PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 What are you doing A Let’s learn&amplet’s talk课件.ppt

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1、,Unit 4 What Are You Doing? A Lets talk &Lets learn,Learning Aims(学习目标),我们能听、说、读、写动词短语:doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, drawing pictures, answering the phone.,我们能灵活运用句型:What are you doing? Im .询问对方正在干什么。 我们能熟练地运用句型与同伴进行电话交流。,我们能热爱生活,享受生活!,能力目标,情感目标,知识目标,我有目标,我有目标,wash the clothes,do

2、 the dishes,cook the meals,sweep the floor,have English class,eat dinner,clean the room,read books,watch TV,do homework,play the piano,do morning exercises,Sharp Eyes(速读),热身激趣 复习铺垫-,cook dinner,What are you doing?(你/你们正在干什么?),Im doing the dishes. (我正在洗碗碟),Tips(小提示),1、First, read by yourselves. (首先,自

3、己读) 2、Then, read in groups. You can help each other and learn from each other. (然后,小组同学一起读,互学互助),呈现新知 自主学习-,do the dishes,ing,draw pictures,ing,cook dinner,ing,read a book,ing,answer the phone,ing,Read out you know.(读出你们会的词组),What are you doing?(你/你们正在干什么?),Im -ing. (我正在.),dr,str,iver,aw,berry,ing,p

4、ictures,an,swer,ing,the,ph,o,ne,f,do the dishes,ing,draw pictures,ing,cook dinner,ing,read a book,ing,answer the phone,ing,英语小知识,由动词原形+ing形式组成的是现在分词。 现在正在进行着某种事情是现在进行时态。 结构: amisare +动词-ing(现在分词) 如:I am cooking dinner. We/You are doing the dishes. He/She is drawing pictures.,Imagination游戏说明:,1.发挥想象,

5、猜屏幕上的图片或声音,猜到的同学快速起立说出词组。 2.猜对为本组加上一分。,doing the dishes,Imagination猜词组,reading a book,answering the phone,drawing pictures,cooking dinner,Lets chant,Im,Im,Im,Im,Im,Im,Chain game in groups(连锁问答) 边说边表演,What are you doing?,I am .,What are you doing?,I am .,阶段练习 导入对话-,1.如果用到answering the phone或是drawing

6、pictures任意一个,可以奖励two apples;,2.如果能用到Lets learn以外的词汇进行小组活动,可以奖励two apples.,Lets try,Answer the questions: 1.What is Chen Jie doing? 2.What is Amy doing?,She is drawing pictures.,She is reading a book.,-问题引领 自学对话,A: Hello. B: Hi. Its _./This is_. A: Hi,_. What are you doing? B: Im _. What are you doin

7、g? A: Im _.,Make a new dialogue,sweeping the floor reading a book watering the flowers watching TV eating dinner eating lunch,我会延伸,填上所缺词组,相信你会写的又快又好。 1、Wu Yifan is . 2、Look!Mike is . 3.Zhang Peng is . 4.Sarah is . 5.Wu Yifan is,doing the dishes,reading a book,drawing pictures,answering the phone,coo

8、king dinner,.,我们能听、说、读、写动词短语:doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, drawing pictures, answering the phone.,我们能灵活运用句型:What are you doing? Im .询问对方正在干什么。 我们能熟练地运用句型与同伴进行电话交流。,我们能热爱生活,享受生活!,能力目标,情感目标,知识目标,Have you finished the Learning Aims? (你完成本节课的学习目标了吗?),我能达标,我会推理,Helping others is a goo

9、d thing. Please enjoy your life to help other!,帮助别人是一件美好的事情! 请热爱自己的生活,尽情地去帮助别人!,Please listen to the tape. Try to remember these phrases and sentences. (听录音,试着记住所学单词和句型。) Give your friend a call in English and talk about what you are doing at home. (给你的朋友用英语打电话,谈论一下正在家里干什么。) Make a new dialogue abou

10、t a call. (创编一个关于打电话的新对话。) Write a passage about your family: Tell us what they are doing at night. (写一篇关于你家人的文章:告诉我们他们晚上都在干什么。),Homework,I will give you four kinds of homework. Please choose two you like best, and finish it. (我将给你四个作业。请选择你最喜欢的两项,认真完成。),Find out more verbs and the ing form(搜集已学的动词,并写出它们的现在分词,至少6个,并读出现在分词) Verb -ing,小提示: 动词-ing 变化规则: 1.直接+ ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping) 2.去掉不发音的e+ing(例:bite-e+ing biting) 3.重读闭音节,从单词后面看以辅音字母加元音字母结尾的词,要双写尾字母再加ing(例:swim+m+ing=swimming),探究性作业,Thank you!,


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