AS NZS 3100-2002 Approval and test specification— General requirements for electrical equipment.pdf

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《AS NZS 3100-2002 Approval and test specification— General requirements for electrical equipment.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《AS NZS 3100-2002 Approval and test specification— General requirements for electrical equipment.pdf(113页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、AS/NZS 3100:2002 (Incorporating Amendment Nos 1, 2 but not including the lamps, luminaires, appliances or switchboards themselves. 2.1.2 Active (or active conductor) any one of those conductors of a supply system, which is maintained at a difference of potential from the neutral or earthing conducto

2、r. In a system that does not include a neutral or earthing conductor, all conductors are considered to be active conductors. A1 A1 A1 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing 9 AS/NZS 3100:2002 COPYRIGHT 2.1.3 Appliance a consuming de

3、vice, other than a lamp, in which electricity is converted into heat, motion, or any other form of energy, or is substantially changed in its electrical character. 2.1.4 Cable an insulated solid or stranded conductor or two or more such conductors laid together, either with or without bare conductor

4、s, fillings, reinforcements, or protective coverings. 2.1.5 Cable core the conductor with its insulation or dielectric, but not including the mechanical protective covering. NOTE Two, three or more cores may be laid up together to form a twin, three-core, or multicore cable. 2.1.6 Cable flexible a c

5、able, the conductors, insulation and covering of which are such as to afford flexibility. 2.1.7 Circuit-breaker a switch suitable for opening a circuit automatically, as a result of predetermined conditions such as those of overcurrent or undervoltage, or by some form of external control. 2.1.8 Clas

6、s I equipment equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which includes an additional safety precaution in that accessible conductive parts are connected to the protective earthing conductor in the fixed wiring of the installation in such a way t

7、hat accessible parts cannot become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation. NOTE 1 Class I equipment may have parts with double insulation or parts operating at safety extra-low voltage. NOTE 2 For equipment intended for use with a flexible cord or cable, this provision includes a pro

8、tective conductor as part of the flexible cord or cable. 2.1.9 Class II equipment equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions such as double insulation or reinforced insulation are provided, there being no pr

9、ovision for protective earthing or reliance upon installation conditions. Such equipment may be one of the following types: (a) Equipment having durable and substantially continuous enclosures of insulating material which envelops all metal parts, with the exception of small parts, such as nameplate

10、s, screws and rivets, which are isolated from live parts by insulation at least equivalent to reinforced insulation; such equipment is called insulation-encased Class II equipment. (b) Equipment having a substantially continuous metal enclosure, in which double insulation is used throughout, except

11、for those parts where reinforced insulation is used, because the application of double insulation is manifestly impracticable; such equipment is called metal-encased Class II equipment. (c) Equipment that is a combination of the types described in Items (a) and (b). NOTE 1 The enclosure of insulatio

12、n-encased Class II equipment may form part of the whole of the supplementary insulation or of the reinforced insulation. NOTE 2 If the equipment with double insulation or reinforced insulation throughout has an earthing terminal or earthing contact, it is considered to be of Class I construction. NO

13、TE 3 Class II equipment may be provided with means for maintaining the continuity of protective circuits, insulated from accessible conductive parts by double insulation or reinforced insulation. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 AS/NZS 3100:2002 10 COPYRIGHT NOTE 4 Class II e

14、quipment may have parts operating at safety extra-low voltage. 2.1.10 Class II construction equipment for which protection against electric shock relies upon double insulation or reinforced insulation. 2.1.11 Class III equipment equipment in which protection against electric shock relies on supply a

15、t safety extra-low voltage and in which voltages higher than those of safety extra-low voltage are not generated. NOTE Equipment intended to be operated at safety extra-low voltage and which have internal circuits that operate at a voltage other than safety extra-low voltage are not included in the

16、classification and are subject to additional requirements. 2.1.12 Clearance the shortest distance between two conductive parts, or between a conductive part and the bounding surface of the equipment, measured through air. NOTE The bounding surface of the equipment is the outer surface of the enclosu

17、re, considered as though metal foil were pressed into contact with accessible surfaces of insulating material. 2.1.13 Conductor a wire, cable, or other form of metal suitable for carrying current, but not including wires, cables or other metallic parts directly employed in converting electrical ener

18、gy into another form of energy. 2.1.14 Conductor, bare a conductor not covered with insulating material. 2.1.15 Cord, flexible a flexible cable, no wire of which exceeds 0.30 mm in diameter and no conductor of which exceeds 4 mm2 in cross-sectional area, and having not more than five cores. 2.1.16 C

19、ord, power supply a flexible cable or cord, for supply purposes, fixed to, or assembled with, the equipment according to one of the following methods: (a) Type X attachment a method of attachment of the power supply cord such that it can be easily replaced. NOTE 1 The power supply cord may be specia

20、lly prepared and only available from the manufacturer or its service agent. NOTE 2 A specially prepared cord may also include a part of the equipment. (b) Type Y attachment a method of attachment of the power supply cord such that any replacement is intended to be made by the manufacturer, its servi

21、ce agent or similar qualified person. NOTE Type Y attachment may be used either with an ordinary flexible cord or with a special cord. (c) Type Z attachment a method of attachment of the power supply cord such that it cannot be replaced without breaking or destroying the equipment. Accessed by UNIVE

22、RSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing 11 AS/NZS 3100:2002 COPYRIGHT 2.1.17 Creepage distance the shortest path between two conductive parts, or between a conductive part and the bounding surface of the equipment, measured along the surface of the i

23、nsulating material. 2.1.18 Disruptive discharge failure of insulation under electrical stress including the associated phenomena that occurs when a discharge completely bridges or punctures the insulation under test so that the voltage between the electrodes is reduced to zero or nearly to zero. 2.1

24、.19 Earthed connected to the general mass of earth in accordance with the appropriate requirements of the National Wiring Rules, and in such manner as will ensure the isolation of any defective equipment through the operation of protective devices. 2.1.20 Earthing conductor a conductor connecting an

25、y portion of the earthing system to the portion of the installation or equipment required to be earthed, or to any other portion of the earthing system. 2.1.21 Equipment any accessory, appliance, apparatus, device, luminaire, fixture, material or the like used or intended for use as part of, or in c

26、onnection with, an electrical installation. 2.1.22 Equipment wiring wiring connecting component parts of equipment. Equipment wiring, internal equipment wiring that is not accessible to personal contact except by the removal or opening of a cover or the like (with or without the use of tool

27、s), such removal or opening being required for no more than infrequent adjustment or maintenance of the equipment. Equipment wiring, accessible equipment wiring that is enclosed or partially enclosed but which is accessible to personal contact during a function performed in the normal opera

28、tion of the equipment. Equipment wiring, external equipment wiring that is at all times accessible to personal contact. Example Wiring between the base and motor of certain types of electric fan. 2.1.23 Exposed metal all metal parts of electrical equipment which can be touched with the stan

29、dard test finger but which exclude the following: (a) Live parts. (b) Parts separated from live parts by double insulation or reinforced insulation. (c) Metal nameplates, screw-heads, covers or plates Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 AS/NZS 3100:2002 12 COPYRIGHT (i) which ar

30、e supported on or attached or connected to substantial non-conductive material in such a manner that they cannot become alive in the event of failure of insulation of live parts; and (ii) whose means of fixing cannot come into contact with any internal metal, other than earthed metal or parts referr

31、ed to in Item (d), or be exposed to arcing contact with live parts. NOTE Failure of insulation in this context is taken to include accidental bridging of an insulating gap by metal or partially conducting material such as carbon dust or moisture, as well as break down in the conventional sense. (d)

32、Parts that are separated from live parts by other metal parts which are themselves earthed or have double insulation or reinforced insulation. (e) Parts within an enclosure, the cover of which requires the use of a tool for its removal. NOTE A key is not considered to be a tool except where special

33、circumstances prevail; for example, the use of the key is restricted to technical personnel having an appropriate level of electrotechnical training. (f) Parts within equipment, the configuration and mass of which are such that the parts are not accessible during normal use and movement of the equip

34、ment; for example, some types of washing machine. NOTE Non-metallic material which is conductive to a degree which may contribute to a hazardous condition arising is deemed to be exposed metal, subject to the above provisions. 2.1.24 Fault-current limiter a fuse or other circuit-opening device, expr

35、essly designed or selected to limit the instantaneous fault current imposed on equipment. 2.1.25 Fixed equipment equipment that is fastened to a support, or otherwise secured in a specific location. NOTE Adhesives are not recognized as a means of fastening fixed equipment to a support unless specifi

36、cally allowed in an individual Standard. 2.1.26 Fuse (fusible cut-out) a device for protecting a circuit against damage from an excessive current flowing in it by opening the circuit on the melting of a fuse-element by such excessive current. It comprises all the parts that form the complete device.

37、 2.1.27 Heating element the actual electrical conducting medium in any device which, designedly, is heated by an electric current. 2.1.28 Insulated separated from adjacent conducting material or protected from personal contact by a non-conducting substance or air space, or both, permanently providin

38、g resistance to the passage of current or to disruptive discharges through or over the surface of the substance or space, to obviate danger of shock or injurious leakage of current. 2.1.29 Insulation system one, or a combination of, the following: (a) Basic insulation the insulation applied to live

39、parts, to provide basic protection against electric shock. NOTE Basic insulation does not necessarily include insulation used exclusively for functional purposes. (b) Supplementary insulation Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 The Standard is downloaded from Standard Sharing 1

40、3 AS/NZS 3100:2002 COPYRIGHT an independent insulation applied in addition to basic insulation in order to ensure protection against electric shock in the event of a failure of the basic insulation. (c) Double insulation insulation comprising both basic insulation and supplementary insulation. (d) R

41、einforced insulation a single insulation system applied to live parts, which provides a degree of protection against electric shock; equivalent to double insulation under conditions specified in this Standard. NOTE The term insulation system does not imply that the insulation has to be one homogenou

42、s piece. It may comprise several layers that cannot be tested singly as supplementary or basic insulation. 2.1.30 Lamp holder, all insulated one of the following: (a) A lamp holder for an incandescent lamp having no exposed metal of either lamp holder or lamp after the lamp has been inserted. (b) A

43、lamp holder for a fluorescent lamp having no exposed metal both before and after the lamp has been inserted. 2.1.31 Live (alive) a part is live (alive) when a difference of potential exists or would exist between it and earth under normal conditions of operation. With the exception of earthing condu

44、ctors and neutral busbars, or links, in installations where the multiple earthed neutral system is employed, all metal which may be connected to the neutral conductor of the supply system, even if such neutral be earthed at the source of supply, shall be deemed to be live for the purpose of the Nati

45、onal Wiring Rules. A part is not considered to be live if (a) The part is supplied from a safety isolating transformer, provided that (i) for a.c., the r.m.s. value of the potential does not exceed 32 V; (ii) for d.c., the potential does not exceed 115 V; or (b) The part is separated from live parts

46、 by protective impedance. 2.1.32 Luminaire (lighting fitting) a complete lighting assembly intended to distribute, filter, or transform the light from one or more lamps together with such components as ancillary and auxiliary equipment, shades, diffusers, reflectors, and accessories, including the m

47、eans of connection to supply circuit wiring, internal and interconnecting wiring, and any associated housings. A lampholder that is not incorporated in an assembly is not regarded as a luminaire. 2.1.33 Neutral (Neutral conductor) the conductor of a three-wire or multi-wire system which is maintaine

48、d at an intermediate and approximately uniform potential in respect to the active or outer conductors. 2.1.34 Non-hygroscopic Not tending to absorb moisture from the air. 2.1.35 Operating conditions conditions applying to the operation of equipment, when connected to the supply, according to the fol

49、lowing: Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 03 Aug 2007 AS/NZS 3100:2002 14 COPYRIGHT (a) Continuous operation normal operation for an unlimited period. (b) Intermittent operation operation in a series of specified identical cycles, each cycle being composed of a period of normal operation followed by a rest period with the equipment running idle or switched off. (c) Normal operation conditions under which the equipment is operated in normal use when connected to the supply. (d) Rated operating time the operating time assigned to the equipment


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