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1、Subject 4141655 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050 December 11, 2002 TO:Standards Technical Panel (STP) for Meter Mounting Equipment, STP 414 Subscribers to ULs Standards Service for Meter Sockets SUBJECT:Comments and Substantive Changes received on the ANSI Canvass of the Seventh Edition of the Stan

2、dard for Meter Sockets, UL 414 SUMMARY OF TOPICS This bulletin proposes the following changes in requirements: 1. Assembly Delete item a) of Paragraph 3.2. 2. Insulating Material a. Revise Paragraph 5.1 by deleting the word strong from the fi rst sentence of the requirement. b. Revise Paragraph 5.9.

3、 by replacing the reference to Section 21 with a reference to Section 22 and by deleting the phrase provide the necessary secureness to from the requirement. 3. Current-Carrying Parts a. Revise Paragraph 6.1.2 by deleting the reference to materials (i.e., copper and brass) that are prohibited from b

4、eing used as plating of parts specifi ed in the requirement from the paragraph. b. Revise Paragraph 6.1.9 by indicating that a current-carrying part be secured so spacings could not be reduced below the requirements specifi ed in Section 8 (titled Spacings) of UL 414. c. Revise Paragraph 6.1.12 by d

5、eleting the reference to ample metal for stiffness with respect to the construction of a current-carrying part of a meter socket. 4. Spacings Revise Table 8.1 by transferring Noteafrom its current location to the heading of the column titledThrough airin the third column of the table. 5. Restricting

6、 Barriers Delete Paragraph 9.2.5. 6. Short-Circuit Withstand Test a. Revise Paragraphs 14.1, 15.1.1, SA3.1, SA5.1, SA6.4, and Table 14.1 by replacing references to Short-Circuit Withstand Test(s) with Short-Circuit Current Test(s). Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under licen

7、se with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- b. Revise Paragraph 14.2 by replacing the reference to short circuit withstand current with short-circuit current and by replacin

8、g references to short circuit test with short-circuit current test. c. Revise Paragraph 14.3 by replacing the reference to withstand test with short-circuit current test. d. Revise Paragraphs 14.8, 25.11.2, 25.11.3, SA6.4, and SA6.5 by replacing the reference to short circuit current withstand ratin

9、g(s) with short-circuit current rating(s). e. Revise the title of Table 14.1 by replacing the reference to short circuit withstand values with short-circuit current values. f. Revise Paragraph 15.1.1 by replacing the reference to Short-Circuit Withstand Test with Short-Circuit Current Test. Revise P

10、aragraph 15.5.1 by replacing the reference to short circuit testing with short-circuit current testing. g. Revise Table 25.1 by replacing the reference to Short-circuit withstand with Short-circuit current. h. Revise Paragraphs 25.11.5 and SA6.7 by replacing the reference to short circuit current wi

11、thstand value with short-circuit current value. i. Revise Paragraph 25.11.6 by replacing the reference to short circuit rating with short-circuit current rating. j. Revise Paragraphs SA5.1 and SA6.4 by replacing the references to short circuit withstand rating with short-circuit current rating. 7. I

12、nsertion and Withdrawal Force Test Change the title of Section 17 by adding the wordsfor Meter Jawsto the end of the title. COMMENTS DUE: January 8, 2003 The attached Appendix A is the comment matrix, which provides the comment dispositions from the canvass of the Seventh Edition of Standard UL 414.

13、 The matrix contains all of the comments that were received. The ballots were due to the Secretary on June 20, 2002. The proposed changes to requirements in Standard UL 414 are located in Appendix B of this bulletin. The impact statements and proposed effective dates for the proposals in Appendix B

14、are located in Appendix C. If you wish to change your vote in light of the dispositions/actions or the proposed changes, please respond to us in writing by January 8, 2003. If we do not hear from you by this date, your original vote will be maintained. UL anticipates that consensus will be achieved

15、regarding ANSI approval as a result of the proposed revisions to UL 414 presented in this bulletin. Therefore, if the STP concurs with the dispositions/ actions, UL plans to adopt the revised version of UL 414 as an ANSI standard. You have the right to appeal this action on a procedural basis throug

16、h ULs Appeals Process. If you wish to appeal, please respond by January 1, 2003. Please note only appeals based on procedural issues will be heard. Technical issues should be resolved at the consensus body level. Guidelines on how to register an appeal can be obtained on http:/ or by contacting the

17、STP Secretary. DECEMBER 11, 2002SUBJECT 414-2- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- UL appreciates

18、 the time and effort you have put forth to review this standard, and look forward to your continued participation in this UL/ANSI standard activity. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. DERRICK L. C. MARTIN Secretary for STP 414 Engineering Associate Standards Department Phone: (408) 876-2565 Fax: (408) 5

19、56-6045 E-mail: Derrick.L.M http:/ REVIEWED BY: WAYNE MENUZ Chair for STP 414 Conformity Assessment Services 3016HSCL SR: EE bul-414.7_20021211 DECEMBER 11, 2002SUBJECT 414-3- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee,

20、leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- APPENDIX A COMMENTS MATRIX The Tables below provide the comment dispositions from the Ballot of BSR/UL 414, the Standard for Meter Sockets STP Secretary:Derrick L. C. Martin Phone: (408

21、) 876-2565 E-mail: Derrick.L.M STP Chair:Wayne Menuz Phone: (408) 876-2306 The columns in the comment resolution matrix can be defi ned as follows: Comment SubmitterName of person who submitted the comment. Paragraph/Text Reference Indicates the specifi c reference for the comment. CommentA summary

22、of the reason(s) why the Comment Submitter requested the revision to the requirement(s) in the Standard. Suggested RevisionA summary of the revision requested by the Comment Submitter. ResponseRationale for ULs course of action (i. e., action/disposition) to the suggested revision. Action/Dispositio

23、nULs recommended course of action regarding the suggested revision. For your convenience in review, proposed additions to the requirements specifi ed in this Comment Matrix are shown underlined and proposed deletions to those requirements are shown lined-out. A paragraph that is proposed to be delet

24、ed is identifi ed by (DELETED) and is shown lined-out. 1. ASSEMBLY Comment SubmitterC. John Beck Paragraph/Text ReferenceParagraph 3.2 CommentSection Paragraph 3.2 a) should be deleted as it provides no direction or criteria and is subjective. What is meant by simple? Suggested RevisionThe following

25、 is the text of the paragraph and item: 3.2 If a meter socket, metering transformer cabinet, or metering transformer is intended for use with or without an accessory assembly, the accessory assembly need not be shipped from the factory with the product if: a) The installation is simple; ResponseUL a

26、grees with the comment. Action/DispositionThe suggested revision will be proposed for inclusion in UL 414. Please see Appendix B, item 1 for the text of the suggested revision. DECEMBER 11, 2002SUBJECT 414-A1- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS

27、 Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2. ENCLOSURE Comment SubmitterDarrell Robinson Paragraph/Text ReferenceParagraph 4.9 CommentAs the UL 414 Section Paragraph 4.9 exception is written, l

28、ive parts do not need to be enclosed if the intended meter is not in place. Therefore, this exception allows for very unsafe conditions, which are described below. The ANSI standard does not and should not have this exception. The following are some of the reasons: a) If there is no shield protectin

29、g the jaws of a live socket and a meter installed 90 degrees, the meter will fault at the tow line side jaws causing a dangerous fl ash of molten metal. The socket is normally only fused on the primary side of a transformer feeding several services and the fault can exceed several thousand amps befo

30、re it clears itself. One incident where this happened a woman installer was using a meter insertion tool where she could not see the meter had turned and caused a fault at insertion. She suffered third degree burns and lost all of her hair. A properly installed fl ash or safety shield will prevent t

31、his type of accident. b) If there is no shield when the metal socket cover is removed or installed the jaws can be accidentally touched by the cover causing a fault, which can have a dangerous fl ash of molten metal and/or electrocution as the cover becomes live. Even while the socket is being worke

32、d on a properly installed protective fl ash or safety shield will help prevent this type of accident. c) If there is no shield when a meter is inserted and the meter is twisted, the line blade of the meter can make contact with the socket line jaw and the meter load blade can contact the socket rim

33、or surge ground meter support causing a fault to ground. A shield can prevent these types of accidents. d) When a meter is installed, a shield having slots will guide the meter blade into the jaw center assuring proper alignment. However if there is not a shield and the socket jaw is narrow the prop

34、er alignment can be missed. The meter blade may miss the jaw but touch the side enough to make contact and provide the appearance it has been properly installed. This condition can overheat and arc causing a potential fi re hazard putting people and property at risk. e) Often during fi eld meter tes

35、ting, service upgrades or maintenance, the meter service person or contractor is using tools. If a tool is dropped into the socket jaws or connectors it can cause a fault and fl ash. Most meter sockets are available with a protective fl ash or safety shield covering the jaws and live conductors when

36、 the meter is removed and the socket cover is in place. However, in an effort to cut costs protective shields are omitted and/or sold as an option. To this extent safety should not be an option or an exception in the UL 414 standard. I have personally seen and/or investigated all of the above safety

37、 problems and strongly recommend UL 414 be revised as suggested below. DECEMBER 11, 2002SUBJECT 414-A2- Table Continued on Next Page Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MS

38、TNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Table Continued Suggested RevisionReplace the word meter in the Exception to the paragraph with socket cover. The following is the text of the paragraph, including the revised Exception: 4.9 The enclosure of the equipment shall

39、enclose all live parts. Exception: This requirement does not apply to ventilating openings, an open bottom for underground conductors, and the like, or if an intended meter socket cover is not in place. ResponseUL disagrees with the comment. UL has determined that the text of the proposal is not suf

40、ficient to serve as a requirement for evaluating a shield or barrier provided as part of a meter socket as suggested by the comment submitter. Action/DispositionUL has concluded that the suggested revision should not be proposed for inclusion in UL 414. 3. INSULATING MATERIAL Comment SubmitterC. Joh

41、n Beck Paragraph/Text ReferenceParagraph 5.1 CommentThe paragraph needs to be revised to delete the term strong as that is subjective and provides no basis for determining what strength is necessary. Suggested RevisionThe paragraph should be revised as follows: 5.1 A base for the mounting of uninsul

42、ated live parts shall be of strong, not be easily ignited, moisture resistant insulating material. The base shall be constructed so that it is able to withstand the most severe conditions likely to be met in service. ResponseUL agrees with the comment. Action/DispositionThe suggested revision will b

43、e proposed for inclusion in UL 414. Please see Appendix B, item 2 for the text of the suggested revision. Comment SubmitterC. John Beck Paragraph/Text ReferenceParagraph 5.9 Commenta) The paragraph talks about withstand of insertion and withdrawal, not torque. Therefore it is incorrect to refer to S

44、ection 21. Reference should be to Section 22. Also, the title of the correct section is needed. b) The words the necessary secureness is arbitrary and subjective and should be deleted from the paragraph. Suggested RevisionThe following is the text of the paragraph with the suggested revisions: 5.9 W

45、ith respect to the Strength Test of Insulating Base and Support Test of Insertion and Withdrawal Force on Meter Base, Section 21 22, the mounting of the base of a meter socket shall provide the necessary secureness to withstand insertion and withdrawal forces without permanent deformation or damage

46、to the insulating base. The rigidity of the assembly shall be such that after seating a typical watthour meter to the maximum depth permitted by the jaws or fl ange, the clearance between the meter and fl ange shall not exceed 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) and a sealing ring or cover can be installed. DECEMBER

47、 11, 2002SUBJECT 414-A3- Table Continued on Next Page Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/22/2007 18:42:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Table C

48、ontinued Responsea) UL agrees with the Comment Submitter that the name of the test specifi ed in Paragraph 5.9 is incorrect and should be changed as he suggested. UL disagrees with the submitters observation that the numerical designation of the test is incorrect. The test designated Test of Insertion and Withdrawal Force on Meter Base is located in Section 21 of UL 414. b) UL agrees with the comment. Action/Disposition a) A modifi ed version of th


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