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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PROFILE ISOJIEC ISP 11185-1 First edition 1994-l o-01 Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 1: FVTZII, FVT212 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Application Control O

2、bjects Technologies de /information - Profils normalis - European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS); - Open Systems Environment Implementors Workshop (OIW). This International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 11185 forms an International Register of information objects in accordance with the procedur

3、es for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities laid down in ISO/IEC 9834. It is issued in parts, with additional parts being issued as further entries are added to the register. Each pan is prepared in accordance with an approval and maintenance process laid down by the Special Group on Functi

4、onal Standardization of ISO/IEC JTCl, information technology. ISO/IEC ISP 11185 is issued under the general title information technology - international Standardized Profiles M2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions. At present the following parts are publish

5、ed or are in the course of preparation: - Part 1: M211, M212 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Application Control Objects - Part 2: M213, M214 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects - Part 3: M215, M216 -Application RIO Record Loading Control Object, Terminal RIO Record Notification Control

6、 Object - Part 4: M217 - Horizontal Tabulation Control Object - Part 5: M218 - Logical Image Control Object - Part 6: M219 - Status Message Control Object - Part 7: M2110 - Entry-Control Control Object - Part 8: M221 - Forms FE/CO (Field Entry Instruction Control Object) No.1 - Part 9: M222 - Paged

7、FE/CO (Field Entry Instruction Control Object) No.1 - Part 10: M231 - Forms FEPCO (Field Entry Pilot Control Object) No.1 - Part 11: M232 - Paged FEPCO (Field Entry Pilot Control Object) No.1 - Part 12: M2116, M2117, M2118, M2119 - Generalized Telnet Synch, Signal, Negotiation and Subnegotiation Con

8、trol Objects - Part 13: M2111 - Waiting Time Control Object - Part 14: M2112 - Printer Control Object - Part 15: M2113 - Field Definition Management Control Object - Part 16: M2114 - Terminal Signal Titles Control Object - Part 17: M2115 - Help Text Control Object Annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP

9、 11185 forms an integral pan of this International Standardized Profile. iii Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/22/2007 21:00:15 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted w

10、ithout license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 11185-l : 1994(E) Introduction This International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 11185 is defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in accordance with the principles specified in ISO/IEC TR 10000, “Framework and Taxonomy of International St

11、andardized Profiles”. The context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base standards, profiles and registration mechanisms. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Standard IS0 9040 for the Virtual Terminal

12、 Basic Class Service identifies a requirement for an International Register of VT Control Object type definitions. Procedures for the operation of this International Register are laid down in ISO/IEC 9834-5. This International Standardized Profile provides this register. The individual entries in th

13、is register constitute Interchange Format and Representation Profiles (F-Profiles) within the framework of ISO/IEC TR 10000. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 was developed in close cooperation between the three Regional OSI Workshops, namely the OSE Implementors Workshop (ON) of the United States, the

14、 European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) and the OSI Asia- Oceania Workshop (AOW). It was developed under the editorship of EWOS from a control object specification contained in the OIW Stable Implementation Agreements, Version 3 (December 1989). The text is harmonized between these three Workshop

15、s and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of each Workshop. 0 ISO/IEC Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/22/2007 21:00:15 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitt

16、ed without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PROFILE So”EC ISO/IEC ISP 11185-I : 1994(E) Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 1: FVT211, FVT212 - Sequenced and Unsequenc

17、ed Application Control Objects 1 Scope 1.1 General The concept of Profiles for OSI, and the structure of the International Standardized Profiles that document them, are defined in ISO/IEC TR 10000-l. Such Profiles are divided into a number of different classes and sub-classes. Two of these classes c

18、ontain sub-classes comprising functions of the Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service and Protocol specified in the base standards IS0 9040 and IS0 9041. These are the Application Profiles (A-Profiles) and the Interchange Format and Representation Profiles (F-Profiles). The relationship between A-Prof

19、iles and F-Profiles is described in 7.3.2 of ISO/IEC TR 10000-l and is as follows. Application Layer base standards require, implicitly or explicitly, the structure of information carried or referenced by them to be specified for each instance of communication. It is the purpose of F-Profiles to spe

20、cify such information structures. Particular functional requirements may then be met by the combination of an A-Profile with one or more F- Profiles. Establishment of a VT-association involves the selection by negotiation of a particular Virtual Terminal Environment profile (VTE-profile), and of par

21、ticular values for any arguments of that VTE-profile. The VTE-profile specification, and possibly also the values of certain VTE-profile arguments, may in turn reference the definitions of VT control object types and assignment types. These VTE-profiles, control object types and assignment types are

22、 thus information structures that require explicit reference within the VT protocol. Particular instances of these structures are fully defined within the base standards, but the base standards also provide for further instances to be defined by registration. Each registered instance constitutes an

23、F-Profile within the framework of ISO/IEC TR 10000. The Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service and Protocol may be used to realise a wide range of distinct functions. Particular functions may be realised through the selection of appropriate VT functional units, F-Profiles and other VTE- profile argume

24、nt values. The specification of the selection required to realise a particular function and to promote interoperability constitutes a Virtual Terminal A-Profile within the framework of ISO/IEC TR 10000. The three International Registers of VT information structures and the specifications of VT Appli

25、cation Profiles are each published as a separate multi-part ISP as follows: - ISO/IEC ISP 11184 is the Register of VTE-profiles; - ISO/IEC ISP 11185 is the Register of control object type definitions; - ISO/IEC ISP 11186 is the Register of assignment-type definitions; - ISO/IEC ISP 11187 contains th

26、e specifications of VT Application Profiles. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 contains the definitions of two control object types that may be used to convey signals for device control from an application to a terminal. One is used to convey these signals in sequence with other data. The other is used

27、 to convey these signals urgently when there is no requirement to maintain a sequence order with other data. 1.2 Position within the taxonomy The taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles for OSI is laid down in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2. Within the classification scheme of this taxonomy, the OSI Pro

28、files specified in this International Standardized Profile are in the Virtual Terminal Registered Object sub-class of the class of Interchange Format and Representation Profiles. A Profile within this subclass has a Profile identifier of the form FVTabc, where abc is a structured numerical identifie

29、r that identifies the position of the Profile within each of the three levels of subdivision of the subclass. The values of a and b are single digits but c is an integer that is not necessarily a single digit. In principle the IS0 Virtual Terminal model allows for multiple classes of operation, alth

30、ough at the time of publication of this International Standardized Profile only the Basic Class has been defined. The value of the identifier component a 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 N

31、ot for Resale, 04/22/2007 21:00:15 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 11185-I : 1994(E) 0 ISO/IEC distinguishes between distinct types of information object as follows: - a = 1 for Basic Class VTE-profiles; - a = 2 for Basic Class Control Objects; -

32、 a = 3 for Basic Class Assignment Types, Values of a greater than 3 are reserved for future developments, This International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 11185 contains the specifications of the Profiles with identifiers of the form FVT2bc. For this form of identifier, the component b distinguis

33、hes between the five major classifications of Basic Class Control Objects as follows: - b = 1 for Miscellaneous Control Objects; - b = 2 for Field Entry Instruction Control Objects; - b = 3 for Field Entry Pilot Control Objects; - b = 4 for Reference Information Objects; - b = 5 for Termination Cond

34、itions Control Objects, Each of these classifications corresponds to a sub-register under the procedures of ISO/IEC 9834-5. The identifier component c is the serial number of the control object type in the appropriate sub-register. Values of b greater than 5 are reserved for new classifications of B

35、asic Class Control Objects that may be defined in future amendments to IS0 9040. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 contains the definitions of the Miscellaneous Control Object types with the Profile identifiers FVT211 - Sequenced Application Control Object; FVT212 - Unsequenced Application Control Obje

36、ct. 1.3 Scenario The specification of the Virtual Terminal Service is given in IS0 9040. It is based on a model in which two VT-users communicate by means of a shared Conceptual Communication Area (CCA) that is a conceptual part of the VT service-provider. Information exchange is modelled by one VT-

37、user updating the content of the CCA and the changed state of the CCA then being made accessible to the peer VT-user. VT servfce-provider I Figure 1 - Control objects in the VT Service model Control objects (COs) form one of the types of information object that may be present in the CCA. This is ill

38、ustrated in figure 1, in which CO-l, CO-2, . . CO-n represent a number of different control objects present in the CCA. The negotiation during establishment of a VT-association will determine whether or not these will include control objects of either or both of the types whose definitions are given

39、 in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185. The CCA is structured by the Virtual Terminal Service into a number of components. For a control object the Data Structure Definition (DSD) component of the CCA contains the syntax of its information content, including the range of possible values and the permitte

40、d update operations. The current value of its information content is contained in the Control, Signal and Status store (CSS) component. Updates to the current value take place through the issue of VT service primitives by one VT-user to the service-provider. Changes of state of the CCA are made acce

41、ssible through the issue of VT service primitives by the service-provider to the peer VT-user. By clause 14 of IS0 9040, COs enable VT-users to handle control information related to virtual terminal functions and to real devices. This control is exercised by the VT-users through semantics associated

42、 with the information content and with the update operations of the CO. Definition of the semantics, or specification of the source of the semantics if the semantic details are not fully prescribed, forms part of the registered definition of the CO. These semantics are not however of concern to the

43、VT service-provider itself. The DSD will contain an ASN.l object identifier that identifies the registered definition, but the VT service-provider merely acts as a repository of this value. It is only the VT-user that requires knowledge of the registered definition. NOTE 1 - The VTE-parameter values

44、 that determine the syntax of the information content may not be negotiated explicitly during association establishment, Moreover, in the case of non-parametric COs these values do not determine the details of the syntax, Such values and details form part of the registered definition of the CO. Sinc

45、e the VT service-provider is not required to have knowledge of this registered definition, in principle the VT-users provide the VT service-provider with such information through local management procedures. Whether or not this is necessary in practice depends on the configuration of the implementat

46、ions concerned. The control object types defined in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 assume an asymmetry between the two communicating end systems. One end system is assumed to have a terminal role and to contain devices for the input and display of data and for signalling. These devices form pan of t

47、he VT-user component of that end system. The other end system is assumed to have an application role and to contain an application package that the terminal end system desires to access. This asymmetry may, but need not, be recognised by the VT Service; provision for such recognition exists only in

48、an S-mode VT-association. Control objects of the types defined in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 are used to enable the application package to issue control signals to the devices of the terminal end system. The Virtual Terminal Protocol specification given in IS0 9041- 1 models the VT service-provi

49、der in terms of protocol exchange between two Virtual Terminal Protocol Machines (VTPMs), each with its own CCA. The CCA of each VTPM is updated both by service primitives received from its own VT- user and by protocol elements received from the peer VTPM. Corresponding service primitives and protocol elements are issued by the VTPM to provide notification of changes to the 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under licens


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