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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1082 Second edition 1990-08-01 Mining - Shackle type connector units for chain conveyors Exploitation mini b) connector bolt; c) connector nut. This International Standard is not intended to indicate a com- plete design, but it gives sufficient detail to ensure dimensional

2、 compatibility with chains complying with IS0 610 and scraper bars complying with IS0 6612. The connector units specified are intended for use as part of 14, 18, 22, 24 and 26 mm diameter chain assemblies in which the connectors are fitted tightly on to scraper bars. 2 Normatives references The foll

3、owing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are enc

4、ouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 610 : 1930, High-tensile steel chains (round link) for chain conveyors and coal ploughs. IS0 5612 :

5、1990, Mining - Scraper bars for chain conveyors. IS0 7500-l : 1986, Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1: Tensile testing machines. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 size: The nominal size of

6、the chain for which the connec- tor is made. 3.2 test force: The specified force to which a sample finished connector unit shall be subjected without exceeding the percentage elongation stated in table 3. 3.3 breaking force: The maximum force which a sample finished connector unit withstands during

7、the course of a tensile test to destruction. 3.4 percentage elongation: The extension expressed as a percentage of the outside length. 3.5 processing: Any treatment of the connector units subsequent to forging; for example heat treatment, machining or surface treatment. 3.6 inspector: The representa

8、tive of the purchaser. 4 Components of connector units 4.1 Shackle type connector 4.1.1 Material The steel used shall be fully killed, of forgeable quality and of a type not liable to embrittlement, including strain age embrittle- ment. Within these limitations, and unless otherwise specified, it sh

9、all be the responsibility of the connector manufacturer to select the steel so that the finished connector, suitably heat- treated, meets the specified mechanical properties. 4.1.2 Heat treatment Connectors conforming to this International Standard shall be heat treated in the course of manufacture.

10、 Heating to an ap- propriate temperature above the critical point (AC,) of the steel used shall form part of such heat treatment. 4.1.3 Workmanship All finished connectors shall be sound and free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and other harmful defects. All flashes or fins produced in manuf

11、acture shall be removed. 4.1.4 Surface condition Unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and manufacturer, connectors shall be supplied unpolished and free from any coating. 1 IS0 1092 : 1990 (E) 4.1.5 Identification marking Where identification marking is applied during forging, the marks shall c

12、omply with 6.2.1 and be positioned on the connec- tor body so that the mechanical properties of the connector are unaffected and the marking is not readily removable by abrasion in use. 4.1.6 Dimensions The connector (see figure 1) shall be produced to the dimen- sions shown in table 1 for the appro

13、priate size of chain. All other dimensions shall be chosen to ensure correct mating between the connector and the associated sprocket, scraper bar and conveyor pan. 4.2 Connector bolt and nut The essential dimensions and mechanical properties of bolts and nuts shall comply with table 2 and the appro

14、priate Inter- national Standards. 5 Sampling and testing 5.1 General The dimensions and mechanical properties of connectors shall be as stated in tables 1 and 3. The testing procedure shall be as follows. 5.2 Selection of samples Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the following sampling ar

15、rangements shall apply, but this shall not preclude the inspector asking for such further samples as he may deem necessary : a) test samples shall be selected at random; they shall be in the same condition as the bulk of the connectors; b) for sampling purposes, the connectors shall be divided into

16、lots, a lot comprising 600 connectors; any fraction shall be considered as a complete lot; c) for the dimensional test, five samples shall be taken from each lot; d) for the static tensile test, one sample shall be taken from each lot; e) for the fatigue test, one sample shall be taken from each lot

17、. 5.3 Dimensional test The finished connector dimensions shall be verified as being in accordance with those specified in table 1. 5.4 Static tensile test 5.4.1 Test conditions For the purpose of the test, the finished connector shall be assembled with a) a suitable spacer; b) a connector bolt and n

18、ut of the type described in table 2; c) two lengths of chain of the appropriate size as given in IS0 610 of the same grade or better than the connector under test and to suit the requirements of the testing machine. Alternatively special anchorages, with dimensions corresponding to those of the appr

19、opriate size of chain, may be used to anchor the connector in the testing machine. The spacer shall have the same profile as the scraper bar that is to be used with the connector. With the spacer in position the bolt/nut shall be tightened to the relevant value of torque given in table 2. The type a

20、nd accuracy of the testing machine shall be in accordance with class 1 of IS0 7500-l or equivalent national standard. The testing machine shall be used only within its appropriate range as shown by the test certificate. 5.4.2 Elongation at test force The connector unit shall be subjected to a force

21、equal to half of the test force stated in table 3. The force shall then be reduced to the setting force stated in table 3 and the outside length of the connector (C in figure 1) measured. The force shall then be increased, at a rate of approximately 20 kN/s, to the test force specified in table 3 an

22、d the outside length of the connector again measured. The total elongation so determined shall not exceed the rele- vant percentage stated in table 3. 5.4.3 Breaking force Following application of the test force, the force shall then be increased further until the sample breaks. The breaking force d

23、etermined by the test shall be not less than the appropriate value stated in table 3. If, during the test, the sample does not reach the breaking force stated in table 3, because of prior failure of the connector bolt or nut, the test is void and shall be repeated on another sample. 5.4.4 Permanent

24、elongation after fracture After the test break, the broken parts of the connector shall be fitted together and the outside length of the connector (C in figure 1) measured. The permanent elongation determined by the test shall be not less than the minimum percentage given in table 3. 5.5 Fatigue tes

25、t 5.5.1 General The fatigue test is not mandatory. It is an optional test which may be used as an additional acceptance criterion subject to agreement between purchaser and manufacturer at the time of order. 2 55.2 Description of test IS0 1062 : 1990 (El 6 Inspection procedure The test involves subj

26、ecting a connector/chain assembly, as previously described in 5.4.1, to repeated forces (between a lower and an upper limit, see table 3) at a given frequency. The number of cycles sustained before the sample breaks con- stitutes the fatigue resistance (or endurance) of the sample. 5.5.3 Conditions

27、of test Fatigue tests should be performed under the following condi- tions. Testing machine The type and accuracy of the testing machine shall be suitable for applying the forces specified in table 3. The machine shall be calibrated statically, where appropriate, in accordance with class 1 o

28、f IS0 7566-l or an equivalent national standard. Com- pensation for dynamic effects should not be based on calcula- tions, but the actual forces on the test piece should be checked occasionally by some electrical measuring device that can be mounted on the machine in series with the sample.

29、Frequency of force application The frequency of force application shall be not less than 200 cycles per minute and not greater than 1 000 cycles per minute. In case of dispute, check tests shall be carried out at 500 cycles per minute. Criteria of acceptance Each sample tested shall be deeme

30、d satisfactory if its fatigue resistance/endurance is not less than 40 000 cycles. If a result is less than 40 000 cycles, two further samples shall be subjected to the same test; both shall have an endurance of not less than 40 CQCI cycles. The purchaser and manufacturer may, by agreement, deter- m

31、ine the acceptance level for fatigue resistance by using a statistical method as outlined in annex E of IS0 610 : 1990. 6.1 Acceptance A connector lot shall be deemed to comply with this Inter- national Standard if each of the samples taken from the lot fulfils all the specified test requirements. S

32、hould any of the samples fail to meet any one of the specified tests, two further samples shall be selected from the same lot. If both these additional samples meet all the specified tests, the lot shall be deemed to comply with this International Standard. Should either of the two further samples f

33、ail any one of the specified tests, the connector lot shall be rejected. 6.2 Marking 6.2.1 Identification marking All finished connectors shall be legibly marked to indicate the manufacturer and, by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, any other relevant information. 6.2.2 inspectio

34、n marking Provided all specified tests are satisfactory and a lot has been accepted, the inspector shall signify his acceptance. The precise extent and nature of the inspection marking to be used shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 6.3 Test certificate At the op

35、tion of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall supply a representative certificate(s) of test and examination with every consignment of connector units supplied as conforming to this International Standard; when so agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, identification of the cast number o

36、f the steel shall be stated. This shall also apply in instances where connector units are supplied as part of a complete conveyor chain assembly. The certificate shall be signed by the manufacturer and by the inspector if he witnessed the inspection test. 6.4 General inspection For the purpose of wi

37、tnessing the tests and inspecting the testing machines and methods of examination, the inspector shall be given access to the relevant parts of the works of the manufacturer at all reasonable times. 3 -,-,- ISO 1082 : 1990 (E) I Reference face - T bar I bar leg leg Extent of section B Full articulat

38、ion of vertical link within this angle NOTE - The connector illustrated is a short leg connector. Figure 1 - Connector unit Table 1 - Dimensions of connectors Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres Leg HOI9 1 height CX”,re from datum Chain Chain centrt) C(t”,W to outride to hole wd Ce”tW D E fl Pa

39、d I Leg gap unbolted Hole to end of leg lominal size I I . . I I Hole BOlt diameter diameter Inner radius Leg width Chamfer and pitch Connector pitch of chain Maerlal diameter max.7 min. max. 7 min. Length c max. II 41 0 J R + 0.5 0 .k 1 :5 T 0 -1 u +0,5 ” 81 II I 51 II 55 11 t 75 11 78 103 134 8x64

40、 2 x 86 138 139.5 148 1) 1 1 1 43 1 28 I I I 11 These dimensions are dependent on associated line pans. 2) The purchaser may specify a combination of long and short legs at the time of order. 3) Hole tolerance to be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer. -,-,- IS0 1062 : 1990 (E) Table 2 - D

41、imensions and mechanical properties of the connector bolt and nut Nominal size and pitch of chain mm x mm 14 x 60 Thread Ml6 Length under head 1) min. mm 62 Plain length max. mm 42 Property class min. 8.8 Thread Ml6 Property class min. 8 Tightening torque , min. / N.m 180 18 x 64 M20 75 49 10.9 M20

42、10 400 22 x 86 M24 90 62 10.9 M24 10 500 24 x 88 M24 95 62 10.9 M24 10 500 24 x 87,5 M24 95 62 10.9 M24 10 500 26 x 92 M27 105 75 10.9 M27 10 700 1) Based on ordinary hexagonal nut. If a torque prevailing nut is used, the length shall be chosen according to the type of nut used. Table 3 - Mechanical

43、 properties of shackle type connectors Fatigue test I Percentage elongation at test force max % Breaking Setting force after fracture force Nominal size Test and pitch of chain force mm x mm kN Force levels I Number of cycles lower kN min. min. I min. kN % I kN 14 x 50 180 2 225 8 8 370 8 13 18 x 64 300 2 22 x 86 415 2 2 45 I 226 1 4oooo 24 x 86 24 x 87.5 480 480 2 45 226 40000 53 265 4oooo 26 x 92 575 2 765 1 8 1 26 UDC 622.647 : 672.611 Descriptors: mining equipment, chain conveyors, shackles, connectors, specifications, dimensions, tests, marking. Price based on 6 pages 6


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