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1、International Standard f 2848 0 a 4 digi Descriptors : construction, modular structures, dimensional coordination, generalities, dimensions. x 8 Price based on 5 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/

2、9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International

3、Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take p

4、art in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 2848 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Building construc

5、tion. This second edition was submitted directly to the IS0 Council, in accordance with clause 6.11.2 of part 1 of the Directives for the technical work of ISO. It cancels and replaces the first edition (i.e. IS0 2 b) in the design work, enables buildings to be so dimen- sioned that they can be erec

6、ted with standard components without undue restriction on freedom of design; c) permits a flexible type of standardization, which en- courages the use of a limited number of standardized building components for the construction of different types of building; d) optimizes the number of standard size

7、s of building com- ponents; 1) Modular coordination may also be applied to town planning. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networkin

8、g permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2648-1964 (EI e) encourages as far as possible the interchangeability of components, whatever their material, form or method of manufacture; f) simplifies site operations by rationalizing setting out, positioning and assembly of building components; g)

9、ensures dimensional coordination between installations (equipment, storage units, other fitted furniture, etc.) as well as with the rest of the building. 6 Basis of modular coordination Modular coordination is essentially based on a) the basic module; b) standardized multimodules; c) a reference sys

10、tem to define coordinating spaces and zones for building elements and for the components which form them; d) rules for locating building elements within the reference system; e) rules for sizing building components in order to deter- mine their work sizes; 7.3 Sub-modular increments Sub-modular incr

11、ements (see IS0 65141 are selected fractions of the basic module and are used when there is a need for an in- crement smaller than the basic module. By using sub-modular increments, it is possible to achieve modular coordination both for components needing smaller in- crements than 1 M and for compo

12、nents with one or more dimensions smaller than 1 M. In order to produce a solution appropriate to a project as a whole, sub-modular increments may also be used for determin- ing the displacement of different modular grids. However, sub-modular increments should not be used for determining the distan

13、ce between modular reference planes of a modular space-grid. 6 Coordination of non-modular sizes It will not always be possible or economical to use modular coordination totally, and the use of non-modular sizes will sometimes have to be envisaged. In particular, the thicknesses of many building com

14、ponents and assemblies may still have to be non-modular. Such thicknesses are strongly determined by economic and functional considerations. In some cases, such sizes could be coordinated by the use of simple fractions of the basic module. f1 rules for defining preferred sizes for building component

15、s and coordinating dimensions for buildings. 9 Reference system 7 Modules 7.1 Basic module The basic module (see IS0 1006) is the fundamental unit of size in modular coordination. Multiples of the basic module form the modular sizes of building components, of the parts of buildings they form and of

16、buildings themselves. 7.2 Multimodules Multimodules are standardized selected whole multiples of the basic module. Different multimodules will suit particular ap- plications. However, if modular coordination is to be achieved, the values of multimodules should not be chosen arbitrarily and only stan

17、dardized multimodules (see IS0 10401 shall be used. By using multimodules, it is possible to achieve a substantial reduction in the number of modular sizes, particularly for com- ponents having at least one dimension equal to one of the dimensions of the functional element of which they are a part.

18、A further reduction in the number of modular sizes may be achieved by means of a general series of multimodular sizes based on selected multimodules. The reference system is a system of points, lines and planes to which the sizes and positions of building components or assemblies relate. A reference

19、 system should mainly be used during the design stage, and may also form the basis of the system of lines from which measurements on site are set out. 9.1 Modular space-grid A modular space-grid is a three-dimensional reference system within which a building and its components are located. Thus, the

20、 planes form free modular spaces which, according to the design, may be filled out by modular components. The distance between the planes in such a system is equal to the basic module (basic module grid) or to a multimodule (multimodular grid). (An example is shown in figure I,) The reference planes

21、 in the modular space-grid are termed modular planes. NOTE - The multimodule may differ for each of the three directions of the modular space-grid. 9.2 Modular grids Designs have to be expressed in two dimensions. To this end, horizontal and vertical projections of the modular space-grid, which are

22、known as modular grids, are used. 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2948-19

23、84 (E) Different modular grids may be superimposed on the same plan or elevation for different purposes. (Examples are shown in figure 2.1 The advantage of using grids is that they provide a continuous reference system in a project, provided that the basic module grid is kept uninterrupted all over

24、the building. The position of components and their corresponding modular dimensions can thus be recognized both by those preparing drawings and, as far as they appear in the final drawings, also by those reading them. 9.2.1 Basic module grid The fundamental modular grid is that in which the spacing

25、of consecutive parallel lines is equal to the basic module. (See IS0 1006.) 9.2.2 Multimodular grids In addition to the basic module grid, multimodular grids, in which the spacing of the lines is a multimodule, may be used. This multimodule may differ for each of the two directions of the grid. Line

26、s in a multimodular grid normally coincide with lines in the basic module grid. In practice, however, it may be advan- tageous to displace modular grids used for different purposes in relation to each other. One example may be the displacement of the horizontal grid determining the position of floor

27、 com- ponents from the horizontal grid determining the position of wall components with a dimension equal to the support of the floor components. 9.2.3 Zones of interruptions of modular grids In some cases it may be necessary to interrupt a modular grid (for example, in order to accommodate dividing

28、 elements). The width of the zone of interruption of the modular grid may be modular or non-modular. (See figure 3.1 9.2.4 Displacement of modular grids When several modular grids are used in designing the same plan, it may be advantageous to displace the grids with reference to each other in one or

29、 both directions. The displace- ment between the grids shall be chosen so as to produce a solution appropriate to the project as a whole. (An example is shown in figure 4.1 10 Location and dimensioning For the purposes of design, each building component and assembly is assumed to be located in a spa

30、ce within the reference system defined by reference planes or lines, i.e. its allotted modular space. This space includes the space required for joints and permitted dimensional deviations (see figure 5). Thus, in modular planning, the modular plane or grid line defin- ing the location of a componen

31、t does so by boundary reference (see figure 6). In some cases it may be practical, however, to define the location of, for example, the centre line of a compo- nent in relation to the modular grid (see figure 7). The latter can, however, be considered as a special case of boundary reference. In prac

32、tice, work-sizes of components and assemblies are derived from modular sizes. Allowances have to be made in particular for manufacturing, site setting-out and erection deviations. In modular coordination, free spaces (rooms, open- ings in walls and floors, etc.) should be larger than their modular d

33、imensions, while components which are intended to fit into such spaces shall be smaller than the modular dimen- sions. 11 Preferred modular sizes A further reduction in the ranges of sizes, as well as greater facility for addition and division can be achieved by the use of a general series of prefer

34、red modular sizes. (See IS0 6513.) Preferred modular sizes for various components and assemblies as well as for various building dimensions will be specified in future International Standards. (See IS0 6512.) 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license wi

35、th ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2948-1994 (E) M Figure 1 - Example of a modular space-grid IM , / , 3M , /( 6M / / 12 M / / IMj, ,tZMb b) 1 M, 2 M “tartan grids” a)

36、 1 M, 3 M, 6 M, 12 M-grids Figure 2 - Examples of superimposed modular grids Dividing element - 1 1 Modular or non-modular zone Figure 3 - Interruption of modular grids Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1

37、/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2949-1994 (El 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 ,nxM ,nxM , nxM ,nxM , nxM ,nxM , nxM , Figure 4 - Example of displacement of modular grids Space required for joint and permitted dimensional d

38、eviations Wall Figure 5 - Example of a building component located in its allotted modular space Wall, column, etc. 0 Figure 6 0 c!l kl Example of modular planes in boundary positidn Wall, column, etc. a r &I a l In the case of asymmetric elements (for example endwalls), the modular plane may not coi

39、ncide with the centre plane. Figure 7 - Example of modular planes in axial position 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 09:06:34 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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