外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 11 Way of life Unit 3 Language in use课件.ppt

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1、Welcome to Ms Wus Class!,I can play basketball well,红珊鱼,cousin,Can I open it immediately (立刻) in China?,Can my cousin open it immediately in England ?,Module 11 Way of life Unit 3 Language in use,A few days ago . my cousinBen asked me for help through the micro-message .(他通过微信向我求助),Ben,He moved to E

2、ngland a few days ago , he wanted to know what foreign people usually do , so as not to make too much mistakes .(刚刚移民英国的堂弟不了解国外的传统,为了尽量少犯错误。通过微信想向我了解关于外国的一些习惯),A: Can they drive a car at the age of seventeen in England? B: Yes, they _. (can/cant ) How about in China? A: No, we _. (can/cant ),Lets ta

3、lk!,can,cant,Lets talk!,A: Can they push their way onto a bus(挤上车) in England? B: _. (can/cant ) How about in China? A: No, we _ (can/cant ) either.,No, they cant,cant,You (can/cant ) ask someone how much money he makes in England . You (can/cant ) tell someone go to No.100 instead of WC in England

4、. You (can/cant ) make any noise when you are eating soup in England .,知识补充,_,_,_,New Year is coming , My friend Tom want to visit your school and want to know something about your school rules (元旦假期,我的外国朋友Tom想去参观你们学校,同时了解下你们的校规),A few days later几天后,博罗育英中学校规,We mustnt sleep in class.,We mustnt fight

5、.,Make the school rules we must or mustnt do.,Welcome to our school any time . How about your life in England recently ? 在英国最近的生活怎样?,与cousin交谈中、,Ermy parents are very strict,Ben,My home rules,Check () the things he must or mustnt do.,C. go out with his friends at weekends.,D.play music loudly before

6、 ten oclock at night.,Listen again and choose what things does he say he can do ( ),A.stay out after nine oclock at night,B.make his bedroom dirty,C,D,A: Can you watch TV in the evening ? B: Yes, _/ No_ A: Must you wash up after supper ? B: Yes, _/ No_,I cant,I can,I must,I neednt,Do a survey : Make

7、 an interview about your classmates home rules,Write a report and then give an oral report . 请根据自己所采访的内容进行演讲汇报。,eg :Let my tell you something about xxx . She can watch TV in the evening . She must wash up after supper. She mustnt stay up late in the evening .,Yes, you can. No, you cant.,Yes, you mus

8、t. No, you neednt,Its important to know what you must and must not do when you meet people from a different country. You (1) may/ must not ask Westerners “How old are you?” because its not polite. You (2)might/ can know someone well, but you (3) must/ need not ask “How much money do you make?” He (4

9、) may/ can never speak to you again!,练一练,In public places, you (5) must/ can ask people before you take photos of them, and you (6) must not/ might not eat or drink in shops or museums. In some countries you (7) cannot/ can go into someones house with your shoes on. You (8) need not/ must not take t

10、hem off. But in some countries you (9) might/ must not wear shoes in the house.,What have we learnt in this unit ? (这节课学了什么),summary,Lets say,tongue twister 绕口令,Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?,名言警句: Nothing is impossible , if you think you can , you can . 一切皆有可能,只要你认为你行,你一定行。,Homework,Write your report according to the table in Activity 4 把课文中听力部分填表格连词成句。写成一篇报告,60字左右。,Thank you,


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