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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 6043-4.1: 1991 Methods of sampling and test for Carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture Part 4: Cold ramming pastes Section 4.1 Methods of sampling NOTEIt is recommended that this Section be read in conjunction with the general information in BS 6043-4.0, published s

2、eparately. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Chemicals Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board

3、 and comes into effect on 31 October 1991 BSI 10-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference CIC/24 Draft for comment 90/54841 DC ISBN 0 580 19726 3 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted

4、by the Chemicals Standards Policy Committee (CIC/-) to Technical Committee CIC/24, upon which the following bodies were represented: Aluminium Federation British Ceramic Research Ltd. Chemical Industries Association Institute of Petroleum Refractories Association of Great Britain Amendments issued s

5、ince publication Amd. No.DateComments Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 BSI 10-1999i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii 1Scope1 2Definitions1 3General1 4Apparatus1 5Procedure3 6Sa

6、mpling report4 Figure 1 Open-end sampling spear2 Figure 2 Closed-end sampling spear2 Table 1 Minimum mass of increment1 Table 2 Minimum mass of final sample3 Publication(s) referred toInside back cover Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy,

7、 (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 ii BSI 10-1999 Foreword This Section of BS 6043 has been prepared under the direction of the Chemicals Standards Policy Committee to provide methods of sampling for cold ramming pastes used in the production of aluminium. There is no corresponding International Standard; ho

8、wever, it is intended, upon publication of this Section of BS 6043, that it be offered to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for possible adoption as an International Standard. It is important that the sampling and sample preparation procedures given in this Section are perform

9、ed under the supervision of a person having adequate experience of sampling. The use of a sample to determine several properties is acceptable provided that the result(s) of the test is (are) not changed by any preceding test(s). This standard describes a method of sampling only, and should not be u

10、sed or quoted as a specification defining the characteristics of a product. Reference to this Section should indicate that the method of sampling used is in accordance with BS 6043-4.1:1991. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British S

11、tandards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover. Th

12、is standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 BSI 10-1999

13、1 1 Scope This Section of BS 6043 describes methods and conditions for sampling for cold ramming pastes used in aluminium manufacture. NOTE 1The samples prepared in accordance with this Section of BS 6043-4 are required for testing in accordance with the other Sections. NOTE 2The titles of the publi

14、cations referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this Section of BS 6043, the definitions given in BS 6043-1.1 apply together with the following. 2.1 cold ramming paste a mixture containing graded carbonaceous aggregate and bonding materials

15、 which harden when heated to form a carbonaceous bond NOTESuch a mixture needs to be installed at or near ambient temperature by the use of mechanical or pneumatic tools or vibration. 2.2 increment the amount of material taken from a sampling unit in a single operation with a sampling device, e.g. o

16、ne scoopful 2.3 test sample the sample taken from the laboratory sample and prepared in a manner suitable for subjection to a particular test 2.4 item: sampling unit a defined quantity of material having a boundary which may be physical, for example a container, or temporal, for example a particular

17、 time or time interval in the case of a stream of material 3 General NOTEThe type of sampling equipment, and the preparation and reduction of the samples, which should not alter the properties to be tested, are to be agreed between the contracting parties. 3.1 Carry out sampling out on material in m

18、ovement during loading or unloading of the consignment or while filling the packaged units (see 5.4.5). 3.2 During sampling, sample division, and preparation and storage of samples, protect the samples from any factors which may cause changes in the properties to be tested. 3.3 If required, subdivid

19、e the consignment into individual test lots, for example, if it is clear that the consignment consists of various lots or is to be treated in separate partial quantities. 3.4 Distribute the increments over the entire consignment and take them at regular ponderal or temporal intervals which do not va

20、ry throughout the duration of one sampling operation. In addition, divide the consignment according to mass and time into as many intervals as there are increments to be taken. Initial sampling is performed at a moment chosen at random within the first interval. NOTEThe term “ponderal” describes fix

21、ed intervals of mass. 4 Apparatus 4.1 General. Use sample containers, sampling equipment and any ancillary equipment likely to come into contact with the product being sampled that are clean and dry. 4.2 Quartering crosses, of metal or other rigid impermeable material, with four blades joined togeth

22、er at the centre at right angles to each other. The height of the blades forming the cross is greater than that of the flattened cone (see 5.4.2) with which it is used, and the length of the individual blades is greater than the radius of the flattened cone. 4.3 Sampling scoop, with an internal widt

23、h at least six times the estimated size of the largest particles in the product to be sampled, and capable of containing the required minimum mass of an increment (see Table 1). Table 1 Minimum mass of increment 4.4 Sampling spear, as illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2, with a minimum internal dia

24、meter (D) at least six times the estimated size of the largest particles in the material to be sampled, and capable of containing the required minimum mass of increment (see Table 1). The length of the spear (L) is approximately 10 % greater than the depth of the product to be sampled. 4.5 Sample co

25、ntainers, of sufficient capacity to be nearly filled by the samples, leaving only sufficient space for expansion and to avoid losses during opening, made of a material which will not alter the samples in any way. Maximum grain sizeMinimum mass of increment mmg 202 000 200 10500 50 3200 20 150 5 Lice

26、nsed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 2 BSI 10-1999 Figure 1 Open-end sampling spear Figure 2 Closed-end sampling spear Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy,

27、 (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 BSI 10-19993 5 Procedure 5.1 Mass of increment Estimate visually the maximum grain size of the product. Using the estimated maximum grain size determine the minimum mass of the increment from Table 1. NOTEThis procedure avoids systematic errors during sampling. 5.2 Mass of

28、final sample Determine the minimum mass of the final sample from the total mass of the material to be sampled, by using the values in Table 2. If the value obtained is less than six times the total amount of material required for testing, increase the mass of the final sample to six times that requi

29、red for testing. Table 2 Minimum mass of final sample 5.3 Selection of items for sampling If the sequence of manufacture of the individual items comprising the lot is known, e.g. from the container marks, take the increments so that they are distributed as uniformly as possible throughout the whole

30、sequence. If the manufacturing sequence is not known, take the increments at random from the lot. 5.4 Sampling techniques 5.4.1 Selection of techniques If both the number and masses of the individual items are small, take the required increments by coning and quartering (see 5.4.2). If the individua

31、l items are too large to be sampled satisfactorily by coning and quartering, use the flattened-heap (see 5.4.3), or the sampling-spear (see 5.4.4) techniques. If the increments are to be taken from product during manufacture, use the procedure described in 5.4.5. 5.4.2 Coning and quartering Empty th

32、e product from the container comprising one item on to a clean, impervious surface and form it into a conical pile by shovelling. Work systematically around the pile, placing shovelfuls on the apex of the cone from every side so that the centre of the cone is not displaced. Flatten the cone by press

33、ure with the back of the shovel, taking care that the resulting pile is uniform in thickness and diameter and that its centre coincides with the centre of the original cone. Repeat the coning and flattening operations twice. Divide the pile into quarters along two lines intersecting at right angles,

34、 using a quartering cross (4.2). Remove and reject the product in two diagonally opposite quarters. Mix the product in the two remaining quarters and repeat the coning and quartering until the mass of the unrejected product is within the limits for the required mass of the increment (see 5.2). Combi

35、ne the unrejected quarters to form the increment. Combine the individual increments (see 5.1 and 5.2) to form the final sample (see 5.5.1). 5.4.3 Flattened-heap technique Empty the product from the container comprising one item on to a clean, impervious surface and mix it thoroughly. Scrape the prod

36、uct into a heap, then flatten the heap. Using the scoop (4.3), take at least 20 approximately equal increments each within the required limits for mass (see 5.1). Dig to the bottom of the heap on all occasions and ensure that the increment taken contains product from throughout the depth of the heap

37、. Combine the increments to form the final sample (5.5.1). 5.4.4 Sampling-spear technique Thrust the sampling spear (4.4) at an angle into the product in the container which comprises one item, with the open side of the spear facing downwards. Give the spear two or three turns then, with the open si

38、de uppermost, withdraw it carefully so that it remains filled with the product. Transfer the withdrawn increment to the sample container. Repeat the technique at a number of points uniformly distributed over the accessible surface of the product until the mass of sample required (see 5.1 and 5.2) fr

39、om the item has been obtained. Combine the individual increments to form the final sample (see 5.5.1). 5.4.5 Sampling from product during manufacture WARNING. It is essential to perform the following operations with the mixer switched off and isolated. Mass of material to be sampled Mass of final sa

40、mple tonneskg 18 1 to512 5 to1016 10 to5024 50 to 10032 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 4 BSI 10-1999 If the mixer is of a type allowing satisfactory access for sampling the whole of the batch, e.g. a pan mil

41、l, use a sampling scoop (4.3) to take a number of increments, each within the limits of required mass (see 5.1), so that the total mass of the increments is no less than that required for the final sample (see 5.2). Dig through the full depth of the product in taking the increments, so that each inc

42、rement contains product from throughout the depth of the charge. Combine the increments to form the final sample (see 5.5.1). 5.5 Sample subdivision 5.5.1 Final sample If the laboratory and reference samples are to be drawn from more than one item, take the individual samples drawn from all the samp

43、led items and mix them together thoroughly before performing any subdivision which may be necessary. 5.5.2 Laboratory and reference samples The laboratory sample and reference sample shall each be of at least three times the total mass required for the individual tests which are to be undertaken (se

44、e 5.2). If the mass of the final sample (see 5.5.1) is more than twice the combined requirement for the laboratory and reference samples, subdivide the final sample by coning and quartering in accordance with 5.4.2 until the final operation produces two pairs of opposite quarters with each pair tota

45、lling not less than the required mass. Combine one pair of opposite quarters to give the laboratory sample, and combine the other pair to give the reference sample. 5.5.3 Test samples Prepare test samples for individual determinations by subdividing the laboratory sample by coning and quarte

46、ring in accordance with 5.4.2. Make any necessary adjustments to the test sample mass of less than 5 % by mass in accordance with Add randomly selected spot portions as necessary from the laboratory sample or subtract randomly selected spot portions from the test sample. 6 Sampling

47、report The sampling report shall contain the following information: a) an identification of the manufacturer and the product type; b) the date of manufacture of the lot or consignment; c) the number, size and individual identifying marks of the containers in the lot or consignment; d) the number and

48、 individual identifying marks of the containers sampled, in the case of material sampled according to clause 5 after delivery; e) the method of sampling used, including reference to this British Standard, i.e. BS 6043-4.1:1991, the number of increments taken, the approximate mass of the final sample

49、, the method of sample reduction, and the approximate mass of the laboratory and reference samples; f) the identifying marks of the laboratory and reference samples; g) any unusual features noted during sampling; h) any operation not included in this British Standard or regarded as optional. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Wed Dec 06 14:27:52 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6043-4.1:1991 BSI 10-1999 Publication(s) referred to BS 6043, Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture. BS 6043


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