上海版牛津初中英语课件Chapter 7 Listening and speaking.ppt

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《上海版牛津初中英语课件Chapter 7 Listening and speaking.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海版牛津初中英语课件Chapter 7 Listening and speaking.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Chapter 7,Listening and speaking,What did you do when you were very young?,What do you often do?,What will you do in the future?,Listening,Listening,Talk time,s,z,IZ,Practise saying the singulars and plurals of these nouns.,S an ant - ants a magnet - magnets a park - parks a pilot - pilots a plant

2、- plants a ship - ships,以清辅音结尾的名词变复数加-S后,-S 读作/s/,a dog - dogs a dream - dreams an egg - eggs a head - heads a kangaroo-kangaroos a star - stars,/z/,以浊辅音结尾的名词变复数加-S 后,-S 读作/z/,/ IZ / a box - boxes a cage - cages a case - cases a face - faces a house- houses a torch - torches,名词变复数加-es 之后 -es 读/IZ/,A

3、nts on plants, Flies on dogs, Matches in boxes, Eggs from frogs.,Listen and repeat,Stars in the sky, Roses on the floor, Walks in the park, Knocks on the door,Competition,Ants on plants, Flies on dogs, Matches in boxes, Eggs from frogs.,Stars in the sky, Roses on the floor, Walks in the park, Knocks

4、 on the door.,Read it as quickly as you can,Speak up,Lost on Planet X,crash,250 km,5 days on foot,the things they had saved-,a first-aid box,the things they had saved-,a rope,the things they had saved-,a five-litre can of petrol,the things they had saved-,4 blankets,the things they had saved-,Choose

5、 eight things only!,Fellow students, We have decided to carry these eight things. Firstly, -. Secondly, -. Thirdly, -. Then -. Next , -. Well also - Well also - Lastly, -. Have you got any questions?,Arrange these eight things in order of importance.,Put the most important at the top of your list.,Thank you!Goodbye!,


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