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1、 TIA/EIA INTERIM STANDARD Data Services Options for Spread Spectrum Systems Radio Link Protocol Type 3 Addendum No. 1 TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1 (Addendum No. 1 to TIA/EIA/IS-707-A) DECEMBER 1999 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Representing the telecommunications industry in association with the Ele

2、ctronic Industries Alliance TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- NO

3、TICE TIA/EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum d

4、elay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of TIA/EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and P

5、ublications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TIA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action

6、, TIA/EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. TIA/EIA INTERIM STANDARDS TIA/EIA Interim Standards contain information deemed to be of technical value to the industry, and are published at the r

7、equest of the originating Committee without necessarily following the rigorous public review and resolution of comments which is a procedural part of the development of a TIA/EIA Standard. TIA/EIA Interim Standards should be reviewed on an annual basis by the formulating Committee and a decision mad

8、e on whether to proceed to develop a TIA/EIA Standard on this subject. TIA/EIA Interim Standards must be cancelled by the Committee and removed from the TIA/EIA Standards Catalog before the end of their third year of existence. Publication of this TIA/EIA Interim Standard for trial use and comment h

9、as been approved by the Telecommunications Industry Association. Distribution of this TIA/EIA Interim Standard for comment shall not continue beyond 36 months from the date of publication. It is expected that following this 36 month period, this TIA/EIA Interim Standard, revised as necessary, will b

10、e submitted to the American National Standards Institute for approval as an American National Standard. Suggestions for revision should be directed to: Standards it operates on a featureless octet stream, delivering7 the octets in the order received.8 RLP has procedures to substantially reduce the e

11、rror rate exhibited by CDMA traffic9 channels. There is no direct relationship between higher layer packets and the underlying10 traffic channel frames; a large packet may span multiple traffic channel frames, or a single11 traffic channel frame may contain all or part of several small higher layer

12、packets.12 Section 2 is a general description of RLP that defines its use by any service option for which13 it is suited. Section 3 defines the RLP procedures for encrypted or non-encrypted14 applications. Section 4 defines the RLP frame formats.15 1.2 Terms and Numeric Variables16 Base Station (BS)

13、. A fixed station used for communicating with mobile stations.17 Depending upon the context the term Base Station may refer to a cell, a sector within a cell,18 or other part of the wireless system.19 Blank RLP Frame. An RLP frame received from or supplied to the multiplex sublayer that20 contains n

14、o bits.21 BS. See base station.22 BS/MSC. The base station and mobile switching center considered as a single functional23 entity.24 Data Block. A unit of data transmitted by the mobile/base station that carries one or more25 RLP frames.26 Dedicated Control Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuratio

15、n 3 or 4 Traffic Channel27 which includes a Forward Dedicated Control Channel and a Reverse Dedicated Control28 Channel.29 Forward Dedicated Control Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3 through 630 Forward Traffic Channel.31 Forward Fundamental Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3

16、through 6 Forward32 Traffic Channel.33 Forward Supplemental Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3 through 6 Forward34 Traffic Channel which operates in conjunction with a Forward Fundamental Channel or35 Forward Dedicated Control Channel in that Forward Traffic Channel to provide higher data

17、36 rate services.37 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 1-2 For

18、ward Traffic Channel. One or more Forward CDMA channels used to transport user1 and signaling traffic from the base station to the mobile station. See Forward Fundamental2 Channel, Forward Dedicated Control Channel, and Forward Supplemental Channel. Either3 one Forward Fundamental Channel or one For

19、ward Dedicated Control Channel, and4 optionally one Forward Supplemental Channel.5 Fundamental Channel. A portion of a Traffic Channel which includes a Forward6 Fundamental Channel and a Reverse Fundamental Channel.7 Fundicated Data Block. A data block carried on a Fundamental Channel or a Dedicated

20、8 Control Channel.9 Fundicated RLP Frame. An RLP frame carried in a fundicated data block.10 L_SEQ. The 12-bit sequence number of the received frame.11 L_V(N). The 12-bit sequence number of the next new data frame needed for sequential12 delivery.13 L_V(N)peer. An estimate of the peer RLPs L_V(N).14

21、 L_V(S). The 12-bit sequence number of the next data frame to be supplied to the multiplex15 sublayer.16 MS. A station in the Public Cellular Radio Telecommunications Service intended to be used17 while in motion or during halts at unspecified points. Mobile stations include portable18 units (e.g.,

22、hand-held personal units) and units installed in vehicles.19 MSC. Mobile Switching Center.20 NAK_COUNTi. The number of NAKs to send in the ith NAK round.21 NAK List. A list maintained by RLP to associate the 12-bit sequence number of a missing22 data frame with the 8-bit sequence number contained in

23、 the retransmitted data frame.23 Null RLP Frame. An RLP frame received from the multiplex sublayer that contains no24 information bits, for which the multiplex sublayer determined that the transmitting RLP25 had an opportunity to send data.26 NUM_ROUNDS. The maximum number of NAK rounds transmitted

24、by RLP. This equals27 NAK_ROUNDS_REV at the mobile station and NAK_ROUNDS_FWD at the base station.28 NUM_ROUNDSpeer. The maximum number of NAK rounds transmitted by the peer RLP.29 This equals NAK_ROUNDS_FWD at the mobile station and NAK_ROUNDS_REV at the base30 station.31 Reverse Dedicated Control

25、Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3 or 4 Reverse32 Traffic Channel.33 Reverse Fundamental Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3 or 4 Reverse Traffic34 Channel.35 Reverse Supplemental Channel. A portion of a Radio Configuration 3 or 4 Reverse Traffic36 Channel which operates in conj

26、unction with a Reverse Fundamental Channel or Reverse37 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

27、 -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 1-3 Dedicated Control Channel in that Reverse Traffic Channel to provide higher data rate1 services.2 Reverse Traffic Channel. One or more reverse CDMA channels on which data and3 signaling are transmitted from a mobile station to a base station. See Reverse Dedicated4 C

28、ontrol Channel, Reverse Fundamental Channel, and Reverse Supplemental Channel.5 Either one Reverse Fundamental Channel or one Reverse Dedicated Control Channel, and6 optionally one Reverse Supplemental Channel.7 REXMIT_TIMER. A timer which counts down to the next NAK round.8 RLP_DELAYs. An estimate

29、of the round trip delay between peer RLPs. When SYNC9 exchange is used, this is the number of 20 ms intervals between supplying the last SYNC or10 SYNC/ACK control frame and receiving the first non-blank frame that is not an ACK or11 SYNC/ACK control frame.12 Supplemental Channel. A portion of a Tra

30、ffic Channel (Forward or Reverse) that is13 optionally present.14 Supplemental Data Block. A data block carried on a Supplemental Channel.15 Supplemental RLP Frame. An RLP frame carried in a supplemental data block.16 1.3 References17 TIA/EIA/IS-2000A family of standards which comprise the cdma2000

31、Mobile18 Station-Base Station compatibility specification. The family19 includes:20 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-1 Introduction to cdma2000 Standards for21 Spread Spectrum Systems22 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-2 Physical Layer Standard for cdma200023 Spread Spectrum Systems24 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-3 Medium Access Control (MAC) St

32、andard for25 cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems26 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-4 Link Access Control (LAC) Standard for27 cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems28 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5 Upper Layer (Layer 3) Standard for29 cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems30 TIA/EIA/IS-2000-6 Analog Standard for cdma2000 Spread31 Spectrum Sys

33、tems32 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 1-4 1 No text.2 3 Co

34、pyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 2-1 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1 2

35、.1 Required Radio Configuration Support2 Mobile stations supporting RLP shall use a Radio Configuration greater than 2.3 2.2 Required Multiplex Option Support4 Mobile stations supporting RLP shall send and receive traffic channel frames in accordance5 with the requirements of the multiplex option or

36、 multiplex options configured for the service6 option using RLP.7 Mobile stations supporting multiple connected service options may support independent8 instances of RLP for each service option, but each traffic type shall carry only a single9 instance of RLP.10 2.3 Interface to Multiplex Options11

37、RLP frames can be carried as primary or secondary traffic.12 An RLP frame supplied to the multiplex sublayer to be carried in a fundicated data block is13 called a Fundicated RLP frame. Similarly, an RLP frame supplied to the multiplex sublayer14 to be carried in a supplemental data block is referre

38、d to as a Supplemental RLP frame.15 2.3.1 Primary Traffic16 Each RLP frame supplied to the multiplex sublayer shall be one of the types as shown in17 Table 1. The number of bits supplied to the multiplex sublayer for each type of RLP frame18 shall also be as shown in Table 1.19 Upon command, RLP sha

39、ll supply a Blank RLP frame. A Blank RLP frame contains no bits.20 Also upon command, RLP shall supply a non-blank Fundicated RLP frame of whatever rate21 the multiplex sublayer commands.22 Table 1 Primary Traffic RLP Frame Types Supplied by RLP to the Multiplex Sublayer23 RLP Frame Type Odd Numbere

40、d Multiplex Option (bits per frame) Even Numbered Multiplex Option (bits per frame) Can be supplied as a Fundicated RLP frame Can be supplied as a Supplemental RLP frame Rate 2346538NoYes 1 171266YesYes 2 Rate 1 170266NoYes 3 Rate 1/280124YesNo Rate 1/44054YesNo Rate 1/81620YesNo Blank00YesYes Note

41、1: Applicable only to multiplex options 0x905, 0x906, 0x909, 0x90a, 0x911, 0x912,24 0x921, 0x922.25 Note 2: Applicable only to multiplex options 0x3, 0x4.26 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie No

42、t for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 2-2 Note 3: Applicable only to multiplex options 0x809, 0x80a, 0x811, 0x812, 0x821, 0x822.1 The multiplex sublayer in the mobile station categorizes every received data b

43、lock, and2 supplies the data blocks category and accompanying bits, if any, to RLP. Table 2 lists the3 categories (and corresponding RLP frame types) supplied by the multiplex sublayer when4 RLP is carried as primary traffic.5 Table 2 Primary Traffic RLP Frame Types Supplied by the Multiplex Sublaye

44、r to RLP6 Odd Numbered Multiplex Options Even Numbered Multiplex Options RLP Frame Type Bits per Frame Categories for Fundicated Data Blocks Categories for Supplemental Data Blocks Bits per Frame Categories for Fundicated Data Blocks Categories for Supplemental Data Blocks Rate 2346N/A5538N/A5 17111

45、26611 Rate 1 170N/A4266N/A4 Rate 1/2802,6,11N/A1242,6,11N/A Rate 1/4403,7,12N/A543,7,12,15,19N/A Rate 1/8164,8,13N/A20 4,8,10,13,16 18,20,22,24 N/A Blank05,1420 5,9,14,17,21 23,25 2 Erasure09,1030263 Null015N/A027N/A 7 2.3.2 Secondary Traffic8 Each RLP frame supplied to the multiplex sublayer shall

46、be one of the types shown in Table9 3. The number of bits supplied to the multiplex sublayer for each type of RLP frame shall10 also be as shown in Table 3.11 Upon command, RLP shall generate a Blank RLP frame. A Blank RLP frame contains no12 bits. Also upon command, RLP shall supply a non-blank Fun

47、dicated RLP frame of whatever13 rate the multiplex sublayer commands.14 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/28/2007 20:53:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without

48、license from IHS -,-,- TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-1.10 2-3 Table 3 Secondary Traffic RLP Frame Types Supplied by RLP to the Multiplex Sublayer1 RLP Frame Type Odd Numbered Multiplex Option (bits per frame) Even Numbered Multiplex Option (bits per frame) Can be supplied as a Fundicated RLP frame Can be supplied as a Supplemental RLP frame Rate 2346538NoYes 1 168262YesYes 2 Rate 1 170266NoYes 3 Rate 7/8152242YesNo Rate 3/4128208YesNo Rate 1/288138YesNo Rate 7/16N/A121Ye


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