人教版高中英语课件:人物介绍 基础写作.ppt

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《人教版高中英语课件:人物介绍 基础写作.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语课件:人物介绍 基础写作.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Welcome To Our Class,Basic Writing,Character introduction,人物介绍,Can you introduce some of your classmates?,Introduction and Guessing,Born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, he was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood. Showing interest in music, he began learning to pla

2、y the piano at the age of 3. When his first album was released in 2000, he got the worlds attention. His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), and he has received many awards for his songs. His own unique Chinese R&B style is unparalleled by others and he continues to make breakthroughs as he takes risks

3、in attempting new things.,Jay Chou(周杰伦), Born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, Jay Chou, a famous singer, was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood.,分词结构,同位语,身份与生平,尽量用分词短语、同位语结构,使文章简洁,通顺,Task1 Appreciate a writing,Showing interest in music, he began learning to play

4、the piano at the age of 3. When Jays first album was released in 2000, he got the worlds attention. His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), which allowed him to received many awards for his songs.,经历,省略句,状语从句,定语从句,注意尽量用非谓语动词, 使文章精炼,尽量用复合句,倒装,非限定定语从句等,润色文章, His own unique Chinese R&B style is unparallele

5、d by others and he continues to make breakthroughs as he takes risks in attempting new things.,评价,注意运用一些动词、形容词等短语,人物介绍常用短语,1).生于一个富裕的家庭 was born into a poor / rich family 2) 毕业于: 3) 被一所好大学录取 be admitted to a good university 4)获得博士学位 5) 出国深造 6)作出贡献 7) 高度赞扬 8)被誉为,graduate from,receive a doctors degree

6、,go abroad for further studies,make great contributions to,sing high praise for speak (think) highly of,be honored as,译:邓亚萍,35岁,生于河南郑州,是一位世界闻名的女乒乓球运动员。,Born in Zhengzhou ,Henan province, Deng Yaping, aged 35, is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.,Born in Zhengzhou, Henan province, Deng Yap

7、ing is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.,Pattern drill,译:在2004年的雅典奥运会上,刘翔获得了110米栏的冠军,这使他一举成名。,At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liuxiang won the champion in the 110-metre hurdles, which quickly made him become well-known all over the world.,(Athens Olympic Games),the 110-metre hurdles,译:李

8、时珍为医学做出了巨大的贡献,备受世人的尊敬。,Lishizhen ,who made great contributions to medicine, was respected by people all over the world.,译:钟南山年出生在广州,是我国最伟大的医生之一,一生致力于医学研究,并取得非凡的成就。,Born in Guangzhou in 1941, Zhong Nanshan, one of the greatest doctors in China, devotes all his life to medical research and makes great

9、 achievements.,译:在中山大学英语系毕业后,她继续学习,获得了博士学位.,After she graduated from the department of English of Zhongshan University, ,After graduating from the department of English of Zhongshan University, she went on further education and received a doctors degree.,Having graduated from the department of Engli

10、sh of Zhongshan University,the department of English,Writing Time!,Task2 While-writing,费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家。请根据下文提示,用英文写一篇短文介绍一下费孝通先生。,参考词汇:社会学家 sociologist 社会活动家 social activist 社会科学 sociology 促使 advance 农村经济 rural economy 从事 work on 【写作要求】使用5个句子表达全部所给的内容,并组织成连贯的短文。,步骤一:审题 文体: 人称: 时态:,人物简介,用第三人称,过去时

11、,步骤二:整合信息,写出要点,参考词汇:社会学家 sociologist 社会活动家 social activist 社会科学研究the research on sociology 促使 advance vt. 农村经济 rural economy 从事 work on,Group work,You are going to write this passage in groups of four. Each student writes one sentence. Then share with your classmates. Lastly join the sentences into

12、a complete passage.,Sharing time!,Born into a rich family on November 2, 1910, Fei Xiaotong, a famous Chinese sociologist and social activist, passed away due to disease in Beijing on April 24, 2005. When going to college, he first chose to study medicine but then changed his mind. Between 1930 and

13、1935, he studied in Tsinghua University and then went to England for further education ,where he received his doctors degree. After 1938, he once taught in Tsinghua University and Peking University. Fei, who studied hard all his whole life, devoted himself to the research on sociology and advanced t

14、he development of Chinas rural economy.,Task3 Post-writing,Write another passage for consolidation.,菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps),菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps),请根据下面表格中的提示,写一篇介绍美国著名游泳运动员菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps) 的短文。,参考词汇: 开始:take up 热爱:has a strong passion 全能:all-rounded 泳坛:in the circle of swimming,写作要求:使用5个句子表达全部所给的内容,

15、并组织成连贯短文。,步骤一:审题 文体: 人称: 时态:,人物简介,用第三人称,过去时和现在时相结合,步骤二:写出要点;整合信息,Model essay,Born in Maryland, USA in 1985, Michael Phelps has a strong passion since he took up swimming at the age of five. The 15-year-old boy became the youngest American Olympic Swimmers of all time. Then he has broken 21 individua

16、l world records since he broke the world record in 200- meter butterfly stroke in 2001. Fantastically, he won 8 Gold medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic games, which has gone down in history. For his remarkable achievements, he is considered as one of the most outstanding all-rounded swimmers in the circle of swimming.,Homework:,Finish your writing in your composition book.,


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