新目标九年级uni8 I will help clean up the city parks教案.doc

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1、 精品资料Unit8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 第一课时Section A1a2c一词汇与短语1clean up v clean-up n 打扫2.hungry (adj) full hunger (n) 饥饿 hunger for sth 渴望某事物 go hungry 挨饿3.homeless adj 无家的 less 是表示否定意义的adj后缀useless 无用的 hopeless无望的 careless 粗心的 helpless 无助的 endless无止境的4.cheer up cheer me up 为了让(我)高兴 cheer (n )

2、 欢呼声cheers (用于祝酒)。祝你健康。5.give out 分发;发放 gave given give up 放弃give back=return 归还 return sth to sb =give sth back to sb 把某物归还给某人give it away to 赠送给 give away sth to sbgive in 屈服6.sign : 标牌;招牌What does the sign say ? 符号;手势;迹象= mark v 签名;签署:Please sign on the paper.7.advertise ( v ) 做广告 advertisement (

3、n ) =ad an advertisement for 一则的广告8.put off 推迟 put it off Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today .(今日事今日毕)put up 搭起;建起;举起 put out 熄灭put on 穿上 take off 脱下put away 把收拾起来放好put down 放下; 取下,写下,记下put off doing sth 推迟做某事 -put put putting9. set set set- setting set up = establish /build 建立set off

4、 出发;动身 set down 落下set free 释放;使自由10. think up 想出=come up with think about 考虑 thought thoughtthink over 仔细考虑 think of 想起11. at the food bank 在食品救济中心用方框中所给的短语的适当形式完成1-10小题。set up , put off , give out, help with , write down,come up with , hungry, put up1.We will _ _ all our ideas.2.They _ a football c

5、lub last week.5.Could you please _ these books to the students?6.The plan that they _ at the meeting was very good. 7.My English is very poor .Could you please _me _it8. Would you mind _those notes on the blackboard? I cant see them clearly . 9. The poor man died of _10.Because of the heavy rain, th

6、e match had to be _ till the next day. 11上课前你能把教室打扫干净吗? Can you _ _ _ before class?12. 他看上去很难过, 我们让他高兴起来吧。 He looks sad. Lets _ _ _.13. Good manners usually help people to _ each other.A. get on well with B. get started C. get together 14. At the beginning of a new term, new textbooks are _ to stude

7、nts. A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off16. Our sports meeting has been _ till next Monday because of the bad weather. A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down17. Li Hong wrote the notice and I _A. set it up B. put it up C. set up it D. put up it18. If you have any trouble, be sure t

8、o _ A. call up me B. call me up C. ring me up D. B and C19The primary school in that village _ in 1995 with the help of some young people. A. was set up B. was put up C. was found D. was made20.The computer is much too expensive . I will _ it A. talk about B. think of C. think about D. say about第二课时

9、Section A3a4II:学习目标:一 词汇及短习语。1.major adj 主要的;重大的 (vi)主修;专攻 major in sth 2.coach v 训练;指导 n 教练 pl- coaches3.take after=look/be like = be similar to 像He takes after his mother.4.fix fixed fixed 修理 fix= repair = mend fix (up ) 安装,固定性质的“修理”fix up time to do sth,安排时间做什么 列如:Please fix up some time to help

10、your sonrepair 修理比较大而复杂的物体(建筑,机械,车辆)5.hand out = give out 分发;发放 hand in 上交Our homework must be handed in on time.6.be home to = be the home of 是的家园;是栖息地/7. put to use 把投入使用We should learn how to put time to good use.8. volunteer ones time to do sth 牺牲时间干什么,自愿花时间干什么He volunteers most of his time to h

11、elp the homeless people.9. a major commitment 一种重大的奉献10.a soccer team for little kids 一只小孩儿足球队12.start a Chinese History club 开办一个中国历史俱乐部二重点句子1.Not only do I feel good about helping other people ,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do .不仅我感觉到帮助别人很好,而且我可以花时间做我喜欢的事。注:not only but (also)“不仅 而且

12、”当位于句首时,其后的分句要倒装。 Eg :Not only does he like English ,but also his brother learns it well.位于句首的连接两个并列主语时,不用倒装语序语,动词就近原则。Eg :Not only you but also she is wrong.not only but also 连接成份要对等(名对名,动对动,形对形)both and 2.She puts this love to good use by working in the after school care center at her local elemen

13、tary school.(她通过在当地小学的课后辅导中心工作使她的爱好得到了很好的发挥)3.根据文章内容完成下列改写 Three students are studying in Number 77 High School. The school _these special young people. They _ other people. This volunteer work _ each of them several hours a week, so it is a _.HuiPing loves to read ,so she put_by working in_ at her

14、local _ school. Lin Peis hope is to _ a veterinarian after _ school. He _ every Saturday morning _ in an animal hospital. _ a professional singer is Zhu Mings dream. He sings for _ people at the city hospital to _. They think _ is great. _ _ do they feel good about helping _ but _ they do _ they lov

15、e to do. The three students _ set up a _ at their school. We should _ them.IV:Homework1.They _ a lot of food and clothes to the flooded area.A gave away B ran away C took away D put away 2.Your backpack is _ to mine; dont know which one is mine. A same B similar C like D similarity3.Jimmy _ his fath

16、er .They are both tall and like to help others. A seems like B looks after C takes after 4. He often volunteers his time _(help) homeless people.5.Not only you but also he _(去过) Beijing.6. They regard school as _(家园) them.7.Can you spend more time _(让他们高兴)8.Do you know when the student volunteer pro

17、ject _ (成立)?9, Being a p_ basketball is my dream.10.The house _they live caught fire last night, luckily the firemen arrived as soon as possible and _ the fire.A. where, put up B. that, put away C. where, put out D, that, put down11. Reading novels and different kinds of magazines _ her a lot of spa

18、re time. A. spent B. was cost C. took D. was paid12. - Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Qingdao in 2008? - I dont think so. Now _ the young _ the old are learning to speak English. A. only; except B. either; or C. neither ; nor D. not only , but also13. I am interested i

19、n animals, so I _ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.A. pay B. get C. take D. spend14. The villagers took turns _ the river bank.A. to watch B. watching C. at watching D. all above15. The little boy stood up to _ some more milk.A. ask after B. ask C. ask about D. ask for16. I am afraid you

20、 have to _ his advice. A. take B. receive C. carry D. listen 第三课时Section B 1aself checkII:学习目标一 词汇及短语1cheer up Jim cheer him up 2.ask for 要;要求;请求 ask sb for sth ask sb (not) to do sth.请某人(不)做Whenever I ask my mother for money, she asks me not to spend much time buying snacks.每当我向妈妈要钱时,她就叫我别花太多的钱买小吃。

21、3.run out of = use up 花完;用光Run out of 的主语通常是使用某物的主体, run out 的主语通常是物The money ran out , what should we do?The money was run out of yesterday.They ran out of the money yesterday.4.set up a call-in center for parents 开通了一条家长热线5.work out fine 很有效The idea he came up with worked out fine.6.give away 捐赠7.

22、make a pen pal website 建立一个笔友网站8.do a radio interview 作一次电台采访二重点句子1They set up a call-in center for parents .他们建立了一条家长热线。2.The strategies that he came up with worked out fine .他想出的方法(策略)很有效。fill in the blank according to the 3a. Last week everyone _, the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again

23、. On Monday, he told a _ that he _ old bikes. He also _ some signs _ old bikes and _ all his friends and told them _ the problem. He even _ ads at a local _. Them he told the teachers at schools about his problem and they _a _ for parents. The _ that he came up with _. He now has sixteen bikes to _

24、and _ to children who dont have bikes.III:巩固练习1,My mother asked me _(不要担心她)2. The money I gave him _(用完) last Saturday.3.Does the medicine I gave you _(效果好吗)?4.When did you have your old bike _(修理)?5.The teacher asked me to help her to _ the test paper.A, hand in B, hand out C, hang out D, hand up6.

25、After class, the students _ their books and went out.A, put up B, put away C, put out D, put off7.If I had one million dollars, I would _ some of them to the charity.A, give out B, give away C, give up D, give in8.They put up signs _(求) singing jobs.9.The girl is tall and outgoing, She _ her mother.

26、A takes after B, takes care of C, takes up D, takes back10.He kept _(提供) us hot water.11. The girl had run out of money _(buy) books.12. The twins take after _(them) parents.句型转换1. What could I do? Do you think?( 合并为一句)_ do you think _ _ do?2. Both John and Jim are good students. (改为同义句)_ _ John _ _

27、 Jim _ a good students.3. Tom is ill in hospital. Id like to make him happy. (改为同义句) Tom is ill in hospital. Id like to _ him _.4. Would you like to clean up the city parks? (作肯定回答) Yes, I _.5. I am not sure what I should do. (改为简单句)I am not sure _.第四课时Reading;一 词汇及短语1disable adj the disable=disable

28、 people 残疾人 The +adj 表示一类人,谓语动词用复数,如:the old ,the young , the poor, the richable adj an able man 能人2organize v 组织 organization n an organization organized adj 有组织的 3fill v fill with 用装满sth be filled with be full of 装满The box is filled with apples. The box is full of apples.be crowded with 挤满 The roo

29、m is crowded with people.房间挤满了人fill in the blank 填空Please fill in the blanks with proper tense of given words.(用所给词的适当形式填空)1 unable adj be unable to do 能够做某事be unable to do 不能做某事be not able to do I m sure you will be able to pass this exam.5.imagine + n /v ing /that 6.shut 关闭 shut shut shutting clos

30、e open 7.carry 携带;搬运 take 带走 bring 带来,拿来 fetch 去拿来,表示一个来回fetch sb sth = fetch sth for sb The teacher told us to _ our homework to school the next day.My mother reminded me not to forget to _my homework to school the next day.Trucks(卡车) are used to _ heavy things.There is no chalk(粉笔) here, who _ me

31、some?A, bring B, take C, carry D, fetch 8.at once = right away = right now = in a minute 立刻,马上9.support支持Which football team do you support ? n 支撑,支持(不可数名词) 支撑物, 支柱 (可数名)Thanks for _ our activity.10. appreciate v 感激,欣赏 宾语一般是表示某种行为的名词的或动名词。He appreciates having time to relax.他喜欢有时间放松。Your donation is

32、 very appreciated.11.donate= give away v 捐赠 n donation 12. pleasure (n) with pleasure 十分乐意 Its my pleasure.不用谢 pleasant (adj) 令人愉快的 pleased (adj) 高兴的,满意的二重点句子。1.You have helped make it possible for me to have “lucky” who has filled my life with pleasure . make +it +adj +不定式(从句)Our math teacher can m

33、ake it easier to learn math well. Its a pleasure / my pleasure. 不用谢。Your donation is greatly appreciated. / Thanks for your donation Fill in the blank according to the article. Dear Miss Li:Id like to _ you _ sending money to “Animal Helpers “, an organization _ to help _ people. You se, you have he

34、lped _ _ _ for me _ _ “Lucky”, Who has _ my _ _. _ blind , deaf, unable to walk or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot _. But there are many people who face these challenges, and I am one of them. Because I cant use my arms or legs well _ things like _ the telephone, opening a

35、nd _ doors or _ things have always been difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of _ said that she would like to _.She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me to get a _ _ dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I told her that I love animals a

36、nd that Id love to have a dog. I feel _ to have Lucky. I am only able to have a “dog-helper” _ _ your _ _ . The dog has been _ to understand different _ . for _, I say, “Lucky! _ my book. and he does it _ _ , He is very clever and _many English words, even some difficult _ like “upstairs”. Lucky is

37、an _ dog. Ill send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And so I thank you again for _ “Animal Helpers.” Its very important that this _ does not _ money. Your _ is greatly _ and the money _ help _ people _ me.二,完成下列各题。1. They helped _(组织) the class activi

38、ties.2. 把“He fills my life with pleasure”译成汉语。_3. The telephone is ringing, who can _(接)it for me?4. 把 He said that he would help me out改成直接引语。_5. 把 I say “ Lucky. Fetch my books.” 改成间接引语_6. l_, the sick dog was saved at last.7. Thats an _ result to us. We never thought that they could beat us.8. Ne

39、w workers must _(培训) before beginning to work at the factory.课堂练习;1, The whole hole _(填满) water.2, The _ trip made us all_ . It gave us a lot of _.(高兴)3, He is blind in both eyes, so he is u_ to see.4, He invented this kind of machine to make it possible _( stay) under water for long.5, Can you _ th

40、ese things to the teacher over there. He needs them now. A, take B, bring C, carry D, fetch6, Many dogs _(train) to help people.7, What an _(amaze) story he told us!8, He is _(她的一个好朋友)9, Thanks for _(支持) my study.10.This kind of machine is used _(cut) things.第五课时语法聚集:1短语动词:由动词+ 某些介词或副词构成的,起动词作用的短语叫做

41、短语动词。2短语动词的构成有下列几种情况动词+ 介词此类短语动词可以用及物动词,后面必须接宾语Eg :Look at the blackboard ,please!(listen to , take after , depend on , look for ,deal with ,look after ,wait for ,belong to, go over, work on, work out, think over ) 动词+副词 此类短语动词既可以用及物动词,也可以用不及物动词。注:这类短语动词,若宾语是代词,则必须放在动词和副词之间。(get up ,put on , wake up , clean up ,cheer up , hand out , help out , put off , put up ,turn on /off ) 动词+副词+介词run out of , come up with , do well in , look forward to look out of , get along with 动词+名词+介词take part in , make use of , pay attent


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