PEP小学英语课件:Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Read and write.ppt

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1、,Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Read and write,hot ,sunny, ice cream, watermelon , swim,Which season?,cool ,windy, tasty fruits, climb mountains , sweater,cold ,windy, snow, ice, coat,warm , rainy , flowers, go hiking , fly kites,Whats your favourite season ?,Which season do you like best?,_ is g

2、ood, but _is my favorite season.,A: Which season do you like best ? B: I like _ best. What about you? A: _ is good, but _ is my favorite season.,Pair Work,The leaves are,The sky is blue.,colourful,In fall, the The,The is /are colourful.,leaves,rainbow,coat,crayons,books,fish,The leaves are .,The sky

3、 is blue.,colourful,In fall, the The,I can go hiking.,I like to go hiking.,seasons,spring,summer,fall,winter,I can ,fly kites ,swim eat ice-cream ,go hiking climb mountains ,play with snow make a snowman ,I like _ best. I can_. I like to _.,I like to ,Group Work,Winter is good,We can play in the sno

4、w.,Its too cold for me,We can go up north.,go up north,We go up north to_.,We play in the snow.,spring,summer,winter,fall,My favorite season,I like _ best. Its always _ and _. I can _. I like to _. But I dont like _. Its too _ for me.,Which seasons do they like best ?,Which seasons do they like best

5、 ?,(1)Which season does Zhang Peng like best? _,Answer the questions,(2)Which season does Mike like best? _,(3)Which season does Amy like best? _,He likes winter best.,He likes fall best.,She likes summer best.,Halloween Day,万圣节的习俗不请吃就捣乱,We like Halloween Day very much.,万圣节是孩子们喜爱的节日,Oct. 31st (10月31

6、日),感恩节-11月的第四个星期四 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非凡,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处举行化装游行、戏剧表演和体育比赛等,学校和商店也都按规定放假休息。孩子们还模仿当年印第安人的模样穿上离奇古怪的服装,画上脸谱或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。散居在他乡外地的家人也会回家过节,一家人团团围坐在一起,大嚼美味火鸡。,Thanksgiving Day,Halloween or Thanksgiving,Oct. 31st,Nov. 27th,Amy: Which season do you like best, Mike? Mike: Well, in Canada

7、I like fall best. The sky is very blue. The leaves are colourful. Amy: Which season do you like best? Zhang: I like winter best. We go up north. We play in the snow. Amy: Winter is beautiful, but its too cold for me. I like summer best. I like to swim in the sea. Mike: Summer is good, but fall is my

8、 favourite season. Zhang: Why? Mike: Halloween and Thanksgiving.,Read and write,Read silently and find out the answers.默读课文,划出答案,In Canada, Mike likes fall best because _. Zhang Peng likes winter best, because they go up north and _. Winter is _for Amy. She likes summer best. She likes to _. Mikes favourite season is winter because we have _ and _ in winter.,the sky is very blue. The leaves are colourful.,play in the snow,too cold,swim in the sea,Halloween,Thanksgiving,Goodbye !,


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