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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “ This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising theref

2、rom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2007 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication ma

3、y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)

4、Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ Reaffirmed 2007-12 Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAELicensee=MHI - NAGOYA related to 3944000/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted w

5、ithout license from IHS -,-,- - SAE ARPrLbLbA 9% 79437125 OOOL089 3 SAE ARP1616 Revislon A 1. SCOPE: 1.1 Thls document defines design, performance, and t e s t c r i t e r i a for self-sealing breakaway valves for use i n crash-resistant aircraft fuel systems. 2. REFERENCES: 2.1 Appllcable Documents

6、: The following documents oflssue i n effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of this document to the extent speclfled herein. t e x t of thls document, the latter shall govern. I n the event of conflict between these documents and the 2.1.1 SAE Publications: Av

7、ailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drlve, Warrendale, PA 15096. ARP868 Pressure Drop Test for Fuel System Components AS1055 Flre Testlng of Flexible Hose Tube Assemblies, Colls, Fittings General Specification for MIL-T-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5 MIL-T-31000 Techni cal Data Pac

8、kages, General Specif i cation for M I L-T-83133 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Kerosene Type, Grade JP-8 U.S. Government Publications: Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. P-D-680 Dry C1 eani ng and Degreasi ng Sol vent QQ-A-367

9、 A l umi num A l loy Forgings QQ-S-763 Steel Bars, Wire, Shapes, and Forgings, Corrosion Resisting TT-S-735 Standard Test Fluids, Hydrocarbon FED-STD-No. 595 Colors ASTM Publications: Available from ASTM, i916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. ASTM D 910 Standard Specification for Aviation Gasoli

10、ne ASTM D 1655 Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels 3. REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 3.2 Qual i ty Assurance: This document makes provi sions for recommended qua conformance testing. Descri pt i on : fication and qua The requirement of this section applies to the design of breakaway self-sealing va

11、lves including the performance and design of the se mechanism and the frangible section of the valve. f-seal i ng - 3 - COPYRIGHT SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc) Licensed by Information Handling Services Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAELicen

12、see=MHI - NAGOYA related to 3944000/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SAE ARP*LhLbA 91 7943725 OOOLO9L L = SAE ARP1616 Revision A 3.3 Materlals: Materials and processes used by the manufacturer of fuel system comp

13、onents shall conform to appllcable Government and Industry Documents. Materlals . conforrnlng to contractors documents may be used, provided prior approval i s obtained from the procurlng actlvlty. The use of contractors documents shall not constitute waiver of Government inspectlon, A l l materials

14、 used i n the component shall be sufflclently resistant to llqulds shown I n 3.8.3. 3,3,1 Selection of Materiais: Specifications and standards for a l l materials, parts, and processes whlch are not speciflcally designated herein and whlch are necessary for the execution of this speclflcatlon shall

15、be selected I n accordance w l t h MIL-STD-970. 3.3.2 Metals: A l l metals used i n the constructton of fuel-system components that are not of a corroslon-reslstant type shall be sultably protected to reslst corrosion durlng the normal servlce l l f e of the component. Unless sultably protected agai

16、nst electrolytlc corrosion, disslmllar metals as deflned I n MIL-STD-889 shall not be used i n Intimate contact wlth each other, Magnesium shall not be used i n fuel system components, Cadmium plate and copper shall not be used where I n contact wlth fuel. 3,3,3 Castings: Classlflcation and Inspecti

17、on of ferrous and non-ferrous metal castlngs shall be I n accordance with MIL-STD-2175. If necessary to prevent leakage due to poroslty, parts shall be treated i n accordance with MIL-STD-276. 3,3,4 Forglngs: Forglngs shall be I n accordance wlth QQ-A-367 or QQ-S-763. 3,3,5 Fungus-Proof Materlals: M

18、aterlals that are nutrlents for fungi shall not be used. 3*4 3,5 3,6 Flnlsh: Anodlzlng, plating, protective treatment, and painting of fuel system components shall be as speclfled I n the model specification and appllcable detal 1 drawl ngs. I dent 1 f I cat i on of Product : Equipment, assemblles,

19、and parts shall be marked for identiflcatlon i n accordance w l t h MIL-STD-130. Col or I dent I f I cat I on : Each fuel system component shall be ldentlfied by a red color, I n approximate conformance w l th Federal Standard No, 595, color number 11 136, The color shall be permanent and, when appl

20、ied to parts that may come I n contact wlth fuel, shall not soften, chip, crack, or cause the fuel to be affected I n any way. The entire component may be red anodized but not less than 20% of the external surface area of the component shall be red. - 4 - COPYRIGHT SAE International (Society of Auto

21、motive Engineers, Inc) Licensed by Information Handling Services Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAELicensee=MHI - NAGOYA related to 3944000/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SAE ARP

22、aLbLbA 9 1 7943725 OOOLO2 3 I SAE ARP1626 Revision A 3.7 Parts: 3.7.1 Standard Parts: Standard parts (MS, AN or NAS) shall be used wherever they are suitable for the purpose and shall be identified on the drawing by their part number. Commercial utility parts; i.e., screws, bolts, nuts, and cotter p

23、ins, may be used, provided; (1) they possess suitable properties and are replaceable by the standard parts without alteration, and (2) the corresponding standard number is referenced in the parts list and, if practicable, on the vendors drawing. In event there are not suitable corresponding standard

24、 parts in effect on date of invitation for bids, commercial parts may be used if they conform to all requirements of thi s speci f i cation. 3.7.2 Threaded Parts: Threads shall be in accordance with MIL-S-8879 or MIL-S-7742. The use of pipe threads is prohibited. 3.7.3 Locking of Parts: All threaded

25、 parts shall be locked by safety wiring, self-locking nuts, cotter pins, or other methods approved by the procuring activity. Safety wiring shall be installed in accordance with MS33549 and shall conform to MS20995. Self-locking nuts shall be in accordance with MIL-N-25027 and MS33588. Lockwashers o

26、r staking are not permitted. Components installed within a fuel cell shall not have safety wire. 3.8 Design and Construction: The valve frangible mechanisms shall be designed to meet all operational and service forces of the aircraft while being designed to separate at a predetermined point and load

27、. Upon separation, internal self-sealing mechanisms in each valve section shall automatically close and seal, preventing leakage of system fluids. The design shall consider visual indication of valve position and a means to prevent external leakage after separation due to foreign object contact with

28、 the sealing mechanisms. Provisions shall be designed into the valve to prevent fuel leakage in the event of a partial fracture of the frangible section before the valve closes. Spillage during separation and valve closure shall not exceed the values listed in Table 1, external power source or contr

29、ol is required for valve closure. The design of the valve shall be such that no - 5 - COPYRIGHT SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc) Licensed by Information Handling Services Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAELicensee=MHI - NAGOYA related to 394400

30、0/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SAE ARPrLblbA 91 m 7943725 OOOL093 5 m SAE ARP1616 Revision A TABLE 1 - Flow, Pressure Loss and Spillage Valve Size Flow Rate Press. Loss Q 75OF Spillage . Dla, Inches GPM psi M

31、ax cc 1 /2 10 4.0 3 3/ 4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 20 50 80 I20 200 2 50 300 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 8 19 38 65 150 300 520 3.8J Valve Conflguration: The outside configuratlon of the valve, such as the method of mountlng, the types of f l u i d connectlons, and the permissible envelope, shall be p

32、rescrlbed by the procuring a c t i v i t y to meet the specific needs of each fuel system. 3,8,2 Construction: The valves shall be constructed to withstand the strains, jars, vibratlons, and other conditions as specified i n MIL-STD-1290 for crashworthy fuel system. The valves shall not require, exc

33、ept for i n i t i a l preservation, special treatment or control led environment during storage. 3.8.3 Fluld Media: The valves shall be suitable for use with liquids conforming to specifications ASTM D 910; ASTM D 1655; MIL-T-5624; MIL-7-83133; MIL-C-7024 Type II ; and P-D-680 Type II. 3.8.4 Bondlng

34、: Electrical contlnuity of 1 .O ohm maximum electrical resistance I s required through the valve assemblies from one end to the other per MIL-6-5087 Type S. 3.9 Performance Characteri stics: 3.9.1 Rated Pressure Range: -5 to 60 psig or the maximum anticipated fuel system operating pressure, whl chev

35、er i s greater. The valve shall operate i n the pressure range from 3.9.2 Rated Temperature Range: The valve shall function i n the fuel temperature range of -65 to t160F or the maximum anticipated fuel temperature, whlchever I s greater, and i n an ambient temperature range required by MIL-F-8615,

36、- 6 - COPYRIGHT SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc) Licensed by Information Handling Services Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAELicensee=MHI - NAGOYA related to 3944000/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networkin

37、g permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SAE ARP*lbLbA 71 m 7743725 OOOL074 7 m SAE ARP1616 Revision A 3.9.3 Performance: The breakaway valves shall satisfy the following performance requirements when subjected to the applicable t e s t s specified i n Section 4 and I n the procurlng activitys spe

38、cification. 3,9.3.1 Functional - Prior to Valve Separation: Proof and Leakage: There shall be no external leakage when subjected to the proof and leakage tests of Negative Pressure Leakage: There shall be no measurable inward leakage when an Internal pressure of -5 psi I

39、s applied for a period of 5 min as per Pressure Loss: The pressure loss shall meet the maximum shown i n Table 1 unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity. The pressure drop shall be determined i n accordance with ARP868 and shall not exceed the specifled pressure loss

40、when subjected to the test of 4.6,2.4, using JP5 or corrected to the specific gravity of JP5. 39.3.2 Functional - After Valve separation (Complete or Partial : Proof and Leakage:. External leakage shall not exceed the specified amount when each separated valve section i s subjected to the

41、leakage t e s t of 4.6.3. 3.93.7 Surge Flow: The valve shall not close nor shall there be any evidence of failure or loosenlng of parts followlng the surge flow test of 4.6.4. Fungus: The valve shall function properly and there shall be no evldence of

42、deterioration following the fungus test of 4.6.5. Corrosion Resistance: The valve shall function properly following the acce 1 erated corros i on test of 4.6.6 Contamlnated Fuel Endurance: Fol lowing the contamination fuel endurance test of 4.6.7, the valve shall satlsfactorlly pass the proof and ex

43、ternal leakage test of Fuel Resistance and Extreme Temperature: There shall be no external evi dence of fa1 1 Ure I corros 1 on, degradation i n performance, or self-seal ing capabi 1 ity when the valve i s subjected to the appl icable test of 46.8. Vibration: The valve shall not close nor

44、shall there be any evidence of structural fa1 lure, loosening of parts , leakage, or performance degradation either during or as a r e s u l t of the vibration t e s t of 4.6.9. Shock: The valves shall not close nor shall there be any evidence of structural failure during or followlng the shock t e

45、s t of 4.6.10. Sand and Dust: The valve shall function as specifled after being subjected to the sand and dust t e s t of 4.6.11. COPYRIGHT SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc) Licensed by Information Handling Services Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under li

46、cense with SAELicensee=MHI - NAGOYA related to 3944000/3944000013 Not for Resale, 01/23/2008 22:04:06 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SAE ARP*LbLbA 91 E 7943725 OOOL095 9 SAE ARP1616 Revision A 3*9#3* 1 1 Dlsassembly and Inspection: After completion of the q

47、ualification tests, dlsassembly and inspectlon shall reveal no indication of damage or excessive wear. (See 4.6J5.1 3,9.3J2 Burst Pressure: There shall be no external leakage or valve actuation 3.9J.13 Flre Test: The fire test, if required, shall be performed in when the valve is subjected to the bu

48、rst pressure test of 4.6.12. accordance wl th current standard practices and equipment as specified In AS1055 and by the procurlng actlvlty. 3,9,4 separation Criteria: 3,9*4.1 Separation Modes: The valve Qranglble mechanism shall separate and seal upon application of a force of 25 to 5 0 1 0 of the load required to fail the weakest component of the fuel system adjacent to the valve assembly, or at a level specified by the proquring activity, Separation modes may be I n the form of tension, bending, shear or a combination thereof. Separatlon may be caused by static loads, 4.6.13 or dynamic l


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