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1、J IS JAPANESE I N D USTR IAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association JIS K 0350-90-10 2005 Testing method for detection of sulfur bacteria in industrial water ICs 13.060.25; 13.060.70 Reference number : JIS K 0350-90-10 : 2005 (E) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 7s Copyright Japan

2、ese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- K 0350-90-10 : 2005 Foreword This translation has been made based on the

3、original Japanese Industrial Standard established by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee according to the proposal of establishing a Japanese Industrial Standard from Japan Industrial Water Association (JIWA)/ Japanese Stan

4、dards Association (JSA), with a draft of Industrial Standard based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening to the pub

5、lic, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a patent after opening to

6、 the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the said technical properties. Date of Establishment: 2005-01-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2005-01-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Sta

7、ndards Board Technical Committee on Environment and Recycling Policy JIS K 0350-90-10 : 2005, First English edition published in 2005-05 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents

8、, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan “

9、/AT PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- K 0350-90-10 : 2005 1 2 3 4 4.1

10、 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 Contents Page Scope Normative references Definitions Common matters . Glassware Sample . Sampling . Handling of sample . Testing method Instrument and apparatus . Pretreatment of sample Operation Expression of test results Attached Table 1 Normative references . Annex 1 (i

11、nformative) Example of mention of appearance frequency in every kind of sulfur bacteria . 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 (i PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/

12、2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS K 0350-90-10 : 2005 Testing method for detection of sulfur bacteria in industrial water 1 Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing method for the qualitative

13、judgement of the existence of sulfur bacteria in industrial water by mi- croscope. 2 Normative references The standards listed in attached table 1 contain provi- sions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Stan- dard. The most recent editions of the standards (incl

14、uding amendments) shall be applied. 3 Definitions 0101, JIS K 0102, JIS K 0211, JIS K 0550 and the following definition apply. For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions given in JIS K 3 . 1 the generic term of the chemically synthetic autotrophy bac- teria obtaining energy by oxidizing sulf

15、ur or sulfur compound and the bacteria group capable of oxidizing mainly hydrogen disulfide to make sulfur and capable of oxidiz- ing further to sulfuric acid The sulfur bacteria are called sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and roughly divided into colourless sulfur bacteria and coloured sulfur bacteria by

16、the existence of pigment. There are Beggiatoa, Thiothrix, Thioploca, etc. as aerobic bacteria to form filamentous form, for colourless sulfur bacteria, and the ge- nus of Thiobacillus, Achromatium are known as bacteria to show ba- cillary form. There are the genus such as anaerobic, crimson coloured

17、 bacillary Chromatiurn, Thiocapsa and green, bacillary Chlorobzum, for coloured sulfur bacteria. The coloured sulfur bacteria are also called photosynthetic bacteria because of containing photosynthetic pigment (bacterio chlorophyl) and photosynthesizing. The bacteria causing obstacle in industrial

18、water is mainly the kind of form filamentous form of which the representative is Beggiatoa genes. The size of Beggiatoa cell is 1 pm to 7 pm in width and 1.5 pm to 20 pm in length, many cells stand in a row and form long fila- mentous form without branching, and move slowly just like sliding. A larg

19、e number of filamentous forms gather and constitute a light grey, thin membranous (cobweb like) colony. Oscillatoria blue-green algae resembles filamentous form, however, filamentous form is almost colourless because of having no photosynthetic pigment, and many particles of sulfur are found in fila

20、mentous form, therefore they can be distinguished. The genus of Thiothrix resembling Beggiatoa is often found. The cells of Thiothrix are 0.5 pm to 2.5 pm in width and 1.5 pm to 15 pm in length and stand in a row to form a long filamentous form with- out branching. The filamentous form does not move

21、, adheres to others sulfur bacteria Remarks : PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

22、 IHS -,-,- 2 K 0350-90-10 2005 and becomes sometimes a radial aggregate called rosette. Many sulfur particles are found in filamentous form. The propagation of sulfur bacteria in industrial water causes some- times various obstacles such as filtration obstacle in water purify- ing process, aggravati

23、on of water quality such as generation of offensive smell, blockage of water supply and drainage or water cooling systems, etc., reduction in efficiency of heat exchanger, corrosion of metallic parts. 4 Common matters The common matters shall be as follows: 4.1 Glassware The glassware, which are spe

24、cified in JIS R 3503 and JIS R 3505, shall be generally used. When special instruments are required, an example of it is illustrated or explained respectively. 5 Sample 5.1 sampler. Sampling The sample shall be taken by using a sample container or water 5.1.1 Reagents The reagents shall be as follow

25、s: a) Formaldehyde solution Formaldehyde solution 37 % (mass percentage) (1 ( 2 ) specified in JIS K 8872 shall be used. Notes (1) The handling of formaldehyde solution shall follow the related laws and regulations and care shall be sufficiently taken. (2) 1,5-Pentane dial (glutaraldehyde) solution

26、25 % (mass percentage) may be used instead of formaldehyde solution. 5.1.2 Instruments The instruments shall be as follows: a) Sample container clean polyethylene bottle. 100 ml to 1 O00 ml glass bottle with grounding stopper or b) Water sampler Heyroth type water sampler. An example is shown in fig

27、- ure 1. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 3 K 0350-90-10 : 2005 . .

28、. I _.*I / A : B : C : D: E : F: G: H : I: Glass bottle (100 ml to 1 O00 mi) Stopper of bottle Chain Chain for stopper opening Chain for fastening the holder of bottle Holder of bottle Portable container Lid of portable container Sinker Figure 1 An example of Heyroth type water sampler and portable

29、container 5.1.3 Operation The sampling shall be as follows: a) b) Cl d) 5.2 Sampling of surface water The surface water from lakes and marshes, riv- ers, waterway, water storage tank, etc., when direct sampling is possible, shall be sampled by using a sample container. When direct sampling is imposs

30、ible, it shall be sampled by using a water sampler. Sampling of water in each depth The water in a definite depth shall be sampled by using a water sampler(3). Note (3) When the sampling by using Heyroth type water sampler is difficult, it is sampled by using Van Dorn type water sampler and removed

31、into a sample container. Sampling from water faucet sufficiently discharged and then the sample is taken in a sample container. The stopper is opened, the water in piping is Sampling from piping and apparatus similarly to cl. The sample is taken by operating Handling of sample The test shall be carr

32、ied out immediately after sam- pling. When the test can not be immediately carried out, 3 ml of formaldehyde so- lution 3 % (volume percentage) (*) per 100 ml of sample is added and preserved in a dark place at O “C to 5 “C (do not freeze). Note (4) When 1,5-Pentane dial (glutaraldehyde) solution 25

33、 % (mass percent- age) is used, 4 ml 4 % (volume percentage) per 100 ml of sample is added. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproductio

34、n or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 K 0350-90-10 : 2005 6 Testing method 6 . 1 lows: Instrument and apparatus The instrument and apparatus shall be as fol- a) b) c) d) Micro pipet, 0.05 ml to 0.1 ml. Komagome pipet, 1 ml to 10 ml. Slide glass, specified in JIS R 3703, 76 mm x

35、26 mm in size. Cover glass, specified in JIS R 3702, 18 mm x 18 mm, 24 mm x 24 mm or 32 mm x 24 mm in size. e) Microscope and its accessories The microscope shall be capable of obtaining 20 times to 600 times in total magnification and shall consist of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) Microscope, Biologic

36、al microcope() specified in JIS B 7132. Objective lens, of 4, 10, 20 and 40 in nominal magnification. Ocular, of 5 to 15 in nominal magnification. Mechanical stage, being attached to a microscope and capable of moving slide glass right and left and backwards and forwards. Note (5) It is convenient t

37、hat phase-contrast apparatus or differential in- terference apparatus is attached. f) Centrifugal tube, being 10 ml to 50 ml in capacity, made of glass with screw cap, and with marked lines in every 1 ml. That of sterilized polyethylene on the market may be used. g) Centrifuge, being specified in JI

38、S T 1701 and capable of controlling at 15 O00 ms2 to 30 O00 d s 2 approximately 1 500 g to 3 O00 g in Centrifugal force. 6.2 Pretreatment of sample required, it shall be as follows: When sulfur bacteria are few and condensation is a) b) Take an appropriate amount of sample in clause 5, which is made

39、 uniform by shaking sufficiently, into a Centrifugal tube, and separate centrifugally it by using centrifuge at 15 O00 m/s2 to 30 O00 d s z approximately 1 500 g to 3 O00 g of Centrifugal force(6) for 20 min(6). When the Centrifugal separation is stopped, make it stop naturally so as not to raise th

40、e precipitate. Note (6) The condition of Centrifugal separation as shown here is a standard, and the condition without deformation and destruction of organism for test target is beforehand investigated by preliminary test. Suck to remove the supernatant by Komagome pipet, etc. taking care not to rai

41、se the precipitate, and make the residual volume including the precipitate one- half to one-tenth(7) of the original volume. Note (7) It is appropriately selected depending on the existing amount of suIfur bacteria. When sulfur bacteria are few, it is recommended that the once condensed sample is co

42、llected and condensed again by Centrifugal sepa- ration. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 08:27:08 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

43、icense from IHS -,-,- C) 6.3 a) b) 5 K 0350-90-10 2005 Immediately before carrying out of the operation in 6.3, shake sufficiently so as to make the precipitate uniform. Operation Take 0.05 ml to 0.1 ml of the sample in clause 5 or the sample obtained in 6.2, which is mixed sufficiently to be unifor

44、m, on a slide glass, place(8) a cover glass on it and observe it with 20 times to 600 times in magnification by using a mi- croscope. Note (8) The size of cover glass shall be appropriately selected so that the sample does not protrude from the cover glass and also care shall be taken so that the sa

45、mple does not protrude when the cover glass is placed. The operation shall be as follows: Confirm(g)(lO) the existence of organism having the form judged to be sulfur bacteria in every kind among the organism appearing in each visual field as shown in an illustrated book of organism which can be ref

46、erred to. Confirm the existence of sulfur bacteria moving visual field. When the number of sulfur bacteria is many, examine on 10 to 20 visual fields under a microscope, and when it is few, examine the whole surface of cover glass under a microscope. If possible, the appear- ance frequency is distin

47、guished in every kind and mentioned. Example : The example of mention for appearance frequency in ev- ery kind is shown in annex 1. If the existence of sulfur bacteria is confirmed, it is recommended to take a microscopic photograph. Information : For the data such as an illustrated book of organism

48、, the follow- ing are given: Testing method for sewerage (Japan Sewerage Works Associa- tion) (Edition in 1997) Testing method for service water (Japan Water Works Associa- tion) (Edition in 2001) Organism in city water in Japan-Photograph and explanation- (Japan Water Works Association) (1993) An illustrated book of environmental microorganism (KDANSYA Co., Ltd.) (1995) Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewa- ter (APHA, AWWA, WEF) (20th Ed.) (1998) Bergey?s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Williams & Wilkins) (1989) 7 Expression of test


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