解读高考英语命题要领 ,提高复习效率.ppt

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《解读高考英语命题要领 ,提高复习效率.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《解读高考英语命题要领 ,提高复习效率.ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、解读命题要领 ,提高复习效率,一、听力技能,考查要点 (1)理解主旨要义; (2)获取事实性的具体信息; (3)推测说话人的身份、意图和观点; (4)在听的过程中根据语境和实际情况 用适当方式做出反应; (5)针对所听语段的内容记录相关信息。,1、图片,考查方向:理解主旨要义 命题形式:题干 + 三幅图片 录音内容:简短对话 所占比例:4道试题,4分,示例,How do the mans parents go to work? A B C 录音材料: M: My father goes to work by train. W: How does your mother go to work?

2、M: Oh, she works in the same factory with my father. They go to work together.,2、对话,考查方向:获取事实性的具体信息 命题形式:题干 + 三个选项 录音内容:较短对话或较长对话 所占比例:8道试题,8分,示例一,听下面的对话,听完每段对话后回答一个小题。 What did the woman do yesterday? A. She went to see the doctor. B. She looked after her mother. C. Her mother taught her at home. 录

3、音材料: M: You didnt come yesterday. What was the matter? W: My mother is ill, and she needed me.,示例二,听下面一段材料,回答9-10小题。 9. How did Cathy get to school today? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. 10. How far is it from Nicks home to school? A. A 10-minute bus ride. B. Only two minutes walk. C. Ten minutes

4、 walk.,录音材料,M: Hi, Cathy, you are early today. W: Hi, Nick. I took the bus today. It took me only 10 minutes, so I got to school earlier than usual. And I know you are early every day. M: Well, you know, it takes me only about two minutes to walk to school. Why dont you ride your bike today? W: Oh,

5、my bike is broken. My father promised to buy me a new one. M: Thats good news.,3、短文,考查方向:理解主旨要义 命题形式:依据短文的句子正误判断 录音内容:短文 所占比例:4道试题,4分,示例,听短文,然后根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。 There was a big fire in a shop. It was windy that day. Nobody ran out because they were too frightened. Nobody was hurt in the fire.,录音

6、材料,There was a big fire on Beijing Road on July 3, 2008. It happened in a restaurant. It was windy that day when the fire was on, and people there were so frightened. They shouted and ran out of the restaurant quickly. Some of them called “119” for help. At last the firemen came and put out the fire

7、. Many things were burnt out. Luckily, nobody was hurt in the fire.,4、填空,考查方向:针对所听语段的内容记录相关信息。 命题形式:表格填空 录音内容:对话或短文 所占比例:4道试题,4分,示例,笔录要点 根据你听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。 Weather Report,录音材料,Good morning! Heres the weather report for some big cities across the world. Beijing is sunny. The high temperature

8、 will be 4. Therell be beautiful sunshine in the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus 5. Wear warm clothes at night when you go out. London will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9. In Sydney it will be fine. The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime, but at night it

9、 will fall below zero again. Thats the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.,二、知识运用,考查要点 侧重考查学生在一定的语境中灵活运用语法、词汇等语言知识的能力。,1、单项选择,命题定位 :语法 命题形式:1个题干3个选项 所占比例:10道试题,10分 特别提醒:一般会尽可能加大考点的覆盖面,考点不会重复;在语境中考语法。,示例,David will call his family as soon as he New York. A. reached B. will reach C. rea

10、ches I was told to be here before eight. Oh, you _. Im sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt,2、完形填空,命题定位:知识运用 命题形式:1篇挖有10个空白的短文和10组备选项(每组3个选项) 所占比例:10道试题,10分 特别提醒:不会单纯根据语法结构设疑,在重点考查阅读理解能力的同时,测试考生通过上下文灵活运用语言知识的能力。选材多为记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章。选项一般同质,力求类别相同、先后有序、长短一致、难

11、度相当。,3、阅读技能,理解主旨要义; 理解材料中的具体信息; 根据上下文和构词法猜测生词的含义; 推断作者的身份、意图和观点; 预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 根据要求从文章中摘录相关信息; 根据阅读材料回答问题。,1、阅读判断,考查方向:理解大意 命题形式:1篇短文和4个供考生判断正误的句子。 所占比例:4道试题,8分 特别提醒:根据命题从易到难的原则,此题型的试题一般较易。一半以上的试题可以从短文中找到直接的答案。,2、阅读选择,考查方向:了解细节 命题形式:2篇短文以及针对这些短文所命制的题干和选项。 所占比例:8道试题,16分 特别提醒:所选材料体裁多样、题材丰富、时代感强,内容将

12、充分考虑学生的实际生活和身心发展水平、地域以及文化差异。重点是考查学生对文章以及作者意图的理解。,3、阅读图表,考查方向:获取信息 命题形式:2幅图表以及针对图表信息所命制的题干和选项。 所占比例:4道试题,8分 特别提醒:体裁多样,多涉及日常生活中的图片、图表、表格、广告、标识、海报、告示、目录等。重点是考查学生从各种图表中迅速获取信息、理解信息和分析、处理信息的能力。,Which one can become an English teacher at No.16 Middle School according to the ad?,A. Li Ling, 25, knows Englis

13、h quite well. He graduated from No. 1 Middle School. B. Wu Mei, 28, studied English at Hunan University. Shes 1.7 meters tall. C. Yang Ming is 26 years old and 1.72 meters tall. He majored in English at Xiangtan Teachers College.,English Teacher Wanted 1. Sex: male(男性) 2. Age: between 25 and 30 3. H

14、eight: taller than 1.65m 4. Education: majored in English at college Please call: No.16 Middle School, Xiangtan City at 07328236775,4、阅读答问,考查方向:阅读与应答 命题形式:1篇短文以及针对短文所提的问题。 所占比例:4道试题,8分 特别提醒:所提问题大多可以直接在短文中找到答案,但一般需要用自己的语言回答,或需要重组文中的句子回答问题。,示例,阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。 I ran into(与相撞) a man as he passed b

15、y. “Oh, excuse me, please,” I said. He replied, “Please excuse me too. I wasnt watching where I was going.” Later that day, while I was cooking, my son stood beside me quietly. When I turned, I nearly knocked him down. “Move out of the way,” I shouted. He walked away with his little heart broken. Th

16、at night while lying in bed, Gods voice came to me and said, “When saying to that man, you use good manners. But to the child you love, you seem to act in a bad way. Look at the kitchen floor, and youll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them him

17、self, red, yellow and blue. He stood quietly to give you a surprise, and you never saw the tears in his eyes.”,By this time, my tears began to fall. I took the flowers and went to his bed. I asked him, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” He smiled, “I found them by the tree. I picked them bec

18、ause theyre pretty like you. I knew youd like them.” I said, “Son, Im sorry for the way I acted today. I shouldnt have shouted at you that way.” He said, “Oh, Mom, thats OK. I love you anyway.” I said, “Son, I love you, too. And I do like the flowers.” If we die tomorrow, the family we leave behind

19、will feel sad for the rest of their life. Why dont we spend more time with our family and be nice to them?,Is the writer polite to others? Yes, she is. How was the little boy feeling when he heard his mothers shout? He was feeling sad. What did the writer do when she found the truth? She went to her

20、 sons bed and said sorry to him. What do you learn from the short story? We should spend more time with our family and be nice to them.,四、写作技能,考查学生根据提示,以书面的形式进行信息沟通,再现生活经历,描述周围的人、物的能力,以及表达意见、观点的能力,特别是考查学生表达个人经历的能力。 (1)根据英汉表达习惯,翻译文中部分内容; (2)为图示、表格等写出简单的文字说明; (3)根据提示或实际情况,描述事件或表达自己的真情实感; (4)根据提示或实际情况,

21、写简单的书信、电子邮件、告示、海报等应用文。,1、单词拼写,考查方向:正确的理解和书写英语单词 命题形式:1篇短文中有10个空白需要填上适当的单词(首字母或汉语提示) 所占比例:10道试题,10分 特别提醒:所有的单词都必须根据上下文来确定,首字母和汉语既是提示又是限制。必须注意词形的变化,包括名词的单复数、动词的时态、形容词和副词的比较级(最高级)等。,示例,根据所给汉语或英语首字母写出短文中所缺英语单词。 Moonlight Town is a place near Beijing. It used to be a (1)q place. There were (2)g hills aro

22、und and (3)新鲜的 air. However, the area has changed over the years. Here are now many new roads, new (4) b and a lot more people.,In the past, people could only go to Moonlight Town by bicycle or on foot. Things have changed a lot. Many buses (5)经过 there now, and (6)出租车_ have been in use since 2003. N

23、ow, it is faster and (6)e to get there. The changes to Moonlight Town have (8)带来 many advantages, but they also caused many (6)p for people. There are fewer trees, and the environment is not as good as before. (10)然而 , most young people feel happy because the changes have brought them a modern life.

24、,2、英汉互译,考查方向:英汉两种语言的相互转换 命题形式:1篇短文,将其中的5个划线句子(2句汉语,3句英语)英汉互译。 所占比例:5道试题,10分 特别提醒:所选句子一般是其中的关键句。汉译英相对较简单,英译汉相对较复杂。,3、补全对话,考查方向:能否与他人用英语进行简单的交流 命题形式:1篇对话,其中5个句子需要补充 所占比例:5道试题,10分 特别提醒:挖空的句子既可以是问句也可以是答句。问句受后面答句的限制一般有较高的唯一性;答句则可有多种选择,但必须符合逻辑。,示例一,Seegar: We shall have a picnic tomorrow. Can you come, Ja

25、ckson? Jackson: Yes, I can. Micheal: 1 ? Seegar: We shall have the picnic in Fair-Lake Park. Jackson: Micheal, 2 ? Micheal: No, I wont take a bus. Ill take a taxi. Jackson: Seegar, 3 ? Seegar: Oh, Im afraid she cant. Micheal: 4 ? Seegar: Because she will go to a lecture tomorrow. Jackson: What a sha

26、me! Micheal: 5 . Can you speak more slowly, please? Jackson: I just said “What a shame”. That means its a pity that Seegars sister cant go with us. Micheal: Oh, I see. I hope well have a good time.,示例二,Reporter: Excuse me. Im doing a survey for a magazine Hobbies. Can I ask you some questions? You :

27、 Sure. Reporter: Everyone has hobbies. So do you, dont you? You : (1) Reporter: What are they? You : (2) Reporter: Uh-huh. Which is your favorite one? You : (3) Reporter: OK. When did you pick it up? You : (4) Reporter: Well, why do you like that so much? You : (5) Reporter: Thank you. You : Youre w

28、elcome.,4、书面表达,考查方向:能否用英语正确地表述自己的思想 命题形式:体裁多样,可以是看图写话、命题作文、电子邮件、日记、书信等 所占比例:1道大题,10分 特别提醒:题目的立意为“用英语做事”。将提供明确的写作方向,不会有无提示的自由作文。给出的提示可能是开放性的,也可能是控制性与开放性相结合的。,书面表达的计分原则,1、一切以是否有利于学生今后的发展为评分基本原则,宜松不宜紧; 2、初中阶段的书面表达不是真正意义上的作文,不过分追求意境的新颖和文字的优美,只要动笔且有些切题的字句均会给分,要旗帜鲜明地鼓励学生动笔,不要害怕犯错误; 3、凡所写文章包含了题目要求的全部内容且字句通顺,基本无语法错误,不要吝惜给满分; 4、只要尚能达意,不要求全责备,应让其及格。,I wish everyone a success! Thanks for your attention!,


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