上海版牛津初中英语课件Unit 1 Greetings.ppt

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1、Starter Unit1 Unit 3 重难点,Unit one: 介绍自己及简单的问候 Unit two: 谈论周围事物及购物 Unit three: 介绍家庭成员和朋友 课时安排: 每日一页,Unit 1 Greetings,Hi/ Hello/ Good morning! Nice to meet you ,(too). Goodbye/ Bye. How are you? Fine, thank you.,Key points:,1 Greetings P2,Difficulties:,Present simple tense Linking verb: be (am, is, ar

2、e) Adverb: too,Hello, Im Ben,Hi, Im Mark.,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,Introducing a third party,This is Kitty. Shes my sister.,Hi, Mark.,Hi, Kitty.,注:1. This 不能换成He 或She . 2. This is 不能所写成 Thiss,Goodbye, Mark.,Bye, Kitty. Bye, Ben.,Listen , Learn and Sing,联合国 世界贸易组织 美国之音 中央电视台 英国广播公司 肯德

3、基 英国 卫生间 美国篮球协会 美国,Exercise like this:,E e,earth,F f,flag,G g,glass,H h,hamburger,Guessing game,1. Chinese name: 2 English name: 3. Date of Birth: 4. TEL /Cellphone: 5. Family members: Favorite Food: Favorite Subject: 8. Favorite People: 9. Hopes for the Future: 10. Hobbies: reading, traveling Hates

4、: getting up early 11. Evaluation: giving/friendly/ kind/direct 12. Motto: There is no end to learning.,Good afternoon. How do you do ? Excuse me. Sorry. Thats all right.,Key points:,2 Meeting each other P3,Difficulties:,Negative statement: be not Yes/No question: Are you?,Be 动词的用法: amisare,I am You

5、 are HeSheIt is We are You are They are ,I am a teacher. You are students.,Mary is a doctor. Jack is a doctor, too.,It is a bird.,1. Hi / Hello How do you do? 2. Mr / Sir 3. Excuse me / Sorry,Whats your name? My name is. /I am . How old are you? I am .,Key point:,3 Meeting my classmates P4,Difficult

6、ies:,Number: 1100,1- one 2- two 3- three 4- four 5- five 6- six 7- seven 8- eight 9- nine 10- ten 11- eleven 12- twelve,20- twenty 30- thirty 40- forty 50- fifty 60- sixty 70- seventy 80- eighty 90- ninety 100-one hundred,13- thirteen 14- fourteen 15- fifteen 16- sixteen 17- seventeen 18- eighteen 1

7、9- nineteen,- teen,- ty,基数词的构成,112 的基数词是独立的单词,有其各自的 形式 1319 的基数词以-teen结尾,13 15 18的拼写需特殊记单词的两个音节重读 2090 的基数词以-ty结尾,20 30 40 50 80 的拼写需特殊记单词的重音在第一音节上 hundred 是“百”,在表示一个具体的数目时,hundred 后面不能加“” 如:six hundred eight hundred,基数词的读法:,两位数的读法: 28读作:twenty eight 96读作:ninety six 三位数的读法:在百位之后加and. 如: 148读作:one hu

8、ndred and forty- eight 406读作:four hundred and six,4 Meeting My Family P5,Introduce family members (This is. ),Key point:,My family,father,brother,sister,mother,grandmother,grandfather,grandfather-grandpa grandmother-grandma father -dad mother- mum,A-Simon , this is my mother . Mum , this is my frien

9、d , Simon . B-Hello , Simon . Nice to meet you . C-Nice to meet you too , Mrs. Li .,A-Simon , this is my father . B-Hello , Mr. Li . C- Hello , Simon .,Unit 2 Things around us,1.Yes/No questions: Is this/ that? Are these / those? 2. article: a,Key points:,1 Things in the classroom P6,Difficulties:,P

10、lural forms of noun,指示代词,these,those,this,that,Is this a ? Is that a ?,Yes, it is / No, it isnt.,可数名词单数(book pen bag),What is it ?,It is a + 可数名词单数(book pen bag),指示代词单数,Are these? Are those?,可数名词复数(books pens bags),Yes, they are / No, they arent.,What are they ?,They are + 可数名词复数(books pens bags),指示

11、代词复数,a piece of paper,a pair of scissors,a bottle of glue,可数名词复数规则变化,可数名词复数规则变化,可数名词复数规则变化,1. 变内部元音字母 man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice,可数名词复数不规则变化,2. 词尾加-en ox-oxen,单复同型 sheep fish deer Chinese Japanese Swiss people,合成名词,中心词改为复数形式 new-comer new-comers school teacher school teache

12、rs,5两个构成部份都要变成复数 man writer men writers woman teacher women teachers,只有复数形式的单词 clothes trousers (pants) goods thanks scissors glasses,单复形式的词义不同 glass 玻璃 glasses 眼镜 time 时间 times 时代 work 工作 works 工厂 paper 纸 papers 文件,论文,a packet of sweets a packet of biscuits a box of books,two packets of sweets,thre

13、e packets of biscuits,four boxes of books,基数词单位名词of+可数名词,wolves brothers negroes boxes families photos horses classes heroes countries leaves pianos pages watches radios Japanese teeth tomatoes sheep mice potatoes women people zoos roof,1.Here it is. Here they are. 2. in, on, under 3. -Thank you./Th

14、anks. =Thanks a lot. -Thats all right. =Youre welcome.,Key points:,2 Clothes P7,Difficulties:,Where is my hat? It is in/on/under the . Where are my gloves? They are in/on/under.,a dress a T-shirt a coat a shirt a blouse,gloves,socks,shoes,Free talk:,in, on,under,1. -What have you got? -Ive got. 2. H

15、ere you are. 3. a packet of / a bottle of,Key points:,3 Food and Drinks P8,Difficulties:,How much is it? =How much does it cost ? How much are they? =How much do they cost?,have got = have a packet of sweets a packet of biscuits a bottle of water a bottle of juice a cake / an ice-cream,Key points:,物

16、资名词(snow ,water, bread, rice) 抽象名词(work, love , friendship),不可数名词,un前不能直接加数词或a(an) un无单复数变化,谓语动词用单数 There _ some milk in the glass. 修饰un 的词 much bread a little milk a lot of work 表示具体数量时用of 结构 two pieces of bread,is,基数词单位名词of+不可数名词,a glass of water a cup of coffee a bottle of milk a piece of paper a

17、 bag of rice a drop of milk a piece of bread,two bottles of milk,two glasses of water,two bags of rice,不可数名词,Have you got any? =Do you want some? -Yes, Ive got some - No, I havent got any,Key points:,4 Fruit P9,Difficulties:,辨析: some & any one / ones,S1:Have you got any? S2:Sorry, I havent got any S

18、1:Have you got any? S2:Yes, Ive got some . Red ones or green ones? S1: ones/ones, please.,green red black yellow purple orange,Look and say,rough,smooth,Smell it.,Taste it.,1.imperative sentences 2.smell / taste + adj.,Unit 3 Family and friends,Key point:,1 My family P10,Difficulties:,-How many peop

19、le are there in your family? -There are _ people in my family. -Your family is smaller than mine . (my family),Comparatives of adjectives, e.g. big bigger tall-taller; short- shorter old-older; young-younger,Phrases :,I am thirteen (years old). my family photo in the photo both eg. They are both doc

20、tors. eg. Both of them are doctors. elder (older) younger live in + 地点 same: the same color / age,elder sister,younger brother,older brother,Mike Sam John,John is taller than Sam.,John is taller than Mike.,Sam is taller than Mike.,shorter,Key points:,2 Relatives P11,Difficulties:,-How many _ have yo

21、u got? -Ive only got one. -Ive got _ _.,Possessives: Alices,brother,sister,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,Family tree,-How many uncles have you got? (名词复数) -Ive got three uncles/ Ive only got one uncle only 副词,Alices,family: 家庭成员 My family are all workers.,house: 房子 This is a new house.,home:

22、家乡 His home is in Dalian.,Key points:,3 Good friends P12,Difficulties:,Adverbs of frequency, eg. always, often, uaually, sometimes,never,To-infinitive: to do,1. both 2. live in 3. the same housing estate 4. different blocks 5. share sth. with sb 6. always ,usually, often, sometimes, never,be happy t

23、o do sth. be angry with sb. be kind to sb. be helpful to sb.,I am happy to be with friends.,Dont be angry with me.,Alice is always kind to us.,She is very helpful to animals.,My good friends,_ is my good friend.,Key points:,4 Grandmass birthday P13,Difficulties:,Wh-question: When is grandmas birthjd

24、ay?,Ordinal numbers: fifteenth Possessive pronoun: my,1. When is Dragon Boat Festival? 2. When is grandmas birthday? 3. What are they going to do?,Questions:,Phrases:,an important day Dragon Boat Festival Youre right. = Thats right. birthday party Lets go !,When is our grandmas birthday? It is on th

25、e fifteenth of April.,March April May 5月 (Mar.) (Apr.),June July August (Jun.) (Jul.) (Aug.),September October November (Sep.) (Oct.) (Nov.),December January February (Dec.) (Jan.) (Feb.),序数词,一般的:加-th four-fourth 整十的:去y加-ieth forty-fortieth 13 需特殊记: first, second, third 有几个词的拼法不规则: eighth 第8 ninth 第9 fifth 第5 twelfth 第12 前半基数,后半序:twenty-first 第21,Days,Womens Day,On the 8th of March,April Fools Day,On the 1st of April,Labors Day,On the 1st of May,Childrens Day,On the 1st of June,Thank you for hearing me! Have a good day!,


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