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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 9070 Second edition 1991-04-15 Information technology - SGML support facilities - Registration procedures for public text owner identifiers Technologies de /information - Facilitks de support SGML - Pro - provide names that can have equivalent encodings in supported in

2、ter- change formats (ASN.l and SGML), and that can be represented both as data structures and as equivalent character strings; - support straightforward name equivalence testing; - support decentralized registration of both standard and non-conflicting organization-specific (private) names; - suppor

3、t a non-revisable, expanding domain of registered names; - provide for the optional association of general descriptive information; - lend itself to the efficient definition, encoding and interchange of complex, hierarchical names. iv Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided

4、 by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 08:55:05 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 9070:1991 (El Information technology - SGML support facilities - Registration pro

5、cedures for public text owner identifiers 1 Scope This International Standard applies to the assignment of unique owner prefixes to owners of public text conforming to IS0 8879. It describes the procedures whereby such assignments are made, and the method of constructing registered owner names from

6、them. Procedures for self-assignment of owner pre- fixes by standards bodies and other organizations are also specified. NOTE 2 Examples of registered public text are given in annex A. Further examples may be found in annexes to IS0 8879. ISO/I EC 8824: 1990, information technology - Open Systems In

7、terconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1). ISO/IEC 8825:1990, information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1). IS0 8879:1986, Information processing - Text and office systems - Standa

8、rd Generalized Markup Lan- guage fSGMLI. IS0 9069:1988, information processing - SGML support facilities - SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF). 2 Normative references 3 Definitions The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Int

9、ernational Standard. At the time of publica- tion, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated

10、below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Standards. IS0 639:1988, Code for the representation of names of languages. I SO 2 108: 1978, Documentation - In terna tional s tan- dard book numbering (ISBN). IS0 2375:1985, Data processing - Procedure for registra

11、tion of escape sequences. IS0 3166:1988, Codes for the representation of names of countries. IS0 6523:1984, Data interchange - Structures for the identification of organizations. For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. NOTE 3 The definitions are presented in

12、 alphabetical or- der for reference purposes. However, for tutorial purposes they should be read as though organized in the following structure: public text public identifier SGML formal public identifier structured name (public identifier) owner name registered owner name registered owner prefix IS

13、BN prefix IS0 2375 prefix naming authority IS0 identified organization authority IS0 member body authority IS0 registration authority IS0 publication authority IS0 co-publisher unregistered owner name object name 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under licens

14、e with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 08:55:05 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC 9070:1991(E) 3.1 ISBN prefix: A registered owner prefix con- structed from components of an International Stan- dard Book Nu

15、mber. NOTE 4 Its naming authority type is IS0 registration au- thority. 3.2 IS0 2375 prefix: A registered owner prefix used to identify character sets registered in accordance with IS0 2375. NOTE 5 Its naming authority type is IS.0 registration au- thority. ity, IS0 member body authority, and IS0 id

16、entified organ- ization authority. 3.10 owner name: The portion of a public identifier that names its owner. NOTES 11 There are two kinds: registered, and unregistered. 12 The “IS0 owner identifier” defined in IS0 8879 is a registered owner name whose naming authority is an IS0 publication authority

17、 or an IS0 registration authority. 3.3 IS0 9070 prefix: A registered owner prefix as- signed by the registration authority designated for this International Standard. 13 The owner of a public identifier is not necessarily the owner of the object that it identifies. 3.11 public identifier: The identi

18、fier of public text NOTE 6 Its naming authority type is IS0 registration au- or other shared information objects. thority. 3.4 IS0 co-publisher: An organization with which the IS0 jointly publishes standards and other publica- tions, and whose name (or an abbreviation) appears in the publication num

19、ber. character string, which normally also serves as a visual NOTE 14 A public identifier is defined as a canonical representation. Two other equivalent representations of public identifiers are recognized in this International Stan- dard: SGML formal public identifier and structured name public ide

20、ntifier. NOTE 7 For example, IEC. 3.12 public text: Text that is known beyond the context of a single document or system environment, and which can be accessed with a public identifier. 3.5 IS0 identified organization authority: An or- ganization with an International Code Designator as- signed in a

21、ccordance with IS0 6523 that acts as a naming authority for issuing organization codes. NOTES 3.13 registered owner name: A unique owner name that is constructed in accordance with this International Standard. 8 IS0 6523 specifies a Structure for the Identification of Organizations (SIO) for the pur

22、pose of facilitating data interchange, including recommendations regarding points on which prior agreement is necessary between inter- change parties. NOTES 15 It consists of a registered owner prefix and an optional sequence of owner-name components. 9 The IS0 6523 SIO consists of an International

23、Code Designator (ICD), an organization code, and an organization 16 It is distinguished from an unregistered owner name by the presence of a registered owner prefix. name. 3.6 IS0 member body authority: An IS0 member body that is the naming authority and issuing organ- ization for objects and organi

24、zations registered within its country. 3.7 IS0 registration authority: A naming authority established by an international standard which speci- fies the procedures under which it operates. 3.8 IS0 publication authority: An ISO/IEC standard or part that acts as a naming authority for public text or o

25、ther public objects defined within it. 3.9 naming authority: An issuer of registered owner prefixes for a class of public text or other public objects. NOTE 10 Four kinds are recognized in this International Standard: IS0 publication authority, IS0 registration author- 3.14 registered owner prefix:

26、The portion of a reg- istered owner name that identifies the naming au- thority. 3.15 SGML formal public identifier: A represen- tation of a public identifier that is constructed accord- ing to rules defined in IS0 8879. 3.16 structured name (public identifier): A public identifier, constructed in a

27、ccordance with this Inter- national Standard, that is represented as a data struc- ture. NOTE 17 A structured name contains the normal com- ponents of a public identifier, plus optional descriptive messages. 3.17 object name: The portion of a public identifier that identifies an object so that it ca

28、n be distinguished from any other object with the same owner name. 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 08:55:05 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

29、icense from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC 9070:1991(E) 3.18 unregistered owner name: An owner name that does not have a registered owner prefix. Successive instances of a syntactic token are deemed to be repetitions of a repeatable token, where per- missible, rather than instances of multiple tokens. 4 Notation

30、 The construction of public identifiers is specified by formal syntax productions, each of which defines a “syntactic variable”. A production consists of a refer- ence number (in sauare brackets), the name of the syntactic variable being defined, an equals sign, and an expression that constitutes th

31、e definition. The occurrence suffixes are applied first, then the or- dering connectors. Parentheses can be used as in mathematics to change these priorities. 5 Public identifiers number syntactic variable = expression A public identifier can be represented in three se- mantically equivalent ways: T

32、he expression is composed of one or more “syntac- tic tokens”, parenthesized expressions, and symbols that define the ordering and selection among them. 4.1 Syntactic tokens a) In a canonical character string form, defined by the syntax productions in this clause. This form shall be used in all visi

33、ble representations and for internal equality comparisons except for the spe- cial visual representations defined for IS0 2375 and ISBN prefixes. The following list shows the syntactic token types using the typographic conventions employed for them in this International Standard. syntactic variable.

34、 A syntactic token that is defined by a syntax production. b) In an SGML formal public identifier, defined in IS0 8879. c) In a data structure known as a “structured name public identifier”, defined in clause 6. “syntactic literal”. A syntactic token consisting of a literal character string. Termina

35、l Constant. A syntactic token that represents a character class. They are NOTE 18 This provision assures that the character string form of public identifier presented on screen menus and user doctimentation is the exact equivalent of the form used internally and in data structures. Digit A numeric c

36、haracter in the range “0” through “9”. A standard that uses public identifiers can offer methods of abbreviating them in order to achieve ef- ficiencies of storage or processing. LC Letter A lower-case unaccented Latin character in the range “a” through “z”. UC Letter An upper-case unaccented Latin

37、character in the range “A” through “Z”. The alphabet of public identifiers is defined in terms of a character repertoire, with no implication of the coded character set that is used. A standard that uses public identifiers shall specify a means of identi- fying the coded character set that is used.

38、4.2 Ordering and selection symbols l public identifier = owner name, “/“, object name If there is more than one syntactic token in an ex- pression, the ordering and selection among them is determined by symbols that connect them, as fol- lows: 2 owner name = registered owner name I unregistered owne

39、r name All must occur, in the order shown. it cannot be “reused” to identify a later version of the object. The equivalent ASN.l object identifier is IS0 (1) STANDARD (0) nnnn pp yyyy where the definitions are the same as above. 5.2.2 IS0 registration authority 8 IS0 registration authority prefix =

40、full registration authority prefix I ISBN prefix I IS0 2375 prefix 9 full registration authority prefix = “ISO”, (“/“, “aaa”)?, SPACE, “nnnn”, (“-“, “pp”)?, “I”, (“R”l”r”), (“A”l”a”) where aaa is replaced by the designation of an IS0 co-publisher. NOTE 26 For example, IEC. nnnn is replaced by the nu

41、mber of an IS0 reg- istration standard. PP is replaced by the part number (if any). Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 08:55:05 MDTNo reproduction or networking perm

42、itted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC 9070: 1991 (El NOTE 27 The three-character suffix “/RA” distinguishes a full registration authority prefix from an IS0 publication authority prefix that does not include the year of publication. 5.2.3 IS0 member body authority The equivalent ASN.l object

43、identifier is IS0 (1) Registration-Authority (I) nnnn pp 12 IS0 where aa member body authority prefix = “aa” where the definitions are the same as above. is replaced by the IS0 3166 2-character alphabetic country code for the country of a member body of ISO. The equivalent ASN.l object identifier is

44、: ISBN prefix IS0 (1) Member-Body (2) nnn lo ISBN prefix = “ISBN”, SPACE, “gggg”, “-I, “Pppp” (“_“, “tttt”)? where where gggg is replaced by the group identifier of an ISBN number. nnn is replaced by the IS0 3166 3-digit nu- meric country code for the country of a member body of ISO. pppp is

45、 replaced by the publisher identifier of an ISBN number. 5.2.4 IS0 identified organization authority tttt is replaced by the title identifier of an ISBN number. 13 IS0 identified organization authority prefix = “ICD”, ,.iiii”, , “oooo, For string form comparisons and ASN.l represen- tation, an ISBN

46、prefix is treated as though “gggg- pppp-tttt” were the first owner-name component following the full registration authority prefix “IS0 2108”. where . . . . 1111 is replaced by the 4-digit International Code Designator assigned in accordance with IS0 6523. NOTES 28 There is no ambiguity because an I

47、SBN prefix is the only registered owner prefix that can begin with “ISBN”. oooo is replaced by the 1-14 character organiza- tion code assigned in accordance with IS0 6523. 29 The ISBN prefix is defined to satisfy the International ISBN Agency requirement that the letters “ISBN” precede an ISBN numbe

48、r whenever it is printed. The equivalent ASN.l object identifier is IS0 (1) Identified-organization (3) iiii where iiii is as defined above. IS0 2375 prefix I l IS0 2375 prefix = “IS0 Registration Number”, SPACE, “ccc”+ where 5.3 Unregistered owner name ccc is replaced by the.number of an IS

49、0 reg- istered character set. For string form comparisons and ASN.l represen- tation, an IS0 2375 prefix is treated as though “ccc” were the first owner-name component following the full registration authority prefix “IS0 2375”. All unregistered owner names have a common owner prefix, consisting of the word “UNREGISTERED”. The corresponding ASN.l object identifier is the null object identifier.


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