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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 4658:1978 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Methods of test for Textiles Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing UDC 677.014.2/.3:543.05 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI B

2、S 4658:1978 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Fibres, Yarns and Fabrics Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive Board on 31 January 1978 BSI 08-1999 First published December 1970 First revision January 1978 The following BSI refere

3、nces relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference TCM/26 Draft for comment 76/35453 DC ISBN 0580 10114 2 Cooperating organizations The Fibres, Yarns and Fabrics Standards Committee, under whose direction this British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following G

4、overnment departments and scientific and industrial organizations: Association of Jute Spinners and Manufacturers British Man-made Fibres Federation* British Nonwoven Manufacturers Association British Railways Board British Textile Employers Association* Central Council of the Irish Linen Industry C

5、onsumer Standards Advisory Committee of BSI Department of Industry, Chemicals and Textiles International Wool Secretariat* Knitting Industries Federation Ltd.* Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Defence* Narrow Fabrics Federation Retail Trading-Standards Association Textile Inst

6、itute* Warp Knitters Association Ltd. The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard: British Carpet Manufacturers Association British Polyolefin Textiles Ass

7、ociation British Textile Confederation Department of Industry, Laboratory of the Government Chemist Manchester Chamber of Commerce Testing House Soap and Detergent Industry Association Society of Dyers and Colourists Textile Research Council Wool Textile Delegation Amendments issued since publicatio

8、n Amd. No.Date of issueComments 5859July 1988Indicated by a sideline in the margin Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4658:1978 BSI 08-1999i Contents Page Cooperating organizationsInside front cover Forewordii 0 Introduction1

9、 1 Scope and field of application1 2 Definitions1 3 Principle1 4 Sampling from loose fibres1 5 Sampling yarn2 6 Sampling fabric2 7 Sampling made-up articles3 8 Sampling of use-surface of textile floor coverings3 9 Test report3 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00

10、 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4658:1978 ii BSI 08-1999 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Textiles and Clothing Standards Committee. It was first published in 1970 and then revised in 1978, as a dual-numbered standard, identical with the 1977 edition o

11、f ISO 5089 “Textiles Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing”, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 5089:1977 had been prepared, with the active participation of the United Kingdom, by ISO/TC 38. However it has been recogni

12、zed that textile floor coverings should come within the scope of this British Standard and a new method has been introduced for sampling of use-surface of textile floor coverings. Consequently the dual identity of the standard could not be maintained and an amendment was issued to this effect. For e

13、ase of production, the text of ISO 5089:1977 has been used for the basis of this British Standard. Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British Standards; attention is drawn especially to the following. The comma has been used as a decimal marker. In British

14、Standards it is current practice to use a full point on the baseline as the decimal marker. Wherever the words “International Standard” appear, referring to this standard, they should be read as “British Standard”. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a cont

15、ract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 3 and a back cover.

16、This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4658:1978 BSI 08-19991

17、0 Introduction In the methods given in this International Standard, the laboratory test samples are obtained by the combination of numerous small portions each drawn from a different part of the laboratory bulk sample. Therefore, any results obtained on test specimens from these samples will estimat

18、e the mean level in the laboratory bulk sample but will not indicate the variability of level from portion to portion of the laboratory bulk sample. Consequently it is appropriate to use this method in cases where it is desired to estimate the bulk composition, for example the proportions of differe

19、nt fibres in a blend, but it is not appropriate in cases where variability is important, for example in the determination of pH where the local value is significant, or in the determination of fungicides, where a high value in one area of the material does not compensate for a low value elsewhere. N

20、or may it be appropriate for use in determination of commercial mass values. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies methods of obtaining laboratory test samples of textile materials from laboratory bulk samples taken from a bulk source, and gives general directions fo

21、r the preparation of test specimens of convenient size for chemical tests. No provision for sampling from the bulk source is described since it is assumed that the laboratory bulk sample has been selected by a suitable procedure and is representative of the bulk source. 2 Definitions 2.1 bulk source

22、 that quantity of material which is to be judged on the basis of one series of test results. This may comprise, for example, all the material in one delivery of cloth; all the cloth woven from a particular beam; a consignment of yarn; a bale or a group of bales of raw fibre 2.2 laboratory bulk sampl

23、e that portion of the bulk source taken to be representative of the whole. The size and nature of the laboratory bulk sample should be sufficient to overcome adequately the variability of the bulk source and to facilitate ease of handling in the laboratory 2.3 laboratory test sample that portion of

24、the laboratory bulk sample from which specimens are taken for testing. The size and nature of the laboratory test sample should be sufficient to overcome adequately the variability of the laboratory bulk sample 2.4 test specimen the portion of material required to give an individual test result 3 Pr

25、inciple The laboratory test sample is taken so that it is representative of the laboratory bulk sample. The test specimens are taken from the laboratory test sample in such, a way that each of them is representative of the laboratory, test sample. 4 Sampling from loose fibres 4.1 Non-oriented fibres

26、 If the laboratory bulk sample consists of less than 5 kg of loose fibre, spread it out in an even layer. Obtain the laboratory test sample by taking at random a minimum of 100 tufts of approximately equal size, the total mass sufficient to give a laboratory test sample of required size. If the labo

27、ratory bulk sample is greater than 5 kg, divide it into a number of equal portions, and take an equal number of tufts of suitable mass from each portion such that the total number from all portions exceeds 100. Pretreat the laboratory test sample if required by the test method to be used. From the l

28、aboratory test sample remove at random, using forceps, small tufts of approximately equal mass to give a test specimen of the mass required. 4.2 Oriented fibres (card webs, slivers, rovings) From randomly selected parts of the laboratory bulk sample cut not less than ten cross-sections each of mass

29、approximately 1,0 g. After applying pretreatment if necessary, lay the cross-sections together and obtain the test specimen by cutting through them so as to take a portion of each of the ten lengths. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (

30、c) BSI BS 4658:1978 2 BSI 08-1999 5 Sampling yarn 5.1 Yarn in packages or in hanks If the number of packages in the laboratory bulk sample is 25 or less, sample all the packages. If the number exceeds 25, take 25 packages at random. If the linear density of the yarn, expressed in tex, is t, and the

31、number of packages taken from the laboratory bulk sample is n, the length of yarn from each package to give a 10 g laboratory test sample is If n t is high, for example more than 2 000, wind a heavier skein and cut it across in two places to make a tow of suitable mass. Withdraw the appropriate cont

32、inuous lengths from each package either by winding skeins of the same number of turns on a wrap reel1), or by some other means. Unite the lengths side by side either as a single skein or as a tow to form the laboratory test sample, ensuring that there are equal lengths from each package in the skein

33、 or tow. Pretreat the laboratory test sample if required by a suitable method and ensure that the ends of any sample in the form of tow are securely tied before treatment. Take specimens of the appropriate mass from the laboratory test sample by cutting a bunch of threads of equal length from the sk

34、ein or tow and comprising all the threads in it, ensuring that test specimens are taken from a place remote from the tie bands. 5.2 Yarn on warp Take the laboratory test sample by cutting a length from the end of the warp, not less than 20 cm long and comprising all the yarns in the warp except the

35、selvedge yarns, which are rejected. Tie the bunch of threads together near one end. If the sample is too large for any required pretreatment divide it into two or more portions, each tied together for pretreatment, and reunite the portions after the pretreatment of each separately. Take a test speci

36、men by cutting a suitable length from the laboratory test sample from the end remote from the tie band, and comprising all the threads in the warp. For warp of N threads of tex t, the length of a specimen of mass 1 g is 6 Sampling fabric 6.1 From a laboratory bulk sample consisting of a single cutti

37、ng up to 1 m in length Cut a diagonal strip from corner to corner and remove the selvedges. For a laboratory test sample of X g the area of the strip required is where M is the mass of the cloth in grams per square metre. This area divided by the length of the diagonal in centimetres will give the r

38、equired width of strip in centimetres. After subjecting the strip to any pretreatment, cut it across its length into four equal lengths and superimpose them. Take test specimens from any part of the layered material by cutting through all the layers in such a way that each specimen comprises an equa

39、l length from each layer. 6.2 From a laboratory bulk sample consisting of a single cutting more than 1 m in length Take two full-width cuttings, one from each end of the laboratory bulk sample and not more than 1 m long. Cut both into two equal portions by a cut parallel to the warp direction and ma

40、rk the right-hand and left-hand halves of each. Put the right-hand half of one cutting to the left-hand half of the other, with the cut edges together, and cut a diagonal strip from the lower corner of one cutting to the upper corner of the other, after removing the selvedges. Proceed as in 6.1, tre

41、ating the two half-width diagonal strips as if they were a full-width continuous strip. 6.3 From a laboratory bulk sample consisting of several cuttings Treat each cutting separately as described in 6.1 or 6.2 and give results for each cutting in the test report. 6.4 From a fabric with a design aris

42、ing from the distribution of threads Ensure, if possible, that there is an integral number of complete repeats of the design in the laboratory bulk sample and proceed as in 6.1 unless the laboratory bulk sample so obtained is more than 1 m in length, in which case proceed as in 6.2. Where the patter

43、n repeat is large and/or asymmetric, the entire strip should be cut into small fragments, thoroughly mixed and then sampled by the procedure indicated in 4.1. 1) If the packages can be mounted in a convenient creel a number can be wound simultaneously. 106 n t - - cm 105 N t - - cm X 104 M - cm2 Lic

44、ensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4658:1978 BSI 08-19993 Where the laboratory bulk sample does not contain at least one complete repeat of the design, report this under 9 b). 7 Sampling made-up articles The laboratory bulk samp

45、le normally consists of a complete made-up article or a representative part of such an article. Determine whether all parts of the article are of similar composition; if so, treat the whole article as a laboratory bulk sample, and take a laboratory test sample representative of the laboratory bulk s

46、ample. If parts of the article are of different composition, separate the parts and treat each as the laboratory bulk sample and take a laboratory test sample representative of the laboratory bulk sample. 8 Sampling of use-surface of textile floor coverings Take a laboratory test sample of mass at l

47、east 5 g by random selection of pile yarn or use-surface across the full width of floor-covering available. Obtain this sample in such a manner that any possibility of inclusion of extraneous matter from the backing or substrate composition is avoided, e.g. by shearing the surface carefully. For mul

48、ti-colour samples, unless analysis of individual colourways is required, ensure that the sample contains a representative selection of all colourways present. Take test specimens of appropriate mass from the laboratory test sample. 9 Test report The test report shall include the following informatio

49、n: a) a statement that the material was sampled in accordance with this International Standard; b) the size of the laboratory bulk sample (see also 6.4); c) the size of the laboratory test sample; d) the size of the test specimen. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 07:50:54 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4658:1978 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSI British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Eu


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