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1、ANSI INCITS 328-2000 (formerly ANSI NCITS 328-2000) for Information Technology 19 mm DD-2 Helical Scan Digital Computer Tape Cassette for Information Interchange Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, M

2、aurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MD

3、TNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ANSI NCITS 328-2000 American National Standard for Information Technology 19 mm DD-2 Helical Scan Digital Computer Tape Cassette for Information Interchange Secretariat Information Technology Industry Council Approved September

4、7, 2000 American National Standards Institute, Inc. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

5、 -,-,- Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agre

6、ement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made towards their resolution. The use of

7、American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National St

8、andards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institu

9、te. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that

10、action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. American National Standard Published by American National Standards

11、 Institute, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 Copyright 2000 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye S

12、treet NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publishe

13、r have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publication of this standard and following calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation of the standard, no such claims have been made. N

14、o further patent search is conducted by the de- veloper or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not required to avoid infringement in the use of this standard. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under l

15、icense with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- i Contents Page Foreword.ix 1 Introduction 1 1.1Scope, purpose and application 1 1.2Purpose 2 1.3Application . 2 1.3

16、.1Conformance . 2 1.3.2Dimensions 2 2 References. 3 2.1American National Standards 3 2.2Other standards. 3 3 Definitions 4 4 Acronyms. 9 5 Environment and safety. 12 5.1Testing environment 12 5.2Operating environment 12 5.3Storage environment 12 5.4Safety. 12 5.4.1Safeness 12 5.4.2Flammability. 12 5

17、.4.3Toxicity. 13 5.5Test methods. 13 6 Tape characteristics. 13 6.1Materials 13 6.2Tape width and tolerance 13 6.2.1Requirement 13 6.2.2Procedure 13 6.3Width fluctuation 13 6.3.1Requirement 13 6.3.2Procedure 13 6.4Reference edge straightness. 13 6.4.1Requirement 13 6.4.2Procedure 13 6.5Total tape th

18、ickness. 14 6.6Discontinuity. 14 6.7Longitudinal curvature . 14 6.7.1Requirement 14 6.7.2Procedure 14 6.8Leaders, trailers and splices 14 6.8.1Length 14 6.8.2Width 14 6.8.3Thickness. 14 6.8.4Material 14 6.8.5Hub attachment 15 6.8.6Splices . 15 6.9Layer-to-layer adhesion. 15 Copyright American Nation

19、al Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ii Page 6.9.1Requirement 15 6.9.2Procedure 15 6.10Coating adhesion. 16

20、 6.10.1Requirement 16 6.10.2Procedure 16 6.11Offset yield strength. 16 6.11.1Requirement 16 6.11.2Procedure 16 6.12Tensile yield force 16 6.12.1Requirement 17 6.12.2Procedure 17 6.13Residual elongation. 17 6.13.1Requirement 17 6.13.2Procedure 17 6.14Tape cupping. 17 6.14.1Requirement 17 6.14.2Proced

21、ure 17 6.15Transmissivity 18 6.16Inhibitor tape 18 7 Magnetic and electrical properties. 19 7.1Magnetic coating 19 7.2Average signal amplitude 19 7.3Signal dropout 19 7.4Particle orientation. 19 7.5Coercivity. 19 7.6Electrical resistance. 19 7.6.1Requirement 19 7.6.2Procedure 19 8 Cassette character

22、istics. 20 8.1General description 20 8.2Cassette dimensions . 20 8.3Identification and length of cassettes. 20 8.4Face of magnetic coating. 20 8.5Datum planes. 21 8.5.1Datum plane Z . 21 8.5.2Datum plane X. 21 8.5.3Datum plane Y. 21 8.6Windows and labels. 21 8.7Identification holes. 21 8.7.1Logical

23、sense. 21 8.7.2Manufacturers hole set . 21 8.7.3User hole set 22 8.7.4User plug mechanism 22 8.8Reels 22 8.8.1Dimensions 22 8.8.2Reel locks and springs. 23 8.8.3Lid 23 9 Track geometry 50 9.1Dimensions and tolerances . 50 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license

24、with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- iii Page 9.2Head gap azimuth51 9.3Helical track curvature51 9.4Longitudinal tracks.53 10 Overview of format constructs53 10

25、.1Partition53 10.2System zone 54 10.3End-of-recording considerations55 10.4Addressing scheme55 10.5Formatting a cassette.55 10.6Volume and partition initialization.55 10.7Read verify and rewrite57 10.8Append write only.57 11 Recorded format 57 12 Longitudinal track format58 12.1Recording method59 12

26、.2Longitudinal sync word.59 12.3Servo track (SVT).60 12.4Physical address track segment (PATS) and longitudinal address track segment (LATS) formats .62 12.4.1Front padding.62 12.4.2Rear padding62 12.4.3Segment formats62 12.5Physical address track segment (PATS) definitions 63 12.5.1Format identifie

27、r (FID)63 12.5.2Absolute double-frame number (ADFN).64 12.5.3Volume identifier (VLID).64 12.5.4System zone size (SZSZ) 64 12.5.5System zone spacing (SZSP)64 12.5.6Cyclic redundancy check byte (CRC) 64 12.5.7Odd parity byte (OPB)65 12.6Logical address track.65 12.7LATS data field definitions .67 12.7

28、.1Zone type (ZNTY) 67 12.7.2File section number (FSN).68 12.7.3First data block or byte number (FDBN) 68 12.7.4Cumulative data block or byte number (CDBN).68 12.7.5Partition layout option (PTLO)68 12.7.6Last valid partition identifier (LVPT).68 12.7.7Last valid system zone (LVSZ) 68 12.7.8Last doubl

29、e-frame number (LDFN)69 12.7.9Partition group A size (PGAS)69 12.7.10Partition group A count (PGAC).69 12.7.11Partition group B size (PGBS)69 12.7.12Partition group B count (PGBC).69 12.7.13Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)69 12.7.14Odd parity byte (OPB)69 13 Helical format.70 13.1Helical track content.

30、70 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- iv Page 13.1.1Preamble section. 70 13.1.2T

31、rack sync section. 70 field 1 . 70 field 2 . 70 sync field 71 13.1.3Postamble 71 13.1.4Data section. 71 residue. 71 error coding 72 shuffle. 73 format data insertion 73 error co

32、ding 73 interleave 74 insertion 74 error correction field . 74 sync field 75 13.2Helical channel 75 13.3Serialization . 75 13.3.1Channel coding 75 14 Logical format data fields. 76 14.1Format identifier (FID) 78 14.2Zone type (ZNTY) 78

33、14.3Partition identifier (PTID) . 78 14.4System zone identifier (SZID) 78 14.5File section number (FSN). 79 14.6First data block or byte number (FDBN) 79 14.7Data block or byte (DBB). 79 14.8Data block checksum enable (DCSE) . 79 14.9End-of-media warning flag (EMWF) 79 14.10Data block size (DBS) 79

34、14.11Total byte count (TBC). 80 14.12Physical-block sequence tag (PBST) 80 14.13Rewrite enable (RWEN) 80 14.14Remaining rewrite count (RRWC) . 80 14.15Cumulative data block or byte number (CDBN). 80 14.16Absolute double-frame number (ADFN) 80 14.17Helical track type (HTTY). 80 14.18Helical track num

35、ber (HTKN). 81 14.19Sub block CRC inverted (SABCI) 81 14.20Partition layout option (PTLO) . 81 14.21System zone size (SZSZ) 81 14.22System zone spacing (SZSP) 81 14.23Partition group A size (PGAS) . 81 14.24Partition group A count (PGAC). 82 14.25Partition group B size (PGBS) . 82 14.26Partition gro

36、up B count (PGBC). 82 14.27Vendor identifier (VNID). 82 14.28Last double-frame number (LDFN) 82 14.29Last valid system zone (LVSZ) 82 14.30Last valid partition (LVPT) . 82 14.31Volume identifier (VLID). 82 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licens

37、ee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- v Page 15 Helical track and double-frame types.83 15.1Helical track types83 15.1.1Data track.83 15.1.2Amble track84 15.1.3Demark track84 15

38、.1.4Beginning-of-media track.84 15.1.5End-of-recording track85 15.1.6End-of-recording temporary track .85 15.1.7End-of-recording error track86 15.2Types of double-frame.87 15.2.1Data physical-block double-frame87 15.2.2Demark double-frame 87 15.2.3Beginning-of-media (BOM) double-frame87 15.2.4End-of

39、-recording (EOR) double-frame.87 15.2.5End-of-recording temporary (EOR/T) double-frame .87 15.2.6End-of-recording error (EOR/E) double-frame87 15.2.7Amble double-frame.88 16 Logical format.89 16.1Logical layer overview89 16.2Logical entities .89 16.2.1Data block89 16.2.2Byte stream89 16.2.3Physical-

40、block89 16.2.4File section.91 16.2.5Partition92 (BOP) vs. beginning-of-media (BOM).93 sections in a partition.93 (EOR).93 Normal end-of-recording (EOR).93 Temporary end-of-recording (EOR/T)95 Error

41、end-of-recording (EOR/E).96 (EOP)97 warning97 initialization 97 recording.97 track format in a partition.98 16.2.6Physical volume.98 definitions98 Beginning-of-tape (BOT) zone.

42、98 Volume format information (VFI) zone.100 System zone 100 Information zone 101 End-of-tape (EOT) zone.101 options .101 Single partition volume.101 Multiple partition volume 101 16.3Volume format information (VFI)10

43、2 16.3.1Volume specific parameters.102 16.3.2Partition group parameters.103 partition group formats103 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 13:07:3

44、2 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- vi Page layout option (PTLO) . 104 104 . 105 105 105 example multiple partition volume with system zones 105 16.4Volume initializati

45、on requirements. 105 16.5Pre-formatted tape. 106 Annexes A Summary of formatted helical track array. 108 B Summary of helical and longitudinal recording format . 109 C Summary of PATS and LATS contents 110 D Helical track content data physical-block double-frame 111 E Method of measuring recording t

46、ape abrasivity: 112 Tables 1 Mechanical tolerances 20 2 Cassette identification and length 20 3 Manufacturers hole set definition. 21 4 User holes for small (Type 1), medium and large cassettes 22 5 User holes for small cassette (Type 2). 22 6 Reel spring force 23 7 Record locations and dimensions (

47、single density) . 50 8 Record locations and dimensions (double density) 51 9 Servo mark identifier bit sequences . 60 10 PATS format bit definition. 63 11 Format identifier definition 63 12 LATS-I Format bit definition 65 13 LATS-II Format bit definition. 66 14 LATS-III Format bit definition 67 15 Z

48、one type . 67 16 Partition layout options definitions 68 17 Definition of logical format data, sub-blocks 0, 2 and (b) a magnetic tape of 19 mm (0.748 in) nominal width held inside the case on twin hubs. The tape shall be transported between the hubs for digital recording at the densities specifi ed in this standard for either single or double density operation. In addition, this standard specifi es the physical and magnetic requirements for the magnetic tape and its cassette, the details of the l


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