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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 6916-1 First edition 1995-07-I 5 Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Sponge and expanded cellular rubber products - Specification - Part I: Sheeting POz - 5orlO - 2A4 95,l to 125 f30 - - - 5orlO - 2A5 125,l to 200 +30 - - 25 - 5orlO - 2A6 200,l to 300 +30 - - 25 - 5orl

2、O - Elass B, oil-resistant, low-swell 281 15,l to 35 +30 282 35,l to 65 +_30 283 65,l to 95 +30 284 95,l to 125 +30 2B5 125,l to 200 f30 286 200,l to 300 f30 Zlass C, oil-resistant, medium-swell - - 25 - 5orlO 50 - - 25 - 5orlO 50 - - 25 - 5or 10 50 - - 25 - 5or 10 50 - - 25 5or 10 50 - - 25 - 5or 1

3、0 50 2Cl 15,l to 35 +30 - - 25 - 5or 10 150 2c2 35.1 to 65 f30 - - 25 - 5orlO 150 2C3 65.1 to 95 +30 - - 25 - 5or 10 150 2C4 95,l to 125 *30 - - 25 - 5or 10 150 2C5 125,l to 200 f30 - - 25 - 5or 10 150 2C6 200,l to 300 +30 - - 25 - 5or 10 150 Class D, high-temperature-resistant 2Dl 15,l to 35 - f5 5

4、 - 80 5or 10 - 2D2 35.1 to 65 - +5 z - 60 5orlO - 2D3 65.1 to 95 - f5 - 60 5orlO - 2D4 95,l to 125 - f5 5 - 60 5orlO - 2D5 125.1 to 200 - +5 5 - 60 5orlO - 1) For cellular materials with densities not exceeding 160 kg/m3, the value of water absorption allowed is 10 % max. by mass. For densities grea

5、ter than 160 kg/m3, the maximum permitted value of water absorption is 5 % by mass. 2) This test (annex F) of mass change in liquid B is used in place of the usual oil resistance test of volume change in No. 3 oil for the following reason. Oil or solvent immersion of flexible closed-cell materials u

6、sually causes loss of gas, by diffusion through the softened cell walls, which results in some shrinkage of the test piece. This shrinkage counteracts the swell which would normally occur, thus invalidating test data based on volume change. Liquid B is used because it produces a wider and more consi

7、stent differentiation between classes A, B and C than does the No. 3 oil. Standard oil resistance test methods give inconsistent results on closed-cell materials. This test gives a general indication of oil resistance, but more reliable information should be obtained by testing in actual or simulate

8、d service conditions. The figures of 150 % max. for class C and 50 % max. for class B apply to cellular materials having densities greater than 160 kg/m3. For cellular materials with densities not exceeding 160 kg/m3, the maximum permitted values of mass change are 250 96 for class C and 100 % for c

9、lass B. 4 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:36:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0 IS0 IS0 6916-1:1995(E) Ta

10、ble 3 - Physical requirements for cellular rubbers with added suffix letter Requirements added by suffix letter Suffix Al 61 Cl c2 c3 c4 Fl F2 F3 Compression deflection after Compression Low- Low- Low- conditioning set under temperature temperature temperature Grade for22 hat constant Ozone test at

11、Ozone test at Ozone test at Ozone test at test at test at test at No. 175”C_+2T deflection of 25 pphm 50 pphm 100 pphm 200 pphm -4O”Cf2”C -55”c*2”c -75”c+2 “C Change from 50 % Visual Visual Visual Visual Change from Change from Change from original 22 h at examination examination examination examina

12、tion original original original compression 70Tfl”C compression compression compression deflection deflection deflection deftection % % % % % (Limits) (Max.) IMax.) (Max.) IMax.) :lass A, non-oil-resistant 1AO - 15 1Al - 15 lA2 - 15 1A3 - 15 lA4 - 15 IA5 - 15 lA6 - 15 Crack-free Crack-free Crack-fre

13、e Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25

14、 - Crack-free Crack-free 25 25 - Xass B, oil-resistant, low-swell 1BO - 1Bl - 182 183 - 184 - 165 186 q - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crac

15、k-free 50 - - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - :lass C, oil-resistant, medium-swell 1co - 1Cl lC2 q lC3 - lC4 - lC5 - lC6 - 25 Crack-free 25 Crack-free 25 Crack-free 25 Crack

16、-free 25 Crack-free 25 Crack-free 25 Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free 50 - - Crack-free C

17、rack-free Crack-free 50 - - %ss D, high-temperature-resistant 1DO lD1 lD2 1D3 lD4 1D5 25 zt25 *25 *25 25 zt25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free - - 25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free - - 25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free - - 25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-f

18、ree Crack-free - - 25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free - - 25 - Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free Crack-free - - 25 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 0

19、6/01/2007 02:36:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6916-1:1995(E) 0 IS0 Table 4 -Test methods Requirement or Basic Suffix numbers suffix letter requirements 1 2 3 4 Compression deflection Annex A Suffix A, Annex B Annex B heat resistance Change in deflec

20、tion 22 h at a) Type 1, classes A, B, C 175 Oc f 2 Oc 168hat70C+l “C b) Type 2. classes A, B. C 22 h at 70 “C k 1 “C cl Class D 22hat150C+2”C Suffix B, compression set Annex D Annex D a) Type I, classes A, B, C 22 h at 22 h at 70 “C f 1 “C 7o”c+1 “C b) Type 2, classes A, B, C 22 h at 23 “C f 2 “C cl

21、 Class D 22hatlOO”Cfl “C Suffix C, ozone resistance Suffix E, fluid resistance IS0 1431-1 IS0 1431-I IS0 1431-I IS0 1431-l 20 % strain 20 % strain 20 % strain 20 % strain 40 “C 40 “C 40 “C 40 “C 25 pphm 50 pphm 100 pphm 200 pphm Annex C a) Type 1 22 h at 70 “C k 1 “C Oil No. 3 Annex F b) Type 2 168h

22、at23”Ck2”C Liquid B Suffix F. low-temperature resistance Annex G Annex G Annex G Annex G Change in compression -4O”C+Z”C -55”C+2”C -75”C+Z”C deflection after 5 h at -55”C+Z”C Suffix L, water absorption (type 2 only) Suffix M. flammability resistance Suffix P, staining resistance, xenon arc Annex E 3

23、 min at 23 “C f 2 “C Customer agreement Reference 3 fading to contrast grade 4 IS0 3865: 1983, IS0 3865:1983, method A2 methods A2 No contact and B stain No contact stain No leaching 6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employ

24、ees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:36:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0 IS0 IS0 6916-1:1995(E) 5 Physical properties 8 Inspection and rejection The various types, classes and grades of cellular rubber shall conform to the

25、physical property require- ments given in tables 1 and 2, together with any additional requirements indicated by any suffix letter as described in table 3 and any number given in the designation as described in clause 3. 8.1 All tests and inspections shall be carried out at the place of manufacture

26、prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for tests and inspection. 6 Methods of test 6.1 Unless specifically stated otherwise, all tests shall be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in the annexes to this pa

27、rt of IS0 6916. 6.2 Test pieces shall not be tested for at least 72 h after manufacture. Prior to test, the test pieces shall be stored for at least 16 h at either 23 “C + 2 “C and (505 5) % relative humidity or 27 “C + 2 “C and (65 f 5) % relative humidity. This period may form the latter part of t

28、he time following manufacture. 6.3 When 23 “C f 2 “C or the phrase “standard temperature” is stated in this document, it shall be taken to mean that the standard temperatures of 23 “C+ 2 “C or 27C 12 “C may be used when appropriate (see IS0 471). 7 Dimensional tolerances The tolerances allowable on

29、the dimensions of cellular rubber sheet shall be as specified in table 5. 8.2 The purchaser may carry out the tests and inspections to govern acceptance or rejection of the material at his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests and inspections shall be made not later than 15 days after receipt of t

30、he material. 8.3 All samples for testing, provided as specified in clause 11, shall be visually inspected to determine compliance with the material, workmanship and colour requirements. 8.4 Any material that fails in one or more of the test requirements may be retested. For this purpose, two additio

31、nal tests shall be made for the requirement in which failure occurred. Failure of either of the retests shall be cause for final rejection. 8.5 Rejected material shall be disposed of as directed by the manufacturer. 9 Packaging and marking The material shall be properly and adequately packaged. Each

32、 package or container shall be legibly marked with the name of the material, the name or trademark of the manufacturer, and any required purchaser s designations. Table 5 - Tolerances on dimensions of cellular-rubber sheet for general applications Form Thickness Dimension (mm) Tolerance, plus or min

33、us (mm) Length and width Dimension (mm) Tolerance, plus or minus (mm) 1 Sponge rubbers Sheet ; $i$ Expanded rubbers 0,4 3.8 I,5 2,o 2.5 152 152 but c457 457 I,6 o,TA Sheet = 3,2 or4 152 6.4 3,3to 15 03 152but=z305 9,6 15.1 to30 I,5 305 3% 30.1 to 50 50 7 Copyright International Organization for Stan

34、dardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:36:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6916-1:1995(E) Q IS0 IO Sampling 10.1 When possible, the finished manufactured

35、 product shall be used for the tests specified. 10.2 When it is necessary or advisable to obtain test pieces from the article, as in those cases where the entire sample is not required or adaptable for testing, the method of cutting and the exact position from which test pieces are to be taken shall

36、 be specified. The apparent density and the state of cure may vary in different parts of the finished product. Also, the apparent density is affected by the number of cut surfaces as opposed to the number of skin-covered surfaces on the test pieces. 11 Test pieces and sheets 11.1 Test pieces Standar

37、d test pieces intended for the compression deflection test shall be discs cut by a die either (3o+,o,O4 ) mm or (19+,0,04) mm in diameter. The test pieces may be cut with a revolving die using a soap solution as lubricant. If a lubricant is used, the test pieces shall be thoroughly dried before proc

38、eeding Nine holes, d 30 mm, with centres 1 spaced 33,3 mm apart with the testing. In some cases, it may be necessary to freeze the cellular rubber to obtain a good cylinder. When cut from standard test slabs, test pieces shall be cut from the centre area as shown in figure 1. The thickness shall be

39、measured as described in clause 12. As stated in the test methods, the minimum thickness of test pieces is 6.0 mm. Plied-up samples may be used as indicated in the test methods for compression set and compression deflection. NOTE 3 When the available material widths are too small to allow standard t

40、est pieces to be cut, then smaller diameter discs may be used. Test results obtained on smaller discs may not be the same as on standard test pieces. 11.2 Test sheets 11.2.1 Standard test sheets of all types of cellular rubber shall be pieces 150 mm * 5 mm square and 12,5 mm f 5 mm in thickness, mad

41、e from the same compound and having the same apparent density and state of cure as the product they represent. In all cases, the surface skin shall be left intact on both top and bottom faces of the test sheet. Standard test sheets shall be prepared either by cutting them from flat sheets of the spe

42、cified thickness or as described in 11.2.2 or 11.2.3. Dimensions in millimetres Figure 1 - Locations from which standard test pieces are to be cut when testing standard test slabs or commercial flat sheets 8 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with

43、ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:36:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0 IS0 IS0 6916-1:1995(E) 11.2.2 When specially prepared standard test sheets of sponge rubber are required, they shall be made us

44、ing the frame shown in figure 2 together with top and bottom plates each approximately 12,5 mm in thickness. The frame and plates shall be made of aluminium or steel. The compound shall be cut into squares slightly smaller than the frame cavities. The thickness shall be such as to give the required

45、apparent density when the material is blown during cure to fill the moulding cavities. The squares of stock shall be dusted with talc and the excess brushed off to avoid pitting. They shall then be placed in the frame, and fabric sheeting shall be applied on the top and bottom between the frame and

46、the plates to allow venting of gases produced during the cure. This fabric shall be commercial sheeting with a mass per unit area of approximately 135 g/m*, having approxi- mately 275 ends/mm and 2,36 picks/mm. For materials with suitable flow characteristics the use of grooved plates may be an alte

47、rnative method to fabric sheeting. The test pieces shall be vulcanized in a - platen press under conditions of time and tempe- rature chosen to produce a state of cure of the standard sheets approximately the same as in the finished products which they represent. 11.2.3 When specially prepared stand

48、ard test sheets of expanded rubber are required, the final stage of cure shall be done using the frame described in 11.2.2 and using the same process that was used for the product to be represented by the test sheet. The test pieces shall be prepared to have approximately the same density and shall

49、be vulcanized under conditions of time and temperature chosen to produce a state of cure in the standard sheets approximately the same as in the finished products which they represent. 12 Measurement of test-piece dimensions The dimensions of test pieces shall be measured in accordance with IS0 1923. Dimensions in millimetres Figure 2 - Four-cavity frame for standa


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