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1、ACRP Problem No. 10-01-06 Recommended: No Non Standard Airport Common Use Business Models ACRP Staff Problem statement appears to substantially overlap with implementation strategies to be addressed in the ongoing project A10-05. Also, there appears to be some overlap with problem statement 9-10-05.

2、 These two proposals should be examined together as they are basically saying very similar things. Although common-use is already included in ACRP research, this scope does address an important issue in terms of alternative business models for an uncertain economic conditions. TRB Aviation Group Air

3、port Terminals and Ground Access Cmte: No Comment Panel for Future Finance & Business Strategies Emphasis ACRP is working on a common use project so this problem statement is somewhat duplicative. Generally, the scope has interest among CAS airports but is not a priority strategy for ACRP research.

4、Emphasis Area: Future Finance and Business Strategies A AC CR RP P Problem Number Problem Number 100106 RRD 5 Topics: A Vision for the Airport of the Future I. PROBLEM TITLE Non Standard Airport Common Use Business Models II. RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT One of the main impediments to the deployment o

5、f common use technologies at our nations airports is a lack of airline support for the model. When asked to explain their reluctance, airlines indicate that the large variance in business models, policies, and procedures were partially responsible for hesitance. This concern has not only been experi

6、enced first-hand by our firms, but was echoed in the ACRP Synthesis 8, “Common Use Facilities and Equipment at Airports.” When an airline is first approached about joining a common use system at an airport, very little information is conveyed on which to base a decision. Common use can refer to mult

7、iple systems, implementation techniques, pricing structures, and associated policies. The only common denominator for an airline is a perceived loss of control. There is also an indeterminate transition cost that must be borne to migrate from a dedicated use environment to a common use environment.

8、Although technical details of common use implementations have been standardized, without clear business policies, procedures, and pricing strategies, it is often difficult for airlines to make informed decisions regarding common use. III. OBJECTIVE The anticipated product of the study would be a whi

9、te paper on improving airline adoption of common use infrastructure. Individual elements of a successful white paper would be: 1. Case studies of airline accepted common use business models currently deployed at airports globally. 2. An analysis of the specific attributes of various types of common

10、use business practices that led to the acceptance by airlines at both new and existing terminal spaces. 3. Business model frameworks, including the successful attributes previously identified for deployment at national common use installations, to increase airline adoption and further standardize pr

11、actices. The target audience is airport management, airline management, and industry consultants. IV. RESEARCH PROPOSED It is proposed that a focus be placed on three (3) groups to provide information required to successfully complete the project. All discussions with the three (3) groups will be fo

12、cused on the business aspects of common use versus the technical aspects: 1. Domestic Airlines As the development of a business model to increase airline adoption of common use is the goal of the study, a large degree of interaction with airlines is envisioned. Meetings should occur with representat

13、ives of the major US carriers to determine at which airports they decided to join common use systems, what factors led to their decision, and whether or not they consider the process successful. Open questions should be posed to solicit discussions into what they would like to see from future common

14、 use and what information they need to adequately make a decision. 2. Leading Common Use Airports From the airline discussions and industry information, a series of airports should be identified that lead the globe at successfully encouraging airlines to participate in their common use offerings. Th

15、ese airports should feature both new developments and common use retrofits to existing facilities and will have solid business models for the implementation and operation of common use. 3. IATA As the organization currently responsible for common use standards, opinions should be solicited from the

16、appropriate working groups on airline adoption and further standardization of business practices. 2 Only by both soliciting opinions from the relevant stakeholders and observing the results of previous business models can a representative common use business model framework be developed. V. ESTIMATE

17、 OF THE PROBLEM FUNDING AND RESEARCH PERIOD An eighteen (18) month timeline is envisioned for the project. For this timeframe, $400,000 of funding would be reasonable. VI. URGENCY AND PAYOFF POTENTIAL Common use has the potential to greatly increase terminal gate and passenger capacity without the l

18、arge investment required for new facilities by creating a more fluid and responsive environment. Benefits include the deferment of new terminal and airport construction, reduced congestion in the terminal area and reduced entry barriers to airline expansions. Airports abroad, especially in Europe, n

19、ow hold a substantial lead over the United States in providing flexible, common use environments, increasing competition and providing greater economic benefits to the region. An opportunity exists during the current economic downturn to create a replicable business model that can be used to educate

20、 airport and airline decision makers prior to the next major expansion period. This timely dissemination of information would have the potential to save billions of dollars. VII. RELATED RESEARCH Other than the work conducted to date by the ACRP and IATA, it is unknown whether further research has b

21、een undertaken on the adoption of common use by airlines. VIII. PERSON(S) DEVELOPING THE PROBLEM Jim Willis Gerard de Grandis Marco Prieto Principal Systems Consultant Principal 610-563-9521 215-495-4346 305-923-1155 Convergent Strategies Consulting, Inc. 602 Chadds Ford Dr., Suite 200 Chadds Ford P

22、A 19145 3 4 Phone: (610) 388-2650 Fax: (610) 388-7416 Tom Strange Steven Ritter President & CEO VP, Consulting Services 540-341-0044 407-382-1959 The Solution Design Group, Inc. 28 John Marshall Street, Unit B Warrenton, VA 20186 Phone: 540-341-0044 Fax: 540-349-3397 IX. PROCESS USED TO DEVELOP PROBLEM STATEMENT This problem statement was developed by the above individuals in consultation with other members of Convergent Strategies Consulting, Inc. and The Solution Design Group. X. DATE AND SUBMITTED BY Submitted on April 8, 2009 Submitted by Jim Willis


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