日誌和甲板日 誌。 5 While pumping out bilge water overboard through 15ppm equipment, the quantity, start and stop time of discharge and total retention of the tank(s), ships speed and positi

36、on at start and end should be properly recorded. Each entry of discharging bilge water overboard in the oil record book should be signed by engineer in charge of the operation and on duty deck officer then signed by chief engineer. The details should also be recorded in the deck logbook and engine l

37、ogbook. 於每次操作OWS排出Bilge Water於船外前,要做一次15ppm Alarm功能測試,並記載在ORB上(一天內若 有兩次以上Bilge Water排海活動時,只須測試並紀一次即可)。 The testing of 15ppm alarm before each discharging and making entry in the ORB. (Only one entry of the testing in the ORB will be required if more than one discharging activities in the same day.)

38、Example: Discharged bilge water from bilge water tank via primary tank through 15ppm equipment Item 3.3 tank Code (letter) D D D Date XX-Jan-2011 Item (number) 13 14 15.1 Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge XX m3 bilge water from bilge tank (Capacity XX m3, XXm3 retained) Start: hhmm,

39、 stop: hhmm Through 15ppm equipment overboard Position start: XX-XX.XN, XXX-XX.XW; Position stop: XX-XX.XN, XXX-XX.XW, ship speed XX.X knots 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 3/O xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example : Pumping of bilge water from bilge tank to SBOT Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/

40、Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 D D D 13 14 15.3 XX m3 bilge water from bilge tank (Capacity XX m3, XX m3 retained) Start: hhmm, stop: hhmm Collected in SBOT (retained in tank(s) XX.X m3) via Oil Water Separator 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 (b) 記排至收受設備(明港口) To reception facilities (identi

41、fy port) Example : Date XX-Jan-2011 Code (letter) D D D Item (number) 13 14 15.2 Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge XX m3 bilge water from XXXX tank (Capacity XX m3, XXm3 retained) Start: hhmm, stop: hhmm To identity or name of sludge receiver i.e. barge, truck or shore facility duri

42、ng port stay (port) 6 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 (c) C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 記駁移至污水櫃或貯存櫃(明艙櫃,記明艙櫃內之總存(m3) Transfer to slop or holding tank (indicate tank(s); state the total quantity retained in tank(s), in m3). Example: Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to bilge tank Code

43、 DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 D D D 13 14 15.3 XX m3 bilge water from engine room bilge wells Start: hhmm, stop: hhmm To 3.3 tank (capacity XX.Xm3, retained in tank XX.X m3) via bilge primary tank 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Exa

44、mple: Pumping of bilge water from clean drain tank to bilge tank Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 D D D 13 14 15.3 XX m3 bilge water from clean drain tank (capacity XX.X m3, retained in tank(s) X.X m3) Start: hhmm, stop: hhmm To 3.3 tank (

45、capacity XX.Xm3, retained in tank XX.X m3) via bilge primary tank 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4. 油設備之況 Usage of Code F: Condition of the Oil Filtering Equipment Code F 19. 系統故障之時間 Time of system failure 20. 系統修之時間。 Time when system has been made operational. 21. 故障之原因。 Reasons for failure. 油水分器設備的任何故障包括警報器及

46、自動停止或船內再循環等,均應在油紀簿Code(F)中記。 Any failure of the oil filtering equipment covers also the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if applicable shall be noted in the Oil Record Book by using Code (F). 當油水分器故障且船上無備品換時,排海閥應關閉並用封環封住。 Failure of Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device

47、 and no spare parts onboard, the overboard valve was sealed shut due to non working Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter. Example: Failure of Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer In charge (letter) XX-Ja

48、n-2011 F F F 19 20 21 hh:mm hh:mm (the time the system is functional) Failed in Pump of OWS. 7 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 C/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 Example: Failure of Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device Code DateItem (number)Record of Operation/Signature of Officer

49、 In charge (letter) XX-Jan-2011 F F F XX-Jan-2011 XX-Feb-2011 I F F F XX-Feb-2011 I 19 20 21 19 20 21 hhmm Unknown (spare has been ordered). Failed in Oil Content Monitor of OWS. 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx 22-Jan-2011 XX-Jan-2011, hhmm hhmm ( the time the system is functional ) Failed in Oil Content Monitor of OWS. 4/E xxx XX-Jan-2011 4/E xxx 01-Feb-2011 5. Code G:意外或其他常之油排洩 Usage of code G: Accidental or Other Exceptional Di


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