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1、Unit 4 What can you do? A Lets learn,Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!,Lets chant,Animals can do many things. What

2、 about you ? (动物都能做很多事情,你们呢?) What can you do ?,Can you guess who is she ?,?,?,sweep the floor,Im helpful ! I can,clean the bedroom,Im helpful ! I can,?,cook the meals,Im helpful ! I can,?,water the flowers,Im helpful ! I can,?,empty the trash,Im helpful ! I can,?,Be Helpful !,Wanted(招聘),高 薪 聘 请 “ 小

3、 管 家 ”,Group work,(1) When you cook the meals, remember to switch off the gas. ( 烧饭别忘关煤气, 否则是很危险的.) (2) When you empty the trash, remember to pick out the batteries. ( 倒垃圾时把垃圾归类,废旧电池不能乱扔,否则会污染环境。) (3) When you do the dishes, remember to rinse off the detergent. ( 洗碗筷要将洗洁精冲净,否则对身体有害) (4) When you was

4、h the clothes, remember to separate the coloured clothes from the white ones. ( 洗衣服易褪色衣服要分开洗,否则会相互染色,损坏衣服。) 幻灯片 2,温馨小提示,Look and match,Go to the kitchen . Go to the living-room. Go to the be Look and match droom. Go to the garden. Go to the outside.,Sweep the floor. Clean the bedroom. Cook the meals

5、. Empty the trash. Water the flowers.,这是一群年迈的孤寡老人,他们在生活上不能 自理,但他们却很开心!是谁给他们带来了欢笑?,队旗飘进敬老院,队旗飘进敬老院,让我们一起加入吧!,Volunteer wanted(招募志愿者) Workplace: old-age homes(敬老院) Personality(个性):kind and helpful Age: 10-15 Ability: clean the desks and chairs, empty the trash sweep the floor . Work time: Saturday,Dea

6、r Mr Hong, How are you? My name is_. Im_ years old. Im helpful. Im _. I can_. _. _. Please let me join ! 让我也参加吧 ! Yours, _,也想参加小分队去帮助老人吗,那就写封信给Mr Hong吧,并告诉他你会做什么事情呢?,Dear Mom: Thank you very much! Im helpful now. I can_and_ . yours, _,Homework 1.Read and copy the main sentence for two times.(Page48) 抄写粗体的句子两次. 2.Try to collect some tips about doing housework. 收集一些做家务时应注意的事项,并制作成小贴士.,well done kids !,Thank you !,


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