新目标初中英语九年级课件《Unit 4 What would you do》period 1.ppt

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《新目标初中英语九年级课件《Unit 4 What would you do》period 1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语九年级课件《Unit 4 What would you do》period 1.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Section A Period 1,-What would you do if you had ten yuan? -I would,-What would you do if you had one hundred yuan? -I would ,1 hundred dollars,100,10 ,=,1 thousand dollars,10000 ,=,1 million dollars,100 ,=,10 thousand dollars,1,000,10,000,1,000,000,lottery (抽奖),I won 5 million yuan in a lottery, I

2、 want to ,Guessing game,Lets imagine: If the money were yours!,buy snacks,buy a new car,travel around the world,buy a big house,-What would you do if you had a million dollars ?,-If I had, I d /would.,give it to medical research,give it to Project Hope,give it to charity,put it in a bank,1a What wou

3、ld you do if you had a lot of money ? Add more ideas to the list and share your answers with other students.,give it to charity, buy snacks ,put it in the bank, _,give it to the poor children,buy a lot of cloths, ,1b Listen to the tape. Please put the pictures (1-4) in right order.,2,4,3,1b Listen a

4、gain and fill in the blanks.,2,4,3,Tim would give the money if he a million dollars. 2. Kate would for her family. 3. Gina would put the money . 4. John would to medical research.,Kate,Tim,John,Gina,to the zoo,had,buy a big house,in the bank,give the money,Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper arti

5、cle? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity. Boy1: Wow, what a nice man! Girl1: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Boy1: If I had a million dollars, Id give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. Girl1: Thats a good idea! I know what Id do. Id buy a big ho

6、use for my family. Girl2: Really? Id put the money in the bank. Then Id just watch it grow! Boy2: Hmm I think Id give the money to medical research. Id want to help other people.,Lets read!,Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars.,A: Look .This old man had a milli

7、on dollars ,and he gave it to charity. B: Wow! What would you do if you had a million dollars? A: Id buy a big house for my family.,Pairwork,1c,Make a survey,A:What would you do if you had a million dollars? B: Id give some to Hope Project . A: Why do you think so? B: I want to help the poor childre

8、n.,If you had a million dollars,Sample: This is Mary, a kind girl. If she had 1 million dollars, she would give some to Hope Project. Because she want to help the poor children.,Make a report,You just come to the front and make a report.,Homework,What would you do if 1. you found a wallet? 2. your Internet friend asked you to meet ? 3. you didnt pass your English test? 4. you injured your knee while running?,Discuss these questions with a partner.,Thank You!,


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