新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册《Unit 5 Review and check》课件.ppt

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《新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册《Unit 5 Review and check》课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册《Unit 5 Review and check》课件.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、PEP3 Book1 Unit 5 Review and check,Say something to everyone。,随便说点什么都可以。,Talk show 脱口秀,Brain storm,Hello!My names. I have a.I like.,KFCS MENU,KFCS MENU,tea ¥2.00,Coke ¥2.00,milk ¥2.50,coffee ¥4.00,French fries ¥4.00,juice ¥3.00,hamburger ¥6.00,chicken ¥5.50,water ¥1.00,cake ¥5.00,bread ¥3.50,hot dog

2、 ¥5.00,食物类,饮料类,KFCS MENU,tea ¥2.00,Coke ¥2.00,milk ¥2.50,coffee ¥4.00,French fries ¥4.00,juice ¥3.00,hamburger ¥6.00,chicken ¥5.50,water ¥1.00,cake ¥5.00,bread ¥3.50,hot dog ¥5.00,食物类,饮料类,Answer the questions,a.当你想让别人吃一些薯条时,你应该说: b.当别人给你喝咖啡,你不喜欢喝,你喜欢喝可乐时,你可以说: c.你想吃一些鸡肉时,你可以说: d.别人对你说“Thank you!“时,你

3、可以说: e. 当你给别人东西的时候,你可以说:,Have some juice.,No,thanks,Here you are.,Youre welcome.,Sure. Here you are.,Thank you.,刀子在右边。,叉子在左边。,盘子在中间。,勺子在刀子旁边。,a. Mike: Have some French fries. Jhon: No, thanks. I like bread. Question: John likes French fries. ( ) b.Chen jie:I like juice and tea. Sarah:Me too. Questio

4、n:Sarah likes juice. ( ) c.What do you like,Miss White? I like coffee,chicken and milk. Question:Miss White likes coffee,chicken and Coke. ( ),Judge or choose, ,X, X, ,X,-Can I have some milk ? -_ A. Thank you . B.Sure.Here you are. C.No, thanks. -What do you like? -_ A. I have milk. B.Youre welcome. C.I like cake.,B,C,Listen and number.,Brain storm,In this class,we learn.,Homework,What doyou like? I like .,Goodbye,


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